Jonathan Roberts Not Safe for Society

Not Safe For Society: Intellectual Gladiator’s Arena – Cutting Through Digital Distraction, Embracing Political Insight, and Nourishing the Mind's Muscle

Jonathan Roberts Season 1 Episode 14

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Embark on a transformative journey with me this Warrior Wednesday as I grapple with the everyday battle of learning in our high-speed digital world. You're not just another listener; you're the next intellectual gladiator, stepping into an arena where critical thinking is your sword and shield. From the mishaps of handling Zoom to dissecting the traditional education system, we'll tackle the complexities of nurturing that spark of curiosity within and the digital behaviors that may be dulling our cognitive edge.

Let's strip away the political candidate posters and sound bites to truly understand the leaders vying for the helm of our nations. I challenge you to join me in questioning the media's portrayal of political figures and symbols of power, as I share insights into the emotional tides and policy currents that guide our decisions. We'll also examine the landscape of learning, from the inspiring tale of a man labeled with a "broken brain" to uncovering the four villains of learning and memory. Together, we'll arm our minds for growth, laugh at my unexpected Backstreet Boy doppelganger moment, and understand why it's vital to fuel both the body and the brain with equal vigor.

Closing out this episode, remember that the mind, like any muscle, needs consistent training to avoid the trap of 'digital dementia' and the idle comfort of complacency. As I share tales of navigating the corporate and concrete jungles alike, and offer personalized sales advice that goes beyond the surface, you'll be equipped to chart your own course of relentless self-improvement. So, tune in, tag along, and let's foster a community that learns, laughs, and levels up life together.

Speaker 1:

no-transcript. So there, you guys saw me in the mute position, you know, talking to myself. I wasn't even, you know, predicting on camera. But hey, we're going to get. Yeah, I got you, I got you. Um, we're going to get going here in a minute. Uh, I got to figure out how to learn how to use zoom. It's a complicated piece of technology. Uh, yeah, we won't jack that up again, but today's call. What you guys missed is I said, hey, it's going to be two minutes. So we got about 60 seconds. So we go. I'm just letting a handful of people get in.

Speaker 1:

My goal is to fuck some shit up today. My goal is to piss some people off and my goal is to really get some people thinking about what they. We're not going to spoil it yet. My goal is to get people thinking, thinking, thinking, thinking. So give me about 60 seconds, I'll come back on, and I'm going to need some volunteers early, some volunteers early. So if you've got a little bit of courage, you might be ready to volunteer. Now you're going to hear me ask what I need volunteers for. Don't be scared if it's you and it might be nobody. All right, check, check, real quick. Hey, someone who has a mic, bobby. Um, if you're driving, don't do, bobby, you drive and give me a thumbs up, thumbs down. Are you able to unmute yourself? Okay, why the fuck is my audio jacked up again? I've got to get it fixed. It jacked up yesterday, bobby.

Speaker 2:

Talk again, talk again, bobby I hear you fine there we go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's my. It's my speakers that are being jacked up. They keep switching to a different channel, but we're going to get going. Let me reset this here really quick. There we go. I'm rolling on both cameras now rolling on this Zoom call. Hey, welcome to Warrior Wednesday. We'll have a few more people sign in today.

Speaker 1:

This call is going to be structured Honestly. This call, I'm probably going to move to the very, very, very first call of Warrior Wednesday, because this call is going to be the most important call you have ever freaking been on when it comes to training, when it comes to leveling up, when it comes to studying, when it comes to learning, because this call is going to focus on how to learn and how to find yourself. Because how many times have like, let's just be real we talk about reading books, for example, or training with Andy, or training with anyone. How many people absolutely hate freaking reading? I'll be the first to raise my hand Like if it ain't a picture book. The shit's hard to get through and sometimes I can't read a picture book. They're complicated, but reading sucks ass. But it's because of the way we think about it. What if, by this call, I could give you a couple tips and tricks that I've been working on lately to make learning fun again.

Speaker 1:

Now, the reason I said it like that is I'm going to start this conversation off with a little MAGA. You know what I'm saying. It's not going to get political, but it's going to fuck some people up, but it's going to make you realize some stuff, it's going to open the mind. So, for those of you who know what MAGA is, don't get fucking offended either way, because it's going to stay neutral, I think. But here's the thing that I want to start off with as adults, as entrepreneurs, salespeople, as you know, entrepreneurs, salespeople just you know, people in general one of the skills that we have really freaking lost is the ability to learn, memorize and, more importantly, critical thinking. Critical thinking and that's where sales training, life training, coaching, whatever you want to call it really like dies.

Speaker 1:

And that's why some people and I'll be real with you, in today's world, a lot of people fail when it comes to training. You're like oh man, I watched all the videos, I did all this, I signed on to all the calls, but I'm still in the exact same place. Well, that's the problem. It's because you're watching the videos, you're taking all the steps You're doing all the motion, because that's what the education system teaches us. You know, I'm 35 years old, so position yourself around me plus 10, minus 10, whatever it is and our kids if y'all have kids like, if they're not in and I'm not, I'm not an advocate for charter schools or private schools but if they're not in a charter school or a private school, they're probably getting like subpar education and they're not supposed to learn how to be a millionaire at elementary, middle and high school.

Speaker 1:

I just want to like, let you guys know that, like, the education system is not to create entrepreneurs, is not to create salespeople. It is to create cogs to our society. It is to create people who can go turn a fucking wrench, people who can go to college and learn how to lead and manage and watch Excel sheets and then send you out into the world to build someone else's dream. It is not for people like you and I that have our own dreams and we're going to accomplish them. So, that being said, the education system is great. It's like I said last week, I believe on my call is. The education system is there to teach history and they don't even do the greatest job on that, but it's not the teacher's fault. Teachers and educators are some of the greatest people in the world.

Speaker 1:

Like, how many of you have kids? Raise your hand, look, I've got two daughters. You couldn't pay me enough to babysit. You couldn't pay me my current salary to babysit. You couldn't pay me my current salary. You think a teacher's job's good? I don't make a salary, but you couldn't pay me. I would do what I do now, 80 hours a week, rather than fucking teach, if you paid me the same. There's no way you could pay me to be around 30 kids all day.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not saying I hate kids. I'm just saying I hate other people's kids. Mine are fucking cool, yours suck. I'm just kidding, but get them little shits under control. No, I'm kidding. I'm kidding, but it's not the education, it's not the teachers. It's not your middle school, high school shop teacher's job to teach you to be successful One, because they haven't done it. If I was going to sit here and tell you all how to make $10 million a year and I've never made $10 million a year I would be a fucking fraud. I cannot teach you to make 10 million a year if I have not done it myself. Therefore, your high school teacher isn't going to actually know what it takes to make 150, 250, open a business, like any of that shit. They don't know. They can read a book about it, they can educate themselves about it, they can teach you in theory all day, but we all know there's a difference between theory and applied.

Speaker 1:

So here's where we're going to go with this. We on this call. My goal is to help you take some steps in critical thinking, because learning to be able to critically think, learning to be able to make your own decisions, learning to be able to take in information, memorize it, put it into your long-term memory and implement it again is absolutely huge. And be able to have that information stored so when you actually need it in the day-to-day life, you have it there ready to go. Like that, you don't have to think about it. You don't have to pick up this bad boy and we're going to talk a lot about this bad boy today. Honestly, 50% of the call is going to be this bad boy.

