Jonathan Roberts Not Safe for Society

Not Safe For Society: The Chemistry of Success – Unlocking Brain Power, Fostering Connection, and Transforming Lives

Jonathan Roberts

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Ever wondered how brain chemicals fuel your every move? We promise you'll walk away from this episode knowing exactly how to harness dopamine, endorphins, serotonin, and oxytocin to your advantage. Join us as we embark on an emotional rollercoaster with country music artist Coffee Anderson, whose hit song "Mr. Red, White and Blue" captures the essence of national pride and personal sacrifice. Coffee opens up about his father's struggles with the VA and the impact of Agent Orange, painting a vivid picture of resilience and perseverance that led to a groundbreaking moment at a county fair, booking 17 gigs in Texas.

But that's not all. We take a deep dive into the world of brain chemistry, exploring how modern lifestyles have shifted our primal survival instincts into a quest for quick fixes and instant gratification. Discover the powerful role of dopamine and endorphins in both addiction and motivation, and learn actionable strategies to channel these chemicals towards meaningful achievements. From the euphoria of significant milestones to the necessity of eliminating small rewards, we'll guide you on how to foster a relentless drive for success.

Finally, we examine the indispensable role of social chemicals like serotonin and oxytocin in building trust and maintaining social bonds. Through compelling anecdotes and personal experiences, you'll see how acts of kindness, physical connection, and community support can dramatically enhance your well-being and drive. Whether it's the joy of a graduation ceremony or the transformative impact of generosity, this episode is packed with insights that will help you master your emotional and chemical makeup for a more fulfilling life. Tune in and get ready to transform the way you think about success and human connection.

Speaker 1:

Now I got to figure out a better way to freaking stream other audio. I don't put this on YouTube, or I don't put full pieces of it on YouTube, so I probably won't get kicked off. But for those of you that don't know what that is or didn't get a great enough version of it to even you know, recognize the lyrics, I do apologize because it, like I said, it really is going to go with the call. Today, the music I typically listen to is just to put me in the right music, or right mood so, or right mood so. That song was Mr Red, white and Blue by Coffee Anderson Coffee Anderson. So if you've never heard that song, I would seriously go listen to it. And I don't care what nation you live in, I don't care what country you're from. It's national pride and you know it has to do with the war in Afghanistan and this and that. And you know how his dad I think his dad was in Vietnam or Korea or something. It had a basically his entire life fighting the VA because he got agent orange or some shit like that, and the VA finally came through. If you listen to coffee story, it's freaking amazing because he was struggling to make it in the country music world. It's a. It's red, mr Red, white and blue. Uh, javier. So coffee is struggling to make it in the music world.

Speaker 1:

He's a, you know, country music artist. He's a sucking ass like no one's picking up his songs. Everyone told him the song Mr Red, white and Blue. Like you know, toby Keith was passed. The whole patriot, the whole nationalism song thing was over, like he needed to make some new, new, better country music. And he kept just going over and over again, kept trying to get his art out there. And one day he was at a county fair or a country fair or something like that. And this lady walks up to him out of nowhere after hearing him play a song and just starts bullshitting with him and he doesn't really have any intention of, you know, doing it. Like, yeah, he's trying to get on stage, he's trying to get his art out there, but like he's not looking for hey, you know, here's my shit. Pitch, pitch, pitch he is. He's just trying to connect with people and see what he could do. So this lady comes up to him, chats with them and he looks at her and looks at her in the eyes and says, you know, ma'am, let me ask you uh, appreciate you being around here. What can I do for you? And coffee is struggling to get his art out anywhere at this point in time. And she looks at him and she says, well, I run 17 county fairs in the state of Texas and I need a performer. Book 17 gigs that day. I think he said he booked him for like $10,000 a fair or something like that, so more money than he has ever ever made booking it.

Speaker 1:

And it was just going out and doing what his dream was going out and operating with. His dream was going out and operating with emotion and passion and not giving a fuck what other think over and over again until the opportunity was given. And instead of trying to force your way into the opportunity, hard sell your way into the opportunity, trying to convince everybody how great you are, he said how can I help you today? So I want you to think about that. And then the other part of that song is just the emotion of it, because I know I've got a lot of veterans that follow me and even if you're not a veteran, even if you're not an American, you know we're, we're all.

Speaker 1:

The way I look at it, we're all Americans, because I don't look at like what we do and don't take this the wrong way. I know I got some Germans and shit on here, but like we're all human is what I should say. We're all people on earth. It doesn't matter what country, what continent you're on. We all have this. We all have this connection.

Speaker 1:

And what I'm going to go into today is is something that it doesn't matter what race, creed, part of the world you're from, we all have the exact same internal makeup for the most part. You know. Male, female, those are a little bit different. There's very, very, very, very, very little genetic differences between races. Like it is like 99.9999% the same. The changes are slightly different. Male, female is the biggest, other than that nothing else even shows up on a fucking DNA chart. So what are we going to talk about today? I wanted to get emotional because we sell on emotion and emotion pushes us further than anything else.

Speaker 1:

Now I know I promised you some NLP stuff Going into this book and if anybody wants to get the book, it's called the Big Book of NLP. Try studying that shit with me. Like three weeks in, right now I'm not ready to teach it. I understand it at a theory level. I use it every day. I do not understand that enough to teach, so I'm not going to bullshit you, but going down this journey is taking me down this other journey of.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you know, three weeks ago, four weeks ago, we were learning how to learn better. We were learning how to enjoy it, and a lot of you took a lot of that. I got a lot of good feedback. You know, reading with your finger, going back to elementary school style, increases your reading speed. Uh, I've had two people now say, hey, I've pretty much got my internal voice out of my head when I read, which that's fucking hard. I still fight that son of a bitch every day. But it speeds up your ability to read and learn. So I mean, if you're going to be on these calls, if you're going to read a book, if you're going to do any of that, why not learn how to do it better? So this is kind of the contrary to that. This is like how do I implement these things in my life to get better? Because? So here's what we're going to talk about.

Speaker 1:

Let's get to the four main topics, or the four main chemicals of our, of our makeup that really just keep us alive. You've got endorphins, you've got your dopamine, you've got your serotonin and you've got your oxytocin. We've all heard of those four chemicals before and we all have a general idea of what they do. Barney style they keep you alive and they keep you motivated, they keep you driven. That's what they do. If we didn't have those chemicals on our body, why would we wake up? Why would we push hard? Why would we do really anything in life? Well, whether you believe in creation science, like whatever it is, they're in us for a reason, and it's to keep us alive, it's to keep us focused, it's to keep us driven, and a lot of times in today's world we forget about it, right?

Speaker 1:

Because how many of you had to go go find, like you know, four of your bros back in the day and you left your freaking family to go walk 10 miles to kill a fucking reindeer to bring it back to the tribe? Has anyone like done that for like survival? Anybody, not, really. We just don't do it anymore. Like worst case scenario, I've got like two rednecks on here. You're like I do, motherfucker, I'm like bitch. You drive your f-250 out there. Shut the, the fuck up. Like we're not hunting and gathering anymore. Yes, I know there are a couple unfortunate people in the world that may have actually done what I say, but in the United States and most first world countries, that's not a thing we have. As a matter of fact, a lot of us, like myself, we're terrified to go to the fucking grocery store late at night nowadays, like the shit gets fucking scary. So we don't have those dopamine and endorphin rushes that we used to get from hunting, and a huge part of that is we've replaced it with Facebook, social media, we've replaced it with shitty food. You know quick little hits.

Speaker 1:

And I want you to think how many of you, like me, have been addicted to alcohol or drugs at some point in time? Right, I think we all have. I mean, a lot of that shit's fun as fuck. So I think if you haven't tried I'm just kidding Do not try it as bad, bad advice.

Speaker 1:

But when you have that addiction, you want more of it. You want, you want it so fucking bad. You will sacrifice your future, you will sacrifice money, you will sacrifice relationships of people that you truly, in your heart, love, like truly, truly love, and would never hurt, and that's where a lot of people don't get it like as an alcoholic, you know, many times I've been like, well, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm like, well, do you even think about me? I mean kind of, but not really, but like, if you've never had that level of, um, like addiction in your life, you don't actually, I don't think you can understand what that means. When someone asks, did you even consider how it would make me feel? And you can legitimately look at him and go, no, not really. That made me feel.

Speaker 1:

Okay, like that's the level of rush we need, through these fucking chemicals, to chase our future, to get better at sales, to push a little bit more in our job, for when the day sucks, the week sucks, to get back on the horse and fucking try again. And we, we've got to quit depleting our system. We've got to quit getting the quick hit, because the quick hit keeps you happy, keeps you comfortable, but then it doesn't allow you to get that hit that you really, really want the big old rush, the big old rock. You know what I'm saying. So let's break down these chemicals each, all four of them, talk about how they work and talk about how we produce them, because ultimately, if I can get myself back to a caveman state and I can make my business not just convenient. If I build this big business, I sell a bunch of shit. But if I can make it an addiction, if I can make it something I have to do to survive, I will be able to push myself further every day.

Speaker 1:

And when I'm grinding, when it's not fun, when it's fucking hard like you know, back when you were walking five miles to go get a fricking wildebeest or whatever the hell, you were stabbing with a little stick thing like how do I keep going? And then when I kill that fucking animal, how do I hump it back freaking five miles to the tribe? All these chemicals allow humans to do that and that's what separates us from a lot of animals. Because think about it, does an alligator need to go out? No, alligators are scary as shit. They got uh, they got um scales to protect their body. They've got nasty ass teeth that'll fuck shit up. Same with like a great white body. They've got nasty ass teeth That'll fuck shit up. Same with like a great white shark. Right, they've got like eight rows of teeth. That way if they lose a couple, they could still kill, they could still eat.

Speaker 1:

Look at humans like take away our brain, take away the frontal cortex and the ability that it gives us to communicate with others and, like you know, operate as a tribe. Human beings are not meant to survive on earth. Like, if you take away our ability to think, create tools and communicate with others and our advanced communication, uh, patterns that we've developed through our frontal cortex and a bunch of other shit, uh, menigula and all that, we would die. Like you give us a stick, we might fucking fight off a bear once, but the second one's going to get our ass. Like, we are not meant to survive on this earth without our brain, without our, without the chemicals that run through it.

