Jonathan Roberts Not Safe for Society

Not Safe For Society: Navigating Digital Dilemmas – Shadow Bans, Free Speech and the Alchemy of Online Leadership

Jonathan Roberts Season 1 Episode 9

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Shadow bans, social media censorship, and the tightrope of free speech—I’ve seen it all first-hand. My run-ins with Instagram's enigmatic content restrictions sparked a fiery conversation on the latest episode. We zero in on the perplexing dance between expressing ourselves authentically online and the less visible boundaries that platforms enforce. From setting up digital footprints for the next generation to confronting parental controls, we shed light on the delicate balance between guiding our children and stifling their voices.

TikTok spying concerns and Elon Musk's pivotal Twitter takeover? Yes, we're going there too. The digital world's current events unfold as we dissect the underlying fears of international espionage and debate privacy in our interconnected age. The narrative takes a turn through the dynamic landscape of social media, where algorithms play gatekeeper, and we question the integrity of the platforms we flock to for connection and expression. My own adventures in content creation reveal the unpredictability of audience engagement and the suspicions that sometimes creators are being quietly silenced.

The conversation isn't all heavy though—we tackle the challenges with a dose of real talk, leadership anecdotes, and a touch of humor. Diving into politics, I share candid takes on Biden's tax credit proposals and the value of stepping outside one's comfort zone to seize opportunities. Then, we flip the script on online negativity, finding the silver lining in dealing with detractors and maintaining resilience amidst criticism. Every leader faces problems, but it's the solutions that define us. So, tune in and be part of a discussion that pulls no punches, laughs in the face of adversity, and champions the authentic voices that can reshape our world.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to Not Safe First Society, where I pretty much get to say whatever I want, whatever is on my mind, and not give a care about anyone's opinion. This is a podcast that I've created really for myself, but to share my voice and share my thoughts and opinions with the world, because we've been silenced for so long, we've been told that we don't matter, we're not allowed to say this, we're not allowed to say that because we're racist, bigots, misogynistic, like whatever it might be. You were told something about you and it was never true. So what did you do? You shut the hell up and kept to your opinion. And, yeah, is it a good idea not to say some racist shit or misogynistic shit? Absolutely I don't agree. I'm not saying that we're going to get on here and just bash a bunch of shit, but what I'm saying is when you take a little itty bit here and I agree, like let's not do that, but then all of a sudden you start throwing it down people's shorts where or shorts, yeah, throwing it down people's shorts where it's like, oh yeah, you can't say anything about this side of politics or this side of an opinion, or you can't disagree with abortion, or like when they start throwing that crap around where you're not allowed to think anymore.

Speaker 1:

Do you think something's going on? So this is just me thinking out loud. Really, this is just the crazy shit that I have thought in my head, and sometimes you might be like, oh, he's a fucking conspiracy theorist. He doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. Well, good, share your own podcast, tell the world your own bullshit story. But some of my stuff is based by facts. Some of it's a little opinion, but here's the thing I'm probably going to tell you when it's an opinion and I might slip from time to time and accidentally state it like a fact, but I try not to. I try to let you know when it is my opinion and I also try to let you know when it is fact and try to give you the information when a fact. So, that being said, if you're going to come at me with, like, all my beautiful haters online, especially the TikTok world, and we're going to talk about that first today actually TikTok but like I just always ask for them to back up their bullshit with facts, and gosh, I'm like, oh for 15, it's sad, but let's get started. Let's get started Today's episode.

Speaker 1:

I'm literally just going to go over some you know articles that I found out there in the world, things that are going on right now, things that people are talking about and we're going to talk about them from. You know my point of view, what I see, what I think, because 2024 is really a good year to do this. Why? Because I'm basically going to get myself banned and no one's going to listen to it, because I know, like literally I'm legitimately shadow banned on Instagram right now. I don't even know if it's shadow banned, because I think that means you don't know, but what I found out is I went to Instagram the other day and my daughter to play Oculus.

