Jonathan Roberts Not Safe for Society

Not Safe For Society: Debating Society’s Angels and Demons – Unveiling Political Polarization, Gender Discourse, and the Pursuit of Self-Reliance

Jonathan Roberts

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Does Donald Trump need to be president for financial gain? Spoiler: No—let's talk about why. As we kick off the latest episode of "Not Safe for Society," I start with an apology for my recent absence and share the whirlwind of events, including a shocking attempted assassination of Donald Trump. This week, we're dissecting the notion of good versus evil in society, and the critical thinking required to navigate platforms like Twitter. Plus, I reflect on the power of words and effective communication, all inspired by a friend's candid feedback on my podcast.

America's political landscape is more polarized than ever, and it's impacting how we perceive everything from conspiracy theories to gender identity. From the shared relief at potential unity over major events to the ongoing debates about transgender athletes and the feminist movement, we discuss the highs and lows of our current societal discourse. Skepticism reigns, fueled by events like JFK's assassination and the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to a broader conversation about our trust in those who govern us. Let's get into why open, rational debate is crucial and how we can navigate these contentious topics without losing our collective sanity.

Wrapping up, we shift focus to personal responsibility and financial stability as the antidote to societal dependence. By examining the differences between the entrepreneurial spirit of productive Republicans and the unhealthy lifestyles of the 'crazy right,' I advocate for a more self-sufficient populace. This includes embracing the core values that define America—freedom of opinion, lower taxes, and the importance of critical thinking. Don't miss my invite to join live Wednesday calls for sales training and mindset growth, offering a pathway to a more prosperous and meaningful life.

Speaker 1:

This is Not Safe for Society, and this is Jonathan Roberts. The first thing I want to do on today's episode is apologize that I have not been on for about a week, week and a half, two weeks, and the reason is maybe it's only been a week. Has it only been a week? Holy crap, a lot has happened in the last week. So the reason is in the last week or two. And now I'm starting to question everything I know, but you know time goes by fast, so I don't really know. But in the last week or two, literally so much has gone on, what have we had? We've had.

Speaker 1:

The big one was, you know, I think it was two weeks ago, it was the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, and we're going to talk a lot about that today. And we're going to talk a lot about that with another word that I'll use here in a bit. But talk a lot about that with another word that I'll use here in a bit. But you know, when you're doing social media stuff, you know whether it's YouTube, facebook, one of the things they check for is you know, if you curse too early on, you're probably going to get flagged. You're probably going to get hit If there's certain key words that you use too early on. Guess what? They're going to probably take it down, so we'll use that word here in a couple minutes. But we're going to probably take it down, so we'll use that word here in a couple of minutes. But we're going to talk a lot about that today and we're going to talk about how to fight something that's out there Now. I don't think I'm gonna get in trouble for these words, but good versus evil good versus evil is going to be the topic of today's podcast a little bit, and I wanted to bring it up and I waited a while to do it because I was confused, like many people out there.

Speaker 1:

I was actually two weeks ago I think it was Saturday two weeks ago. I was sitting here and one of our group texts someone posted something. So the first thing that crossed my mind is no way, no way, this is real. I think I was outside actually doing. I think I was like screwing with the, with the car, or something, or I was cleaning something out in the garage, but I was screwing around outside and my wife comes in and she goes. Did you see the group text? I'm like no, I've been busy. I, you know, mute my phone a lot because group texts have just, you know, taken over your phone. So my phone was on, do not disturb. I wasn't getting any notifications. And I look at it and it's something like, you know, someone just shot Trump and I'm like what, why, how, when, who, where, how, I mean, how is the biggest thing?

Speaker 1:

So I get online and I go to the number one news source that's out there, or at least the one that you can trust the most, because they don't really take anything off X or Twitter, whatever you want to call it. Ever since, pretty much Elon bought that, he went crazy with it and he doesn't not really crazy with it, but it doesn't seem to be censored left or right. There's crazy left, there's crazy right, there's, you know, everyone in between. So I really like Twitter because if you can do some critical thinking we'll get into this a little bit later but if you could do some critical thinking, you can kind of sift through the BS of Twitter, because, yeah, there's still BS. You know people are still out there posting stupid things trying to stir up controversies, but if you could do some critical thinking and you can usually get to the bottom of it. So I like Twitter. You still have to be careful. So that's one thing.

Speaker 1:

The second thing that I'm going to talk about today and I'm not really going to talk about it, but you're going to see it throughout this podcast episode because, you know, my goal is not to curse. So I had someone the other day who asked for I think I posted on Facebook hey, do you want to see my podcast? Dm me or whatever. I'll send you the link. Send me the link. He gives me a call. I pick up um, I'm at the gym. I'm at the gym when I pick up, but I usually won't pick up at the gym. But there's a handful of people out there that don't call me unless you know there's a reason they want to call me. So I pick up the phone for him and he goes. Dude, you're actually really good, he goes. I really like your podcast. I really like what you speak about. I really like you know, your um views on whatever the heck.

Speaker 1:

I can't. I can't remember what episode I sent him, but he goes, the one thing he goes. Man, he's like he goes. I don't want to tell you how to do your thing. I don't understand why you do it, but maybe there's a reason that I don't understand. But you gotta quit cursing so much and my first thought is obviously go F yourself or screw off. But I respect this guy and I've had good conversations with him. This isn't the first time him and I have ever spoke, so I just like to chat with him for a bit. I'm like you know, I kind of get that.

Speaker 1:

I go back and forth on it a lot, and a lot of times it's hard to quit cursing because it's an excuse you make for yourself, but a lot of times cursing for me I just do it so much that it helps my conversation flow. It eliminates the ums and the ands and you know all of those filler words that we use, and you know, instead I replace them with the F bomb because it's just, you know, so much easier and I don't really know. But it can be used a lot. It can be used as a verb too, just saying it's fun. Um, um, now, now I'm screwed.

Speaker 1:

So he's like here's the thing, man. He's like I don't know really what your target audience is. He's like obviously I get your views, you know, I can kind of guess what your target audience is, but he goes. Honestly, I'd love to have my kids listen to what you have to say, but I'm not going to let him and I went damn, dude, that was real talk. Because here's the thing I don't, I don't, I don't mean to curse, I don't use it as shock value. I don't, you know, use it to hurt anyone's feelings, and really I don't care what the majority of people think. But when he said that, I had to think, because one of my values is I want to help as many freaking people as I possibly can. I want to provide value to as many people as I possibly can.

Speaker 1:

And you look at it from both perspectives. So you look at it from you know, what's the pros to cursing? Well, I mean me personally. I don't. I don't think curse words hurt anybody. I think it's just a word. I think it's the power that we give them and I think when we take power away from our words which we're going to talk about later they don't really mean anything.

Speaker 1:

But at the same time, I understand, you know, some people don't like it. It's unattractive language. It's, you know, non-professional. The professional thing I don't really care about. I, you know, I wear t-shirts, jeans or shorts, half the time with a belt and fricking skate shoes. So I don't, I don't have, you know, the four fold. You know three, four piece suit, all that stuff. This is just not me.