Speaker 1:

So, endorphins and dopamine let's go over what those two are so related. What do they do? They encourage us to get shit done. It is that simple. Your endorphins and your dopamine encourage us to get shit done. If we did not have those two emotions, humans would have died off a long time ago, because we would have never had a drive to go hunt, we would have never had a drive to survive. We would have sat around, we would have gotten hungry, we would have gotten to the point of near starvation. When fear takes over, then we would have gone out, tried to find an animal and since we had no drive to get it, we probably would have died of starvation trying to find the son of a bitch. Also, your endorphins and your dopamine when you do accomplish something big, when you finally make it the six miles of tracking the elk, when you finally get there and you get the kill. It also gives you and this is where dopamine comes in, we'll get to it later but it also gives you that rush of a win. Like dopamine is a drug, essentially, that we can create ourselves, that we strive for every single day.

Speaker 1:

Humans operate on dopamine, from fighting to, you know, completing a huge project at work, hitting a goal that you didn't believe you could, a one-night stand all of that is a dopamine rush. And men, I know you guys are freaking all craziest here how many of you maybe had a one-night stand? Or maybe a relationship that wasn't that important to you, but it was a great little high for that night and you made a stupid decision that night to get into that. And women, you've probably done the same thing, but I have to speak from the male perspective because I don't understand you guys at all, but, like, really, we all make stupid decisions. Now that's a little oxytocin and dopamine We'll cover that later but we love that rush, we love that quick hit. How many of you tell yourself you're not going to get on social media, you're not going to do this and that, but you send up. You end up scrolling reels for an hour and you didn't even realize you were doing it. It's because you're constantly getting a little dopamine hit. It's because you're sitting there with a fucking needle of freaking heroin in your arm and you're just putting a little bit at a time. Shit, you got it hooked to a fucking IV. That's what they've created.

Speaker 1:

So what is endorphins? Let's start with endorphins first, because that's simple. That is simple, simple, simple. But this is going to open up a few things in your mind. They're going to be like shit. Maybe I need to do this.

Speaker 1:

So endorphins are built to mask pain. That's all they are Endorphins. They call it the runner's high or the runner's drug, whatever it is. Endorphins are built to mask pain, and they mask pain by giving you a sense of pleasure. So think about it. Think about a marathon runner. Right, 26.3 miles or two miles, or way too fucking far. That's all I know, I'm not a marathon runner, I hate running. So marathon runners and they've always talked about the runner's high, like all it is is an endorphin rush. Because have you ever think about this? Have you ever gone and gone for a run? Right, and it. You know it hurts at first and then you start getting into it and it's like getting a little bit better, you get a little smoother, you get quote, unquote looser and then after maybe, depending on if you're a runner or not mile five, six, seven, 20, 100, if you're David Goggins like the pain starts to suddenly come in. Well, you were actually in pain the whole fucking time. I just want to let you realize that. But you ended up having an endorphin rush that hit the pain with pleasure and that pleasure was based on whatever you're trying to accomplish.

Speaker 1:

The cool thing about endorphins is you don't really release them here, like you can't physically think about shit to make them release. There is one way to do it, but it's like it kind of just happens. It's to protect your body. What it was made for is hunters and gatherers, straight up, like they were going to go out, they were going to go fight an animal, they were going to go walk forever. They were going to go do a bunch of shit they didn't want to do and it got them through it. There is really just two ways to release endorphins Well, three, and we're going to cover the third one because it's the only one you can control. Actually, you can control all three to a certain extent. There is one exercise.

Speaker 1:

Exercise gives you an endorphin rush, 100%, when you are really. Really. When you get under the bench, you put on a little bit more weight, do you feel a mass amount of pain, maybe some discomfort, maybe your muscles are like God, this is going to be bitch. And then you know, if you're really pushing, you start to feel like, oh my gosh, I'm going to tear this bitch If I push a little bit more. But you get it done and immediately there's of pain going on right now because you just slightly tore some muscles. But your endorphin rush from the workout is masking the pain with the pleasure. And then lactic acid sits in. Two days later you're in living hell. Endorphins allow you to push. So you can get the endorphins by exercising. You can get the endorphins by manual labor. How many of us are in a manual labor gig nowadays? Okay, I didn't see any hands go up. Okay, there's like one guy Are you a fitness trainer? What do you do, man Harley?

Speaker 2:

I do roofing. Yeah, I can see a girl doing that. He's a Club Flex plan member.

Speaker 1:

You're too loud I'm going to mute you. So you do roofing, man. If you're nailing in shingles or freaking tile or whatever, yeah you're doing manual labor. If you're jumping on a roof just to do an inspection, I don't know man, you look like a pretty fit guy saying the damn gym, keep it up, dude. But most of us real talk, we aren't in manual labor anymore, so let's just cut. Cut that off the block. We're not going to get an endorphin rush from getting our ass beat every day. We're not going to get an endorphin rush from getting our ass beat every day. We're not going to get it from digging a ditch in 120 degree weather in Phoenix, arizona midsummer. The only other place that we can get an endorphin rush and we can cause this one ourselves a little bit easier and I've said this on a few of my calls is by laughing. Laughing actually gives you an endorphin rush, and the reason is we use laughing alone to mask pain. How many times have you met someone where you've been like dude, this is not an appropriate time to laugh Like that's my entire life story. I think shit is funny as fuck. That shouldn't be funny Like I'm talking.

Speaker 1:

You know I come from a military background. I was, you know, um around in the army during the I've deployed to Afghanistan. I've you know that is when, the time I was in the army and like there is shit, you know the army, and like there is shit, you know people getting legs blown off and shit like that where I remember sitting at my buddy's desk, like he got uh, I was in Germany at the time, him and I deployed our first deployment together. He went to a new unit deployed again, he got his fucking leg blown off. Uh, I think two or three days later I was able to get up to Rammstein to see him and the first thing I do is I walk into his hotel or his, uh, his hospital bed. He's missing a leg, he's missing half a fricking nut, like his entire side is fucking. They've been doing like five surgeries in three days at this point and they're pulling shrapnel and he looks like an idiot and I make a joke about him not getting any the rest of his life. And we both fucking laughed about it, because when you're in a state like that, you need to mask the pain. The pain is only temporary, but the pain fucking hurts.

Speaker 1:

So when you're able to, you know. Laugh about something. That's just a human connection to freaking. Get through a situation. So quit being so fucking sensitive in this world. Quit trying to tell yourself you're not allowed to have fun. Quit trying to tell yourself you're not allowed to laugh at a bad situation.

Speaker 1:

And try this. Try to laugh when something bad happens and see how long you could stay pissed off, like real talk. Have you ever seen the thing where you know, for example, let's say Nick and I right, nick and I, we could do this exercise. Nick and I go back and forth and I say hey, nick, I want you to copy me, we're going to laugh. And I go ha ha ha. And then Nick goes ha ha ha. And we do it for one second, two seconds, three seconds, I can break. They both end up breaking up in consistent laughter and can't quit laughing. So by just forcing yourself to do it over and over again and ended up actually triggering the endorphins, ended up actually triggering your mind to find something humor of just some stupid shit we were doing.

Speaker 1:

The awkwardness creates pain. And then, guess what? You mask the pain with pleasure, which is the laugh, and the laugh itself is painful. Mask the pain with pleasure, which is the laugh, and the laugh itself is painful. Your body is contracting over and over and over again when you're laughing. But do you feel it at first? Absolutely not. What happens is in the endorphin spike. They hide the pain with the pleasure of laughter. You get a big smile. You get that, you know arms, hair sticking up on your arms and you feel good. And then what happens? If you have a fucking buddy or you're at a comedy show, that's actually funny and keeps you laughing At the end of it, you're fucking hurting.

Speaker 1:

You're sweating a little bit, your gut's hurting a little bit, you're starting to cramp because the endorphins are wearing off and you're getting to that point. Same thing as a marathon runner the endorphins die. The freaking crowd goes down. You know. They fucking run 23, point some miles and get a banana for a fucking award and they're like shit, it wasn't even worth it. And then, all of a sudden, the pain of running 23 miles comes in. Here's the cool thing about endorphins. As humans, like I keep saying, we would have died off a long, long, long time ago If it wasn't for endorphins, because we're not supposed to walk 15 miles to get food, we're not supposed to do all that shit. Our body, our muscle makeup really isn't built for that, and pain typically stops us.

Speaker 1:

Pain typically stops animals. For the most part, there's very few animals. You know the buffalo being one of them. Most animals, for example, avoid pain, like when there's a storm. An animal, most animals, when there's a big old storm rainstorm, windstorm, lightning storm will walk away from the storm. They will try to get away from the storm by getting out of it, by never getting into it. The problem is the storm gets them. They keep walking, they're in it longer.

Speaker 1:

The American buffalo is a very and it's probably because he's an American buffalo. If he was a French buffalo he would have retreated I'm kidding if there's any French people. But the German found that shit funny. Um, the American buffalo, instead of running away from the storm, actually turns into the storm and walks right through it and it ends up decreasing the time in half of how long he's in the storm. One of the few animals that will take pain to get through it. Humans are the same way. We will go through our pain to get where we need to be. Now. I don't know about the chemical makeup of a buffalo.

Speaker 1:

I just wanted to talk shit to the French for a minute. So let's talk about dopamine. Let me get a thing of C4 energy drink. Real guy. If you see this, make sure you make me a reel on that. I need a sponsorship. This shit's getting expensive, all right. Dopamine when the hell was I?

Speaker 1:

Dopamine is the drug we get that makes us feel good for accomplishing something big that we did in life. Right? Dopamine is what continues us, or continues us, allows us to continue to chase over and over and over again. It's the feeling of satisfaction of completing a task, especially if it's a task that you didn't think you could get done. It is, you know. It's used when we originally looked for food.

Speaker 1:

Like, literally everything that I'm talking about today goes back to prehistoric time, goes back to the caveman days, because our bodies did not evolve that much. The way we got these rushes has evolved tremendously and in a way, it's fucked us up because we don't control it. So dopamine is probably one of the most powerful things out there because it'll keep you coming back for more Like. I want you to go back to a time and this might've been, this might.

Speaker 1:

For some of us, this might have been a long, long time ago, and I hate to say it, it might've been high school, it might've been gosh, it might've been college, it might've been maybe your first 10 K month, first 50 K month, it might've been something. But I want you to go back to a time when you did something that you didn't think you were going to do and maybe you've never had this this rush before but when you did something that you didn't think you could accomplish and you fucking got it done, or you accomplished something that everyone told you you can't do. This You're never going to?

