Jonathan Roberts Not Safe for Society

Not Safe For Society: Breaking the Chains – Healthcare Dependency, Political Critique, and Pursuing Freedom

Jonathan Roberts

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Is our current healthcare system designed to keep us dependent rather than healthy? This episode of Not Safe for Society promises unfiltered discourse as we tackle controversial topics, from the recent Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity to the alarming state of President Joe Biden's mental health. We don't shy away from critiquing both major political parties and emphasize the importance of thinking for oneself in a society that seems to favor conformity. It's time to break free from societal norms and pursue true financial and personal freedom.

We challenge the very foundation of our healthcare systems in the US, UK, and Canada, arguing that they often trap individuals in cycles of dependence on medication. By likening government manipulation to corporate control, we highlight the urgency of personal preparedness, especially for men in leading their families. From the accessibility of essential medications to the rapid production of COVID vaccines, we question the priorities of the healthcare industry. Our conversation extends to the importance of physical fitness and practical survival skills, advocating for a healthier diet to combat modern diseases.

Financial independence is not just a goal; it's a necessity in today's world. We discuss the critical responsibilities of men to protect and provide for their families, sharing personal journeys from financial struggle to significant income through hard work and skill development. The benefits of financial success, such as spontaneous family trips and improved quality of life, are highlighted, along with the need for continuous self-improvement. Moreover, we emphasize the power of surrounding yourself with positive influences and having open, sometimes uncomfortable discussions on controversial topics. Empower yourself with knowledge and join us for a raw, unfiltered exploration of society's complexities.

Speaker 1:

All right, welcome to another freaking episode of Not Safe for Society. This is the podcast that I get to say whatever the hell I want, offend whoever gets offended, but really speak the truth of what's on my mind and the way I look at. You know topics, issues. You know ways to level up personal development and I really don't give a shit. You know who gets offended, because this podcast isn't to offend people. This podcast isn't to piss anybody off. This is just a way to get out there, because not enough people are out there speaking out in the world. Not enough people are giving you the real facts. You know there's so many fake people online, um, you know social media influencers, news agencies that are giving you some weird twisted version of the facts. At best, like, half the time it's not even facts, half the time it's just made up bullshit. So let's get going. Let's get going.

Speaker 1:

Today is July 2nd 2024. It's been a crazy, crazy week. I mean freaking. The Supreme Court ruling that there's presidential immunity, which is good and bad to many extents, but in the line of duty, the president is basically immune from crimes, doesn't mean he's completely immune, but you know, in the line of duty, in the presidential scope. He's immune, so that's going to help out there quite a bit.

Speaker 1:

But you know I'm watching a lot of this. You know I'm watching, you know, joe Biden and Donald Trump's debate right, and I'm not going to go to the political side of it because I think, honestly, they both kind of didn't do great. You know, obviously Trump did a little bit better because he was there in his entirety but really didn't answer too many direct questions or give any real value. But I got to say this, joe Biden like it's kind of sad what the Democratic Party is doing right, has anyone ever been around like an Alzheimer's patient? Or, yeah, alzheimer's patient or, you know, had someone in their life that had dementia and you were able to watch them deteriorate, like literally, that's what we're seeing right now, you know, through Biden's presidency, and they're just stringing along, stringing it like a puppet. And it's crazy because go back and watch the first debate and then watch mid, you know, president, you know watch two years into his term, so 2022 timeframe and then watch recently. Like think about any any sort of dementia patient that you've been around, or someone who's got memory loss or things like that. Like he was lucid for a second, couldn't keep a full sentence together, definitely couldn't put. You know, put multiple sentences together and they're just stringing it along. They're just allowing this to go. So I don't know if anyone ever hears this and listens to that Like I. I'm not going to the political side of you know Democrat, republican, but, holy shit, if you want to make a case for elder abuse like that's it, that's by definition it, and I'm, like you know, coming from the automotive industry and if we strung someone quote, unquote elder along in an automotive deal like that, where they were slander in their sentences, they didn't really know exactly what they wanted to do. Sometimes they wanted a black car, sometimes they didn't want a car and we sold them a car Like we, we'd be in trouble, we'd be fricking, buying that back from the bank or, you know, giving them their cash back or however the hell they paid for it. So I don't know, that's just my two cents on that, and it led me to want to make this podcast for everybody.

Speaker 1:

This is going to be about escaping the system, right, because there's really one of two people out here in America right now One you could either be, you know, completely bought in, you know, crazy right, crazy left or, you know, just insane and can't think for yourself. That's one type of person that you know picks a side, that you know only votes Republican or only votes Democrat, and is being told what to do, what to vote, who to be around 100%, you know, fed by social media and the you know old school media. And then there's a second person out in the world who is more of a, you know, middle of you know middle of the line type person. They might be conservative here, they might be liberal there, but they think for themselves. And the crazy thing is, in business and everything else you do in life, these two type of people exist in both worlds. You know the type of person who is, you know, works for a company, they're typically your middle management, even executive management from sometimes, and they 100% follow down the SOP line. They don't deteriorate or they don't deviate left, they don't deviate right, they're 100% by the book, what the book says, follow it. And then there's the type of person, the creative person, the person that goes out of their way to really establish their own future, to really build companies and be the person that really inspires and creative and, you know, adds value to a company versus just follow what the company already does.

Speaker 1:

Then we break it one level further and this is where this podcast is going to get deep. This is the individual. This is the individual and this is how to break away from being a cognitive society. This is how to go ahead and find that financial freedom. This is going to be going ahead and you know, get away from the government control or you know, everyone in America, whatever it wants, and quote, unquote the word freedom, but everyone wants some sort of freedom and and you know you could argue with me of, you know how it's not a free country, this and that. Well, I challenge you to go find another fucking country that's better. And then, on top of that, I challenge you if you are in the United States right now and you're listening to this and you're like I disagree with everything he's saying, I challenge you to fucking move. I challenge you to go find a better, perfect nation. I challenge you to go do all that, because if all you're going to do is bitch and all you're going to do is cry and all you're going to do is whine about your predicament and become a victim of it, then this podcast isn't for you.

Speaker 1:

What I'm about to talk about isn't for you. You are everything that this podcast is trying to escape. You are the gold. You are the chained handcuffs. You are the gold. You are the chained handcuffs. You were the slave to society. You are a slave to your circumstances because you refuse to do anything else, you refuse to change, you refuse to, you know, embark on a different journey. You just want to tell everyone else how it is, but you don't want to do shit, you want to just talk, you want to yap, you want to be a talking head on CNN, cnbc, fox news and cry and make, you know, create fear and fear mongering and, you know, get a bunch of views on your stupid fucking viewpoint, but you don't want to do anything to, uh, to change the circumstance of what you're already in. You can bitch, but you can't fight. Now think about this.