Speaker 1:

But I do, you know, plan on getting into politics someday. I, you know, want to help. Um, you know 6 billion, 8 billion people however many people on earth overcome something someday. And then you know there's many topics and I think I have a little bit of information about, you know, I know a little bit about a lot where at least someone could value something I say. But I also have to understand if I say all those things and I try to look at the pro, like what is the pro of cursing and how does it get out to my audience? It doesn't really have a pro to get out to my audience, it's just something that doesn't affect me.

Speaker 1:

But if I want to, you know, affect million people, like I can replace the F-bomb with other words. I might have to go to a thesaurus or something and do some research and, you know, figure out a bunch of similes, some synonyms, synonyms, synonyms, synonyms, synonyms to. You know the F-bomb used in multiple different you know ways of language. I need a, like, language arts teacher to help me through this, but I could probably easily figure out how to replace it and expand my vocabulary at the same time and reach a larger audience. Because I am not activating, I am not an activist, for, hey, everyone should drop the F-bomb and this and that all the time and not get offended by it Like I don't care, I don't care, I don't care if you do or don't get offended by profanity, but something I'm going to try to do is I'm going to try to eliminate um, but F-bomb for sure. But really I mean shit. I could replace that and just other words. Why? Because my audience will grow.

Speaker 1:

Not only is it going to help me grow on social media, but my message isn't you know, pro F-bomb, pro shit, pro ass, pro bitch, pro. You know a lot of the words y'all hear me say. That's not my message, doesn't offend me, I don't really care if you say it to me, it doesn't, it's not my thing, but that's not my message. So, using it and kind of rebelling against, you know, the left wing or whatever you want to say, social media, the media, whatever, you know, they censor us. I'm using it to rebel against them, which I do with pretty much all my conversations is pointless. It's just a. It's a. It's a battle that I'm fighting, that I don't need to fight because it doesn't actually affect me left or right, and it doesn't matter, I don't care, it's not a winner or loss for me.

Speaker 1:

So I want my message to get out there more and I'm going to talk a lot about words and language during this, but for a bit. So you know, not only getting through the whole Trump assassination in my head, but like adding that in there, I was like gosh dang, I gotta, I gotta figure that out. So in a lot of my life stuff you know my stage performances, my Wednesday zoom calls, my random podcasts that I'm going to, you know, maybe put up on Facebook live or, heck, I might have to switch to like no-transcript. Just, you know, kill this right now. But anyways, here's what we're going to talk about today. It's going to be that big, scary evil. This call is going to be about rhetoric. This call is going to be about language. This call is going to be about being on the right side of right Now.

Speaker 1:

Be careful with what I just said there, because a lot of people think I am like far right, crazy I'd go with crazy. I'd go with definitely closer to the far right than left, but realistically kind of centered politically, definitely more, you know, heavy right for sure. But I try not to stay crazy right because we'll talk about this in a little bit. The left, the far crazy left, actually wants you to be far crazy right. So by being far crazy right, you're actually doing what the far left wants you. So we'll get to that one in a second. But this is good versus evil. So two weekends ago, two Saturdays ago, I'm sitting there, get you know the group text.

Speaker 1:

Hey, you know, someone tried to kill Trump. Someone tried to. You know, take a shot at Trump no-transcript something now and believe it. Like, even if it's as obvious in the video I watched was that you know that front angle, you see a little blood down. Um, the ground stands back up, Like the video that pretty much everyone has seen or saw early on. That's the video I watched. I'm like what in the hell? Like, okay, got that. You know, a couple hours later the bullet flies by the back of the brain or back of the head. We get that video where supposedly there's a bullet in the air. You know, at first I'm like I don't know if I believe that. But then you know high speed cameras, you know very fast exposures could definitely catch a bullet skimming through the air. So pass that. Don't know if that was the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, eighth shot. Don't really know, didn't really care.

Speaker 1:

But two things happen. One, anger, Because I really like I don't want any human to die, but I don't put Trump on like this pedestal there. But even if it was Biden that had that same thing and I'm not a Biden fan by any means, I mean you've, you've heard my political opinions I'd still be pissed off. One that our secret service sucks. And you know, put me in there, I could be the director better than that shit.

Speaker 1:

Like sloped roofs. We got them like oh, they talk about, oh, it was, you know, sloped roof. And we had to take considerations Like do you see the dumb shit we did in the army? Like even the stuff that we did, a uh safety, not a safety brief, but a uh composite risk management on that we took. And we uh, it was way above that and these are some of the most highly trained shooters in the entire world. And like roof with that, like okay, I'd let my kids go up there Like half unsupervised. I'd look over every minute and see if they fell. Yet it wasn't, whatever. Get over that. So, anyways, I'm pissed off at all that, whether it's Trump, biden, I mean pretty much anyone. If you're trying to assassinate someone, that, if you're trying to assassinate an American, let's say that. It pissed me off. So they got me to spend about a thousand dollars on ammunition. So that was good. I'm not going to tell you where I bought it from, but you know they should, you know, thank whatever, because spend some money on some ammunition, cause of course I'm going to protect if I have to.

Speaker 1:

The second emotion was actually kind of a bond or bonding motion, kind of like a a little bit of weight had been dropped off the shoulder because obviously we're in election season right now. But this actually worked, I believe, in a lot of favor on both sides, because everyone is so, you know, dialed in right now, or it is so not dialed in but separated right now, with the far left and the far right and all the crazy out there and, like you either got to be a Packers fan or a Bears fan. You're not allowed to be in the middle, you're not allowed to just, you know, go to the game and say I like football, it's fun to watch dudes smash each other. Like politics has made this divide where you can't just enjoy politics, you can't just enjoy America. You either got to be left or you either got to be right. And if you you're in the middle and you're looking at dudes like RFK or some of those other, I think Rand Paul might've been. No, rand Paul was a Republican.

Speaker 1:

I don't know Some of the other libertarians or whatever the hell's out there, like they're, not you're, like you're kind of a you're, you're crazy. If you like them, you're, you're, you know, you're counterculture. Like you're more counterculture than the crazy left or crazy right, because they don't even want to have you part of the culture. They need the two teams, they need the two divides there. So I saw that and the way I looked at it is we just separated Democrat from Republican. Well, not separated, we actually brought them back together. Because I think any sane Democrat, I think any sane Republican, left or right if it was Biden or Trump that almost took the bullet, left or right is going to say this shit is out of whack, like there's something not making sense here, you know, and we could take it as a standalone incident.

Speaker 1:

Or, you know, a lot of people like me start looking at it. And you know, you hear conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory and you follow the ones you want. You know, I know there's left and right conspiracy theories, but you follow the ones that you pay a little bit more attention to. But when they start, when the theories start becoming what actually happened and some information gets released, and you know, the JFK files start to trickle down. And you know, the moon landing Now, I know I believed we landed on the moon, but I, you know, do believe some of it was shot in Hollywood, and there's a little bit of, you know, propaganda involved.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, you over-exaggerate it, you make a movie out of it Like we were there. I believe that you can freaking, I you know, from my understanding. Uh, if you're a nerd and you have a telescope, you can see, like, the flag and stuff and like, pretty sure we were there. I do believe, though, that we, you know, maybe over-exaggerated some stuff. Don't really know. That's kind of it, you know, I believe the earth is round, so let's just go with that one there. But you know, 9-11, jfk, like there's always some underlying like how did it happen, how did it slip through? And you could go to the, you could go to the pits of crazy going down through this.