Speaker 1:

yeah, it's no, it's not for you. And you went and did it anyways and you got it done. Or you know, maybe you were that, that, that high school athlete, that starting quarterback, and you won the state championship. You know there's maybe one or two of you that did something like that, or you scored that goal to win the game, like that just huge rush where, like all of a sudden, you're almost blacked out and it's just like you're flooded with emotion and you know, some of you freaking cry, some of you can't even say words.

Speaker 1:

Some of you get on the press interview afterwards and mutter some stupid shit. Like think about that high in your life. Like stupid shit. Like think about that high in your life. Like essentially it's like, uh, let's see, let's see. I don't think I see any kids on this call. Let me just go to my next screen. All right, no kids.

Speaker 1:

It's essentially like having an orgasm all day. Right, and it's fucking crazy, because I've never done heroin but a lot of times I've heard from heroin addicts that it's kind of like an orgasm all day and in a way I say I haven't done heroin but I mean I've had a couple of surgeries and fucking oxy is a hell of a drug. Anyways, back on point. But like, imagine if you had that rush like multiple times a day, every single day. Well, you do, you do.

Speaker 1:

The problem is this dopamine rush I'm talking about that high level of great feeling is we ended up masking it and we ended up getting a little hit all fucking day instead of the big hit that we desire. So I want you to think about this for just a second. If I'm a drug addict, and whether you've ever been addicted to things or you've never done a drug in your life, I think most of you have a general idea that by being an addict like you will literally like. If you've ever seen someone tweaking on the side of the street, they will literally do everything to get another hit Like. I tell a lot of people this. I tell a lot of people this is one of my quote unquote objection handlers, and it's not an objection handler, it's just talking from the heart. As you know, I might hit you with like a $99 product or whatever. You know. Hey dude you know you got to do this.

Speaker 1:

If you're not where you need to be. Man, we got to get you on this program. We got to change everything you're feeling. Well, look, I really can't afford my. What the fuck are you talking about? You can't afford it, man. It's $99. And some of you are like motherfucker, you use this on me, dude. It's 99 fucking dollars, I dare and fucking T it.

Speaker 1:

So how about you take your success as fucking crucial as a crackhead wants to hit a crack? The problem is, most of us won't get that level. The problem is most of us don't give a shit about our life to that level. But we can, because we want to. We just can't figure it the fuck out. We can't figure out how to be addicted to success. We can't figure out how to be like fucking crazy that I'm going to win and I'm going to do it at any cost and I'm going to give up everything if I have to. And I don't want you to give up everything. I don't want you to, you know, give up your family and the shit that matters, but I want you to actually get the level of rush that you get from winning. I want you to actually be addicted to what you're trying to do so.

Speaker 1:

It's not a drag, it's not hell, it's not you know, beating your ass every day. It's something that you wake up every morning and want to chase. You wake up fucking itching and you're like shit, I want to get the damn day going. How do I do it? I have got to give myself a reason to fucking be hungry. Have you ever gone to the grocery store hungry as fuck, like? And you just got paid two days earlier and you're fucking hungry. You forgot to eat. It was a busy day. You ended up spending like $650 at Safeway. You take your shit home and it's like fucking, frozen, this frozen pizza, this nasty shit. Six bags of chips. And you're like what the fuck did I do? And then think about it. Think about the time you go to the grocery store and you literally just went out to you know dinner with the wife and you guys are just run into the grocery store real quick before you. You know, bring the kids to bed on sunday or whatever it is. You don't really have much time, but you got to get it done for the week and you buy like three fucking things and it's like 50 bucks. You get home you're like fuck, I forgot everything I needed. Okay, the reason is, when we're hungry, we want more and we strive and we get everything that's in our way. If you fill me up, I'm like, yeah, whatever, yeah, I don't need that. Oh yeah, I don't need meat this week. Like, what are you talking about? You don't need meat this week. Bitch, you got nothing in the freezer. What are you going to make? Yeah, I'll figure it out later. Like, I don't give is it's not that we deplete so much our dopamine, because you hear it a lot like you deplete your dopamine receptors.

Speaker 1:

That's something more for drug addicts. And you know severe, severe, severe trauma in life. Yes, you can do it chemically in certain situations, but realistically, we keep it full, but we keep it comfortable. We end up. You know, scrolling reels on our phone all day. So it's dopamine. Three seconds later dopamine, three seconds later dopamine, and we end up. You know scrolling reels on our phone all day. So it's dopamine, three seconds later, dopamine, three seconds later dopamine and we end up. You know when we're hungry and we're feeling like.

Speaker 1:

You know, one of the best ways to get a dopamine rush that kept humans alive is when you eat food. You get a dopamine rush. So that actually made us want to go grab fucking food to eat it, because we got the rush, we got the hit, we got the drug, so got the drug. So, like a crackhead, we would do so much to get that crack, to get that hit. The problem is, food's too fucking easy to get now. So what do we do? We end up eating food that's healthy for us or unhealthy for us. We end up eating the bag of salt and vinegar chips.

Speaker 1:

We end up eating the frozen pizza and, by the way, I keep saying that because my wife was gone until she got back yesterday and I was, you know, a single bachelor for nine days or five days or some shit like that, and I don't know how to cook, so I might've had a frozen pizza or two late at night. Anyways, I'm back on my diet now. It was, it was a rough five days. I'm glad she's back. I fucking I'm not an adult.

Speaker 1:

Um, so we end up getting those little hits every day. You know, lunch comes around is like hey Tim, what are you doing for lunch? I don't fucking know. Get us a Whopper at you, drive all by. You've all said that stupid shit. And then we get the dopamine rush there, and then we're waiting for Tim, we're getting the dopamine rush on our phone. And then when we go home, like you know, the house is pretty clean already and we get the dopamine rush there. And when we go to the gym, we kind of half-ass it, so we don't get the endorphin rush, but we get the dopamine rush because we were at the gym and we and we were just around and we get all these little itty bitty dopamine hits here, dopamine hits there that we end up not needing it.

Speaker 1:

So here, here's what you need to do. If you want to crave a goal, if you want to win at all fucking costs, you need to put yourself in a place of sacrifice and hell, like real talk. You need to eliminate social media, like something I'm doing right now and you guys are going to see is I'm basically because of what I do, I can't completely eliminate social media. You know, I I gotta have a little bit of a brand out there. I gotta have my uh, I run like the car sales nation page or the sales nation page and shit like that. I'm going to basically post my reels in the morning, stay off of it all fucking day and then for one hour an evening, take care of car sales nation and shit. So follow me on facebook if you want to see if I actually do that shit. But I've got to get. Oh, my camera went stupid.

Speaker 1:

I've got to get to the point where I am not getting those dopamine rush rushes all the time because, like, let's be's be real. My job is social media. My job is having this. Like I get an endorphin rush, I get a dopamine rush. Hell, I get an oxytocin rush on this fucking call. Like this is awesome, I'm getting it all day. But the issue is what if I take this as my high? What if this is my crack for the? Just wait till next Wednesday to get the hit again? Yeah, tuesday I might start itching, tuesday I might start wanting it, but what I'm going to do is I'm going to fill all of that little itty bitty time with these little itty bitty things and I'll have no reason to go get that big, big, big brush.

Speaker 1:

Like, think about something you really, really love. Maybe you're the type of person that travels, maybe you're a wakeboarder or you like being on the water, or maybe you're a fucking coke head and you like a really good binge from time to time. Think about what happens when someone takes that away from you for months and you could just feel it, taste it. You know for a lot of you that might be married, or maybe some of you single guys and gals out here. Think about, if you haven't got any in a while, your brain goes a little bit wild and you start fucking imagining shit out. If you haven't got any in a while, your brain goes a little bit wild and you start fucking imagining shit like you want it and it's like it's all that's on your mind. Imagine if you gave yourself like that same feeling.

Speaker 1:

But it's success, it's getting the job done, it's hitting my quote, it's whatever it is. You can, but you're going to have to. You're going to have to erase a lot of those little itty bitty, uh, insignificant wins. You're going to have to erase all that little hit, that little, that that little. You know that little bump you guys know what I'm saying that little itty bump that's just gonna get you through the day. You know it's the end of the month. You're running out of cash. You got to figure out some shit. I mean car sales people are like I know what he's fucking talking about. I'm just saying car sales people aren bad? Yes, they are, but you've got to get fucking right. You've got to get. You've got to get rid of those little itty bitty hits, because if you don't get rid of those hits, you keep yourself just filled up just enough to not get nasty, to not get hungry. You need to make yourself so hungry. Don't go into a depressive state. The cool thing about this is you won't actually go into a depressive state If you eliminate the shit. You'll probably actually get a lot better because you're going to get the bigger wins. You have got to make it, so you've got to crave it so much that your mind is 100% focused on it. You've got to be in that village. Take yourself back to caveman days. You've got to be in that village. Take yourself back to caveman days. You've got to be in that village.

Speaker 1:

It's you, it's some girl that you clubbed and you married, or however the fuck. They got married back in the day and, like you, guys made four kids. And there's like another family and it's you and another person and the family starving. Everyone's getting sick. They're malnutritioned. It's been a shitty drought, the you know, if you ever played Oregon at trail back in the day and you over hunted the area. You can't fucking shoot me more shit, cause you're an asshole and you guys were eating like a fucking King for a while. And you and some other dude have got to go on this like five, six, seven, eight mile journey, hopefully to find food to bring back to your family and nothing else matters, cause you're fucking starving. Nothing else matters because you need this win. You just hungry for that win that nothing will get in your way and we're going to bring ourselves back to that human drive that a lot of us have lost because the world is so comfortable, especially in here.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to dog the United States of America for a little bit. That way, I'm fair, is like, dude, in the United States of America and Germany included, our lives are pretty fucking good, like the worst shit we got to worry about. I mean shit, dude, germany, especially y'all, can be fucking not work and, like you guys got a lot of social service programs Am I right? Like I know we think we do in America? There ain't no homeless people in fucking Germany. Like, let's just be real. Like yeah, there's a few here or there it does not look like San and like the worst. The worst, worst, worst, worst place you could be in Germany or America is like the best place you could be in some third world countries, and we forget that and we get comfort with it and we don't fight, john, not to leave out Canada. I've just lived in Germany as well, so when I keep going back there, I have a little bit of, you know, knowledge of Germany.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, canada is kind of cool. It's like America North kind of. We don't claim you guys, nor america, yeah, whatever, my bad. I love canada. British columbia is cool. You guys invented hockey, we perfected it anyways.