Speaker 1:

I had to create her an Instagram account, or I think I did, I don't really know. I never got the shit to work, so it's becoming a pain in the butt. But yeah, so I create her her Instagram account, try to link it to Oculus or whatnot, and I'm like you know, I have it all locked up because she's not going to have access to it yet she's not old enough. I mean, she's old enough for the account. But you know, as parents, you also have a fricking. You know saying your child's life to a certain degree. So just because Metas says 13 is old enough, no, no, it's not. But anyways. So I go and I'm like, oh, this is cool. I created an account. You know, I used her real email that she has and I trust her. So you know, if she wants, she could totally log into it, but you know she probably will someday. Let's just be real. But, that being said, I use her email and everything and I'm like, hey, you should probably, you know, friend your dad, plus, it'll tell me if I ever have to look it up.

Speaker 1:

Well, I go to send myself a follow, or whatever they call it on Instagram and I get this message that says you cannot follow this account. This account is locked. I think it was 18 plus per your country. And I started to think I'm like, what like, what Like? You could go follow a bunch of fucking transvestites, half naked women, half naked men, you know fitness or whatever. You could go follow all that. Well, so I'm not against it, I'm not against the body. I think you should look good. I think, whatever, by all means, you got it, fucking do it, but you can follow all this shit. You could follow, like I said, transvestites, homosexuality, president Biden, president Trump. You could follow all of that horseshit CNN, but my content is locked. You can't really follow Trump on Instagram because, yeah, that doesn't work, but my content's locked.

Speaker 1:

I have zero pictures, you know, showing more skin than a fucking t-shirt. I actually don't on my Instagram. It's all business and mindset stuff. So I don't get as raw as I do on this podcast. So I'm not going to talk about transvestites and shit. You know for or against, not on. You know not on where I record my Instagram. Content wouldn't be published there.

Speaker 1:

Like I might occasionally, quite often, say fuck, I might say shit, but I'm, you know, never going to say cunt or twat or you know my favorite real words. So for me it's fucking mild and I know some of you are like, well, my kids don't need to hear fuck. Well, they're going to hear it from someone Like I'm just going to be real with you and they're going to hear derogatory versions of it. They're going to hear it at school. I mean, go back to your school especially. I don't know us boys Like the minute we heard the word sex, we were trying to figure out what a blow job was and fucking all that shit.

Speaker 1:

And one fucking day we use the words because we thought we were cool and we had no idea what the fuck we were talking about for like the first three weeks. I remember sitting in the principal's office. I don't remember what word I said, but it was some sexual word that I thought I was cool and thought I could use, and she asked me what it meant. I think it might have just been sex, this might have been like second or third grade, but I remember having to go to the principal's office for it and she asked me like you know how, do I know what it means? Could you explain it to me? I'm like, yeah, well, I don't, like I never knew what the fuck it was. So, that being said, I'm not teaching him shit like that.

Speaker 1:

I'm just occasionally say fuck to get across my point, and I don't use it in a derogatory sex sense. I use it as a I need a fucking word to fill some space sense. Instead of saying um or whatever the hell you could say, I like to say fuck. So I am 18 and over. Only content on Instagram, probably Facebook too. I didn't check, I don't know. Instagram verified no big fucking deal. And that essentially says I'm an R rated movie. That essentially says that my, probably because I say the word fuck, I mean it could be I have you know. Yeah, I can't even think about it because I don't think I drop like pussies.

Speaker 1:

I might occasionally call someone a bitch and not like anyone direct, but I might say, hey, quit acting like a bitch, like in just overall people in society, but like I don't really pull anything that horrible on, that rough, that raw on Instagram and Facebook. So, yeah, so I don't know if it's you know, the word fuck gets me banned or you know if it's some of my more. You know, don't be a bitch. That you know thoughts. Hey, if you're not happy with where you're at, fucking change it. Hey, it's okay to be fucking sad, but guess what, don't fucking sit there. It's not okay to stay there. Hey, if you don't, you know like what you're getting paid, fucking quit and go find another job and see if it pays you what you think you're worth, and you'll quickly learn if you were getting paid enough or not. Sometimes you're right, sometimes you're wrong, but do something like that's. That's pretty much my entire message. So that's 18 and over. You have to be an adult to handle. You know.