Speaker 1:

So I'm not saying go into these conspiracy theories, but when shit starts adding up, when things just don't make sense, when you know Trump was in president at first time and the flu hit and we named it COVID, and you know we're told to wear a mask, and every doctor and nurse who wasn't you know part of the agenda is telling you, like these masks aren't actually made to protect you. Um, you know, they're only made so, like when the doctor's performing surgery or something that you know droplets don't, you know, get into the patient or whatever like that, like they take the mask off to talk to you. Otherwise, like I went to the emergency room the other day with my kid because she'd been sick for a while and was, you know, throwing up blood, and like they didn't even ask her to wear a mask. None of the nurses, doctors, are wearing a mask when they're care. Um, and these are educated, um, medical professionals. They're just not being, you know, forced to believe or do some stuff so like the mass thing, the six feet away thing to shut it down, the. You know trump calling it a china virus and then people telling him he's racist because it's a china virus. And all of a sudden we realized that it was created in china and fauci, and you know there's a. There was a hearing with Fauci and you know he basically admitted that. I mean, he did admit not. Basically he admitted that all the bullshit they put off the six feet, the mask was there, was no science, it was pseudoscience. None of it made any sense. They were just. They were just making shit up to make you do shit. They were seeing with what they could get away with.

Speaker 1:

And then all of a sudden, you know the feminist movement goes from. You know women's rights and they should be able to work too. And then, next thing, you know they're um, you know fucking dudes are cutting off their dick because they want to be feminists. And then the same people who say you know women need to have more rights and get paid the same. And then you know there's science there. We're not going to go into that here, but you know they're saying that women need pay the same and equal rights, but they don't want to go work on road crews and they don't want to be roofers, yet they want dudes with dicks to fucking swim in women's events and the college level and fuck Riley gains up. Actually, not even fuck Riley gains up.

Speaker 1:

The woman tied a man. You know one of the top swimmers in the country, one of the top. Riley gains one or two. She's one. I think she was like second in the country or something. This time ties a man in the men's competition. The dude was in like the top 400 for ncaa swimmers goes to women. He's blowing every single record out, from the 50s, the hundreds to the half miles miles.

Speaker 1:

Like you, you typically are not a or no one is. You're not an endurance athlete and a sprinter. It's not the way it works, usain bolt. Usain bolt isn't going to go run a marathon and compete at an incredibly high level. He's not going to be the number one in the world and a marathon runner is not going to go smoke a bull. Yet you put a man in the Olympics or a man in women's college swimming and he beats them in every category.

Speaker 1:

Why Men and women are different? I don't know if you guys know this, but we're different. Why do I bring this all up? Because good versus evil. When they can make you argue about science, when they can make you argue about that, a boy is not a boy, a girl is not a girl, a man is not a man and a woman is not a woman. A penis doesn't mean you're a man, a vagina doesn't mean you're a woman. When they can get you to argue debate, when they can get you to even question that science, when they can get an open debate Like I'm for open debate. I think left right we should have open debate. It's good.

Speaker 1:

I love um like uh, charlie cook and Ben Shapiro because they they encourage open debate. Now, I know you know a lot of their Instagram reels and stuff like that. Or you know a little bit of um, you know just getting attention and stuff. But it's also good. Like you, you go to a college campus and you're like debate me and you know nine times out of 10 people are like define a woman is like um, you know the X Y chromosome, the XX chromosome, like whatever the hell it is. It's pretty easy to define a woman, to define a man, it just really is. But the fact that we have gotten to a place where we can even debate that and it gets on the internet, like what happened to us, just going up You're freaking crazy and moving on. No, you're an idiot. Cancel you because you're an idiot, not because we don't like you, not because you're white, black, green, yellow, pink, gay, straight. Uh, I fucking LBGQTIP plus like, and, by the way, lgb what does that mean? Like LGB, lesbian, gay, bi, bi is a Latin root for two, just saying bi. There's only two. They say it themselves.

Speaker 1:

Realistically, don't give a shit what you do, but if you are a, if you are part of a minority belief, then don't make it a majority and don't force it down people's throats. Because let me help you out A dude and a dude and a female and a female, you can love whoever the fuck you want. Go for it, don't give a shit. Really, kind of. I'm not going to go down there because I'm not looking to offend people that way today, but you can't reproduce. I'm just saying, ah, but we can adopt. Good, it ain't your fucking kid and I think adoption is great. You know there's kids out there that don't have a mom and dad and your great mom and dad. I'm not saying adoption is bad, but you cannot reproduce.

Speaker 1:

Therefore, and if we just broke it down. There was a nuclear attack and you and fucking bill and steve were the only two people on earth Like guess what? I'm sorry, it just ain't going to happen. Like we're done, you two are the last idiots go. You're going to die. So just live out your days as much as you can.

Speaker 1:

So they get you to fight good versus evil. They get you to fight about things that are irrelevant, that you can't even truly debate, that you're confused. You don't even freaking know. And trust me going through this, coming up with these opinions, like I've had to think about them too, and the sad thing is I've had to critically think and like try to try to understand the other side and try to understand if there is any perspective that makes sense. And I can't, I can't do it and I've listened to the shit I've. I just you can't it. Just this, this topic specifically that I'm ranting about right now, which is irrelevant but kind of off, a little bit of what I'm talking about today is just to frame you, give you the idea of what we're talking about. So good versus evil, so Trump gets shot, and keep this in the back of your mind. Keep, keep my little ramble there in the back of your mind. But so Trump gets shot right A couple of weeks ago, saturday.

Speaker 1:

And here is where I realized that because I'm a Trump supporter but I'm also not, I don't support every one of his policies. I think a lot of the shit he says is dumb. I think a lot of the shit he says is just sales tactics, which I'm in sales. I support it, I like it, I learn it, I, you know, learn it and put it in here, use it myself. But you know, some of the stuff he says is great too. So I'm not just a, you know, diehard.

Speaker 1:

Trump says this, republican says this. I'm going to vote that way. It's just, it's the stupidest thing that we've done as Americans. I vote all Democrat, I vote all Republican. There's some Republicans out there that are part of the system. There are some Republicans that are, you know, part of the left and there's left that's part of the right.

Speaker 1:

Like they're tricky motherfuckers. When you think they're liars, when you think they're thieves, when you think they're cheats. It would be stupid for you to believe that they say what they are. They are what they say they are. They're just shitty politicians. Like there should be no career politicians. It should be an elected position that is a part-time job, like there should not be a full-time politician, including the president of the United States. They shouldn't get paid enough to make a good living and they don't actually get paid that much, so we can talk about how their net worth goes through the fucking roof every time they're in office on a different episode.