Speaker 1:

So I told you we're going to go a little mega today. Make America great again. Here's the fucking cool thing. I don't like that statement because America's always been fucking great and it's how you freaking view it, and if you don't believe me, we're not going to go there, stay back. Stay back, all right, we're good, we're good, but I want to see who has balls today. So if you don't have any balls or lady balls, whatever you want to call them If you don't have your camera on, turn your camera on, cause I'm going to need some.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to need some interaction. I'm going to need some help. I'm going to need, I'm going to need someone who's got some courage and, daniel, you might want to put that hand down before you know what I'm about to ask for. I know you're ready to fucking volunteer, but you might not be ready for this one. So I want to know real quick, just show a hands how much your camera's zoomed in you may or may not be able to see it over here how many of you let's go with it how many of you support Donald Trump? Raise your hand, okay, all right, cool, cool.

Speaker 1:

Who says fuck Trump? Who doesn't really like Trump? Does anybody Raise your hand? Drop a one in the chat if you don't have your camera on. Who does not like Trump? Who's against Trump? Who's against Trump? Who thinks he's a dirtbag? Scumbag, daniel, I like it, dude. Daniel, I love you, man, because you've always got. You've always got them. You're like your back's got to hurt carrying that shit around all the time. Daniel, take your ass off me. Daniel, about to get fucked up. Yeah, so you're not. You're not a fan of Trump, dude.

Speaker 3:

I'm not a political expert, but if you have to put me on the spot, sure.

Speaker 1:

Cool, I like political expert, but if you have to put me on the spot, sure, cool, I like it.

Speaker 3:

I'll take it, I'll take it. Why don't you like the guy? Don't know if he's the best uh role model to be leading the country, and if you were to go and grill me about his policy, something like that, I wouldn't know shit. I just have to give you the benefit of the doubt, but okay yeah, so.

Speaker 1:

So what was the first thing you said? Um, I heard you don't know much about his policies. What was the first thing you said? I heard you don't know much about his policies. What was the first thing you said? I kind of missed it.

Speaker 3:

I don't think he's a good role model for the country.

Speaker 1:

Okay, he's not a good role model. Describe role model Like. What would a good role model for the country look like, and why does Trump not?

Speaker 3:

I think Obama was pretty well spoken. I think someone who he's a little bit arrogant. He's pretty arrogant. One of his funny lines during his debate before this first term he'd always say no one is liked more than me in any single topic that he was doing. I think he has a track record of of route. I've also seen this show, the apprentice, and he seems pretty like arrogant there, like, just like, not like other role models that I look up to and the amount of doing and everything going on and I don't know. I just don't think he's. Again, I can't. I can't sit here and argue my opinion because I just don't. Anyone who would know two percent of my politics would absolutely destroy me on this subject. So I just you know beautiful man.

Speaker 1:

Is anybody else willing to step up like daniel? Do we have anybody else? And I don't give a shit if you do or don't like biden, it's not what it's about. But is there anybody else on this call that is not a Trump fan that would mind jumping on with me for just a second? Sorry, if you don't want to, I'm good. I know what audience I bring in.

Speaker 1:

Y'all don't like me, all right, daniel, one I want to say one dude I appreciate you for always being willing to share, always being willing to come on and not worrying. That actually speaks a lot about you. My brother, I know you're a young guy. I actually just had Daniel down here at the Master Closer Seminar this week and he's a great, great guy. Honestly, if you guys want to watch an inspiring journey, follow Daniel on social media. He's a great freaking guy. He's got, I mean, gosh. His mindset is dialed in and he's got some balls.

Speaker 1:

Because, obviously, if you guys know anything about me and my political views, I keep them off the calls. I keep them off my social media for the most part. Go to my podcast if you want to hear my amazing rants. But you guys know I'm pretty right wing. Let's just be real with it.

Speaker 1:

Now, here's the thing I want to point out that you told me, daniel, and I'm not even really here to debate you, I'm not here to tell you you're wrong, but I ask you about a political candidate which a political candidate is going to be the leader of a country, a leader of a corporation? Now, that being said, if anyone is fucking confused, america is the largest corporation in the entire world. If anyone doesn't understand that, we are the largest corporation and we've got a fucking LLC for everything, we've got the water division, we've got the food division, we've got the unemployment division, we've got the contracting, the war contracting division. We've got everything. We've got the foreign policy division. We are a corporation. We just suck ass at it because we also print our own money. Different call, different podcast episode right there. But when I asked if you didn't like donald trump, you couldn't name a single one of his policies. Now, I completely understand that. I completely understand. Maybe you don't, you know, love politics, but you don't like the guy based on the apprentice well, I also listen.

Speaker 3:

I also hate biden too. I don't think he, I don't think he's any much of a better option. I'm not going to go and say someone who can't stay awake through a full speech is better.

Speaker 1:

This isn't a Biden-Trump debate, but the thing is is like, even what you just said about Biden there, it was an emotional thought. You can't stay awake for a whole speech. Like, honestly, I don't want to be real with you guys. If you actually go one step further and watch Biden, he's actually a decent speaker and, I hate to say it, if they've got him on the right concoction of drugs and he's prepped enough, he's actually a pretty decent speaker. But it's the Fox News that's going to take that little clip and show him stumbling his words. How many of you have never stumbled your words talking for an hour and a half straight? Has anyone on this call other than myself I know a couple of you been on stage for an hour and a half straight with a thousand people, 10,000 people looking at you and not stumbled your words? I had someone pass out during my last hour speech like hit the ground from standing, like shit happens that you don't have control over. But there could be and there probably is, a fucking reel of me out there going oh shit, are you okay? Like throws off everything.

Speaker 1:

Not defending Biden, I'm not defending Trump, but we have made an educated decision about the number one thing I believe our democracy has is the leader, and I know the president doesn't do a damn thing. I know they're a showcase of a voice, but I do know this. I do know years ago his daddy gave him a little million dollar loan that he had to pay back with a bunch of interest, and he legit hate him or like him. Turn that million dollar loan into a huge empire Most of you can invest ninety nine dollars on this call and turn it into a million. That's what he fucking did. He turned one hundred dollars into a million dollars. And if you want to talk to me about forward thinking policy, we could discuss that. I'll tear you up on my podcast, mainly because I don't fucking know that much, but I'll admit that I don't know. But I will admit that the president is a figurehead that we need to push forward. And just like I'm kind of hitting you, daniel, I'm talking about an emotional decision right now. Now I will say and I'm not dogging anybody I am somewhat educated when it comes to politics, so I could talk policy, I could talk a little bit more with you, but that's not the point of it. The point of it is 90% of us make decisions without critical thinking, because both Biden and both Trump Daniel not dogging on you just love you, man, you have the balls.

Speaker 1:

Everything that you said had nothing to do with foreign policy, had nothing to do with actually the presidency had to do with some bullshit show about fucking the Apprentice, had to do with some other bullshit. That was just you don't like the way he speaks. Well, you know, that's the thing is, that's how we're separating each other and that's how we're getting rid of American thinking. Cause I could also say well, you know, joe Biden raised a son, he was a fucking coke head and fucking does business with China. Like I could do all the same bullshit. But it's kind of an emotional thing because I don't have the facts, I don't have the information.

Speaker 1:

I did this with someone yesterday and they brought up the fact that, well, donald Trump's being tried at New York and it was like, okay, I want to ask you one question Is he being tried by his peers? Because I'm pretty sure there's no billionaire on that fucking jury. I'm pretty sure in a very, very red or in a very, very blue state. It's not half and half blue and red. I'm pretty sure no one on that journey jury has had a similar life to Donald. So why is that important? Well, because we're repeating history and we're getting dumber every fucking day and we're forgetting how to learn, we're forgetting to retain information and it's making us hate the journey of life, it's making us hate growing ourselves and it's making it really hard to level up and freaking, get involved. So my point to this, set in the framing of this conversation, is red or blue, left or right, green or white, white or black or purple, it doesn't fucking matter, it does not matter. Don't let the distractions get in your way, and I'm about to blow you up with the distractions that are going to fuck you up and keep you the same.