Speaker 1:

Think about the 1700s, the pilgrimage. You know people coming from Great Britain over to the United States or America, whatever the hell it was called back then I guess it would have been America back then. They left Great Britain because of many things. You know there was, you know, religious issues, there was heavy taxation, there was the oligarchy or, you know the king and queen, and it was just a bunch of people that didn't agree with the bullshit. So they ended up getting on these little fucking boats and traveling across the Atlantic and arriving in America. That is like a dumbed down version of you know, how did the Europeans find America? I get it. We weren't the first people to find America. There were people here before us. We're not talking about that right now, but we are talking about a group of individuals who were not satisfied with how they were treated and decided to move halfway across the world.

Speaker 1:

And think about it the 1700s. There was no GPS. There were no super, super accurate maps of the path. They were going to go on Like we didn't have all this technology that we have today. They got on a boat. They use compasses and whatever you know shit they use back then for Marine navigation. I'm not a you know Marine. I don't fucking know anything about Marine navigation, so I'm not gonna try to act like I do. But I'm assuming, you know, there was a sun in the sky that they had to use to get their coordinates or their you know directional coordinates, and I'm assuming they had some sort of compass finding some sort of North magnitude, I really don't know, but I do know that they had to make it across the ocean. And for those of you flat earthers like flat earth or round earth, guess what, from you know England to New York or whatever the hell you know, it was on the same parallel. You can't see it Like, whether the earth is flat or not, and it's just out of your sightline, or we do have around earth, because you're not fucking crazy, you cannot see where you're going. It is thousands of miles to cross the ocean by boat and it takes a long ass time. They did not have, you know, um, they did not have motors, it was wind driven boats or oars or however the fuck they did it Like. If you really want to go in, find Wikipedia and go, you know, google that shit and you can become a scholar and an expert in that. My point of this is is they were not happy in Great Britain and they decided to fucking leave. So that was a time where people actually did something, where they actually, you know, left a lot of their families because they weren't happy to where they're at.

Speaker 1:

So the second portion is is think about, you know the I want to say it was the late 1800s. I could be completely wrong on my years. But think about another time, the Oregon trail, where people on the East coast decided that you know the West coast had the gold, had, you know, better style of life. You know the East Coast was getting a little bit crazy, so they wanted to go, you know, build a better life on the West Coast. So they got wagons, they got oxes and horses and shit like that and they traveled all the way across the country knowing that you know a handful of people are going to die. They might not make it Hell, they might not even ever freaking arrive, but they weren't happy with their circumstances so they decided to change.

Speaker 1:

And those are the people that we could look back now that we studied in school, that we studied growing up and actually made a name or made a for them more of an entire group of people, the pilgrims and the Oregon Trail people. I don't know what you actually call them, the pioneers. They actually left an impression in history because they did something when they weren't happy, when their circumstances weren't what they wanted. They didn't get on, you know CNN, they didn't. You know, start writing in the tabloids or the papers back then, or you know, at the town center bitching about all the shit that needed change. They got up and left, and I talk about them because that's going to be a lot of. What this is is how to escape our current you know our system, how to escape society, because I believe this.

Speaker 1:

You could look into big city theory, you could look into all sorts of shit, but I truly believe there is a level of elitist out there and I'm not talking about you know your normal self-made. You know 100 million, 200 million, heck billion, 2 billion, 3 billion type. You know dollars I'm talking about people's names that don't actually exist, or that they exist, but you don't actually know They've got more money than they know what to do with, but they're not coming up on the Forbes list. You know I'm talking about the. You know things like the Rothschilds family. You know probably the Walt family and a lot of executives in our government, a lot of high, high level individuals.

Speaker 1:

This is presidents, this is senators, congressmen, attorneys. This is a very, very select few, probably less than 5,000 people, to be honest with you. And this isn't just the United States. This is the entire world, this is a world style organization, and these elitists need you to be a slave. To them, it doesn't matter when I say the word slave, your race does not matter Now they do play a lot of race wars and stuff like that. But your race overall does not matter, your gender does not matter, your freaking LBGQ plus seven, that shit does not matter to them, other than they can spin all that up and this isn't about my political opinion, about any of that, by the way but they can spin all those issues up that we have right now that you're going out there, hearing on the news, seeing dipshits March, like all of this shit. They're spinning it up so they can control you and put you in your place in society.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about how to break these handcuffs of society and escape the system. And there's a million names for this, there's a million versions of it, but they all are based around the same principles. The first one is you've got to have your health. You've got to have your health for many freaking reasons. One if you don't have your health and you're not here on earth, guess what? You're dead. You can't do shit. The second portion is is our system, whether you're in the UK or you're in the United States, whether you have universal healthcare or you have the catastrophe of healthcare, of whatever the fuck America's doing right now. Or you're more like Canada where, like everybody gets healthcare but you know you might have to wait for it for a couple of years. Who the fuck knows Like.

Speaker 1:

Whatever system you're on, they want you to be part of that system. They want you medicated. They want you to be broke where you can't afford to go get private healthcare. Where you can't afford to get these private tests, you know your blood work done at a private fricking organization so they could tell you actually what the hell's going on in your body. They want you stuck. And the reason for that is is, if I create a society and everyone becomes overweight and you're all on cholesterol medicine and heart medication, then yes, does it put a burden of cost on society, abso-fricking-lutely. But when that burden of cost becomes on society, it's no longer just your problem, it's everybody's problem. And then what I can do is I can pass laws, regulation based on this issue that I've created this obesity pandemic, and then what I can do is guess what I'm starting to push just a little bit more toward a communist type government. Now I'm not saying we're headed in the direction of communism, but there's a lot of signs.

Speaker 1:

Think about it this way Instead of the US government because I'm going to talk mostly about America instead of the US government being a quote, unquote government what if we just considered it a business? What if it was USA manufacturing? Because that's essentially what it is. And you've got the president of the company. You've got all your board members, the Senate, congress, you know house of represent, all that shit, and then you've got all your executive management. You know that's going to be. You know your fricking state governors, or you know some of your DAs, things like that. You know the Supreme court that's going to have their role in the company. So all of these people in the company need to control the business.

Speaker 1:

And who is the business? Well, your lowest level member of your business is typically your lowest paid and they could typically contribute the lowest to your company. So if I look as the United States of America as a business, my lowest level employee is going to be pretty simple the employee that pays less taxes into the system. So that's going to typically be. You know your minimum wage workers. That's going to be that bottom layer, and then you know you're going to have your middle management, and you could break it down to however you want, twist it up a little bit, it's all the same.