Speaker 1:

How do we get these rushes? How do we see it? One of the another thing is so, eliminate the small rushes. But another thing is you know back in the day, like everything was visual, right, how many of you, if I told you UFOs exist, you'd be like, yeah, whatever, dude, quit listening to Joe Rogan, you're crazy as fuck. But then if you and I were out, I'm like, hey, dude, no, 100%, we're gonna go see UFOs tonight. And I walked you up to a fucking UFO and there's a stupid fucking alien that pops out and goes blah, blah, whatever aliens say, you'd be like holy shit, the best way humans believe shit is. We have to see shit. We can hear shit, we can taste shit. We can smell shit like straight up. We can smell shit, but if we don't see the shit, do we 100% know that it's shit? No, but if I smell it and I walk around the corner, I look at the bottom of my shoes and I'm like shit. I stepped in dog shit, certified, that's dog shit.

Speaker 1:

If I'm laying at night, how many of you have a dog or cat or have ever had a dog or cat in the house? Right? How many of you have been laying in bed at night and you hear a stupid sound and you're like, hmm, pretty sure that's a dog or cat, but I'm not a hundred percent sure, cause it's kind of a unique dog or cat sound. They probably knock something. We see it.

Speaker 1:

So we have to start this and I'm going to move fast over this part because I don't want to go in too much in the goal setting. But that's why you got to write your goals out, that's why you got to be visual with, like, your perfect day exercise and write out what your plan looks like. So when you're chasing this dopamine, when you're chasing these endorphins, when you're pushing through the pain, you know what you're actually achieving. And then this how many people agree Like, think about this for a second whether you use this number that I'm about to give you for income, whether you use it for the number that's sitting in your bank account, your net worth.

Speaker 1:

Once you figure out how to get your bank to 10 bucks you know you're a teenager, you're always broke. You're taking it negative until every paycheck and then you get it right back up, only to take it negative again a little bit. You paid the $36 fee and that's just how you live. Basically. You live $36 per paycheck because you always overdraft the account. Like a lot of us were there as a teenager or you know if you're back in my day, you used to deposit a check into the ATM and it would take like two or three days to clear. So, like you would tie, you would try to time up getting gas because gas would usually take like you'd get a $1 charge and then it would take like three days for it to actually hit the 50 bucks or the 26 bucks that you put in your car. It's like you would try to time all the shit out. Sometimes you'd get an overdraft. Sometimes the check would hit soon enough, like we've all been there.

Speaker 1:

But once you kind of get to the point where you know you have a hundred dollars in the bank, it becomes easier to keep at least 100 in the bank. And then all of a sudden you work a little bit more and you got a thousand, and then it's easier to keep a thousand, or it's easier to make a thousand dollars a month, and then all of a sudden you hit that 10,000, that five figure mark, something that you can visually see. Once you hit it, all of a sudden, it becomes a lot easier to hit it again. It becomes a lot easier to keep $10,000 in the bed or in the bed. Someone's sorry, someone said something about sleeping with an AR and I'm like, yeah, I used to do that and then I got a little crazy anyways. So once you have $10,000, you know payable to you, you see it, you visualize it You're like holy shit, I can feel it, it's real, I know it's, I know it's true, it's easier to hit because you know it's something you could do. You believe it.

Speaker 1:

Same thing with a hundred thousand million, so on and so forth here, right, politics, income, sex I'm going to talk about it all because screw all that shit. The only people that don't want you talking about your income are the people that own factories and industrial bullshit. Right, they don't want you talking about income because they don't want you know. You to know how much Phil makes, and then you realize you put in five times the amount of work as Phil, but he's getting paid two extra dollars an hour and you're like fuck this, and then it saves them money. The issue is, we don't talk about income and we don't talk and I'm not talking about bragging about income. I'm not talking about being sold out there and flaunting shit for no fucking reason. I'm talking about someone who actually gives a shit about their life sharing with them and them sharing with you. Because if I don't know, greg's making $100,000 a month and if Greg didn't tell me that two days ago, I would have never known Greg was making $100,000 a month. So if anyone needs a loan, hit up fucking Greg. I don't think he's paying attention, but he may, but I don't know. But if he never told me that and I was in the same industry as Greg, I wouldn't know that I could actually achieve that.

Speaker 1:

Now, that's hearing one thing. Now, how many times have you heard someone you know that's a little inappropriate, we're not going to go there. Better analogy how many times have you heard someone say hey, I'm doing this, I'm doing this? And it's like ah, I don't know, dude, like we're all salespeople, let's just be real. Like anytime a car guy and I'm just I'm dogging car guys again, cause that's where I come from Anytime a car guy tells me what you make annually, I fucking divide it by two to four.

Speaker 1:

Like, just real talk, because car math is crazy. It's like hey, dude, it's going to be $400 a month. Come on in and get the car. You get there, it's $499.99 a month. And they're like oh, dude, I thought you said 400. I'm like is that not a fucking four? Do you not know fucking numbers? Like car math is bad. So like, oh, yeah, I make about. Like you know, I'm getting close to a million. Oh, dude, what'd you do? Like like 102,000. Well, yeah, it's closer to a million than fall. I'm like whatever, dude, that's fucking crazy math. Our guy math is jacked up.

Speaker 1:

So a lot of times people tell us something. But I'm like Greg, there's no fucking way you're making a hundred grand a month. And he's like bet bitch. And I'm like well, I got 26 bucks, let's go. We shake hands virtually and Greg sends me a copy of his W or his W2 or his paycheck $103,264.33.

Speaker 1:

Exactly, here's a show to everybody. I'm kidding, this didn't really happen. But if I were to visually see that paycheck and know that it went to Greg's bank account, then I'm like holy fuck, then it really becomes real because my eyes just saw what I've been told and now I'm going to focus on it. So when you're chasing these dopamine rushes, when you're chasing these endorphin rushes, you've got to visually see what the wind's going to look like. So write it out, see what it is and visualize as much as you can. So dopamine, endorphins, those are the two chemicals that keep you focused, that keep you driven, that keep you pushing day in, day out, that mask the pain and just really push. Here's the.

Speaker 1:

We are social animals. We, as humans, love to be part of a group, and serotonin and oxytocin allow us to stay tight in circles and get wins from those circles, get wins from the people around us. So they create a circle of safety. They create something that you feel like you have people around you that you can trust that you can believe in that'll have your back. They create social behaviors, the way we interact with others. Without serotonin and oxytocin, we would be like many other species on earth.

Speaker 1:

I would have killed half of you motherfuckers right now for my own survival, because I'm awesome, like real talk. A lot of species out there kill their own species why? Because it's just a matter of survival. You got to eat, you got to have space. If there's too many, you know, males in certain animal species, too many males, and we don't need any more males to breed because it's just male female reproductive fucking studied if you really want breed, because it's just male female reproductive, if I can study, if you really want. But if there's too many males in a tribe and I can handle all the ladies like I don't need another dude, so I'm gonna kill your fucking ass, like real talk.

Speaker 1:

That is how animals behave and if you look at a human being from a perspective, we do fall under the animal tree. We are a type of animal, we are a mammal. If you go down the little fucking chart thing of jeno, whatever the hell it, we are a type of animal, we are a mammal If you go down the little fucking chart thing of Geno, whatever the hell it is. We are in an animal class, however. We have the frontal cortex, we have our amygdala, we have everything that allows us to reason, that allows us to make decisions on our own that aren't 100% dictated by survival. We do have chemicals that keep us to survive, but we also we also have the ability to think. So. Serotonin, oxytocin keep us part of a tribe.

Speaker 1:

Because back to my thing about alligators right, humans are not meant to survive in this world. We are weak. Our skin is weak, our muscle mass. We don't compare to a fucking gorilla at all. We don't have sharp teeth. We are actually we. We like eating meat. I'm sorry if you're vegan and vegetarian. That's fucking weird and it's trust issues there, but like humans, we eat meat. Fucking science, I'm sorry to say it. We eat meat like it is easier to kill than it's easier to grow. When we're hungry, we kill. So we are not like look at our. We're not our teeth. We don't have sharp things. We don't have teeth that will destroy and rip into flesh. So we had to create tools. We had to kill with our hands before we could just go chomp down on the wildebeest right. So we're a very unique creature because we operate in packs, because if humans did not operate in a pack, we would have been gone a long time ago. So the reason we stay safe in packs and the reason that we trust it is because of the serotonin and oxytocin release.

Speaker 1:

So let's break it down a little bit more. Serotonin it is the filling of pride. Serotonin is that filling of pride that you get from the perception of others. Listen to what I just said there. It is the filling of pride you get from the perception of others. Listen to what I just said there. It is the feeling of pride you get from the perception of others.

Speaker 1:

How many people have said these stupid fucking words I don't care what people think about me. Okay, I think for a certain degree of truth, that is true. Most people don't get. Well, I don't, I don't give a shit about what any of my haters say, but you guys actually give a fuck about what you guys think about me, and I really, really do. That's why a lot of times, like I'll get a DM or I'll get a text dude, your shit was fire man. I appreciate it, I did this, I did that, I changed this and I'm like, fuck dude, those messages really do mean the world to me and I don't like I'm the most hardest ass. I'll admit I get a warm and fuzzy when someone says, hey, dude, good job man. Hey, dude, you changed my life, like it's just. It makes you feel good as a person. Now be careful with that, because don't let all the haters tell you you know you can't do this, you're a piece of shit, you're blah, blah, blah. Like fuck them. I really don't give a shit what they think and a lot of times I think it's fucking funny. But they think like some of my hate comments are the funniest things I've ever read in the world. So I actually use my haters to give me an endorphin rush because I don't know it's fun.

Speaker 1:

But we as humans want to be part of a tribe. So quit telling yourself you're a solo person out there on this big old world, all by yourself. Because you're not, you're holding yourself back. If you are, it doesn't mean your circle has to be huge. It doesn't mean you have to be a man of a million people, but you're going to need in life A good handful of people. You can probably count them on one hand. Those are going to be your true inner circle. You're, you know, ride or die type fucking homies. Like let's just be real and you're right or die Homies probably aren't your fucking homies Like these are a new group of people that truly, truly have your back because the feeling of pride is perceived from others is going to give you that strong sense of you know, accomplishment, strong sense of confidence. Like yes, you can work on your own internal confidence.