Speaker 1:

But, that being said, there is a communist agenda right now and that's what I want you to worry about and how. We know that because we've been watching it for a while. If you study Marxism, if you study, you know the communist manifesto, which is somewhere I actually have here, and you're like, oh, you're a fucking communist. No, I like to understand what I don't like, because you can't just not like something and quote, hate something or dislike and not understand it, because then you're just an idiot, then you're just, you know, a leftist communist. Um, there's also another good book. If you guys like this podcast, I would grab this guy. Uh, unhumans. Unhumans is a savage book and, yeah, you can find it on Amazon. Just came out about a week or two ago, probably about a month ago now. Um, it's about communism, what to watch out for, and just you know how to fight it, how to overcome it. So it's all a book.

Speaker 1:

So during Trump's assassination, we see him go down, you know. We see the bullet fly, or we see him get hit, or what appears to be hit. He grabs his ear, goes to the ground. A couple of dudes you know secret service agents jump on top of them. You get the tack team. You know they get up on stage. Uh, I can't remember the exact number. I've heard it a million times, but to me I'm not going down this conspiracy theories yet A handful of gunshots. Depending on who you list, it sounds like there might've been three guns and some dead dude on a roof, maybe a dude on a water tower.

Speaker 1:

I haven't dug that deep into that, but what I did look at, what I witnessed was a little bit of chaos. And here's the thing. Think about and I'm not, I'm not talking mass shootings Aren't good? Not good, I don't support them one bit. But think about when the Jason Aldean Vegas shooting had chaos. People running around, people, like lot of you know, lost their shit. They were frantic. When Trump got shot, I didn't see anyone really move. There was no chaos. And you know, granted, we only saw. Most of the footage that I've seen was from in front of the stage, looking, you know, at the stage. And then there was some behind the stage looking up at Trump. You don't really see the crowd in front of Trump and I'm sure there's some footage out there, I just haven't seen it. But, like people kind of hung around to figure out what was going on.

Speaker 1:

And that's a sign of a leader. I mean, the military is the same way A bad leader. During times of combat, when bullets start flying, soldiers will not, you know, put their lives in danger. Soldiers will, you know, question what a bad leader says. A good leader. Even if they think they're getting a shot blown up, you know, fucked up or messed up, they'll run to bullets. They'll, you know, cross a minefield if they have to, because they know the leader is asking them to do it for the good of the team and not a selfish manner. And that is key. When what we saw here happen was, you saw a selfish person.

Speaker 1:

Whatever you believe, donald's net worth is somewhere between two and four or five, six, $7 billion. You know it's debated and it's a stupid ass debate because people are like oh, 7 billion, no, it's really 2 billion. What does it matter? Most of you don't even fathom what a billion is. Like real talk. Most of you don't fathom what a billion is.

Speaker 1:

If you want to know what a billion is, start counting to a billion. Start at one, go to a billion and count one number off for every second. Think about it for a second, for one second, one, two, three. If you were to count to one to a billion, one second per number how long would that take you? It's 33 years and some change 33 years. And, by the way, when you start getting into 100 million 246,322, 100 million it's going to be really hard to count one per second%. So a billion is a huge, huge number. A million. Most of you, most of you, would be happy to have a million in your bank account. We're talking a billion. It's just two to seven.

Speaker 1:

Doesn't bother him that much. Let's just be real. You know a little bit of an ego thing in there, I'm sure, but you're debating stupid. It's like. You know, is a football field a hundred yards or is it a hundred yards and you know? Is a football field 100 yards or is it 100 yards and you know, or is it 99 yards and three quarters of an inch Because you know Tom Brady shortened the field a little bit when he deflated the ball. Like you're arguing stupid shit.

Speaker 1:

So Trump does not need to be president. He's got some billion in the bank. He's got golf courses, hotels, other empires, other businesses. I mean he's got a wealth of knowledge. He can get on stage and doesn't even have to get on. He's right now paying to get on stage because he's bringing all these people in. He's spending money flying around on Trump force one and you know he's spending money to get on stage. He could be charging people to pay him to speak on stage at business conferences or Hollywood things like the people that hate him. 10 years ago he was on all of their stages. He was on the view he's donated to the clinic. He's done all of that stuff. He could be golfing every single day until he dies. He could be doing other things to change the world.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't have to be running for president, the United States, so to see him stand up, put his fist in the air and say fight, fight and tell his secret service agent because they were. You know, as a PSD, you're getting the guy off the freaking stage. You're getting the guy moved. You're getting him off the X, you're moving him to the next location, you're putting him in the vehicles and you're getting him the hell out of there Because, guess what, it's their job to take a bullet and protect, but they also don't want to lose your shoes. And you just look stupid. You look stupid Photo ops. He knew he was going to get up, but he gets it.

Speaker 1:

But someone who is doing this for selfish reasons, when bullets fly, when adrenaline kicks in, when all that craziness happens, you're either going to lead as a leader or you're going to go back to your selfish self. Your selfish self would probably say keep me low, get me the hell out of here, let's go, screw my shoes, keep me alive. But a leader stands up and make sure his people are OK. A leader stands up and says I'm OK and make sure his people know that he's OK and that they're still in the fight and that we're still going together.

Speaker 1:

Because imagine, imagine the rhetoric and the news headlines if they would have just made Trump disappear. You know, uh, keep them to the ground. You know, pick them up, move them out, tell him to keep his head down, rush him to the car. Doesn't wave doesn't do anything like the news headlines would have been whatever. Oh my gosh, trump, you know, shot in the head. Ah, trump never shot. This and that, you know, is Trump still going to run Like. It would have caused complete chaos for the right and the Republican party and the normal Democrats. It would have caused chaos because they don't know what's going on. So instead Trump puts his fist up and says go. So here is what happened.

Speaker 1:

I don't think and I don't even want to say it's the crazy left, because it's not the crazy left, it's not the crazy right, it's just, it's. It's bad people, it's evil people, evil people thought that day he was going to be dead. You're not. You're never going to convince me. This is me only diving an inch deep into these conspiracy theory, conspiracy theories. You're never going to convince me.

Speaker 1:

A 20 year old kid who lived in his parents' basement so he was, you know, probably one of the haters on Twitter and stuff and you know, tiktok, you know, got his dad's AR-15. Supposedly, I heard he was using an EOTech site, meaning a site with no magnification, a site that is not made for, you know, 150-meter shot. It's a close quarter shot. I'm not saying you can take 150 meter shot with it and be relatively accurate, but there's just so much stuff that doesn't add up. You know, supposedly had, um, uh, explosive devices in his car. That was parked, you know, right outside the rally grounds, yet they couldn't find any search history for how to make a bomb. Um, there might have been a shooter on the water tower.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of stuff that just doesn't make sense about the entire situation. But I do know this. I know there's good versus evil. Evil wanted him dead. Evil wanted the shot taken, conspiracy theory or not, the kid was evil. Someone else was evil, to put him up to it. Soros is evil. Clintons are evil. You know, bushes are evil. There's a lot of weird stuff that's coming out from this side of evil and communism and here's what we have to pay attention to and we've got to come together and quit getting away from is.