Speaker 1:

So, as a business and let's assume that I want to run a business and as a leader, I want to run the business Like. I don't want a bunch of people's hands in it. I want to control everything. I want to tell you when to sleep, when to work, when to build, blah, blah, blah. Because guess what, if I can do that, I can make my business operate very, very quickly.

Speaker 1:

Why? Because let's just say I don't like you. Well, instead of you know I could fire you, goodbye, don't need you anymore. Or, even worse, just make you disappear a little bit. And I basically made you sign an NDA. So what's the NDA? Well, I mean, if you're in the business of the United States of America, meaning all 300 and some million people that live in our country the NDA is basically your passport, your citizenship. Oh yeah, you could go get a citizenship over there, but if you do anything stupid, we might revoke this one. Or you know what? No, you can't have a visa to go to that country, or we're not going to approve this. We're not going to approve that. You know you can't just leave that easy. Or you know we're going to let some more people in to push a little bit. Because, like a sales org, what do a lot of shitty leaders do in a sales organization when they need to increase profits or they need to quote, unquote increase sales or raise the bottom? Sometimes they just flood the floor. Okay, we're going to let all these salespeople in. You know we're going to hire 15 of them and you know maybe two or three will make it, maybe, but we're going to scare everyone. We're going to create that, like you know, make people wake up again, letting a bunch of people in.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so me as a man and this goes for women too, but I speak from the male perspective, so don't think I'm misogynist or anything like that I've got pretty traditional values. But as a fricking man, I've got to be ready to fricking fight. I've got to be ready to lead my family. I've got to be healthy enough to do all this shit, because eventually, if it becomes such a problem, I will be stuck to society. I won't be able to, because what if I do have a heart disease? What if I end up developing asthma because I'm a little bit out of shape, and oh, insulin, oh, I mean inhalers inhalers is what I meant to say, but insulin it's kind of coming out of stock.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we can make a billion COVID vaccines. We won't go there today. We can make a billion COVID vaccines for the whole world, but insulin's a bitch, we can't get it and it's too expensive and we can't afford it. Oh, you mean, a lot of diabetics are overweight, a lot of diabetics are weak, a lot of diabetics really, really need this, so they'll pay for it because it keeps them alive. Oh, but now you don't have enough money for a gym membership. Now you don't have enough money for, um, you know, um, uh, what is a hyperbaric chambers, whatever that training is called? Yeah, google it. Google high altitude training in diabetes. Just just Google it If you're curious. If you're curious, maybe you know someone's diabetic would be a good article to send some people to. So I can't afford it, though, because I'm paying $199 per insulin. Hit like insanity, right, like you could go to other foreign countries and get insulin a hell of a lot cheaper.

Speaker 1:

It's not like the product itself is this hard, hard shit to create, but our medical system has made that incredibly hard to get Now, with as many people that need it in our country and as many people who are diabetic in our country. Why, oh, the insurance conglomerates. Okay, so the insurance makes a lot of money, but the only time the insurance makes money with, you know, current regulation of how our insurance system works is if you're sick not too sick, because you can't die and you can't have something really go wrong with you, because that's going to really get it. But if we're just kind of sick and we're able to make money by fixing this, you know charging you $200 for a product that I don't freaking know. 20 bucks, I think, 10 bucks, I think, in some nations. I don't really know. Google it I have before. I know it's a lot less. I just don't know off the top of my head, because it's kind of just more of this. You can stay poor and they can fill their pockets.

Speaker 1:

Like, for example and I think I brought this up in another podcast and I'll move on real quick from here but there's a medication that I use and I had recently switched insurance companies and I wanted to go to self-pay for this company because it's you know, it's you know. I'll say what it is, it's TRT, right? So I shouldn't have said that, because now you can nevermind. Anyways, that may or may not be what it is, so hypothetically, allegedly it might be. So, that being said, um, I ended up, you know, my insurance didn't cover it anymore.

Speaker 1:

We ended up switching insurances and I was like, hey, I need to go to self-pay. Well, they forgot to file a self-pay, so they ended up billing my insurance company for a blood test. So it wasn't even actually the medication, it was just a simple blood test, blood work, and they billed my insurance company 800 and some odd dollars. So I ended up getting the bill. Since my insurance wasn't, I'm like, what the heck, I should have, you know, self-pay, why didn't you guys do that? And they're like, oh cool, just provider and make it happen. So, ended up, you know, a day or two, they did an awesome job and they send me the new bill, or they called me and I had to pay it 83 bucks. So the insurance company is being billed $800 and some change and I just self-pay hey, here's cash $83, 10 X the amount. So that goes to show you.

Speaker 1:

And then you're like, well, yeah, but the doctor actually doesn't make more money A lot of times the doctor or the organization itself makes more money when you self pay and get those huge, huge, freaking discounts Because the insurance company's taken a hell of a lot of it. Don't think the only money they're making is when you pay into it. Don't fucking believe that bullshit at all. They're making money when the medication is sold, when your fat ass needs to go back into it. So we'll move on from that. But they need to make money. They need to create this business Like the insurance companies aren't in the business of losing money Like, yes, they protect you, kind of your assets and blah, blah, blah, whatever it is.

Speaker 1:

But guess what, statistically, most people don't need insurance. Now I'm not saying don't have insurance. It's, you know, not always the best idea, depending on what your current financial circumstances are, but statistically, if you're young, if you're healthy, you probably actually don't need to pay monthly insurance. Statistically I'm not saying do it, I'm just saying that's how the world works. Enough people pay into something. Most people don't use it. The people that do use it and or abuse it, everybody else gets to pay for so communism. So, as a man, as a woman, to get away from that, to get away from, you know, a slave to our medical system.

Speaker 1:

You've got to keep yourself fit. You have got to stay in shape. You have got to stay healthy. You've got to prevent heart disease as much as you can in shape. You have got to stay healthy. You've got to prevent heart disease as much as you can. You've got to make yourself looking good. You've got to take care of your body. You need to make sure you're hitting the cardio Like. You don't need to be all jacked up, bodybuilder big. That's not what we're talking about. But what we are talking about is fit, because not only, not only do you need to be fit to take care of yourself, but you got to be fit to take care of your family, of you know yourself, but you got to be fit to take care of your family. You got to be fit. If anything goes wrong, you've got to be able to at least put up a little bit of a fight.