Speaker 1:

But I know this, I know when someone tells you you're fucking awesome, it's kind of like it just gives you a little chip on the shoulder to keep going. Like if you ever played sports or anything like yeah, you could think you have a killer game. But when you, when someone, random person you don't even know, walks up to you and is like dude, you fucking killed that man. Like I've never seen some shit like that before you're going someplace, you walk around with a little bit of chip on your shoulder. But if you had a killer game and then all of a sudden you got off the field, excuse me, and your coach just started ragging on you. And I get it. I get corrective criticism even when you have a fucking a plus performance. But like if every time you got off the field and your coach was like hey Roberts, what the fuck, dude? Yeah, you got the touchdown in two plays, 72 yards, but you missed the X on the left. He was more open than the Z. I mean, yeah, you threw the touchdown pass, you were good, but dude Jones was open way Like oh, what it's your touchdown? Bitch, shut the fuck up, you get on the field. So you need, you need that, you need that reassurance from other cause. That's going to spike your serotonin.

Speaker 1:

Think about this. If you think I'm wrong or you're not sure how this works, let's break it into an experience Almost everybody has. Well, you may have never experienced this, because half of us are idiots, but everyone can kind of predict this. You should have seen James's face. He's like I'm not an idiot, james.

Speaker 1:

Just let me finish High school or college graduation. Right, we can all imagine what it looks like. Some of us may have not been there. Some of us may have, even like me, I personally walked for high school. I dropped out of college, but I had a couple buddies who actually graduated, like, got their diploma on time and just like skipped graduation. I was like cool dude.

Speaker 1:

So think about high school and college graduation, though hell, they even have graduation for like kindergarten and fifth grade and shit. Now that's just stupid anyways. You literally go up there and you stand in fucking line for two, three, four hours depending on how big your school is to get a piece of paper and shake hands with someone that 90 of us don't fucking care about. Like logically, it doesn't make any fucking sense. However, it gives a lot of serotonin rushes, because here's the cool thing about serotonin and here's how you increase serotonin in your life. Because I'm actually trying to coach people today. I'm trying to coach people today. I'm trying to give you some tips. I'm trying to give you some tools how to go get these drugs, and only these four drugs. Don't do other drugs, drugs are bad. Dare to stay off drugs or some shit like that. Anyways, serotonin how do?

Speaker 1:

you get it. One thing about graduation MDMA is oh, it's more of an oxytocin for MDMA, but we'll cover that in a bit. Anyways, serotonin yeah, I get some serotonin too. I walk up to graduation right. I've been pushing so hard, I've had a lot of dopamine hits. I'm getting the win after win and then all of a sudden there's this big old stage and there's all these people that are going to recognize me and I walk up rush.

Speaker 1:

Now think about it. What if they just emailed me my fucking diploma? Is there any difference from an email diploma? Or maybe if they actually ink, signed it like they mail it out on a heavy cardstock? No, there's no difference. I still have a stupid piece of paper that I throw away. That's fucking worthless. But when I have that ceremony, when the hundreds or thousands of eyes are on me and me only, I don't even think about the 400 fucking people behind me. When it's on me and I'm shaking the principal's hand and I get that paper for the four years of bullshit that I put up, boom, I get that rush.

Speaker 1:

Now here's the cool thing about serotonin and here's where generosity and everything kicks in. You know who also gets the rush that fucking principal. He or she is going to get that rush 400 fucking times as she shakes every student's hands and hands them diploma and is able to give them. So when you're a leader and you're able to give your employees that rush, you're going to get that rush too. And you're both doing drugs together now. You're both getting that fucking high.

Speaker 1:

And then here's the third level of it Mom and dad. They're sitting back in the crowd, 150 feet off stage and they're like, holy fuck, I honestly thought they were going to drop the fuck out. They were going to be a crackhead. I don't know how the fuck Jonathan graduated. That's the stupidest fucking shit that ever happened. We must've done. Fucked up something, right, real talk. And then the parents get the rush because they get to see their 18 years of fucking up their kid actually come to something and they're like, holy shit, I get this win.

Speaker 1:

So one of the greatest things about serotonin is all you have to do is be grateful. You have to give, you have to. You know, go out there and apply, thank someone, tell them they did a great job, and everybody gets a fucking rush of serotonin. Like, imagine this You're walking down the street, right, you're walking down the street it's uh, let's not go New York, but let's go like Middletown America, like medium-sized America. So there's a handful of people everywhere, but everybody's got their space, no one's bumping in.

Speaker 1:

And there's this old man. He's walking about 40 feet in front of you and it's you and your girl, or you and your husband or whatever the fuck relationship you want to be in. And you know you're holding hands. It's a good day, you got some oxytocin hitting, you're just having. And then all of a sudden you see this old man. He's about 80 years old, he's walking okay, but he's got a little limp. You could tell he's hurting, but he's not on a walk or anything. He's doing good and out of his briefcase falls out about you know 10, 15 pieces of paper, and he doesn't even notice they're slipping out.

Speaker 1:

And you run up there because you're like you know what? I'm a good person, I need to take care of this guy. You pick up the four pieces. Hey, sir, sir, sir, stop real quick. Hey, you dropped these paper. You get the serotonin rush from helping out the old man. He gets a serotonin rush from being helped and feeling valuable in society. And then you continue to walk. You walk about another hundred feet and you find this other man and he walks towards you and he goes hey, I saw what you did for that guy back there. That's awesome. The world observes people or needs people like you. The guy that watched you create an act of kindness gets a serotonin rush from just being there and seeing it. So that's why, in today's world and this is one of those things that I didn't understand, what I'm starting to understand now so I posted that video.

Speaker 1:

The other day I went out to an event with Keaton the muscle and uh, you know Jason and a 48 state roof and a bunch of other guys, and we did one of those a hundred dollar tip dinners. Right, we ended up tipping this, um, this group. It was like two people, two food trucks that we brought out there $10,000. And it's on my social media because of, you know, social media clout and here's what all the haters say because it's an easy one to hate on. It's an easy one to hate on. It's easy.

Speaker 1:

Hey, dude, why don't you just do this shit, not fucking, not publish it, not do this, not do that, and do it out of the generosity of your heart? I'm like one bitch. Only poor people say that shit that have never fucking given in their entire fucking life? Like, let's be real, how about you just give fucking $10,000 and shut the fuck up, cause you ain't changing anyone's life being a broke bitch on the internet too. Why don't we actually do it? Why do we need to share it? Because morally I'm kind of like you know what. They do have a point, but fuck them Like I really don't care.

Speaker 1:

But I do see their side of the things. Now I see this side. I see if no one sees you do that, no one's ever going to do it. No one's going to realize it's a thing People are going to hide. They're going to hoard their money, but when they go out there and see greatness or not greatness, so much, but when they go out there and see generosity, you're more likely to do it. So keep fucking doing it, keep publishing it. News like quit spreading the negative and spread the positive.

Speaker 1:

The other thing is for the people who actually are worth a fucking damn in this world and actually enjoy society and actually like other human beings to be around and aren't some bitter little bitch in their mom's basement hating on motherfuckers on Facebook. For normal motherfuckers you see something like that and you might not agree with it, it might not even be your thing, but in the back of your mind, like that, and you might not agree with it, it might not even be your thing, but you in the back of your mind, you get that little bit of a rush and you go. You know what? The average person that works a food truck probably makes three grand a month tops and 10,000. Cause this wasn't the owners, we're not tipping the owners, we're tipping employees.

Speaker 1:

And $10,000 in the pocket of someone who makes 3000 a month, that might. That's two, three months of income minimum and that's not taxed. I mean, don't claim that on taxes. I mean we put it on the internet. So depending on how much the IRS wants to go for it, they could probably prove some shit. But $10,000 of untaxed money, if your income is 3000 a month, that's three or four months of income. Let's just be real. Three or four months of income could be if and maybe you just go have a really good fucking month and if that's, you fuck it. I don't care, go do something fun, go to fucking Italy, I don't give a shit. But realistically, the single mom, the single dad who's struggling to get by who's on fucking food stamps, who's you know, just getting the shit kicked out of them and can't get a fucking win in life winning life. That might be just just just enough to give them those three months of peace so they can fucking go to war study for their real estate exam that they've been dreaming about open that business they've been dreaming about taking the risks that they've been scared of and getting into sales and doing it. And you're completely right, paul, that's exactly what Mr Beast did, and I was actually watching last night before I passed out.

Speaker 1:

Joe Rogan and Mr Beast did an interview. I never even knew it was. It popped up on YouTube last night, watched about the first 45 minutes of it. If you haven't watched it, I fucking highly recommend it, because that kid is 23 years old, or at least when the recording was. That fucker is smart, like that is a fucking smart kid, and he says fuck a lot. I'm surprised because I've seen his videos. I've never seen him raw though. So anyways, watch that.

Speaker 1:

But what I'm saying is, everyone gets a boost of serotonin, and even the hater gets a boost of serotonin. They just can't admit that they like it. They can't admit they like drugs. Everybody likes drugs, good drugs, these are the fun love drugs. It's like read books for a drug or some bullshit like that. I forgot they taught us some shit like that in dare. The only thing dare taught me is how cool drugs looked. I was like what that looks, like my type of shit. Luckily I fucking didn't do it much. But you know, cool, sorry, I'm taking a quick little. Uh, read up my notes, make sure I didn't miss anything with serotonin. Then I want to smash oxytocin here. Uh, very, very quickly and move on to questions. Um, oxytocin, oxytocin. Honestly, get ready to write fast if you're taking notes, otherwise, watch the recording later. Oxytocin, honestly, get ready to write fast if you're taking notes, otherwise, watch the recording later.