Speaker 1:

I had a DM. I made a post on Facebook. It was a political post. It was basically what I just said. You know, trump raised his hand, got shot, doesn't need to run for president, but he's still here fighting.

Speaker 1:

I had someone and I hope that someone listens to this podcast but they hit me up in my DMs like dude, I love what you said. That's freaking awesome man. Right, right, right, we're on militia. Blah, blah, blah. Bullshit. Fuck the left, or sorry, screw the Democrats, screw that. They're all idiots, they're all stupid. I go dude, what the heck? That's not what I said at all. It's literally the opposite of what I said. I said it wasn't Democrat versus Republican, and that's the language, that's the rhetoric we need to get away from. He's like I don't give a shit. The Democrats are stupid. They're tearing up the country.

Speaker 1:

I go, dude, you're the freaking problem. I go one. You're a business owner and I know you and you're not as successful as you think you are. You're not actually doing what you say you're going to do. For the most part, you're out of shape. You know you, you're, you're, you're the, you're the, you're a communist dude.

Speaker 1:

And I said man, here's the thing. Most Democrats don't want that to happen. Most Democrats are not stupid. Now, they might be lost, but I don't think they're stupid. But us, as people who claim to be Republican or claim to be right like you, want people to join your team. So why would you just diminish the people that say they're a class that's been forgotten and you know they use all the sob stories, like, why would you continue to give them sob stories? And here's the thing I straight up told him. I'm like, dude, aren't you a business owner? Yes, I go. What are you going to do when there's no one to work for you and everyone just wants to create, build and do all this cool stuff? I get it, republicans can be employees too, denver.

Speaker 1:

But it was kind of a. It was kind of a kick you in the dick political joke. So I said this though I go, dude, here's your problem, man. I go. You're out here and you're wanting to change the world, yet You're putting people down, you're telling them they're all stupid and they can't learn in the destroying the community. You're literally doing what they do and what the Republicans say we don't do. So you're kind of to the far right, which is actually a form of communism, because you're not so much communist, you know, you're so anti-communist that you know you're the other far, the other far right. But what happens is the communist nature kind of wants to create that divide. Because when they can create that divide so much, when they can make it so hard to achieve the American dream so hard, to you know free yourself and wealth. You know family health, all of those things you become dependent on. The system, which is going to be a far left, a far left ideology. So they're wanting to create this divide, they're wanting to separate people. They're wanting that good versus evil to get confused as man versus woman, democrat versus Republican. They want the AB, because when there's an AB scenario it's easy to change it.

Speaker 1:

Imagine if we were a six or seven party system. One it would be absolute crazy. But go study what happened in Italy. They actually elected a conservative and then all of a sudden there was like seven parties and something to do with Italian's parliament or some shit like that. They're able to combine parties if they want. Basically, the conservative got elected and then they used black magic to get the liberal. You need to study a little bit more. I might even be completely off, but from how I understand it, look at an Italian election that just happened and it's a complete nightmare.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not saying a bipartisan system is great either, but I'm saying, if you don't like what we have in America, if you don't like the reasons that we, you know back before GPS navigation, you know maps, that actually we knew what we were doing. If you don't like the fact that we left Great Britain because of religious prosecution, because of taxes, because of this, then get the fuck out of America. Like real talk. If you don't like what we do, go start doing what you tell other people to do, like what we do. Go start doing what you tell other people to do, like figuring out how to immigrate to another country, figuring out how to go chase the better life that supposedly you're just supposed to be able to do for shits and giggles Like I just want to help y'all out.

Speaker 1:

Canada doesn't fucking want you. Canada doesn't need anybody to flip burgers. They're not going to give you a work visa to go work at McDonald's and they sure as heck don't want you living off their system. So Canada doesn't want you, europe doesn't want you, and I'm just real talk. They're not going to give you a work visa unless you have a skill that they need. They don't just hand them out like candy, like you think we should in America.

Speaker 1:

Yet you won't do anything to change, you won't do anything to protect. You won't do anything to grow. You like you're not going to go. It's good versus evil, it's not left versus right, and it's hard. It's hard to keep it separated because it'll confuse the shit out of you. So the evil, take out Trump. Trump gets a lot of.

Speaker 1:

I think what happened was really good, because the moderate left went holy shit, this is crazy. We got to figure something out. We got to start thinking we can't just run the play by play anymore because CNN's out there posting shit about how he fell. Msnbc posted an article about how he fell. Like what he's old, he tripped, he did the Biden Like oh my gosh, you guys are morons Like you just look stupid.

Speaker 1:

So watch out for the rhetoric you use, because if you think it's the left, if you think it's just Democrats in general, you're actually just fighting someone to make them hate you more. It's like a lot of the times we go to war you know the Vietnam war, the Korean war, the war in Afghanistan like when you kill one terrorist, when you take down one Democrat, you create two more. Why? Because you kill the father who's? You know the fighting male. He's got two or three sons and all of a sudden you just created three sons in 15 years to take up AKs and shoot you again in 15 years. It's like what we did in Afghanistan, what the Russians did in Afghanistan, basically what everyone's done in Afghanistan. So when you beat down the left, when you beat down the Democrat in this scenario, you just create more Democrats.

Speaker 1:

So why don't we change our narrative to what Republicans claim to be A positive movement, a growth movement, and we actually show it with our actions? Now there are a lot of great people on the right that are creating. They're doing this, they're entrepreneurs, they're building. You don't have to be an entrepreneur to be a Republican, but there's people out there that are doing this stuff. But there's also a lot of the crazy right that's out there talking shit, running their mouth and, honestly, most of them that I see here losers. Like. Just real talk and don't get mad, you're going to probably get pissed off. Oh, we're not losers, the ones I'm talking about. You're not. You're not real. You claim your values. You know God and family and this and that and fucking blah blah. Yeah, dude, you're living off the system, your health is shit. You're a fat ass. Yeah, you're like every single video.

Speaker 1:

I see it Cause a lot of people ask me, cause you know I'm always, you know I usually carry. I'm, you know, very pro. Second amendment. I'm very pro-Second Amendment. I think it's your right to protect yourself, your family, your friends. My guns never killed anyone. I'm just being real with you. It has never accidentally shot anyone just because they pissed me off. I'm only using it to protect my life.

Speaker 1:

So a lot of the militias I see out there because people always ask me, if that's, I get asked quite a bit would I ever join a militia? And I probably not. Like it's just, yeah, well, I protect myself, you know, do I? You know I believe you should have a firearm and multiple firearms to prevent tire tyranny. Absolutely, I'm a hundred percent on board.