Speaker 1:

So I'm reading a book called Limitless right now by David somebody I forget his dang name, that was poor. Look up the book Limitless. It's amazing. And to summarize this guy's story, he's Asian. I'm just no stereotypes, no racist. It just sets the tone. He's an Asian guy. He's supposed to be really good at math. Let's just get it out there. He says it in his book himself.

Speaker 1:

We judge people by who we are and early on in his childhood he was. I think it was like third grade or second grade or something. He's in class and a siren goes off, firefighters everywhere, like big accident, big fire, a lot of commotion and all the kids go running to the freaking window and he's like short and shit so we can't see out the window so him and his buddy, they go grab chairs. Somehow he slips, slips, falls, cracks his head on one of those old radiators and he goes stupid. This would be real. He probably had a concussion and knocked him out for a while.

Speaker 1:

That early in life, like COVID sorry, I didn't say it that early in life. When a student, when a child is not learning, it is detrimental to their future. So he gets a concussion, his brain is slowed down a bit. He's got some shit His entire life. He's told he has a broken brain. You know he struggles through middle school broken brain, you're okay, just keep pushing. Goes to high school broken brain, you're just, you know, you're just dumb, deal with it. Broken brain. In college he he kept pushing all these things. He almost quit here. He almost quit there. He had a couple of mentors that pushed him through it.

Speaker 1:

The guy now gets on stage like stage and in front of thousands of people will pull 50 people up on stage. What's your name, what's your name, what's your? And he'll repeat the 50 names back to him. Bam, bam, bam. I can't do that to two people like, let's just be real. It's amazing. But what he learned is everyone was trying to teach him to retain information, was trying to teach him to memorize information, but no one ever actually taught him to learn. So I'm going to share a shit ton with you today about how to actually learn and what is keeping us from one, enjoying learning and two, from being able to retain what we learned and being able to stay focused. Because I used to be the person and I'll be real I do a lot of audio books, I do a lot of podcasts, but I fucking hate words. I hate, hate, hate, hate books. I've gotten a lot better recently and it's been through some of the studies on this.

Speaker 1:

So think about this how many people would agree with me that knowledge is power To a strong degree? The more you know, the more powerful you are. If I know more than you about a certain subject and I can handle it, how many of you believe that you're a little bit more powerful? You're a little bit more useful, perfect. So if knowledge is power, then the ability to learn is your superpower. I want you to write that down. If the knowledge is power, your ability to learn is your superpower.

Speaker 1:

And like every single superhero movie out there, there's always the hero and the villain. We'll talk about villains in a second. But what does the hero do? Nine times out of 10, and this is how movies work, this is how humans like to process. Nine times out of 10, your hero has to. Well, I think ten out of ten. The hero has a journey to go on.

Speaker 1:

The hero starts without a skill or without a superpower, or with a reduced version of that, and then something happens. A crossroad hits. They have a choice to make. They get bit by a spider. Something happens where they are given the choice to have a superpower and become a superhero. Now, you've never seen the superhero movie DC, marvel, whatever nerd shit you watch. You've never seen the superhero movie that they refuse to take the change. That's called a drama, that's all over Lifetime or whatever that shit is.

Speaker 1:

My wife in christmas time with a bunch of sad ass christmas movies. Those movies don't entertain anyone. Let's just be real. They're depressing, they're funny. They're on once a year just because it's fucking christmas and we feel like it's okay.

Speaker 1:

But the superhero then goes on a journey. They learn their power, they master their power, they use it for good, typically, and then there's the villains. The villain is always trying to keep the superpower down, the superhuman down. They're trying to stop the progress. So if we agree that knowledge is power and learning is your superpower, then it's our responsibility to grow that superpower as quick as we can. So how do we do that? We learn faster, we retain more, we start to enjoy it, because the more you enjoy it when you can replace the NFL Sunday with two hours of reading and critical thinking, your life will grow tremendously. So there's going to be four major villains on this fucking journey of your journey of becoming a superhero.

Speaker 1:

Because the cool thing is, I don't care what. Like I said earlier, I don't care if you're white, black, purple, male, female, democrat, republican. We all have this. We all have this. If you ever want to know how to level up your life and you were freaking lost I want you to do this. I want you to take your fingers and put them about this far apart. I know on my camera.

Speaker 1:

I'm not looking at it, you have no idea how far that is.

Speaker 1:

That's about 12 inches. Some of you are going man, bullshit, dude. Anyways, that's about 12 inches. I want you to go like this and I want you to put it right back and I want Everything that you want to achieve is within that 12-inch space right there. Every power you want exists right there in your mind. And the cool thing is we all, as humans, that is the most complex computer machine that we don't even fully understand, but it's now been proven that it is a memory, it is a muscle.

Speaker 1:

They used to believe that after adolescence roughly high school you quit learning and you pretty much your brain was formed as much as you can. The last four decades they've pretty much disproven that. How? London taxi drivers london taxi drivers have one of the healthiest and most active brains on the planet. Why? Because for you to get your license to be a london taxi driver, they put you in a 10 kilometer square in london.

Speaker 1:

You guys have never been to London. It is fucked up. Their roads like you think. Whatever U S city you live in has fucked up roads. Go to London and you'll be grateful, I promise. Has anyone ever been to London? Raise your hand like anybody.

Speaker 1:

It's fucked up. Let's just say that they should have like rebuilt the shit a little bit better. It is like circle roads, crossroads, triangle roads, square roads all in one. That was one intersection, by the way. They all hit right there. That's how bad London is. So a London taxi driver, to get their taxi license in a 10-kilometer area so 10 by 10, 100 square kilometers or whatever math that comes to has to be able to navigate the city to a certain level of points without using a GPS. And they noticed, the longer and longer they drove taxi and they were licensed, their brain grew and they had a larger and I forget the part of the brain it is but a long-term memory cord. So it's been proven that you can learn as an adult. Here's the other thing your brain is built on a plasticity, meaning you can change it, shape it whenever you want. When you have new stress, when you have new information, when you go to a new job, your brain itself, physically, will actually change and adapt to what you're doing. Now.

Speaker 1:

There's two basic forms of thinking. There's short-term memory and long-term memory. What's short-term memory gonna be? It's gonna be that thought that oh shit, don't do that again, like something you know some jackass. That oh shit, don't do that again. Like something you know some jackass. You're out and about, there's some guy you just really don't like and he's getting a little lippy. You don't want to get in a fight. You're not going to remember that motherfucker for tomorrow. You're just going to avoid that motherfucker. Fight that motherfucker at that point and then he's going to be gone. Long-term memory are going to be like all those thoughts, like day names of a huge, huge client. Hopefully start locking.

Speaker 1:

In the long term your brain will adapt to what it needs to do. The more stress you put on it, it'll start regulating its cortisone levels. Yes, when you start doing something new, it's going to be a little bit stressful. But as you do it over and over and over again, as it becomes easier, it's going to drop its level. But then when you add a new task to it that has the same level of stress, guess what? Your brain then knows how to deal with stress better. So it's not going to release as much cortisone. It will grow and grow. So your brain, you can shape it. So realize you have control of this muscle. Just like you go to the gym, work out, do some curls trying to get them biceps, your brain is shapeable as well.

Speaker 1:

So the first villain that's going to come fuck your journey up is going to be the digital and I'm going to spell this out for you, because I don't know how to pronounce it D-E-L-U-G-E, so deluge, some shit like that. I probably slaughtered it, it's probably Latin or something, but digital deluge. What that is is there is an ever-ending flood of information on the world and there's only a finite amount of time that we have to have all these expectations. So when you're out there, when you're filling your mind with information, there is an endless amount of information, and this leads to that overwhelming feeling, this leads to anxiety, this leads to insomnia, sleeplessness, because there's just so much that you could absolutely learn. And that's part of where this thing comes in. And you're going to see that this conversation is going to go pretty much all digital.