Speaker 1:

Like, let's just say, a tyranny, a tyrannic government decides to take over, right, and they decide to come over and tell you you can't have a cell phone anymore, you can't have a smartphone or whatever it is. You're like oh dude, you're crazy. I know, I know, but, like, I'm not trying to be a dick here, I'm not trying to start a conspiracy theory, but we dog on North Korea a lot about how much is controlled in North Korea. Yet look at our own country, and by our own country I mean the United States of America, because I live here. I don't understand the UK as much. It's probably the same. I don't understand Germany. I lived there for four years but I didn't, you know, dive into their culture that much. It's probably the same, if not even a little bit worse.

Speaker 1:

But we talk about how restricted and repressed North Korea is to this system that Kim Jong-un has put on and all of his freaking past, family and all that. Yet we don't compare the United States of America. You want to know? You think we're free? You think our media is not being pushed by the government? You think I mean mean heck. Go look at the twitter fire files that elon musk released after he bought twitter. It shows that the fbi told twitter what to censor and shit. Uh.

Speaker 1:

Recently the supreme court I talked about a supreme court decision earlier basically said facebook and other social media platforms have the right to, in a way, if they want, censor, censor, censor information, censor political views. Now you're like, well, yeah, it's a private organization. Well, no, it's actually a public organization. And then if you really want to Google some of the journalism laws that are out there and, yes, you know, do I think CNN, fox news, cnb, all that do I think they're doing a perfect job of not breaking the law and not twisting this and playing it. No, they're all playing in the gray area. That's how you sell ratings. The gray area, like, let's just be real, that's just, it's the reality of it. But you know, the Supreme Court basically said, hey, it's the state's decision, which I like. I like it being the state's decision. It's the state's decision on some of their social media policies.

Speaker 1:

But here's some do's and here's some don'ts. So you are being fed the information that the elite wants you to hear. So, because of that, you've got to be fit, because you've got to be ready to move, you've got to be ready to, you know, provide for your family should shit need to get done. Because let's just say there's a big old cyber attack and all of our cushy ass jobs like get taken and AI comes in and is doing like we're going to go back to doing some manual labor and if you're not fit, if you're not ready to fight, if you're not ready to put in some damn work, you might get left the fuck out. Or you know, maybe there's a huge power grid outage, right?

Speaker 1:

How many of you could go out chop some fucking firewood and then wake up the next morning and go hunting and then wake up the next morning and, you know, build a fucking new shelter or some shit Like how many of you actually even have the skillset to do that, the energy to do it and the fitness to get the shit done? For those of you that are like, oh, you're, go work on a fucking one of them. Uh, dude, ranches where you can go vacation and pay to do some farmer's work, go do that for a week, tell me how you feel might, wake your ass up or just do 10 pushups. You might fail like gosh. That'd be pissed me off, like if I, if some shit like that happened and I couldn't provide. So if you're unable to fight and I'm talking physically, mentally, and you know I'm talking man to man and I'm also talking business to business and I'm also talking just, you know, fight for your future. If you're unable to fight because you can't handle it, you can't breathe, you're out of shape, you can't move. You know the state of New York pisses you off and you want to move all the way to Arizona or pay that much attention.

Speaker 1:

You know I've always ate semi clean, right, like I love me. Some salt and vinegar potato chips had to eliminate those. But recently, over the last two or three months, I've really my wife and I both like really our whole family but we've really actually been paying attention to our diet. We've gone heavy, heavy protein, you know. A little bit of carbs I'm, excuse me, not, you know, doing a zero carb, but lower carbs, but it's all. Whatever the right types of carbs are, go talk to Aaron Williamson or whatever.

Speaker 1:

If you need a nutritionist, that's got. You know whatever the shit is like. You know I've always had a good or an okay education on nutrition, but looking at it now as an idiot, I just thought I was because I followed the food pyramid stupidest fucking thing that ever existed. I know we got a new one. That's still fucking awful, but like you're, you're being fed. I mean literally post told you to eat cereal. If you can't afford dinner, eat cereal for dinner Cause it's cheaper. Like diabetes. Back to insulin, insulin, sugar problems, more cereal don't eat cereal, horrible, so take that for what you want, but, like, you've got to eat right, you've got to take care of your food. You need the energy, you need it to keep your body right. You need to if you're on any sort of medication. Like really Google, because everything you can find, anything you want out there in the world.

Speaker 1:

There is a lot of disease that we've created as humans for ourself and everyone's like, well, yeah, the world's getting unhealthy, this and no, it's because we're fucking feeding ourself with processed bullshit and like we're creating all these diseases. These diseases did not run rampant back 50 years ago, 100 years ago, hell, you go, 400 years ago. Like dietary disease minus, you ate something that was rotten or had a bacteria or a virus on it and it killed you. Like different fucking story. But diabetes, obesity, shit. Like people that have time to get obese, like the only people that were obese back then were the fucking rich. Why? Because they could eat all the fucking food as your fit ass had to go pick it. So it's kind of just reversed its role. People are starting to realize that you've got to be fit to make it. Why? Because energy and, honestly, like you know, there's looks and all that shit too, but you've got to be able to fight every fricking day. So the next part is let's move on from health real quick, let's go over to wealth, because this is what a lot of people get stuck is you get handcuffed to working for the man.

Speaker 1:

Now I don't think everyone in the world needs to be an entrepreneur. Hell, I'm not even really an entrepreneur, I'm an intrapreneur. And as an intrapreneur I think I have more freedom than most intrapreneurs have. But I've ran businesses myself. I tried a real estate thing for a while. I hated it. I like me personally. I need someone.

Speaker 1:

And here's the thing about the other group. Andy doesn't actually hold us really accountable to shit. Yes, he holds us to a standard, but he doesn't like. He's not, you say, like micromanage. He doesn't even freaking really manage us, treats us like adults to go do our own damn thing, and just that little little bit of building with someone like it helps me a lot. So I'm not saying everyone needs to be an entrepreneur. I'm not even saying everyone needs to be in sales or an entrepreneur in a position that they can grow a commission level at.

Speaker 1:

But what I am saying is you have to figure out a way to break away from the US dollar or to break away from really any currency out there. Because if you're just living that week to week, month to month lifestyle and you're working your ass off every single day to just barely pay bills and you're counting the fucking clock, okay, am I going to be able to get rent and am I going to be able to get this? And you get a few thousand dollars saved and, oh shit, you know fricking tire goes flat and you realize you need new tires and you're down 2,500 bucks. So you're back to zero in the bank account or you're back to negative 2,500 or whatever the hell it is. And then you save up five years and you finally go on that Disney world vacation. It costs you 15 grand and you are going to be handcuffed to your employer. Why? Because you'll never be able to take risks to go build your own dream. You'll never be able to go out and do anything that could potentially put you or your family in jeopardy, and it's going to break it.