Speaker 1:

But here's the problem I see with most militias it's a bunch of fat dudes Like I see them on the video. They're all shooting and shit. Like for those of you that have been in a gunfight, for those of you that have hell, even if you've been in the military and done a stress shoot dude, if you fat as hell you ain't doing shit. Because if you fat as hell you have no positioning. You know you have no tactical advantage because I know your ass is within a half mile radius of a KFC. Like I know you ain't going that far to fight, so like you ain't going to go walk 26 miles, you're not going to go live off the land Like we might shoot you to eat you because you're holding us back. But it just doesn't make sense.

Speaker 1:

So this crazy right agenda is actually, in my eyes, a form of communism. Now they're the. They're the most dangerous communist because they truly think they're fighting it. They truly think they're trying to stay away from communism, socialism, but really they're the most susceptible to turn. Why? Because they're reliant on the communist fear to justify their own bullshit and they're not ready. Do you want to know how to defeat communism? You defeat your you, you defeat your need for the government.

Speaker 1:

So one and I believe some government systems are good. I believe they need to give some people some help. But if you've been on food stamps, if you've been on WIC, if you've been on whatever the hell it's called there's a new name for the shit, but y'all know what I mean by food stamps right, for longer than six months, you got a problem there. You're reliant on the government and I don't even give a shit if you're in one of the West Virginia mining towns, the industrial towns or whatever. And well, they took away all the jobs. Yeah, you know what happened when we used to not have enough jobs. People loaded up in fucking wagons and traveled across the entire freaking country. And you've got two shitty pickups that half-ass run, a trailer that you could hook up to him and drive down the street a couple of States and you're like you won't even do that.

Speaker 1:

So it's not so much that you know, I was born here, I was going to die here. That's the most stupid. That's stupid communist rhetoric. They want you to stay there. They want you to be poor. They want to have to send you the social security checks. They want you to get fat so you can claim a disability. They want that. They want all of that because you're too stubborn to go improve your life. Yet our founding fathers traveled across the Atlantic ocean because they weren't happy. During the Oregon trail they traveled across the country in wagons because they weren't happy.

Speaker 1:

And people to this day immigrants like they, travel to America and there's some awesome immigrants and we need to let them in. Like I'm not saying you know we're going to end all immigration. I'm saying we're going to pay a little bit more attention. Quit letting so many damn criminals in. But people used to move, they used to improve their life. They used to do things to take a risk to get out of their situation they didn't want.

Speaker 1:

And now the communist agenda tells you it's okay just to sit there and deal with it. And that's just what you do, like you shouldn't leave your land. It's, you know, pointless and useless. Don't get out of that hall. Or, even though we've shut down all the mills and the industry, like just stay there. That's where you were born. You're supposed to know. You're not. You're supposed to go. You're supposed to go explore. You're supposed to go build. You're supposed to go contribute to society. So a lot of that crazy right, I just don't get.

Speaker 1:

But how do we escape communism? How do we protect ourselves? Well, the first thing we have to have is our health. We have to have our health both from our physical fitness and what we put into our body. Because if we are just simply living off of the processed foods, if we are overweight, if we are, you know, have the heart disease, lung disease, if we're, you know, on 17 medications just to keep us normal baseline throughout the day, like you're killing yourself slowly and you're becoming Dick or you're becoming dependent on the government to keep you alive, like real talk. If you're on a bunch of medication and it's all related to weight or, you know, diabetes, which, whatever one, it is that you give yourself, type two, I think, excuse me, like that's your fault.

Speaker 1:

And here's the thing when shit goes downhill and this horrible health care slash, insurance slash, they're all in it together to steal your money and make sure you stay poor. When it truly, truly quote unquote fails like they want it to. I, just if you don't know this, the far, far crazy left, crazy right, you know left is who wants it Crazy right to support it unknowingly. When this health care system fails, guess what happens? Government health care, socialist health care, and I'm telling you it's not that great, because now, all this medication they're going to give you. They give you exactly what they think you need and exactly how much you need, at the exact cost. They think you're going to pay, or they want you to pay, and they will make sure that you can afford it. They will make sure that you are reliant on it, but you won't get what you actually need. They're just going to keep you alive. They're going to keep you okay, they're going to keep you in control, but they're going to tear you out. They're going to tear you down. So make sure you have your physical health, make sure you have, you know, nutrition, make sure you've got your mental health, make sure you're taking care of your body, because, let's just say, you are, you know, the militia guy that I was kind of going after a while, like I do, I do.

Speaker 1:

There's probably some militias out there that I would probably be like, yeah, you guys, you guys are doing the right thing. I'm not going to name any right now, but there are some out there that, for the most part, they're staying ready to fight. They're staying ready to their true cause. I get it and they're. They're the idiot. They're not the idiots out there getting all over T and or a TV and looking all fat and nasty in their fucking plate carriers, like they're real motherfuckers. Um, I'm not going to drop their names, but there are some goodias and they're fit, they have values, they have families and they're here to protect the country, should it be need done. They're the ones that aren't saying they're about to go blow stuff up. They're good guys.

Speaker 1:

So you got to take care of your health, you got to be able to fight, you got to be able to protect and you got to be able to live, because if you're dead, guess what? You're useless in all other areas. The next thing is you have to take care, and these are not really any order. I mean health being up there, because if you're dead, you're dead, but these aren't really in any order. So wealth, wealth is another one. You have got to become wealthy.

Speaker 1:

Now that doesn't necessarily mean you've got to have more money than you know what to do with. Trust me, it helps. If you could not worry about the dollar, if you could not worry about the month to month, week to week lifestyle. It definitely helps. But you've got to make a significant or a decent amount of money. So you're not dictated by food stamps. You're not dictated by the social security you know, check. You're not trying to live until you're at work, until you're 65, just to save up enough to get social security, to buy the trailer, to barely get by, to die like broke, like. You have got to create something for yourself Now.

Speaker 1:

You may not be an ambitious person, that's okay. If you truly are happy, you know. Not having everything, not living in abundance, that's okay. I want you to be happy, that's number one. But if that's you, you need to live your values and be broke for a while, live under your means, for you know, five to 10 years. Start getting a little savings, start getting a nest egg so that you are safe, so that if something crazy happens, you've got a year or two of income to go. Hey dude, I can get through this. I don't have to conform Like you can push.

Speaker 1:

And then the opposite goes. If you are someone who wants to dream big, if you do want to be the person that's not month to month, week to week, if you do want to be the person that's not saving for you know, 20 years to get a year or two of income in the bank and you want to do it over in a year, then you have got to go fight every day. You have got to get your income up. Oh shoot, I need some oxygen. You have got to get your income up very, very, very quickly and open a business, get into sales. You know, perfect a craft, become that one percenter. That's your responsibility, because you've got to get to the point where you know maybe you own some properties, you got some money in the bank, like you've got to have financial protection Should something crazy kick off. You're not running into the government for some government bread. You can support yourself for a while. You can live for a little bit.

Speaker 1:

And I know they talk a lot about you know the US dollar is getting weaker and weaker, it's true. It's not going anywhere anytime soon, though. You know Bitcoin like and here's the thing A lot of people talk about like well, bitcoin's going to take over, and I know Trump just did his rally with the Bitcoin thing in the back as a sponsor, like I get it. That's cool. But like when we all switch over to, let's just hypothetically say it's Bitcoin, like it's not going to. You know, free the world. Like it's going to. We won't even discuss that. That's actually a really good idea for another podcast, so I'll do. You know cryptocurrency on another one.