Speaker 1:

Your villains right now are digital, your villains as well. As what is a superhero Like Batman and Robin? Like what's Robin? What's he called? Is he like the homie, the hookup, I don't know? The superhero's buddy? It is both the villain and the buddy, and the first thing that you want to write is your digital deluge. That is just a sidekick. There we go. That is just too much information coming in that you can't retain at all, and 90% of it being complete trash information, so you don't retain it. You're not teaching your brain to retain and learn and store the next part and this is going to all connect here in a second, so just write these down.

Speaker 1:

Digital distraction this is basically the fleeting pins like that desire you get. It's the same thing a crackhead gets of a digital dopamine rush, of your digital dopamine rush. This is the ability for digital media out there to release quick dopamine, to get your quick little real hit, to get your information here in a snap, to be able to Google whatever information you want, read it, recite it, mind dump it, not store it and get rid of it. That's that quick. The problem is this is going to start replacing a lot of your ability to sustain attention. Like you've heard it on the news, you've heard it in your freaking kids's life. Like gosh and I'm not, I'm no better. My kids have their damn ipod pads everywhere. They're freaking using them in the car. You know, when we go out to eat, you have to tell them to put the son of a bitch away half the time, and I have to do the same thing, but it's like when you put it down, like they almost lose their shit. It's like what do we do? I don't know? Fucking talk and they don't know what it is because you're not getting that quick dopamine rush. So it's gonna. It's gonna help reduce your ability to pay attention to anything.

Speaker 1:

You make a deep relationship because if your dopamine hits are in five to five to 10 second intervals, like go try to talk to your partner or spouse or future partner or spouse in five to 10 second segments, one of you is going to find the other person incredibly boring and you're going to go back to your phones, you're going to pick it up, you're going to be sitting next to each other on the couch or at dinner or whatever it is, scrolling fucking reels. And then people are like I just, you know I don't connect with you anymore, bitch. You never connected with them in the first place. You never got to know them, because you can't go for more than 10 seconds without a quick hit. Holy shit, sounds like a freaking crackhead. It's going to ruin your ability to deep learn.

Speaker 1:

If I get on Fox news, cnn, cnbc, doesn't matter, and I'm just scrolling headlines, you know, fuck Trump, trump's great. Fuck Biden, biden's great, doesn't matter what it says, and that's all I learn. I don't have the ability to make a decision for myself and I'm just getting that quick little bam hit. Oh yeah, trump did this today. Bam. Oh yeah, biden's an idiot today. Bam, and I'm just getting that little hit and it's taken away my ability to go, dive into the content, dive into the information and truly learn and make my own thoughts, make my own ability, and then excuse me, and then deep work.

Speaker 1:

How many of us? And raise your hand. How many of us like does it suck to do a task for an hour straight? And raise your hand, how many of us like, does it suck to do a task for an hour straight? And like add, kicks in? How many of you? Is it actually? And I'll be.

Speaker 1:

It's hard for me too. I work on social media half the time, but even when I do decide, hey, I'm gonna dial motherfuckers for an hour you know how hard it is like occasionally I'll pick up my phone when the phone's ringing. Go to instagram. Someone picks up and I'm like oh yeah, shit, I'm trying to dial people. I'm just being real. We, we all do it. It's because I even have that dopamine rush.

Speaker 1:

It's not healthy, but you got to control it. You got to be aware of it, to be able to fix it, to be able to start finding enjoyment in learning again, to be able to start taking information and being able to give it back to each other. So we've got digital deluge I believe it's pronounced like that. Who knows? Digital distraction. Distraction the next one, digital dementia. Oh shit, when I read this I was like, oh fuck, this is true.

Speaker 1:

So your memory is a muscle. You have to use it. If you're not constantly putting in more information, teaching yourself to memorize things, teaching yourself to learn new information, you go stupid. How many of you have ever worked in like a factory, a farm like hell? Even the military like those things. You have ever worked in? Like a factory, a farm like hell? Even the military, like those things.

Speaker 1:

You have the same task over and over and over again. It becomes muscle memory. You quit thinking, you quit learning and, like you, buy a couple of years into it, just want to end it Cause it's so horrible. And then, all of a sudden, your mind starts to adapt because it's a muscle, and it quits taking in new information and then realize this like think about working at like. Whatever your last job was your nine to five, your flipping burgers, your greeter at Walmart, your factory, whatever the hell it was Think about that job and the conversations you had with people around you. And then think about the job you have now, whether it's sales, entrepreneurship or just you know. You're trying to grow yourself into a better human. Think about the conversations you're having with people now when you're in that nine to five way and it's the same task over and over and over again. Basically, 90% of your job is just showing up on time and not pissing people off.

Speaker 1:

Your brain is going to adapt to that circumstance and it's going to have that digital dementia. It's going to struggle to retain new information. Why? Because it's got all the information it needs. You don't need to add new information to it. To freaking flip a burger, you already know how to do that. You're going to go home.

Speaker 1:

Then you're going to get on. What are you going to do? You're going to get on Xbox and have a couple of beers. You already know how to play fucking Call of Duty. You already know how to play fucking call of duty. You already know how to crack open a. Well, I can't do bud light anymore, but um fours light or whatever the hell it is. Some of y'all got that shit um, so the core is light, like you know how to crack open the beer, you know how to drink it, you know how to do all this.

Speaker 1:

And your conversations, your mind, the way you focus, the way you try to learn, you become fucking stupid. Just saying it how it is. You become an idiot to your own circumstance because you don't need to grow anything else. So you get in these ways of not being able to take in information. Now here's where it's really really scary, and this is the last 20 years we used to, and the reason you know salespeople and entrepreneurs and stuff got paid well is because you have to create, you have to be able to educate, you have to be able to grow.

Speaker 1:

A huge issue you're seeing right now with digital dementia is as an entrepreneur and a salesperson. I can find anything I want right here. 90% of the shit I need to know is right here. Like I said, I can probably learn how to perform a frontal lobotomy on YouTube. Just saying, if I search, the internet might be the dark web on that one. But if I go deep enough and do like a Tor browser, I am 90% sure I could figure out how to perform a frontal lobotomy on the internet. So that actually takes away my need to learn and I no longer memorize stuff in my long-term memory and that starts to diminish because I become reliant on knowing that I can Google whatever the hell I need. Think about this, think about this. Who's over like 30 years old? It's kind of like me 35, 40, 52, something like that. I want you to think back in high school.

Speaker 1:

I want you to think about the boyfriend, the girlfriend, the best friend, the mom, the dad. How many phone numbers when you were like, let's say, your junior year that was a popping year in high school for most of us how many phone numbers did you have memorized? Think about it. Tell yourself the number in the head. Now, for some of you, younger cats, that's a seven to 10 digit number that we used to have to press into our phones every single time to dial someone. Now you just find their fucking name. So back in the day, most of us probably had about 10, 15 phone numbers seven to 10 digit numbers memorized and that number was attached to a name. How many do you have now? Maybe maybe your spouse and maybe yours, maybe maybe your spouse and maybe yours and maybe, like you know, your grandma that got never got a fucking cell phone. Nah, that's probably in your phone, but you might still know hers.

Speaker 1:

I know more phone numbers from my past that probably don't even connect to that person anymore or they're dead. Then I know new people today. Think about about that for a second when your brain, when you're telling yourself I can't learn, I can't figure this out, I'm just not built like that. Well, think about this. Can you think of a phone number that someone doesn't have from 15, 20 years of your life? 503-364-81. I'm not going to give you the last two digits. It's my dad's fucking number. I don't call him. Y'all heard my call the other day, or you guys heard my opinion on that the other day, but like I still have that memorized, I know all these little things from 15 years ago, but the only person's number I have in my head, if I, I don't even know my fucking kids' number by heart. So if I lose my cell phone and have to get ahold of one of my two daughters, I'm fucked. I know one of them's got an Oregon number and one of them's got an Arizona number. That's it. I know my wife's number by heart, that's it. That's probably the only phone number I call today that I know by heart. Yet I know probably four or five from 15 years ago. So you can't tell me that you don't have the same ability.