Speaker 1:

Oxytocin is straight the love drug, right, it's the drug, it's the chemical that gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling. It's the chemical that when you pray, that when you sing Kumbaya in a fucking circle, that like you hold hands and you just feel fucking good, like, have you ever been to one of those? Maybe not, but you probably can imagine it. Imagine it. But hypnosis, right, hypnosis releases a shit ton of oxytocin in certain circumstances. I'm not talking like comedic hypnosis, but I'm talking about when you're at that. You know Andy Elliott seminar, and everyone's in sync together saying the same thing, and just so much trust, so much power of the team and like you just feel like you can take over the world. Oxytocin is the drug or the chemical that allows you to love, that allows you to trust. The longer you've been with someone, the actual more oxytocin that you get.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm going to give some relationship advice, I'm going to give some business advice here and this is something that I've been studying a lot lately and I've put together. So this is a little bit of my thesis, but if it comes out of my mouth it's fucking facts, because I don't know, I don't know why I'm special, but think about this right Early on in a relationship sexual or business, or romantic or business, sexual, business, same fucking thing, sexual or business early on in the relationship, it's a dopamine hit after dopamine hit right, like you're so excited to see each other and you know, maybe you're trying to like early, early, like I'm talking cause like I got married when I was like, uh, fucking 17 or no. No, no, I got married when I was 20, something like that 20. But we, brittany and I, have been together since we were like 14 and 15. So like I don't actually know half the shit I say about relationships I can only imagine, but I have friends, so anyways.

Speaker 1:

So like let's go back to my relationship right, here's a dopamine hit. Like you know, you're fucking a young person and you're trying to get fucking laid. Like let's just be real, that young person and you're trying to get fucking laid. Like let's just be real, that's every man's fucking dream in life. Some of you have more fucking discipline than others, but we're all trying to run around the world and get fucking laid and like, early in the relationship, you're getting those consistent dopamine hits here.

Speaker 1:

You're getting those consistent dopamine hits here. What are those? That's like, oh my gosh, she let me hold her hand. Or oh my gosh, we finally kissed. Oh my gosh, we finally made out. And then like that's enough for a while because you get the little dopamine hit. And then you finally get fucking laid and like you got the endorphins, you got the fucking dopamine, you got the oxytocin, you got the uh, you got all the shit hits at once during sex. Like if anyone's fucking ever like been in a bad mood try having sex you could be fucking pissed off as fuck and chemically you can not stay pissed the fuck off to the end of it. Might take you a while to get there, but here's the thing early in the relationship you get little dopamine hits from absolutely everything you do. Because it's a goal as a guy early in the relationship. It's a goal to see if you can fucking uh, you know stick your fucking tongue down her throat like real talk. Go back to fucking high school, cause that's what I'm talking from right now. Go back to high school.

Speaker 1:

The first time you tried to get a kiss, the first time you were trying to make out, you're like, oh shit, how do I make the move? I mean, is she going to? Like what? Is she fucking tell you to go away? Like what's the worst thing that happens? But you're so nervous, you're so like you don't know to do. Holy shit. You get that rush and you feel it and you're like, oh, my god, I call you accomplished a fucking goal. It's like what I'm telling you to do for business right now. But then what happens is over time. So now I'm 35 years old, so I've been married 15 years together 18. So what happens over time is that next chemical, which is actually a stronger bonding chemical, comes in and it's called oxytocin.

Speaker 1:

Oxytocin starts replacing dopamine in relationships because early in the relationship and it's like sales, it's like business day, one week, one month, one you're just so fucking excited to be there. You're so excited you got the opportunity. You're so excited that you sold your first car that you've ever sold. I am dopamine rush. You freaking got your first two car day. Bam, dopamine rush. You freaking made your first $10,000 check. Bam, dopamine rush. Your managers are the fucking greatest people in the world because they told you how to double your income and it actually fucking worked.

Speaker 1:

And then, after six months a year, you start developing trust and this is where a lot of leaders get confused and this is where a lot of employees or entrepreneurs don't really understand what's happening. You start losing those daily rushes of dopamine One. You replace them with social media because you get comfortable at the office and you dick around on Facebook and order Uber Eats all day and you know selling a car isn't fun anymore. You know you average 30 a month. You're doing pretty well. You're making 210 grand a year. Like you know, life's getting pretty good and you just can't figure out why you're struggling to get to the next level or things don't make it.

Speaker 1:

Well. What's happening is oxytocin is taken in. You start to trust your environment more. You start to trust yourself, more, you start trusting your relationship. All of a sudden the girlfriend that was you know had you hot and heavy every minute. All of a sudden she becomes more of wife material and it's more of a comfort thing. You're more of doing life in a companionship way and you get confused because you're like, holy fuck, I truly, truly love you, I truly want to spend the rest of my life with you. But sometimes you lose that little spark and then, as a man, you think back to fucking you know early, uh, teenage years and that like fucking weird spark you have. You're like, why can't we find it? Well, it's because you've replaced the dopamine with the oxytocin and it's more of a long-term relationship now. So if you want to go to relationship advice, just do some fucking crazy shit and you know, get the dopamine hits back or whatever the fuck it is. But the oxytocin is what's going to keep you in that trusting relationship over and over again. It's what's going to make you feel comfortable in that relationship. To go ahead and take that stress, or go ahead and take that risk of doing something a little bit bigger and better than you've ever done before. It's going to be that, you know, in a positive manner. It's going to be that, that, that, that chemical that allows the person that you were with to push you further than you think you are.

Speaker 1:

I saw this, the definition of love, the best definition of love. I've ever read and write this down. And this is business. This is sexual relationships. This is fucking. Everything is giving somebody else the ability to destroy you as a person, but trusting they will not do it. Trusting they will not use whatever information or whatever tool you gave them that could potentially destroy you, because really that's what a relationship is about. That is what a relationship brings is like, hey, I'm, you know, gonna give you, you know, all trust in my world and whatever the fuck your vows are and this and that and do and die.

Speaker 1:

But like there's a reason, the united states of america I can't remember what court case it is, somebody versus somebody, but a married couple, when one person gets in trouble, goes to court for whatever fucking reason, a married couple does not have to testify on the. They cannot be summoned to testify. So if I end up murdering a bitch or something worse maybe, and my wife's got my back, you know, true fucking homie. She is the only person, minus my attorney, who has client or a fucking client privileges whatever client, attorney privileges beyond my attorney. She is the only person that cannot be called to testify. My wife that's it, my married couple, not my fucking kids, not my best fucking homie back in the day, not the person living at my house. Because, whatever, my wife is the only person beyond my attorney that cannot be called to stand to testify, even if she fucking visually saw me do it. Now they might be able to charge her with some other shit or accessory or some shit like that, but she does not have to testify against me.

Speaker 1:

It's legally like that. Why it's legally like that? Why? Because in a marriage and it's deep, deep relationship you have to give power to the other person and really trust that they're going to use it. If you're not doing some shit like that, your relationship ain't that fucking deep, because they've got to know some shit about you. They've got to have some dirty dirty, especially if you've been in a relationship for 15 years, like everything I fucked up she knows about. So how do we get fucking oxytocin? Oxytocin, ox. How do we get oxy rushes? Not oxy, but you know oxytocin rushes, uh, from time to time oxy doesn't actually work, it just chills you. The fuck out two beers, you quit breathing. It's fucking amazing.

Speaker 1:

Um, anyways, physical content or contact releases oxytocin like real talk. If you're pissed off at your partner, you guys are having a fucking fight. Try holding hands, looking at each other in the eyes and having a conversation. You're probably going to quit fucking yelling at each other. You'll have the same words, you'll talk the same kind of. I mean you'll probably be too fucking nervous to do it, but it'll release oxytocin and that feeling of trust might come back. Now there's a level of trust and betrayal that it becomes trauma, blah, blah. It's not gonna work.

Speaker 1:

But and I'm not saying a perfect relationship, but I'm saying in most relationships, physical contact. Um, you know, that's why the elliot group we hug motherfuckers, like and I think it's fucking weird, like I'm just gonna be the first one to say I do not come from touchy philly, like I've got a little ptsd. I don't like motherfuckers touching me because it kind of brings up a different one called fucking my adrenaline and I want to punch people. But like, go have someone give you a hug for like a couple extra seconds, you know, just a little bit beyond comfortable. And as long as they don't make a move and they kind of just walk Like you, literally they leave and you go. What the fuck? Like? That actually kind of felt good, a little oxytocin. You cannot, for the most part, for most of us, control that feeling. Um, holding hands, that's why people hold a hand in a relationship. It's fucking pointless as a matter of fact, as a way of survival. It makes it worse because if someone mugs you, I've got to let go of your hand and then defend you, but it gives you the oxytocin. Here's a, here's a big one and here's one. And then we're going to finish up and go to questions and I appreciate everyone giving me some overtime today.

Speaker 1:

So I talked about and I don't talk shit on people, but what the fuck is with my camera. I talked about a guy that I went and saw, um, a public speaker. It was a public speaking course. I, you know, I I like learning from many different people. Talk to the guy afterwards this and that we got along for the most part.

Speaker 1:

He made a, a couple of comments that I wasn't a fan of. You know I was wearing Elliot group gear and you know we we kind of cover a rep with who we are, but it was good, it wasn't too offensive. He tried making a dig at me, I made a dig at him, it was like that. It was that competitive Like we talk shit for it, but it was an understanding. So I'm like, hey, man, yeah, that was pretty good. Like you know, shake his hand, tell him good job. Here's the thing. I say shake his hand. But that's a lie. So I can't remember what he says to me. But I don't know we were talking something and I go to shake his hand, I put my hand out, look him in the eyes like a fucking get it, you travel a lot. I'm like no bitch, I don't shake. We don't shake people's hands either. I have to hug motherfuckers all day.

Speaker 1:

It's not that I don't, you know, I get used to it, it is. It is genuine when I do it, but it did take me a little bit of like. All right, fuck it. I got to fake this a little bit, so I get used to it. Now, just don't give male perspective, because I only know the male perspective.

Speaker 1:

I've been taught as a man. I'm 34 years old, so some of you 22 year olds don't know this shit because I don't know what the fuck happened to the world. I think COVID had a huge thing as a man. I was taught that anytime you do business or meet someone, you shake their hands firm fucking grip, and you look them in the fucking eyes and I don't know where. We lost that shit and I'm going to do it just to piss people off. So if you want to be all woke and shit and I shake your hand, I think it's fucking funny when you get pissed off at me. But this guy refused to shake my hand and I was actually in the back of my mind considering maybe dropping a couple thousand dollars with him, go into his event, maybe get in his fucking fucking course. I don't fucking know. But the minute you refuse to shake my hand. I thought you're a piece of shit dude. Like I shower, I present myself as a clean individual. I don't look fucking homeless like what the fuck? Now, maybe he has some serious bullshit medical condition, I don't fucking know. Make that shit public if you don't shake hands. But I'll never do business with him because he refuses to shake my hand and I never actually understood why we do that.