Speaker 1:

But you got to have some sort of wealth. Now here's the cool thing, if you, but if you get land, I mean, for the most part, land should always be yours. Now, I know there's always. You know government can get involved and intimate domain laws, things like that, but for the most part, if you own land, if you own property guess what? People need a place to live. You can control some stuff. So get land family. You've got to have family. You've got to have a you know, direct family that you're responsible for, that you're growing, that you're mentoring people to become the next generation of great Americans. And then you've got to have chosen family the motherfucker, the people that you spend your time with I caught myself there but the people that you spend most of your time with, that you're around the most, the people who support you, that'll have your back.

Speaker 1:

You've got to have a sense of purpose, a sense of fitting in in this world, and I know a lot of people like I don't need to fit in on myself. That's actually false. Humans crave human interaction. We get our endorphin rush or our serotonin rush from human interaction, so we need to feel welcome. We need to feel a part of something. We need to feel that people believe in us and they want us around. So you need to be able to do your part, though, because if you're not doing your part, if you're mooching from the system communism, that's what they want you to do Then the activists, the groups that are out there wanting to grow they don't want you hanging around.

Speaker 1:

You're pulling them down. So if you can't check your health and wealth. The family that you need to be around, the family that you probably want to be around, won't accept you. And don't look at it as they won't accept me because of who I am. So fuck, screw them. Blah, blah, blah. They won't accept you because you're not beneficial to them.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to hang around people that don't benefit my life and you don't. It doesn't mean you need to like give me money or give me, um, you know that. But if you don't serve a purpose in my life and you're just a mooch off of me, I'm not going to hang out with you. So if you're trying to get yourself in kind of a chosen family or a group or you know a social class and you don't give benefit and I'm not just saying money or and I'm not just saying protection, I'm not saying things like that If you don't give, if you don't give and all you do is take, they won't let you hang out. So look at yourself and go, hey, am I the person I need to be, to be with that? Those people to you know, excuse me have that type of family. So ask yourself that.

Speaker 1:

Always check yourself before you do an external factor, because you would always change you. But it's really hard to change others, especially especially if you're not set. And how you know if you can change others is if you, if you have that self-confidence and know that you're the leader, that people will fall. Go change others, go help others grow. But if you question that, you're not ready for it, because it's just part of leadership. Now, that also said, you know there's some people that consider themselves leaders, that are giant piles of shit, and you know you can be confused about that too. So it's a it goes both ways.

Speaker 1:

Another thing you got to have a spiritual belief, and here's how I look at it. It doesn't have to be Christianity, it doesn't have to be Judaism, it doesn't have to be Islamic, like you just need to believe in something beyond yourself, because if everything you do is self-fulfilling or only fulfills this little thing in the world, it's really really really hard to want to explain a lot of cool shit that happens in life, but it's really really really hard to have that long term belief. And I'm not going to go too deep in that today, because it's something that I, you know, study and I look into every day and I try to understand more and more, and I'm not going to go too deep in that today, because it's something that I, you know, study and I look into every day and I try to understand more and more and I'm not I'm not there, I'm not ready to, you know, even really chat about that, but you've got to have some sort of belief that brings you together with you know, society that's bigger than yourself, and values values. You've got to have good values. You've got to be a person that wants to grow. You've got to be a person that likes community and wants to be around and wants to work with others and wants to see people win and wants to see the country do well, because Patrick bad David says he was actually with us this weekend.

Speaker 1:

He's a great fr? Freaking guy. Um spoke with him very, very shortly, but really, really good guy brought his kids. Um, freaking great father. You can just tell by talking to his kids. I mean, his kids were wearing a suit too. It was freaking awesome.

Speaker 1:

But, uh, one thing he says a lot. One of his uh, you know taglines is the future looks bright. One of your values has to be that the future looks bright, because if you look at it in any other direction. It's self-fulfilling prophecy of destruction. And that's what the communists want. They want you to think the future looks great. They want you to think that we're a bullet away from excuse me, a bullet away from civil war and I think we might've been maybe not civil war, but serious, serious civil unrest, that and we were a bullet away from martial law. And that's what they want, because the nation is so divided right now between good and evil that if that bullet was just an inch to the left I think I don't know left or right, whatever way it goes to the back of his brain if that bullet was just an inch in the direction toward his brain, we would have been controlled by martial law. And it's insanity to think that we were an inch away from this nation, looking completely different than we ever, than we imagine today.

Speaker 1:

And when you study, there's a book out there. I think it's um. Andy forsells podcast talks about this a lot, or maybe it's, I think it's forsells. There's a book and I can't remember its dang name and I hope someone could post in the comments, um, but it talks a lot about communist nations, nations that has fallen to communism, and I don't think I have it here. I think it's out there. Gosh dang it. I'll put it in the comments.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, they talk about communist nations and what happens during the fall of communism, how it happens, and pretty much everyone says we didn't see it coming, we didn't even know. And these are typically conservatives that are saying this and they didn't realize it. And one of the things is that far right right, that far right conservative or whatever you want to call it is the number one danger to communism, because they are so so far right that they will give the communists the power. They will give the communists the power. We're the regular right, we're just the normal people, the middle left, the middle right. You know 90% of the population. That's where we sit. By the way, 90% of our population sits between normal, not crazy left, and normal, not crazy right. Now I might be a little crazy right, who the hell knows, but most of our population sits in that 90. And that's where most people need to be. There doesn't actually need to be too many people out of that. You know variable, you know the.

Speaker 1:

What did they call it? They called it in science, the scientific method, if you had people, if you had a small, small group in a sample that was outside of your normal. It was a, it was an outlier and, depending on experiment, you might eliminate outliers. But instead what we've allowed is the outliers to control our mind. We've allowed the outliers to get it. What did they say? They said it used to be. It's like a Billy Madison movie or something where they say you know, boys have penises, girls have vaginas Like even in the early nineties, adam Sandler had that figured the hell out Right. And all of a sudden we're arguing about it. We're letting men play in women's sports, we're letting women play in men's sports, but the thing is women aren't freaking stupid. So it's like no women are actually trying to go play in the NBA. No women are trying to play in the NFL.

Speaker 1:

I, I know there was a couple that went and tried to play college. I actually played football with a female. She's actually a family, but she played football and she was a savage. In middle school we were all scared of her, like just real talk, she was a savage. And then she got to high school and the boys got really freaking big and puberty hit, testosterone hit, and all of a sudden they got big, big, big. And it wasn't a lightweight heavyweight team. She was um on the lightweight team in middle school and when you combine the heavyweights with lightweights, all of a sudden like it was a different ball game.

Speaker 1:

You know, I, I, I drive by road crews. I don't see many females, if any, on it. I drive by uh roofers in the middle of the phoenix heap. Don't see any females up there. And I'm not saying females can't do the job men can do, but I'm saying genetically we're fricking different.