Speaker 1:

The problem is we've created digital dementia, meaning we have so much information at our fingertips. This thing holds so much information that we have given ourselves permission to quit retaining information on our own. Go back. One more example, so you guys can really lock this in and this is going to help some of the younger cats out there. Go back, you know, if you're 30, 40 years old this is going to be easier. Go back to your city. Growing up up you probably knew from riding around as a freaking middle schooler for me on your bike. You probably knew every single street of that town. You probably knew every corner, every fucking alley, everything.

Speaker 1:

I've lived in scottsdale for over a year and a half now. I literally use my gp. Like I know how to kind of go places or get I. I still use my fucking GPS. So do you know your current city that you live in? If you have a vehicle with GPS, you know readily accessible. Do you know the lefts and rights? Do you know how to? You know, oh shit, main streets backed up.

Speaker 1:

So if you take the third to the fourth and the block, like, do you know those little things that you used to know back in the day, or do you just turn that gps on and it tells you to go the right direction? You don't got to think about it, you don't got to retain anything. I don't. I'll be real with you. Fuck, I can navigate like a motherfucker. You give me a compass and a map and you could drop me in the woods. You don't even have to give me my current grid points. I'll figure it out and get myself the fuck out. I am beautiful in the woods. I can't navigate a city where shit it's fucking confusing, especially fucking london that shitty looks like a shithole. But scott still phoenix, I don't know, been here for a while. I can get like to the supermarket and to work and to the gym. That's about it. You asked me to go anywhere else. My wife's like. We've been there 50 times, you don't know yet I'm like I didn't pay attention last time I went. I'm probably not going to pay attention this time. Buy a tesla dress for yourself half the time and get more texting in. I'm kidding, don't text and drive Even if you have a Tesla. It just makes it a little safer. So, digital dementia Write that down as number three and think about it. Think about it. We're done. We're done with digital dementia. We have got to start waking this thing up because if you don't, in 20 years it's just going to get worse and worse. The next one is digital deduction.

Speaker 1:

Let me ask you this how many of you are over the age of 18? Raise your hand. Raise your hand if you're over the age of 18. Okay, honestly, if you're over the age of 13, this probably works for you too. How many of you don't listen to mommy and daddy anymore for every decision they tell you to make? Okay, so let me ask you this If you were to ask you know someone out there something, hey, if you were to give them your opinion? You're not asking, you're just like hey, I really want to be friends with this person, or I really want to do this, or I really want to do that. How many of you if your parents for the most part, if your parents are like you can't fucking do that, you're like fuck you, I can. Maybe nicer than that. That's how I would probably say it. But some of you have respect. I have a huge respect for my mom, by the way.

Speaker 1:

It's just we have a cool fucking dynamic where I can say some stupid shit like that. But if your mom and dad, for example, or maybe your best friend, told you, no, you can't do that, how many of you would probably do it anyways?

Speaker 1:

Most of us especially if it's something good for us and we truly believe to our heart, will work, but how many of us have allowed digital social media to make all those decisions for us? Think about that for a second. You don't talk about, and this is a stupid theory. This is a theory to hold your ass down. You don't talk about what at Thanksgiving dinner? Politics, religion, money, right, you don't bring them up. Me, I love to, because it's funny and I'm always right, but you don't bring up politics, religion, money at the dinner table. Am I right? Why? Because it'll always start a fight, because people will disagree, because people won't get along, because people will all have their own opinions and I don't want you pushing your bullshit opinion down my throat because my opinion's right. However, how many of us have no problem with getting on facebook, tiktoks, uh, instagram, whatever the fuck else is on the internet, and allowing that to make a decision for us? And now you're going yes, you do. It's kind of like Daniel early on and not talking to you. Man, I just appreciate you actually jumping on.

Speaker 1:

Your opinion of a man was 100% based on a fucking reality TV show. How many people raise your hand and believe reality TV is real. Okay good, no, like I was going to kick some people, many people raise your hand, believe reality TV is real. Okay, good, I was going to kick some people off this Psych ward, psych ward, psych ward Okay. So no one believes reality TV is actually real. It's for the clicks, it's for the fame, it's for the emotion. Yet your opinion of a man was partially based on a reality TV show 20 years ago. Do you think the media is maybe influencing decisions and critical thinking that you're doing? And, yeah, does it make it easier when I could just quickly jump onto TikTok, instagram, whatever it is, whatever your favorite one is, and scroll, scroll, scroll. Learn.

Speaker 1:

You know funny, funny, trust me, I love them. Funny reels those reels are badass. I love humor and I support the shit. I think everyone needs to get a laugh. And the fact that I love or one of the reasons I love comedians is like when they talk shit on people. It's my favorite. Why? Because we're all humans and we all want to like, divide ourselves. You know left, right, color, creed, whatever the fuck it is, but in all reality, we're all humans. So when we treat each other like humans and we treat each other the exact same way through comedy. It puts us all on the same playing field Because, like me, like you, we're all fucked up to a certain degree. We all have stupid things we do. So that's why I love comedy and I'll be real with you.

Speaker 1:

I occasionally sit there and I'll get caught up in 30 minutes of Instagram scrolling. You know it's probably not the healthiest thing, but here's the thing I think and you think and a lot of us think. Hey, you know, my algorithm is pretty dialed. My algorithm is pretty dialed. You're going to get some funny military shit. You're going to get some real military shit. You're probably going to get some offensive stuff in there and a couple other things. It's pretty dialed, but I occasionally do get the political bullshit. I occasionally do get the opinionated bullshit and it's freaking crazy because y'all know I'm pretty right wing. So guess what? I just get more right, right wing propaganda.

Speaker 1:

Now luckily I am right wing, so you know I don't get much of it because they banned all of our asses on fucking social media. But you're still getting fed it and subconsciously it's telling you how to think, telling you who to vote for, telling you what you do with that policy, telling you what you think of this, telling you who you can marry, telling you what's fair, telling you who gets a trophy. And then, all of the sudden, your brain no longer has to think. What happens to your body when you quit going to the gym? What happens to your body when you quit getting out of bed? It deteriorates. Your brain starts to deteriorate too. It starts shutting down neurotransmitters that it no longer needs to operate.

Speaker 1:

Did you know? Your brain is roughly three pounds. Now take three pounds divided by how much you weigh and see how much of your body that is. If you're 100 pounds, it's I don't fucking know math. But if you're 300 pounds, it's 1% of your body weight. Right, go down, it's less than that. So it's a very small fraction of your body.

Speaker 1:

But did you know the shit, the food that you eat? Your brain takes 20% of that nutrition. 20% of that nutrition goes to your brain. It's fat and fucking water. That's all your brain is fat and water. And then magic. That's the science. Magic, pretty much, cause I can't really explain all of it, but 20% of the nutrition that you put in your body goes right to that machine. And we want to sit here and eat shitty food consistently, not take care of our bodies, like destroy it. The one thing that separates us from everyone else on earth and the one thing that equalizes us, the one thing that could take us to new levels, the only infinite thing our body has to grow is that bad boy, and you're going to have it until, god forbid, you get dementia or some shit. But realistically, read some studies the more you use your brain, the less you get dementia. It's like going to the gym. It's fucking amazing. The more you work out, the more you take care of yourself, the less you're going to have heart disease, the less you're going to have lung issues, the less chance you might. Even some cancers are done by working out. Yet we fail to work that motherfucker over and over.