Speaker 1:

Now, some people out there you're willing to like myself, like when I got into sales, I didn't have any money in the bank. I was just tired of not having any money in the bank. I was just tired of not being able to fucking do whatever the hell I wanted without checking my bank account. So I just got into sales because I'm like fuck it, like what is there to lose? Like we're in the United States of America, like worst case scenario, like the homelessness in the United States and I'm not saying homelessness is a thing I was. Just when I got into sales there was no way I was going to ever put my family through it, so it drove me not to do it.

Speaker 1:

But like the worst thing that happens to us in America in most areas is like fricking prime for some third world countries out there. You go to Somalia, afghanistan, um, I mean, those are just two that I kind of know off the top of my head. Uh, it's awful, awful. Like the houses they have, the living conditions they have, are worse than our fucking streets, even though they got a roof over the head like they got sewage flowing through their shit. So we don't have it that freaking bad, but we do have a shit ton of opportunity. Our floor is actually pretty fucking high for the world standard, but our ceiling is higher. Our ceiling is beyond any other country on this nation of what you are capable to achieve, and that's a fucking fact. How do I know that? Because the United States of America produces more millionaires and billionaires than any other nation has ever produced.

Speaker 1:

I say that again you have the highest opportunity to become a millionaire or a billionaire in the United States of America and most of you motherfuckers are just wasting it. Most of you are sitting around waiting for it to come. Because I guarantee you this, if you're listening to this right now and you're worried about how your car payments are going to get paid, you know if you're going to be able to get the better food to put on your table. Because I'll be real about healthier shit, it does cost a little bit more. When we, when we went and increased our food, I mean it doubled our fucking grocery bill. I think probably tripled it, to be real Like it was more expensive. But in the long run it'll probably save us a lot of money with health issues.

Speaker 1:

But you've got to get to the point where it's no longer month to month. And how are you going to do that? You have got to master a skill, and every single person listening to this podcast. You have a skill. Quit letting people tell you you don't have a skill set. Quit letting people tell you you're not built for more. Quit letting people tell you that your dreams are just fucking dreams. Quit letting people tell you it's a daydream and go make it a life dream. Go make it something that you do every single day and you pursue.

Speaker 1:

And, like I said, it does not have to be sales, it doesn't have to be entrepreneurship, it doesn't even have to be like a job that you can immediately quadruple your income on. But if you want the freedom, you're going to have to eventually get there, and there's two types of income or money or whatever you want to call it worth that are going to get it. You can have your annual income, which your annual annual income is just what you make annually, what you get paid every month, what you get paid every week. However, it works, you can escape with just payment. You don't have to have this big ass savings account Now. In the long, long run, you're going to want to save. You're going to want some assets to pay you. You're going to want to grow, but initially you've got to get to the point where your bills are paid and you also get to enjoy life a little bit, because I would not want to be in a place where I work.

Speaker 1:

So I come from Salem, oregon government town. Right, your dream life is basically you graduate high school, you do or don't go to college, you work for the government for 20 to 30 years. You retire from the government with a 401k, a pension, whatever the hell they're paying nowadays. You bought your house, your house gets paid off, you have a million dollars in the bank until you fucking die. The Oregon way of life, at least Salem Oregon way of life. I don't want to live that way.

Speaker 1:

I'm 35 years old, um, you know, and I've done two things I've done and I was in the military for almost eight years. I was fucking dirt poor but I still enjoyed life. We didn't save shit. Uh, working as a GM for a dealership, I was making really, really good money. I was saving a little bit. I, you know, got my savings account pretty, pretty comfortable. I had a good, good amount of income in there, but I was also making great money. But I was living about four or five fricking, you know, let's just be. I was, you know, making four or $500,000 a year and I was, you know, living like I was making a mil and a half. Now don't get me wrong. My wife and I, my family, we had a lot of fun, we had a lot of experiences. We were really just doing whatever the hell we wanted driving nice cars, beautiful home Like we had all of that, like I got to live life a little bit and I'm thankful for that.

Speaker 1:

So I'm not telling you you've got to go down the Dave Ramsey, save every penny bullshit. But to me, I think, every man on earth like your duty. Once again, this is my perspective, traditional perspectives. Don't get too pissed off, but your duty as a man is to protect and provide, and that both means physically, financially, mentally, emotionally, like all that shit. And you'll never be perfect, but you've always got to be getting better and the minute you quit getting better is when, the minute you quit providing and protecting. So as a man, your duty minimum is six fucking figures in today's world. I'm just going to say that and I don't even believe that bullshit.

Speaker 1:

I think if all you're doing, if you've done something for a handful of years, especially if you're doing something entrepreneur, sales, wise, and you're stuck at like a hundred and fuck you that. Shit's easy to make and I'm not being a dick to anyone who hasn't figured it out yet. But wake the fuck up. Like my first year getting sales, I was a jackass and made a hundred grand, like I didn't even know what I was doing. I was just having fucking fun. I was just like here's, here's all it took for me and here's all it takes for most of you. Is it's not a skill? I mean, yes, the skillset will definitely help. It'll keep you from working 80 hours a week. It'll keep you from you know, smile and you're like well, it's not that easy for me.

Speaker 1:

I'm introvert, or introverted Dude. So was I. I fucking hated talking to people. I still don't really like one-on-one communication. It is stressful for me. I make myself now go to networking events and I forced myself to go talk to people because it gets a little easier and easier. But here's what I didn't like more than I didn't like talking to people. Here's what I like less than not talking to people. Whatever the hell I'm trying to say, you get it. Words are hard. You see how well they work for me.

Speaker 1:

I didn't like being fucking broke. I didn't like talking about all the shit that I was going to do, talking about my dreams and not fucking achieving them. I didn't like the fact that I had promised people you know, basically my wife and my kids promised people things that weren't actually happening. I didn't like the fact that I told myself that if my kids ever want to go to whatever university that they want, like I'll figure out a way to pay for it. 10 years ago I didn't have the ability to do that. I told myself 10 years ago, I was still. I was still in the army 10 years ago. I told myself 10 years ago, I'll figure it out. And then, you know, it took about two, three years after that. It took about really about a year after I separated from the army because, you know, I dicked around, okay.