Speaker 1:

It's serotonin. When we go to seal a business deal and you and I talked about this big deal and you're like, hey, shit man, let's fucking do it. You know ink signed all of this. You put your hand out to shake my hand and I refuse to shake your hand. Are you going to continue with that deal? Are you going to rip up that contract and walk away? I won't. If anyone ever wants to do business with me and my hand goes out, you better shake it or we're fucking done.

Speaker 1:

Because I need that oxytocin, because I need that trust as a human. I need that physical connection and I could dive a lot deeper into it about how you know there is a violence aspect about it when I make that physical connection with you. There is a little bit of that. Hey, motherfucker, we're doing business together and when shit, you know, threatens me, threatens my family, what do I do? I put your ass down. Not really, it's what I imagine in my head, because I'm a fucking badass. But if it got big enough, and if we go to our true human uh, human like you know if we go to our chemical level as a human, that's why we do shit. We do shit to avoid pain and what's a good you know form of pain getting your fucking nose broke Like.

Speaker 1:

Once again, I'm 35 years old. How many of you males? Once again, I speak from the male perspective, because I don't fucking understand females and I'm not a female. I'm not going to try to speak from your perspective, but how many of us are males? I had three brothers.

Speaker 1:

You know how we figured out who was right, and here's probably why I think I'm always right and I have this thing about my opinions being great is, I had three brothers. I was the oldest and I was significantly bigger than most of them, and it wasn't until about 16, one of them could start challenging me. So whenever we had an argument, it didn't matter who was right Fist flew, couple of people got hit. We weren't trying to kill each other. But whoever won the fucking fight was the one that was right. Facts did not fucking matter, like, let's just be real, facts didn't fucking matter because you learned hey, if I'm going to argue, if I'm going to talk shit, if I'm going to do this, if I'm going to do that, is it worth the ass kicking? Now, I have a pretty big mouth. I like talking shit. No-transcript. This potential ass kicking doesn't look like something I'm willing to take on right now and it keeps me shutting the fuck up.

Speaker 1:

And I have no idea how I got to that part of the conversation from oxytocin, other than a handshake is a form of hey, let's do business. A handshake is a form of hey, let's do business. Let's, you know, establish trust or a connection and real talk, get that. So, oxytocin, make contact with people, don't be a six foot fucking pansy Like. We all took the masks off. We realized they were fucking fake. I mean, they were fake the whole fucking time. But we realized that it was all a fucking conspiracy to break people up.

Speaker 1:

John's giving me the fucking finger by accident. I love it, but real talk, make contact with people, shake fucking hands, be part of it. Pat someone on the back. Those are all expressions that release oxytocin. When you're on the football field and someone slaps you on the ass, it's oxytocin that you're releasing over and over and over again. So if anyone has questions, raise the little hand thing. Let's answer a few questions. If anyone needs to go, we are in overtime, so don't feel like you got to stay or anything, but I'll open up to questions. That's all I've got today is you know? Just you know how to freaking control yourself, how to freaking get that, uh, that crackhead feeling for your success again of really, really wanting it. So I'll give it a couple seconds if anyone's got anything.

Speaker 3:

If not, we'll cut it out oh shit, my man, mr ankin, all the way from deutschland. Yeah, perfect hey your german is better than my english. Yeah, that's all I know. So how do you get yourself every morning like in the state of like dopamine, whatever rush?

Speaker 1:

um. So a big part of it is, honestly, you're not going to have a dopamine rush all day. And the problem is in modern society we've tried to create a dopamine rush all day and no one tells you. It's fucking wrong, because here's a way. Let me tell you how you guys all on this call can basically have a dopamine rush all day, become an alcoholic and become a fucking crackhead and fucking. The minute you wake up, hit a line of fucking Coke and hit it every 20 minutes throughout the day and you will have a dopamine rush all fucking day. But the problem is that depletes your system and it makes you not want to chase anything. So that's a big, big issue we've had in society is we have made it normal to have a dopamine rush all day, and our cocaine now is social media is waking up in the morning, thinking I need to get out of bed and fucking I'm ready to go.

Speaker 1:

Um, you know, I guess I could, you know, hire someone to come, like, try to fucking mug you every morning and wake you up that way. But realistically, what you need to do is you need to create a hunger for dopamine so that when you wake up, you're so fucking starving that you need to go get a fucking kill. You need to go kill the fucking boar so you can put it on the grill tonight, so you and your family can eat. That way, when you wake up you're so hungry that you want to chase that dopamine, that you go out and you get fucking shit done. So the dopamine itself ain't going to come when you wake up. The first way you could start inducing you know, getting yourself to a state where dopamine starts to kick in is you've got to focus on the endorphins first. So you need to go to the fucking gym, you need to go do something physical that that the endorphins can kick in to mask the pain of whatever you're creating or I don't know. Honestly, laugh like a lot of times, a lot of times on, like my way to work, and ian and evan macklin, who I just saw come in one of them, told me this uh, watch fucking like a stand-up comedy or listen to a stand-up comedy on the way to work. Not only does it give me new word tracks, gives me a little humor to throw into my game, but it actually starts to release endorphins when I laugh. So when I get to the office I'm kind of in a better mood and you're more likely in that good mood, that positive mood, that mood, that mood to keep pushing and that drive which is your endorphins, will get you the dopamine.

Speaker 1:

Your dopamine comes from a win of some sort, so you have to get a win. But you have to make yourself hungry for that win. If you're constantly searching social media, if you're constantly doing this, if you're constantly doing that, you'll get little, little wins all day. If you want the little wins become a fucking coke head, you'll have it all fucking day. But here's the thing. Think about this, right, if I wake up in the morning and within 10 minutes of my alarm going off, if I've got a bump, a line of coke or I've got to fucking, you know, take a shot of whiskey. I'm an alcoholic or a drug addict, right, a hundred percent. So what happens if I wake up and I need to chase dopamine?

Speaker 1:

Within 10 minutes, social media, scroll some fucking reels, check my email, like. How many of you love like real talk, how many of you get a quick little dopamine rush every time that your phone goes off? You know your little text message button or your email. Your email is better when you get a little email notification, you get a quick little dopamine rush and you're like, oh fuck, I got to check my email and you're happy. And then you see the email and you're like, oh fuck, it's trash again. We know our email's trash. No one gets good emails but they've created a dopamine rush for the little thing that our email gets. And then we check, we don't even want to see the email. So don't expect dopamine to flow through your system all day, every day, because then you become a dopamine addict and you're full, you don't need anymore. So you won't go chase the big, big, big picture. You need to get the endorphins up so you have the drive to go kill, you have the drive to go win, you have the drive to go succeed. And then when you win, when you hit the goals, when you make the kill, then that dopamine skyrockets and then you're gonna get that big fucking hit. You're not gonna get the uncomfortable good hit, you're gonna get the hit that just boom, fucking blows up super bowl, fucking confetti falls like that level of feeling.

Speaker 1:

It's like kobe bryant said that he was interviewed after game two. They were two and oh, some fucking playoff thing. He said hey, you must be feeling pretty good. You're destroying it in the finals. You're two and oh, and he goes. I don't know what they're, I don't know what there's to feel good about. Job not done, job not done. Feel good about what job's done. That's all he said. Because if he gave himself that rush, is he going to play as hard next game or is he going to be comfortable? He needs the fucking hunger, he needs the fucking battle. So that's what I say.

Speaker 1:

You ain't going to get dopamine. And that's where the under the different understanding of the chemicals comes into play. You're not going to get dopamine by just waking up and getting going. Now let's just say you, you have a thing that you want to wake up at 5 am and you always hit snooze. Well, for maybe a week in a row, you actually wake up and get out of bed at 5 am. You're going to get some dopamine hits from that. But after it becomes natural, after it becomes a habit, that dopamine is going to be gone, you're going to have to go do something else. So, depending on where you are, you can get it All right. I saw one hand go up a second ago, but it went down. Does anybody else got anything, paul, you got something, my brother.

Speaker 2:

I just got something to add to what you were saying about waking up in the morning. For our friend right there, what I do every morning is I take 30 deep breaths, three sets of 30 deep breaths. It's hard at first. You start getting really lightheaded. But once you get through that third set, get really lightheaded. But once you get through that third set you're just like I don't know if it's dopamine or anything like that, but you're rushing your body with oxygen and it's better than coffee. To be honest with you, you just got to get through that lightheadedness and keep on doing it. And then you get used to it and then some people cold plunge. But that ain't for me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's actually for both of those breath work and um, cold plunge. It's actually an endorphin rush, um, and it makes you that feel of drive because, especially with the cold plunge when you do it, you get that fight or flight response that kicks in and then the endorphins, you know fire to get rid of. The cold breath works the same way. It's slightly uncomfortable. Uh, who is it? So winhoff, do you do like winhoff stuff? Paul, okay, so yeah, if anyone, I fucked with a little bit, I really gary brocka, gary brocka little little gary.

Speaker 1:

Gary right there. A little uh, 10x health. So all of that very, very similar. I've tried breath work. Uh, if you ever want to do it, it's fun. Uh, winhoff is pretty cool. You could be in the shittiest shape of your life and hold your breath for two minutes, like within a week, it's. It's some pretty cool stuff how they do so. Anybody else got anything? We'll give it about 10 more seconds and if not, we'll sign off today.

Speaker 1:

Check the chat. I got a lot of shit in the chat I can't read, though. Did anybody draw me a picture or something? I have a question about weed smoking. All right, sal, are you there? What's your question about smoking weed? I smoke weed and work hard, but maybe I can do better. Okay, good question, my dude, good question.

Speaker 1:

So real talk. Man and Paul, I agree with your thumbs down, but here's the thing. I was the same way, dude. I'm a fucking killer alcoholic Like I am, number motherfucking one, and I've been sober.

Speaker 1:

Brittany, how long have I been sober? I don't know, four or five months, some bullshit like that. I can't remember. Maybe it's three, four or five months, and I've always done these little binges where I'll drink a shit ton and then I'll sober up for a while. Here's the thing I will fuck 90% of the population up drinking half a fifth every fucking night, passing out, waking up, not really even getting into my groove till noon and starting to drink again at 5 pm. I will destroy 90% of the population.

Speaker 1:

Real talk. I was making over $300,000 a year running fucking dealers, selling cars, running dealerships, and I was a fucking great alcoholic Number one. And when I drink I drink to compete Like if I got a buddy over bitch. You ain't out drinking Like. That's the type of person I am. It's bad, and I never truly understood how much I was really giving up until I just said you know what, I'm not going to stay sober for life. I'm not going to stay sober for a month. I'm not going to stay sober for two months, I'm just going to stay sober for a little bit.