Speaker 1:

And social media society everyone out there is trying to kick your ass right, like if I was going to go into a fight, if I was going to go into a UFC fight, and you know, fight, I don't know Conor McGregor, I like McGregor. So if I was going to go fight Conor McGregor in my current shape like I've got a punching bag at home in the gym I ain't fucking stepping into the ring with McGregor. You guys know what I'm saying. He'll fuck me up. I outweigh the top of his game. That's why he gets the money that he asked for, because he's in that I'm better than everyone.

Speaker 1:

Treat your mind the same way, because if not and I'm going to go through these again so you can write down anything you have and I got some few more notes that I thought but digital delusion, d-e-l-u-g-e, that's just too much information coming in at once and not being able to sort it. So keep an eye on that Digital distraction that is going to be your need for that digital, quick dopamine rush every single day, every single minute, every single five minutes. Hit, hit, hit.

Speaker 1:

Digital dementia, your ability just to no longer remember information, your ability to mind dump things through technology, through the use of just you know, we don't train our brain to remember things anymore because we can always get it on our phone. And then digital deduction, that's just. You know, technology doing a lot of the critical thinking for you. You wouldn't let your parents, you wouldn't let your friends, you wouldn't let your you know coworkers tell you what to think about a certain topic. Hell, you'll even fucking lose a family member over that shit on the right Thanksgiving with the right beer buzz, but you'll let fucking TikTok and Facebook do it. So those are going to be the four main points, the four villains of your life that's going to keep you from being able to learn and grow at a high level.

Speaker 1:

You want to earn more, learn more. It's that damn simple Meaning. You want to earn more quicker, learn more quicker, but you have to teach yourself to learn more quicker. You have to teach yourself to be able to take in that information and you have to fall in love with learning to a certain degree. So here's the thing Some of you there's going to be one or two of you, like every freaking college.

Speaker 1:

You guys know, and I'm just going to do quick math for you there's over 1800 people registered for these calls actively every single month. 1,800 people pay $100 to get on these calls and I tell people this all the time. You don't have to get on all five days a week, but typically there's going to be two or three of us that you love the most, that you need to learn from, or maybe it's the topics that we cover, but there's 1,500 people. My high today was about 55 people. I'm usually between 50 and 60. My high today was about 55 people. I'm usually between 50 and 60. So that means I'm not good at math. But less than 0.01% that might be wrong 0.1% or 0.5% or 0.05 math Less than a freaking percent of people are willing to commit an hour a day. It's crazy. It's crazy that less than a half percent of people are willing to commit an hour a day. Yet you want to go out there and do shit your own way Like an asshole. You want to dream about a bigger life. You want to do this, do that, take over the fucking world, but you won't even fricking get on an hour call. That is crazy. And then some of you, when you get on this hour call, you don't want to take notes. That's cool, I get it. If you're driving, don't take fucking notes. I respect that. I might live in the same city as you. Don't fucking kill me. My Tesla doesn't avoid your dumb ass. So, that being said, you don't want to take notes.

Speaker 1:

I heard a story yesterday and this is from a relatively powerful, good dude. I'm not going to name drop today, but he was telling me a story of early on in his career he's in the same industry I am that he met a very powerful person, very, very wealthy self-made business owner, and he asked the dude for a lunch. That's what we used to do hey, can I buy you lunch? And then you would pick someone's brain. So the gentleman decides hey, yeah, I'll go to lunch with you. You seem like a good kid young cat this isn't Andy, by the way, so no one tried to put that shit together. So he goes to lunch with them and he's sitting there, you know, orders his food. He orders his food, drinks, and about 15 minutes he says into the conversation, the wealthy self-made dude looks at him and goes hey man, why aren't you taking any notes? And he goes because you know I don't have time stands up and walks away and the salesperson the person that I was speaking with At that point in time goes guys, just fucking rich asshole. What his mind went to.

Speaker 1:

But I want you to think about that. You get an opportunity to sit with someone who's been where you want to be, who's got information you want to know, and you don't take notes, you don't even show the fuck up half the damn time. And, by the way, all of you guys are on this call and I see most of you taking notes. So I really appreciate you. So I'm not dogging on you, I'm just getting that mind going to really what you can do with it. But you get an opportunity. Let's just imagine this you get an opportunity to sit with Elon Musk. How many people would want to sit with Elon Musk, donald Trump, obama, maybe, like whoever whoever you actually look up to a little bit, one of those gentlemen or women or ladies whatever you want to call. How many of you would do it and now think about this inside of you Would you truly go there and not take notes?

Speaker 1:

I think a lot of you. The answer is yes. I think it might even be yes for me if I wasn't thinking correctly. But if someone's going to sit with you and give you a passion, give you the energy, give you information, if they've done more than you do and you see that that's something you want to do, you've got to be writing everything down, because most successful people aren't pricks. We just value our freaking time. And if you're going to ask me for my time and I'm talking to my, I'm talking about myself or my current thoughts, and really it's you know people in my industry who help others A lot of times we'll give you our time, but if you waste our time, I don't give a shit. You call me the next time man goes to voicemail. You abused my time last time. Why am I going to give it to you this time? So think about that.

Speaker 1:

If you get an opportunity, you have to freaking take it. If you get the ability to learn, you have to do it. And imagine this. Imagine you're sitting with someone that you want to learn a lot from, whoever the hell that person is. Imagine you're sitting across the table. Imagine the difference between having a notepad and being ready to take notes to learn, and being the jackass who just wants to hang out. What questions would you ask if you're the jackass? What questions would you ask if you had a piece of paper in front of you, ready to learn? Your questions alone would be completely different. One's making a buddy, one's making a relationship and, trust me, they talk a lot about the five people you're in.

Speaker 1:

If you want to, you know, if you want to become a millionaire and learn what millionaires know, blah, blah, blah. Get yourself in rooms with millionaires, whatever that shit is. Completely agree to a point of they'll hang out with you once, maybe twice, and if you don't bring value, or they don't see any growth in you, or you're not trying to, they'll never talk to you again. Why? Because their minds are wired to grow. Their minds are wired to learn. Their minds are wired for new information, new strategies. And if you don't bring that. If you're not leveling yourself up to them, they ain't going to hang out with you anymore. It's like a buddy that all you do is fricking milk for money, money every freaking two weeks when you need a beer, yeah, he'll do it a little bit because you're homies. But after about three or four times he's like fuck you, dude, go buy your own beer. Unless you got a real homie, he'll just keep hooking you up forever.

Speaker 1:

Not me, I'm a jackass. I'm checking my notes here because I had a lot longer to go, so I want to make sure I'm just not missing anything that I really wanted to hit, that I really wanted to hit the power of learning superpower. I talked about this earlier. Don't let schooling interfere with your education. That's a paraphrased quote by Mark Twain a while ago. But let's just be real. The way schools taught us, they never taught us to learn and they never really taught you anything of adult value. Let's just be real. Yeah, I know some stuff about world war ii and I think it's cool as hell. I'm glad I do, and we should learn history. We should learn not to you know, repeat ourselves. But even if you go to an economics class like, you're not really learning real economics. Yes, you're learning theory of economics and you'll study some case studies, which will definitely help, but until you're in there, you're getting shit.

Speaker 1:

If you like oh my gosh someone on a phone call the other day well, I'm going to get minor in entrepreneurship. Like what the fuck does that mean? You're going to, like, start a business while you're majoring. That's kind of cool. I've heard some kids no, like it's a degree, it's a minor. Like in entrepreneurship. Like, what are they going to do? Give you a fucking idea to create, give you a little bit of drive, give you a little bit of motivation. Woo, go build something. Well, no, we're going to. You know, dude, you can hire someone to fucking do your budget. That's what these college kids are for. For your ass to hire as an entrepreneur. For your ass to hire as a salesperson. That's what college teaches. It's how do I hire your ass Because? Is, how do I hire your ass Because? Guess what, If I need a CFO, I actually kind of want you college educated One.