Speaker 1:

So I guess my first year in sales I didn't because technically I was in real estate, but I think I might've broken six figures in real estate I was pretty freaking close. I mean've been closer to 180, but I don't know. But like my first year when I got in the automotive and, yeah, breaking the hundred was relatively easy, it was basically, I'm fucking tired of being broke and I'm willing to work 80 hours, if I have to, to figure this shit out. Now I'm also the type of person I don't like fucking working 80 hours a week. I really don't. I don't think anybody does, because for me my biggest drive is my family. So I had to immediately then figure out, okay, like I don't want to work 80 hours a week forever. But I've kind of got it figured out. I figured out how to make, you know, 10 to 15,000 a month pretty consistently. So then I had to, you know, raise my skillset so I could reduce my hours, still make the money. And then you know, kind of once they match there a little bit you want, and then that's where you're going to get to the three, four or $500,000 range.

Speaker 1:

So, doing that, you know, I immediately within that first year, kind of broke the societal handcuffs right. We were still renting a nice house in a nice neighborhood in Oregon. We were in the play, you know. We were lined up to go get our, you know, to buy a house in a year. It took me about a year, even on a freaking commission income Like I figured out that basically I just needed to divide my income by 24 for the year. So my income's basically getting caught in half. So great I got to earn twice as much as I need to afford. That fucking house made it fucking happen. And you know, once we got the house, you know we got a couple of nice cars and then the income went up and we kept getting more and more nice cars and kept doing cooler and things like.

Speaker 1:

I got pissed off one day during COVID. I literally Google what the fuck state is open next. You know, I know it's Florida, texas, and I was like, well, we can go to Disney world. We go to Disney world open. They're like, yeah, and the park's at 30% capacity. Greatest trip to Disney world ever. Yeah, we had to wear a mask, that kind of sucked, but the park was at 30% capacity. We blew through. We wanted eight where we wanted road rides. I think the biggest wait was maybe five minutes and I'm not bullshitting, I'm not capping at all and it was an awesome trip.

Speaker 1:

But let's just say I wasn't to the point where I could just drop $20,000 to fly across the country and fix my circumstance that I wasn't 100% happy with. Well, I would have been stuck. I wouldn't have been able to do that. I would have been pissed off at COVID, I would have been watching CNN, fox News, believing whoever I wanted to believe to make my life a little bit more meaningful and not change my circumstance. But luckily I'm going to get some water. Luckily, at that point in time I'd gotten myself to a place where, you know, money really wasn't handcuffing us. You know, same thing Last year, phoenix was hot as hell.

Speaker 1:

We had a record amount of 110 degree days. I think we had like 30, something of them, 34 or something like that in a row, and I'm usually pretty good with the heat. But I just got to the point where I'm like you know what, screw this, this is hot as hell. I need a wife and I picked up, called her. I'm like, hey, what are we doing in the next three days? Well, kids got this and that. Can they be canceled? Pack your bags, I'll be there in 45 minutes. We're leaving. She goes where are we going? I'm like, fuck this, I don't care, we're going to San Diego. Got up in the car, left San Diego, took the kids to SeaWorld, hung out there for a couple of days and, just you know, escape the heat.

Speaker 1:

If I was trapped in society, if I was in a position where I couldn't just get up and leave whenever the hell I wanted I would, gives you the freedom. So that's just earning that substantial income. Sorry, my nose is itching a little bit. That's earning a substantial income to pretty much not be trapped Now. The other huge portion of it is as you mature and as you really want to build something. If you want to pass something on, you've got to build your net worth, you've got to build that savings and you've got to build assets. And by savings I really don't mean your savings account, I mean savings account. Best case scenario have like I don't know, a year of income and really you probably don't even need a year of income in there if you're a high, high, high earner and you know how to create. Because once you learn how to create a dollar like it's kind of a skill that you could just duplicate over and over again you know you'll fluctuate a little bit here, a little bit there and you know. But once you figure out how to make a hundred K selling something, you can go to some other industry and relative and do it. It's not that damn hard. Once you figure out how to make two, 50, you can usually figure out a system to reproduce it in another industry. So once you get to that point, make sure you're saving money, cause this is really where I sucked ass at, because I just wanted to have freaking fun.

Speaker 1:

I went from military pay which isn't as horrible as most people make it seem, to making more money than I'd ever even dreamed of making. Like when I got out of the military. I'm like I'm gonna figure out a way to make six figures, a hundred grand a year, cause that's you know, in the eighties or I guess I'm not that old but in the nineties, when I finally had an understanding of that's what my parents said, a hundred grand. Or my mom said, a income, that's what you hear over and over again. Well, I'm talking like that's mid 90s and now it's you know, 2024, 30 years later, and like that's our same standard. Like anybody ever heard about inflation?

Speaker 1:

Last I did, I think I did a 95 to a now time calculator. It's like 234 grand or some shit, 250 grand and, depending on what state you live in and what city and if you moved and traveled, like that number could go anywhere. You live, you know, down South West Virginia, and all of a sudden you're living in San Francisco, that a hundred grand living that you wanted in Western Virginia. That's like a million freaking San Francisco. Just let everybody know that's just crazy math. So, and then vice versa, if you're used to, you know San Francisco style and you know you take your $300,000 a year salary to freaking West Virginia, all of a sudden you go from fucking dirt broke to rich as fuck. So school's hot. So because of that, you've got to figure it out Like, even if you only are making a buck 20 a year, well great, you need to live five years or so, buy yourself some property or something that your investment, you know, starts to replace your salary, otherwise you're stuck on that shit.

Speaker 1:

Because, guess what, you're 401k, you're 2 million that you saved up by the time you're six, it ain't going to fucking do shit. And let's just be real, most Americans we don't do that shit. And when the government starts to see that we do in a little bit too much of it 2020, I don't know Something always fucking happens to fuck with your shit Pretty heavy. And then all these like savings accounts or brokerage accounts or stock blah, blah, whatever it is crash. And then there's this huge transfer of wealth. It's the seven two cycles, seven great years, two shit years. Look it up. It always happens to some extent and there's seems like there's always something that causes it.

Speaker 1:

So because of that, you've got to get yourself pulled away from needing to work every single day, every single hour. You know, clock in, clock out, and find something to grow. I'm not telling you to quit your job. I'm not telling you you got to go to sales. I'm not telling you you got to start a business. But you got to get really good at something and you've got to figure out how to let it pay you, whether it be you just say forever and you make investments young. That's one way. Most of us didn't do that, like me. Meaning your income's got to fucking skyrocket. You have got to become the best at whatever you do. That could be literally be anything. There's nothing else. So let's move on to the last two.