Speaker 1:

Genetically I am six foot two, 225 pounds, relatively fit, and there's not many females my size. When I was in um you know the military when I was in full kit I was probably about 200 pounds heaviest in the military. When I was in full kit, you know full load of, let's say, when I was carrying a two, four, nine I was I was probably pushing 300 pounds. There's men that can't pick my ass up Should anything go wrong. 300 pounds of dead weight, even if I'm starting to take off some equipment. 240 pounds, 220 pounds is probably the lightest you could get me to If you, if you tore off all my shit like dead weight. That is an incredibly hard thing to lift. Most men can't do that, but a significantly higher percentage of men over women can figure out how to do that if you know how to.

Speaker 1:

You know, carry a body, a dead body or an unconscious body, but at the same time I'm not just. I'm not being a feminine, I'm not being, I'm not knocking feminism, I'm not knocking women right now I'm trying to be careful with my words, but because there's things that women can do that I can never imagine to do, y'all are freaking more organized. You guys are more for the most part. I know we men like, because we like ragging on people, Like, let's just be real, it's fun, um, but usually you're more emotionally stable than us because fucking men are crazy. We just hide the shit. We like we don't have emotions and then we just bury them in whiskey and shit. So crazy, we just hide the shit. We like we don't have emotions and then we just bury them in whiskey and shit. So usually y'all can make an emotional decision better than we can.

Speaker 1:

I think men can make a protective decision Like oh shit, the president just got shot at. We should jump on him Just saying review the fucking footage. Red flag replay. Let's see what happens in America. We're grateful, we're lucky, we, we, we haven't been at war on our land in so long. So the way our world works is men have been taught to provide and protect. Women have been taught to raise a family and be there to support and be there to grow. And when you operate in the same way, it's huge and you can really do things. But we're not the damn same. And I'm not saying women can't go out there and you know, run a fortune 500 or fortune 100 or fortune 50 company. They absolutely can. And if that's your choice, go freaking, do it.

Speaker 1:

What I am saying is uh, ronda Rousey is not fighting this weekend against Conor McGregor. There there's some fighters from my times. They ain't getting in the same octagon together, even if they weighed the same. They're not getting in the same octagon together. They ain't getting in the same octagon together. Even if they weighed the same. They're not getting in the same octagon together. So there's just things that we do differently and it's okay because it's what makes us us so.

Speaker 1:

Remember, this battle right now is good versus evil, because if you bring it down to that way and you get rid of the rhetoric of Democrat, you know Republican and I make jokes here and there, but I'm trying to be more and more careful about it. But if you get rid of that rhetoric that the communists, the socialists, the crazy left wants you to have, we'll come closer together and debate and conversation. But when we continue to fight about policies, when we continue to fight about can a man be a woman, can a woman be a man, but we call it abortion is actually, you know, one of the things that we stir up to get to that place. When we, you know, have pride parades where dudes, dicks are hanging out and they're walking down San Francisco and people are bringing their kids, like when we lose all of our values, all of our beliefs, you know our connection of family and health and everything, and we get to that point, you know, nations fall. Look at Rome, look at Greece, look at, you know, the Roman empire is such a prime example, the British empire even like look at many factors that cost them a lot of power that all the annex states were like, nope, you guys are crazy, we're going. Well, you know we'll fight to go back.

Speaker 1:

You know, look at what the United Kingdom was doing. That, you know, led to the pilgrimage. The people were like, nope, we're done, we're jumping. You know, taxes like you know, just being part of the system, and we come over here and in a very short time, I mean, america is the most powerful country in the world and America as we know it and I get it we we immigrated. You know, the British immigrated over here, the Europeans immigrated over here, and you know, I know, we're not the first people on the land. I understand and you know there was stuff back then that happened. That wasn't great, but realistically, we're a 350 year old nation that is leading the freaking world. Why isn't the UK there? Why aren't the Romans there? What problems do they have? Because they've been nations for thousands of years, civilized nations for thousands of years. They used to be the nations that were on the leading edge of technology. Why did they lose? Why did they fall? Why did they lose power of themselves?

Speaker 1:

I want you to question that for a little bit and think about it, because by doing this one thing and I'm going to share this one thing for you that will help you avoid falling victim to communism and it will help you actually encourage others not to be a victim of communism. This one thing it's called critical thinking. When you see something on Facebook, instagram, social media, whatever it is. Stop and think is that real? How do I prove it? How do I disprove it?

Speaker 1:

When you hear someone tell you something, even if it's your trusted advisor, even if it's on this podcast and it's something I said, there's probably something I said on this that may be, you know, not factual. You know a lot of this was my opinion. A lot of it was me speculating. But if you like what I said and you're like man, I want to believe that, don't just believe it because of what I said. Go out there and critically get the information yourself, because the communist agenda doesn't want you to think, whether you believe left or right. They want you to believe a voice. They want you to follow charlie kirk and just say, yep, everything he says is right, I like.

Speaker 1:

I like a lot of what charlie says. I really do, excuse me, that's why you don't do a soda water on podcast. It takes good to get through, but I like a lot of what charlie says. But I'm not going to take it at face value. Everything he Now, when he just straight up looks at someone and says define a woman, and they go blah, blah, blah, and then I'm like all right, you guys are idiots. But there are topics that he says where I'm like all right, brother, come on, let's back off that one. That's stupid. That's Donald Trump, same way. Ronald Reagan, you know, same way.

Speaker 1:

You know they all had good, they all had bad, they all had opinions, and that's what's so great about you know, america, that's what's so great about. When we uh the pilgrimage to get over here is, we came over here because we wanted to have freedom of opinion, we wanted freedom of speech, we wanted, uh, freedom of religious prosecution, we wanted smaller government, we wanted lower taxes, we wanted all this shit that you know great Britain had lost. Like you know, high minimum wages, controlling you, heavy tax rate, like all that shit that we're starting to push toward. Like the tea party was fought over 2%. Like I'm in Arizona and it's, you know, an okay tax state we're not horrible. But like we're next door to California, oregon, like Oregon is the highest taxed state in the freaking union. Now, it's absolutely insane. And they hide most of it. Look up the corporate activity tax in Oregon if anyone wants to know what a hidden tax is. So y'all have a killer one.

Speaker 1:

My main thing to everyone today is critical thinking. If you stayed this long on the podcast critical thinking and, by the way, if you stayed this long on the podcast, I want to make you an offer. This is absolutely free. I'm not pitching, don't worry. Text me critical thinking to 5 0, 3, 8, 3 0, 9, 7, 7, 3. And I'm going to register you for 90 days or more of my live Wednesday calls so you can join me for my crazy, uh, crazy. No, it's actually. They're more sales training and they're more, more a little bit mindset growth, scaling training. So they're not as political either. Sometimes they are. I'm not gonna say they're never political, but they're a little bit more business oriented. So text me the words critical thinking 503-830-9773. I'll get you some access to those calls and if you need anything else, shoot. I don't know text that dang number too.

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