Speaker 1:

I want to see how much bullshit you're willing to put up with for four or five, six years to do a meaningless task over and over again for a future dream of a goal, because that's going to tell me how tedious you are. And two, I need you to know how to add and do math. But an entrepreneur minor. Here's an entrepreneur minor. Drop out of fucking college and go create something. Get your ass kicked for a couple years and in freaking three months you'll learn more than you will in that two and a half years of minor studies. It's crazy. So don't let your past experience um change your education level. And then this does everybody know where they are today, may 22nd, roughly 9.43 am Pacific Standard Time. Okay, that's where we are today, correct? Raise your hand.

Speaker 1:

If you want to level up, if you want something new in your life, whether it be relationship, whether it be business, more money, like more abundance of something, okay, let me tell you this you have gotten to where you are today by your current education level and your current, basically, standard of energy. Okay, you will not advance, you will not level up, you will not change in any direction without new information and new energy. It takes energy to learn. It takes energy to master your mind. You have good energy and you have bad energy. Is it wasteful energy? Or is it positive energy?

Speaker 1:

Anyone who thinks they can work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. You're fucking full of shit. I'm going to be real with you. I know people that can function on four hours and get away with it. Six hours and get away with it eight hours and get away with it. That's perfect. I don't give a shit how much you sleep, but those hours that you're awake, what are you doing with them? Are you dreaming about a bigger life? Are you participating in this, participating in that? Are you doing some crazy things that don't actually advance you to another level? It's like oh, I want to make more money selling.

Speaker 1:

Okay, what have you done? Well, I watched some videos Okay, cool. What'd you learn? Well, some word tracks Cool dude. Word tracks don't sell shit. I mean, they help, they save a sale from here to there.

Speaker 1:

But did you really think about the material? Did you really dive into how that material relates to you and how you can give it back to the client in a way that actually moves the sale forward? Or do you simply let's first example watch an objection video? Hey, we want to think about it. And then you're the person. Hey, I completely understand, you want to think about it.

Speaker 1:

Most of my clients love to think about it, and if you come with me for five minutes, we can go inside. Or are you? Hey, I can really get a dude. Everyone comes here to think about all sorts of shit. You like the colors, you like this? Hey, real quick. Honestly, all my clients love to think about their deals and I want you to think about it because I want you to make sure that you make a decision that's gonna not only work today, but it's gonna with me real quick. I'm going to actually, before I kick your butt out of here, give you all the information, including the numbers, facts, figures, trade and valuations of the decision that you need to think about. So when you do go home tonight, you have all the information to think about it. Now I kind of just threw in some extra shit on that kind of gave it a little my personality, a little goofiness. But like, what level of training are you doing? What level of critical thinking are you doing? Or are you just being that person that give me the information? Oh cool, I've got it on this app and now I can go repeat it to the client, because that ain't going to get you anywhere If all you do is rinse and repeat over and over again and it doesn't even have to do with sales, it could be fitness, if you go into the gym and you want some back fucking biceps or whatever, and all you do is curl the same 25 pound dumbbells three sets of 15, three sets of 15, three sets of 10.

Speaker 1:

And then you put them down and six weeks later, what do you do? Three sets of 10 with 25. Okay, you might get a little tones, you might get a little bit more muscle. But what if I went up 10% every two weeks? Holy shit, I bet I'd grow a lot more your brain. Remember that your brain is your superpower. If you truly believe knowledge is power and you want to be a fucking superhero in this world, you want to do some big shit, then you have got to learn your superpower. And your superpower is to learn however much you can, how quick you can, and retain it and be able to implement it.

Speaker 1:

Next week we'll go a little bit deeper into this same topic. I want to go more into how we learn and how we retain. So we'll probably go into like adult learning triangle and things like that. But this is just to open up how you guys train and how you learn. And remember there's a huge, huge difference. Learning and training gets so scary sometimes because a lot of times you train to maintain and that's fucking stupid.

Speaker 1:

Train to grow, meaning make sure you have a fucking coach to push you in your ass. Make sure that you're not getting comfortable. Make sure you're not lying to yourself. Make sure you're not doing the fucking and I've done it before. I'm no better than anyone. Make sure you're not doing the well. I'm better than fucking average. Well, my income's better than average. Well, I'm better than the average. Gsm, gm, vp, salesperson, whatever your title is I don't give a shit, it's better than average. It's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Speaker 1:

So, real quick. You guys know as I do on all my freaking calls. That's all I'm going to give you today. Honestly, I have like two more pages of notes. I didn't even hit. I hit page one of three. So I don't want to go on for four hours and waste your guys' day, but I do want anyone who wants to stay on the call.

Speaker 1:

I do want to open up to comment or questions or comments or whatever. Actually, let's go more questions, comments usually just tell me how great I am or tell me to fuck off one of the two. It doesn't do us any good. Oh, one thing I did forget when you're on this journey, people are going to tell you you're great. People are going you freaking suck. Don't believe any of them. And I want to say that as a salesperson, as a business owner, then I'm going to get right to Bobby. Um, you're most. One of the biggest arch nemesis is you're going to have is the person you're that tells you hey, hey, greg, you're doing a great job. And then Greg goes do you want to buy my shit? And they go nah, but keep doing a great job. That person is fucking with you and they're worse than the haters, because the haters, at least just tell you you fucking suck.

Speaker 1:

And all haters are real. By the way, go through my TikTok haters. They're fucking hilarious. And even though I, you know, mess with a little bit of them and tell them they're basement dwellers, they're always right, like the guy the other day. I mean, I have more than 36 followers, but he's like dude, you got 200 videos on tiktok and 36 followers, and I can't remember said some mean stuff, and he's right, though I've got over 200 videos on tiktok and only 1400 fucking followers, or some shit. I don't push tiktok hard, but I could be doing better. The problem is he's real, but what if I have the person's like hey, dude, you've got 7 000 followers on facebook, you're doing better than most people. Yeah, bitch, why don't I have 100,000? Where are my haters? Bring my haters back, because they're liars. The people who talk good, if they ain't buying my shit, fuck you. I don't like your opinion. I'm kidding, I'm kind of being a dick, bobby, go ahead, my man, what do you got for me? Hey brother Two things.

Speaker 1:

First of all, what's the name of your podcast podcast and where can I find it? Uh, you can find it pretty much everywhere. It's not safe for society. You also have my number, dude, um, or like my, uh, my popple business card has a link to it. So if you can't find it, just um, shoot me a text. I do. I am kind of politically one direction that gets shadow banned by everybody, so it can be hard to find occasionally. But if, if you can't, I can send you a direct link. I haven't been kicked off. Apple, I haven't been kicked off. I'm actually going to pull it from YouTube because YouTube there's some stuff. Anyways, apple, spotify there's a bunch of little ones out there, but Apple and Spotify, it's all there. So if you can't find a buyer, you got my or DM me.

Speaker 2:

I. Who else has got something for me? Hold on one second.

Speaker 3:

And one other question um what if I'm starting my journey, you know over and everything um what would be the first book that you would recommend reading.

Speaker 1:

I don't think anybody who gives you an answer to that is fucking stupid. If you and I like no bullshit, it's like. It's like, it's like dude. It's such a hard question and, bobby, let's get on a five, five minute call later and let's kind of dial that in. But anybody who? These are the 10 books you have to read, bitch, those are probably nine books that are going to waste my fucking time. And one of them I actually need to read.

Speaker 1:

Because if I don't know, like, where your mental state is, if I don't know what your like leash is, I don't know what book to recommend. Because let's just say, you know, let's hypothetically say we'll make it easy. And this is not Bobby story. Let's just say you sell cars and you make a hundred grand and you're trying to make 150 that year and you're like what book should I read? Well, I can be like dude. You can read Andy's book. You can read Cardone's book, blah, blah, blah bullshit.