Speaker 1:

I've got mindset and knowledge real quick written down here. A huge part of this really is believability in your mindset. One you've got to be around the right circle. You've got to be around the right people telling you the right things and hell, they don't even really have to always be you know someone that you look up to as far as like, oh, they're doing 10 times better than me, but sometimes just being around positive motherfuckers that are pushing every day. Sometimes I see people who are, you know, maybe not live in the same financial lifestyle I have or, you know, maybe they don't have the family or relationship that I do, but there's something like something here that's just so much stronger than what I have, where they're always smiling, they're always positive, they're always helping other people. Push and push and push. You can always have people like that in their life. They don't have to be doing better than you Now.

Speaker 1:

Eventually they do need to be coming up. If they're just, you know, a cheerleader like that's not what you're looking for in the long run, but occasionally a cheerleader for a couple minutes. You know they entertain you during the breaks at the game, when the game's boring, there's nothing else to do. That's what the cheerleaders are for. So you'll need a couple of with people, for the most part, who are on a similar journey to you. It doesn't have to mean the same business, it doesn't have to mean the same position, but they're having the same conversations you do. How do we get better every day? How do we take care of ourselves better. How do we take care of ourselves so we can take care of our families, so we can take care of our business? That's going to be the mindset and the conversations that people have.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people ask me sometimes we're out and about and, you know, do you talk about anything other than like what you're doing or how great you are? It's not that I'm cocky, it's not that I'm arrogant, it's like the fuck else am I going to talk about? I don't need to spend hours talking about. You know, if Aaron Rodgers is going to actually ever really play longer than running out onto the field for a play for the New York Jets, like I don't need to have that conversation because, yeah, do I like watching football from time to time? Uh, do I, did I like watching Aaron Rodgers when he was, you know, a quarterback? That was still absolutely. But I don't need to have an hour conversation about the Green Bay Packers or the New York Jets or whatever the hell's going on nowadays in the NFL, when I'm living my life right here every single day.

Speaker 1:

So for the very few people I surround myself with, what we're talking about is whatever the hell we're doing. We're talking about how to get better. We're talking about you know how we're going to help bring value to each other. We're talking about all of those type of things in life because guess what I don't have, I don't have time. Honestly, I don't give a shit about a celebrity's life. I'll watch their fucking movie nine times out of 10. I don't give a care who it is. It'd be Leonardo DiCaprio. I can't recognize him in most of his fucking movies because I just don't surround myself with that. I watch it once, I get a good laugh or whatever the emotion they want is, and I move on because I don't give a fuck about his life, because I'm here, I'm not there, and the last part of mindset that I wrote here and all of these topics go deeper than one.

Speaker 1:

This is a one hour podcast that I'm putting together, but the last thing here is who are you listening to? What are you filling your brain with? Are you listening to your and I'm just going to be real are you listening to your mom, your dad, your brother and your sister? You know the ones that are supposed to be so close to you and follow you through thick and thin, like last I checked the only person that you've ever committed to something like that with is your spouse, like when you and your mom were, or when you and your mom were from watch out for my language when your mom and dad were going at it and making you, I am 99.9% sure they weren't talking about, like this new kid that they're creating, of how they're going to be there every and now. They were saying some nasty shit. You know what I'm saying. They were having a little bit of fun.

Speaker 1:

So when you were created as a human, your blood family has, you really don't have any like obligation to them, except the obligation that society lied you about and told you that you had the obligation to take care of your parents. Take care of this, take care of that. Well, last I checked, that's a socialist economy. That's like a socialist communism thing of growing with them, because I know a lot of people we have great parents, like we want to retire our parents someday. Don't get me wrong.

Speaker 1:

I'm not completely evil, but you know, if that's really your dream, like you can't do that while you're broke, like if you don't go out there and venture onto yourself and you listen to it, cause they may not have the same mindset you do, and if you're listening to me, you probably have somewhat of a positive mindset. Otherwise you would have clicked this off and gone and wrote some hate comments and shit, which would have been dope help my exposure. But, like, if you made it this far, you have some level of growth that you want you see a better picture for yourself. So I don't care if it's the people who raised you, guess what. They don't dictate your future. They don't dictate what you do, and a lot of times and I see this from a lot of entrepreneurs and salespeople the best thing you can do is get the fuck out of your home state, because your home state got you to where you are today.

Speaker 1:

Everything you know to this point in time is everything that's happened in the past. And if you stay in the past, if you stay in the world that you've been in, you're never going to fucking grow. So a lot of times you need to be listening to other people. You need to get around different information because, whether it be your mom, dad, aunt, uncle, like, they're telling you the same shit you already know, and a lot of times you'd be surprised they don't intentionally do it, but they're the ones holding you back. Why? Because of their own selfish reasons. They want you to stay close, they want this, they want that. Well, eventually, those selfish reasons, when you're broke, they're 85 and you know you can't support them, suck ass. So make sure you're surrounding yourself with the right people, you're listening to the right people. Same thing, cnn, fox news.

Speaker 1:

I'd cut that shit out of your life, like I did that. Um done it a couple of times in life. The last time I had to do it was the COVID timeframe, when everyone was going fucking crazy and, you know, no one could make any sense of anything and I pretty much haven't really listened to shit since then. If something comes into my life that's big enough or deep enough that I know about it or that it makes it to my table, essentially I'll go try to research it myself as much as I can. And that brings me to my last topic is knowledge.

Speaker 1:

Everything in this earth, especially in today's world, you're no longer going to make a great living working at a factory. You're no longer going to make a great, you know, living working in a manufacturer plant. It's just. It's not what it is anymore. We've got machines to do the work. We've got cheap labor If we need it. No one's going to pay you to put piece A to piece B, piece A to piece B, pass on. The assembly line Like that does not exist in today's world, mainly because machines have replaced it. And if not, they're not going to pay you enough, because the only reason they still have humans there is because they can't afford to put the machines in. But if they start paying you more, they might as well do the machines. So in today's world you have to have this.

Speaker 1:

We are in an information technology and moving into an artificial intelligence era, and if you do not have the ability to think for yourself, if you do not have the ability to reason, then you're done, then you're unable to grow. So you need to be able to critically think. You need to be able to look at a topic and decide left and right. You know, up and down, good and bad, what you think about that topic and come up with your own summary of that topic and your own. This is where it gets really tricky opinion. Here's where that's key.

Speaker 1:

Quit taking other people's knowledge and put it into your own world. For example, growing up we were always told like you don't talk about money as a family, you don't talk about money with your friends. That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. For those of you that want to know where that came from, that actually came from executive management. The reason you don't talk about money is because they told society that it's bad to talk about money. The reason that is because they could save a lot of money if jim and jill didn't know. You know they were doing the exact same job. Let's say jill put in you know, twice the production, but jim had been there a little bit long. Or, uh, jill had been there a little bit longer. Maybe jill's making you know, know, $4 an hour, but Jim's making $6 an hour because, I don't know, he's more of a salesperson. He smiled a little bit better at the interview and, you know, convince him to pay him extra two bucks an hour, but maybe he doesn't put out the same work as Jill does. Well, if they never talk about that, they never find out. So the equilibrium or the competition never hits.