Speaker 1:

Rough positivity is, I guess, what I could call it, because I don't sugarcoat shit. I say what's on my mind. I, you know, make my calls. I'm not. I'm not naked, not talking about sex, not talking about drugs, not talking about alcohol, so everything that's getting fucking thrown down their throats by the media, the school, like all this. Like I'm not talking about that shit. They've already fucking experienced that shit and they're confused. I'm trying to unconfuse some shit. So, that being said, let's get started here. Let's get started.

Speaker 1:

So, if you've heard lately a lot in the news and I'm not a hundred percent sure where this story is as of right now, I tried Googling it but it took me longer than 30 seconds and it's not that important. The current, the current information is not that important. But what is it? It is tick talks, ban by the United States of America. Now, like everything, I believe in politics and heck, we'll, let me actually add this to my list of shit to piss you off about as everything in politics, if you're a true person, if you're real, and like if anyone ever, ever tells you oh, I'm voting for Biden because I agree with 100% of shit Biden says and I don't agree with the thing Trump says, and then vice versa. I agree with 100% of shit Trump says and nothing Biden says like he's evil. They're both evil, whatever Like one.

Speaker 1:

You don't agree with 100% of anyone, anywhere, any place, any time. I guarantee it. I'm 100% sure. Guarantee it. If you believe I am wrong, someone call me out, someone. I'll pull you on my podcast, I'll destroy you, maybe, like you famous, who knows what'll happen? But you don't agree 100% with any person on earth. I freaking know that.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, you know there has to be. This is like one of the ones. This is one of the ones where I'm like 50, 50 both ways, because you've got tick talk. So the US government and I think it was Congress could be the house, you know, I got to remember the government a little bit better, but one of them approved a ban and now it's going to the house or whatever to vote. However, the hell, that shit works. I have a, you know, general understanding and I could probably explain if I spent 30 seconds reading it, I would have it back down but general understanding of how it works. So there's tick talk ban up in the air and, from my understanding, that is.

Speaker 1:

Tick talk is no longer an app or, I think a US company or something has to buy it. There's, you know, some shit that could happen, but it's a Chinese company. So I guess the worry is that it is essentially an easy way for China to spy on us. Yeah, that's true. I mean, with AI and modern technology today, I mean they've probably uploaded trillions and trillions and trillions of you know terabytes of information into tick talk and eventually, if you upload enough, if you geomark yourself enough, like all that information can be compiled with super computers using, you know, ai technologies and a million other things, and I mean they could literally draw a map of the United States of America and have a 360 degree camera view of everything, everything from in your house, everything from you know outside.

Speaker 1:

Like everybody's got tick talk, everybody's got Facebook and I know not everybody, but people are proper safety있는 언니s and someone got a November party. Let's measure that. But you know most people do and they're uploaded shit all the time. The other thing is is you get a shit ton of user data. You know You're going to talk to it constantly, you're going to share videos, you're going to share posts, you're going to leave a story. Like all of that data can be compiled and I mean they could know more about you than you know about you. They could know more about your movement, about what you do, where you go, what you like, who you like, who you talk to, who you don't talk to, who you're going to vote for, how to get in your head how to market to you, how to adjust an election, how to get into your head how to do all sorts of shit.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, it gives China, like gosh dang, a lot of information about our country. So that's one negative that I I mean honestly the only negative, because guess what? The United States, we're already doing it. Like I want someone to come talk to me about this because I'm going to go a little conspiracy theory here, but I guarantee you, 100%, the NSA and the CIA are somewhat and there's been proof of this, but I think there's, I think it's deeper than what's actually gone out there. I think the NSA, the CIA, you know they've got to be involved in meta, they've got to be involved in probably the old Twitter and maybe the new Twitter X. They've definitely probably involved in LinkedIn. Like, I guarantee you, you know, if they're not directly involved, they have backdoors and I think that's been proven for the most part, but I think it's a lot deeper than we believe.