Speaker 1:

But what if it's actually has nothing to do with sales skill? What if you were the sickest with objections ever? Everybody loves you, but you don't believe in your fucking self. How many times have you read a book that is like mindset, motivation, like all that and you're like I fucking hate this motivational shit. And then someone says something and it fixes a sales problem you have, because sales is just a belief in yourself and how you can portray that to the client.

Speaker 1:

I don't care if you're selling fricking cars, drugs, um, you know, a drug dealer is like the prime example why they're selling some illegal shit. Like you know, you want drugs. If you're addicted to cocaine, you're going to buy your fucking cocaine. So who do I buy my cocaine from? I buy it from the guy I like, who always gots it and that I trust not to get me rolled. Car sales is the same damn way. So, bobby, let's get on a call a little bit later. Dude, I got a couple of calls after this, but hit me up later this afternoon. Man and you know let's do a quick five minute back and forth because it could be. You know I tell you to do some sales shit. It could be. I tell you to do some, like you know, limitless. Like I am where I'm like, okay, you know what I need to learn. I need to learn at a faster pace and I really need to figure out how to enjoy learning again. So anyone who just gives you some random fucking book to read that doesn't know you, who doesn't talk to you semi-regularly, is kind of just telling you to go read some shit and see if it works for you.

Speaker 1:

And also books like be careful with books. Books point you in the right direction. For the most part, books don't train you for shit. They point you in the right direction to critically think about some information and go find the next level of it to bring it into your life. And a lot of times we get stuck reading books. What books do you read? What are your top 10? I just want to read all day.

Speaker 1:

What happens is you take notes like this. You take your fucking notepad. I wish I could show you on my camera. Actually I can't watch this, maybe. And I go like show you on my camera. Actually I can't watch this Maybe. And I go like this Where's my camera?

Speaker 1:

That is the most educated fucking drawer in the world. Right there it is filled with notes I'll never read again and I don't implement and I don't critically go over If you want to really like. And, bobby, when we give you a book and I'm just going to teach people book math, if you really want to retain and use some information on a book. Here's actually, I don't even have a book. Um, here's what I do, right, I'm going through my notes. I'm like, oh, there we go, I like that, I like that, that's a good one, I like that, I like that.

Speaker 1:

And then I took all those underlines, I re-went through that chapter my green screen just caught. I re-went through that chapter and then I took that information, put it into my own words in a direction that this call would go, and what that does is, if you ever and you can Google it, we might talk about this next week. I and Google it, we might talk about this next week. I'm not going to make any promises, but Google the adult learning triangle. It'll eventually get you there. I forget the actual doctor's name, but if you can't find it same thing, dm, text me, I'll send it to you.

Speaker 1:

But it talks about your retention level, and one of the highest actually the highest level of retention of information is actually training someone else on it. Now, I know this information pretty good, but if you saw, I went down to my notes a couple of times. Why? Because there was a few keywords I was missing.

Speaker 1:

Now the cool thing is, if I go out and do this exact same thing with our sales team, I could probably get through the exact same one hour Zoom call that I just did with you and had to look at a few notes without ever looking at my notes again. Because that is the highest level. One of the mid levels that has about a 60% retention rate is when I take notes and I re-review the notes and I put the book down, the book stays over there. I've got my notes and then I sit here with my notes and I actually have a conversation in my little brain and I start critically thinking about the notes, because not only am I going to identify why I actually thought that was fucking important, but I'm actually going to be able to rethink about it and really dial it into my life and how I want to take it. So that went a little bit further than you just want in a fucking book, but the reason I say that is, unless it's I love you, man.

Speaker 1:

Unless it's a book club where you guys are all on the same mission. You're going to chat about it here, chat about it there and like, obviously we can't fucking specify, everybody read a different book and we're all going to talk about them, because it would be straight chaos. But unless it's a book club, if it's a you versus you journey and you want a book recommendation, fuck anybody's fucking list because nobody's on the same journey as you, nobody's on the same path as you, and like, dude, this is sometimes like I could read the same book. Like, yeah, it's just crazy, but we can identify it. Dude, yeah, like I, yeah, it's just crazy, but we can identify it. Dude, um, yeah, does anybody else have anything? All right, perfect, perfect, hey, if everybody would, if anybody got any value from this call.

Speaker 1:

If I, you know, I'm gonna steal one from Priscilla. If I was able to make you laugh, make you think a little bit, I'll jump to you here in 10 seconds. Francisco, take a picture of this call, post it on social media, share it with somebody and I really do mean that. Like, I am stealing that from for sellers podcast right now, but it's true. Like, if you believe in what I say and I talk a lot about it like going out and sharing picking up trash, so someone else sees you pick up trash and maybe makes the world just a little bit better place. If you're the type of person that bitches that society sucks, my coworkers suck, the population, blah, blah, blah. Everybody fucking sucks in the world sucks and it's burning. If that's you and you like this and you don't share it, you're part of the fricking problem. I'll tell you this If you've got a buddy who wants to get on these calls or there's someone that you think that could use these calls, shoot me a dm. I won't even freaking close them. I'm gonna send them a 30-day link so they could do it for absolutely free.

Speaker 1:

And it's honestly like. It's like I'm sitting here pitching for seller shit right now. Right, I don't work for seller, I work for the elliot andy, not the for seller andy. But I know this, I know if you like me and I know if you're looking for something and you want a good laugh of him. Just like fucking being right wing Republican motherfucker, like his podcast pretty fucking good.

Speaker 1:

But realistically like share this mindset because the world out there is trying to destroy this mindset, is trying to destroy you, is trying to make you a cog to whatever big government bullshit, I believe. But it's your power and your duty to fight against it. Become the man or woman you want to be. And if you want that greatness, if you want that growth, if you want that cleansing that's actually not a good word to use If you want that like cleaning up of society, like people getting back to just like true American motherfucking roots or Canadian roots or wherever the hell you're from being good humans, then you've got to contribute not only to your own life but to others' life. So go ahead, my man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Awesome, Jonathan. What's up guys? What's up everyone? So it's actually Francesco Jonathan, Italian name, but I go by Frank on sales, so they don't. You know, pretty short Now. I wanted to give you some flowers, Jonathan, uh, for everything you do and the Elliott Sales Nation group on Facebook. You really maintain everyone talking commenting, so I wanted to add value on that, bro. And, yeah, keep it up, man.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, dude. That means a lot. I appreciate the hell out of that, because a lot of those small things you do like talking shit to Greg online all day. A lot of those small do go fricking unnoticed. But, honestly, when you put Greg in his place, it's one of the greatest. I'm just kidding. I like fucking with Greg.

Speaker 1:

And if anyone's in Iowa and you're looking for an amazing opportunity and this is why these calls are great and I'm going to I'm kind of pitching because he paid me $800. I'm just kidding. He did not pay me, he doesn't even know. I'm about to say this. But if you're in the Iowa area and you're looking for an awesome dealership and I don't even care if you like selling cars or not, but if you're looking for an awesome sales opportunity, that's a guy that you guys want to network with right there. And there's a bunch of you on this call and I think I know just to kind of get some other names out there of like I tell you guys to go out, find someone on this call and go network with them. But a lot of times you're like I don't like.

Speaker 1:

Well, what am I going to do? Hi, I'm Jonathan. What do you do bitch. Um, it's a weird thing. So I'm going to try to get more people involved. Just you know, go out there. Uh, greg Pingel, the Backstreet Boy hair little bit of a beard. He's a good looking guy, but the Backstreet Boy thing, it's like we got the same haircut. It's wrong. All right, everybody, y'all have an amazing day. If you could share this on Instagram, dm me, tag me I'll help you kind of grow a little bit there. Or Facebook, I don't care. Just stay away from LinkedIn, because I don't use that one. I don't understand how to read we.

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