Speaker 1:

The same thing is if no one was on here telling you that you can make $100,000. You can make $200,000. You can make $300,000 a year. If no one told you that, if no one gave you the skills, the steps, or even told you that it was possible for a college dropout and by college dropout that's a loose term, because I made it about a year and a half and I fucking half off or half assed basically all my classes and just played the cross a little bit, like, if people don't tell you that you can do these things, like you just don't know.

Speaker 1:

Same thing with politics. It's like we never discuss politics. Why don't you discuss politics? Because I want you to critically think, because they want the elite to control what you think and what you say. And left or right Like 90 percent of them are all the same fucking pieces of shit. Right, they're all part of this. You know one political system there's not two fucking Democrat, republican, they're all part of the. You know, let's control you as much as we can, let's make you a slave to the business.

Speaker 1:

And if we don't talk about politics, if we don't have these discussions, if we hide, because people get emotional like how are you ever going to have a hard conversation with somebody? How are you ever going to have that real conversation with the boss that might get you a promotion or might get you fired 50, 50, who knows. But how are you ever going to have those conversations if you've never had them before in life? What's another one? Religion. We don't talk about religion. Oh, okay, that sounds like the fucking Nazis to me. Sounds like we're trying to hide a lot of shit. We don't talk about family life. We don't talk about you, don't talk about all the things that actually affect our life.

Speaker 1:

But it's okay to talk about the Kardashians, the NBA, the NFL, uh, caitlin Clark or whatever the fuck her name is. Uh, riley gains in the swimming with the dude and the medals and the girls, shit, Like that's what we talk about. And yeah, I think you know discussion needs to be happening about that, because it's turned into a fucking rat race of hell. But we've gotten so far. Like, the reason we got there the reason that a man was given medals in a woman's college NCAA women's swimming competition is because we failed to talk, we failed to have reasonable discussions, because I'm gonna be real with you, the LGBTQ plus three makes 2% of our population, or some bullshit like that. I think it's even less. So nobody I don't think anybody actually believes that a man should be able to play women's sports and I don't believe many women truly believe that they're going to be cut out for the NFL, no matter how hard they fucking try, because genetically we are different. Fucking face it Like. Genetically we are different. Science says we're different. Everything says we're different. Like we're different, like we're motherfucking different.

Speaker 1:

So, logically, it didn't make sense, but it happened. Why did it happen? Because this agenda was out there telling you what to think, how to think, what's good, what's bad, and when they control your mind, they control your body and they control your future. So when it happened and people went, oh fuck, yeah, you're right, that doesn't make any sense. And then Riley Gaines goes out there and speaks out about it and if you want to, if you want to, uh, for selling any for seller, real as fuck. And a Riley Gaines interview um, watch that if you want to know more about this cause. It goes deep into her interview became such a just a cog to society and to the education and to.

Speaker 1:

You know they controlled your mind with covid and they told you what to believe and how to get vaccinated. Who needs vaccinated? Who didn't need vaccinated? Everyone needs vaccinated. We don't fucking know. They told you you need to stand six feet away from people. They told you coughing was bad. They told you eating food was bad. They told you that it came from monkeys, that it didn't come from monkeys, that it came from china, that it didn't come from china. They told you all these things and they just started to whoop your ass a little bit and they started to beat you and they started to tear you down.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of like, you know, battered syndrome, where eventually you just deal with it because it's easier to deal with it than fight it. And then all of a sudden you know they got these parades and you got all this freaking pedophilia going on in the elites and like there's literally people who have said pedophilia is actual disease. Yeah, it's a disease and the only way to cure it is a nine millimeter between the eyes. Like that's the type of disease we're talking. We're not talking about where it's due a frontal lobotomy or cut. No, fucking mutilate motherfuckers. It is not a disease, it's a fucking sick and disgusted illness. And it's like if I go around on a shooting rampage, is anyone going to be like, oh fucking, jonathan had a disease. Like no, I'm a fucking nut job. I mean, fuck, there's times I feel like going on a rampage some days. But then my human brain, my frontal cortex and everything goes. That's not a good idea. We shouldn't treat people like that. So it isn't a fucking disease, it's just fucking sick.

Speaker 1:

And I'm talking pedophilia right now. But we had what did they fucking name it? What the media tell you was called? Oh, it was a minor attracted person. Hmm, that's like a convict is what I call that, or a pedophile, or a fucking rapist. You pick the fucking term, but that's what they are. But you were told that's what they needed to be.

Speaker 1:

And then you give a medal to a male swimming in a female's event and you you're told, and I mean, the NCAA was briefing their swimmers on how to deal with a man swimming, it's disgusting, but you were told that's what had to happen. So it happened and the medal was given, and I think that's you know in many circumstances why critical thinking is key. I think that had just hit people where they're like what the fuck just happened? And then, like a few weeks later, cause, at first you're like, oh yeah, that was supposed to happen. Not me, but you know, as a general population, that's kind of what happened.

Speaker 1:

And then people were like wait, wait, wait, wait, he's six foot four and he was not even in the top, like 500 male swimmers. And then, like he's beaten women in every category, every group. And then, like he's beaten women in every category, every group, every distance short, long, medium and just fucking shit up, oh yeah, it kind of doesn't make sense. Oh, he's got a penis, he's got a dick. Oh, you mean, he's not a female but he wants to be, but he's fucking. Okay, he cut his dick off, he cut his balls off. Okay, but he was a dude that allows you to have a critical thought got hit with so much trauma and so much force that it woke the fuck up and went oh fuck, it's fight time.

Speaker 1:

So I'm telling you this out of everything here, knowledge is going to be your superpower here, because the more you know and the more you can think and the more that you can you know control this piece, the better you're going to be. So this podcast went all over the place. I appreciate you staying with me. If you want to know more, if you want to stay, make sure you subscribe, follow it, let's, let's get deeper. This podcast is going to go into all sorts of issues and a lot of it's going to be educational as well. It's not just issues. I've done some interviews, things like that, but here's one thing I'm never going to do. I ain't censoring the motherfucker for anybody. So if you like the reality of it, if you like kind of what I stand for, stick around, hit me up on any social media, lead Jonathan Roberts on Instagram, find me on Facebook, whatever the hell it is. I appreciate everybody. You guys have an amazing evening. We'll get.

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