Speaker 1:

And that's kind of this path I'm on right now is I didn't really give myself a time, I didn't really give myself a goal, but I'm finally to this place that like to this place that like, I've been 100% sober, nothing but for a while. But I'm finally in this place where one of two things happened. One I realized how fucking retarded I am. I realized that, even though I was fucking up 90% of the population, how much I was actually leaving on the table by being a drunk Like, my mind is so much clearer Now. My ability to learn, take in information, have these conversations is cleared. If you guys notice, if you go back to my calls a year ago, I never talked about sobriety, I never talked about alcoholism. Why? Because I'm not fucking fake, I'm not going to talk about something I'm not doing in my own fucking life. But like, I found this and I'm not saying it's for everybody, I'm not saying it's for everybody. You know, I know a lot of people that can go have two or three drinks once or twice, three turns in the four or five, four or five turns in the fuck. Yeah, that's a good evening. So you've got to like you're good man, don't be embarrassed about that shit. If you hide who the fuck you really are, you can't change. So you've got to ask yourself this Sal, like weed one? I think fucking weeds alcohol. I think weed's better for you than gonna get pulled over for doing 25 and a 65. Yeah, there's some danger there, but it's not what alcohol is. However, this are you achieving every single one of your fucking goals that you have right now? Are you truly the one percent in your fucking industry? Are you 100 content with every other part of your life? Dude, if you've got, if you've got Elon Musk money and you want to smoke some fucking weed. If you're Joe Rogan, you've got the number one podcast in the nation. You're the fucking voice of the UFC. You own 14 other companies. You want to smoke some weed by all fucking means, but go for it. Enjoy the living. Fuck out of it. But if you're waking up every day, if you're on the grind, if you're looking for the dopamine hit, if you're not achieving every goal that you've put out for yourself, if you're behind where you need to be, if you've made your wife, your kids, promises that you haven't hit yet, dude, you don't have fucking time for weed. And it's not so much that weed's going to ruin your life per se, but it's the fact you just don't straight, like you haven't earned the motherfucking shit. And I guarantee you this, it slows you down.

Speaker 1:

I tried smoking pot for a while. I tried after I got out of the military, tried using it for fucking insomnia, shit like that. It kind of worked me. It made me fucking, like okay, I'd quit, worrying about the stress of life and all that shit. But then I'd start worrying like my house would creak and all of a sudden I became a fucking engineer. I would try to figure out why the fuck the house was gonna fall down. Or you know, when I smoked weed, dude, I became lazy as fuck, like I didn't get any work done, I didn't get billed and like any of my ideas were fucking stupid. They never got accomplished. And then I'd sober up, I'd go back to my own bullshit sober self. So essentially, just robs you a time.

Speaker 1:

So here's what I would say yeah, you could use weed to cover up anxiety or whatever bullshit excuse you have, or you could just fucking figure out how to trigger some of these fricking emotions. You can figure out how to trigger some of those chemicals in your life. Because here's the other thing about weed it's going to mash those chemicals. It's going to create fake chemicals in your life. So when you do hit that big, big goal, you're not going to get the dopamine rush. You're still going to want to get the high because that's a chemical you're putting in the body to change it. So do I think it's bad? No, but do I think? You should probably fucking earn it Abso-fucking-lutely. And if you're not 100% where you are, you don't have the right to smoke weed Until you've got must money and you're fucking landing rockets back down on Earth.

Speaker 1:

I'd cut it for my life. But it's a decision you have to make, man, and I dealt with it so much in my life with alcohol of you know everyone telling me I should quit drinking, wife telling me I should quit drinking, kids telling me I should quit drinking, friends telling me I should quit drinking. And until I truly wanted to do it and until I truly decided that I wanted to live my best life, yeah, I'd do it for a month or two here, but it wouldn't last anywhere. So it's got to come from here. Dude, my thing is look at yourself. Are you happy where you're at If you achieved everything?

Speaker 1:

Yes or no? If it's, no, cut out distractions, and that would be a huge one. Um, and I'd honestly write down, man, I'd honestly write down your priorities and I'd write down how many things you give up for weed and I would make it visual of all the things you're not accomplishing for weed and then maybe put a fucking picture of those over a fucking pot leaf or some shit so you can remember all the things that you've given up or slown down and make it fucking painful. Um, I make 1k days while smoking, enjoying my day. Dude, 1k doesn't that's not.

Speaker 3:

That's not. I'm not saying that to flex. I was talking to paul because he was saying like I'm not, I'm probably doing nothing, but I'm saying like, while I'm making a thousand dollars, I'm also kind of smoking at the same time, so I'm just enjoying my day. It's not like I'm like home doing nothing, playing games all day. But you're right, jonathan, I enjoyed everything you said and when it comes to masking the key endorphins you spread uh, that's pretty far okay, I love it, man.

Speaker 1:

And here's the thing, dude, like the fact and don't take this as me, dog, this is coaching the fact that that stupid shit came in, keep it came out of your mouth, dude. A thousand dollars a day, that doesn't pay my mortgage, that doesn't pay my car notes. That doesn't pay fucking most of my bills, that doesn't even nor scottsdale, that doesn't even fuck. I can't even. That's like I can't even live a week on that shit. Like real talk. And I'm not trying to flex, I'm not trying to brag, but like dude, weed is the reason you said that statement.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm making one dude. I was making ten thousand dollars a fucking week as an alcoholic. Ah, cool, like fuck, spend that much on alcohol a month. Um, but real talk. Just the fact that you said that man just tells me like it's. It's small thinking man. You're justifying well, I'm doing okay, I'm doing better my parents did. I'm doing better than this guy, I'm doing better than this guy who's working at McDonald's and it's so cool. You can justify that all the way.

Speaker 1:

The heroin in your arm will numb the fucking pain until it doesn't. And the fact that you asked the question tells me you're not happy where you're at. So, I love you, brother. There's no dogging you there, man. But yeah, just, dude, go balls deep into it and really ask yourself who you are. And the sooner you drop it, the easier it becomes. Um, mark Bendis has. Try it for the next three months. See what happens. Worst case scenario you save 300 bucks, mark. I love that, but honestly, I don't, I don't, I don't agree with that.

Speaker 1:

I tried that for so much of my life. I've tried this for three months. Try this for six months, dude, until you're really ready to say fuck it Like dude, smoke fucking weed If you ain't going to jail and you ain't doing this and you're not ready to give it up, smoke fucking weed and keep writing down everything you're failing to hit every fucking day. Because until you're ready to give it up for life, or until you're ready to give it up until you get a big, hairy, audacious goal as Patrick but David would say, like it's going to be so hard, three months ain't shit in fucking life. And and I'm just speaking from personal experience I tried the 90-day thing and for me it was like a goal. Like I turned a dopamine rush into holy fuck, if I stay sober for 90 days, I get that drink again. And then, like at day 91, I'm like, holy fuck, I can get a good buzz on two beers again. Now I can drink for cheaper. This was fucking genius. And then, three months later, I'm fucking half a fifth again. So I don't know. A fifth again, so I don't know. I tried the 90 day thing. I fucking hated it. Uh, it finally just had to be like you know what? Fuck it Like. We'll just see what happens. Uh, energy, uh, doorway for yep. Uh, masking dopamine. My brother drinks like once a week, but only when it's earned. Yeah, dude, I like, and the thing is I don't.

Speaker 1:

I believe most things in moderation are fine. I fuck you could fucking do whatever you want in moderation and as long as it's not keeping you back from your goals, as long as you it's not holding you back like real. But at the same time, be careful You're not just saying that language to mask a pain, to make sure you're not like, well, you know, yeah, weed, I'm making a thousand dollars a month or a week, blah, blah, blah. You know it's not that bad. I'm pretty, but in the inside you're like man, I don't have the fucking BMW I want. I haven't been able to buy the house. Like, be real with who you are and make sure the drugs aren't masking it. If you're the type of person, by all means they can drink once a month, drink once a quarter, whatever it is. Smoke a bowl every night like Musk style, like the dude's got the dude smokes, joe Rogan smokes. There's a bunch of people out there that have made it this. Smoke and fuck, do shrooms shit like that. By all means them motherfuckers have earned it Like straight up.

Speaker 1:

If I had a, you know, if I was worth 172 billion fucking dollars, like I'd do all the fucking jokes Damn Like real talk. The problem is I'm missing about 172 billion of the 172 billion, so I haven't had the right to enjoy it. And I took my twenties, man, I enjoyed my fucking twenties. I enjoyed my. I enjoyed my twenties too much, dude. I got out of the military and I went to making high six figures so fucking quick. So from like 25 to 30, I had a fuck ton of fun making three $400,000 a year, living Like I was making two, two and a half million. Trust me, why a family? We did some cool shit. We did some really cool shit. We've driven cool cars, had fucking beautiful homes, multiples of them.

Speaker 1:

The thing is like, if I look back at it now, I should probably have a couple million in the bank. Like just real talk. I've looked at my salary, you know, for the past decade. I should probably have a couple million in the bank. If I was smart, maybe if I, if I struggled those first four or five years and I lived like I was making 50, I'd easily have a few million in the bank. Problem is I've had about eight BMWs, fucking $100,000 GMCs. I got four fucking cars right now. Now a couple of them are being like turroed and shit like that. So, finally, I'm starting to figure out some other ways to do some shit.

Speaker 1:

But what do you want? What do you want? What do you want? It's about you, man, because none of this works if you don't find the true you, if you don't find the true drive, if you don't, if you don't find any of that like you could want to be sober. You could want to quit smoking weed. Hell, maybe you just I don't know smoke a fuck ton of weed. I don't fucking know. But if you're not where you want to be, eliminate the shit that could be keeping you back.

Speaker 1:

Um, trying to justify smoking weed money is exact problem. Uh, blah, blah, wrong. Masking it. Yeah, that's kind of what I'm saying, man. Um, if you're where you want to be and you want to get high, fuck yeah, do it. Do not cut the distraction. So I'm gonna get off. We went uh, hour and 30 today. I appreciate the hell out of everyone else. Uh, really, look at your life. Really find how you can create these chemicals every single day, because if you could live life on a 24 hour fucking orgasm, I promise you life becomes a lot easier. So get those daily wins, get those daily goal wins and, yeah, y'all will fucking crush it.

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