Speaker 1:

Now that part's an opinion. There is some documents out there, I think court documents. You know, zuckerberg is always, you know, being questioned by a congressional committee or in court for some crap. It's just part of being a billionaire. Everyone wants to take you down. Not that I would know. You know I'm about 50 bucks short, but other than that, like they're watching. So if we don't think China's watching too, you're a fucking idiot. Now here's what scares me, because I mean it could be used for evil, but I truly think we're already there. It doesn't fucking matter. You know Facebook, instagram, you know Twitter the old Twitter. The new Twitter we're going to talk about here in a second too, but the old Twitter shoot YouTube, cnn, fox News, cnnbc, csnbc, the NFL.

Speaker 1:

Like fucking everybody is creating this divide and they've got so much data on us, they've got so much information on us. They know how to push a story, they know what types of I mean literally they have it down to as a news reporter. If somebody gets shot, you know who, what color, what age. By who, what color, what age, what gender. You know were they, you know, gay, straight, trans, trans, transophobic? Were they drinking a Bud Light? Like they've got all of this data to know what story to publish and what story to push, and the way the algorithm works is it just helps is they know what people want to pay attention to?

Speaker 1:

There's certain, you know, things that could happen. I mean, it could literally be I think butterfly effect might be a good word for it. I forget exactly what that movie is, so I could be slaughtering that. But, like you could literally take the exact same situation, the exact same bullet, the exact same circumstances and change the characters in the movie and you'll get I mean, heck, even if we're talking about a Hollywood movie. You'll get different emotions from the crowd. You'll get different justifications. You'll get different you know villains and heroes and shit. Like you throw it on the news. Some people care, some people don't care, like it's absolutely insane and they know that and they use it against us and it's all from the data that we've given them and it's all from how we react and it's from how we treat each other.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, I look at this and I go like I'm literally looking at, like, my social media accounts right now and I know I'm not fucking for everybody, I know right now I don't get, you know, millions of views per video, but I know I used to get a hell of a lot more on Instagram and actually my content, both my language, my I mean I'm using better quality equipment, better quality sound like all of that is getting a hell of a lot better, and it's not scripted. I've never scripted. Well, very early on I tried script and shit. I realized it didn't work. I'm talking for like two months when I started pushing shit. So, like for the last two plus years, it's been 100% raw. I'm talking about since I've kind of taken the, you know, light influencer status, you know trying to get your name out there on social media, and I've gotten on that path. It's 99.9% is all unscripted.

Speaker 1:

That being said, I'm leaving that 0.1% because I'm sure there's a video that someone's well, I honestly don't even know if I could think of one right now because I can't, but there's probably something out there. Someone asked me to do something and I said something, so, oh my gosh, it was scripted. So I just I want to be real. So here's where I struggle, though, because I know verified shadow band or you know child band or you know minor band I guess that's kind of a better word. It's weird. It's weird to say, but I know because I say fuck, if you're under 18 you can't see me on Instagram. That leads me to believe Facebook, because they're owned. You know, they're both meta platforms, probably the same. And then what else do I post on X? I'm just starting to post on X and we're going to talk about that in a minute and why I'm going to start posting on X. Linkedin I've just started using as well, so I'm not really so familiar with that one.

Speaker 1:

Youtube gosh, dang. Youtube is hit or miss. It seems like like I could post very similar content and it seems like right now all my videos are for some reason getting 400 views and getting stopped, like I don't know. What I should probably do is I should try to post one of the hit ones that you know. Just they're pointless but they get a lot of views and just kind of see where it goes. But yeah, man, even if I get a really good spike early on, I'm getting great engagement. You know I got a heavy watch time. You know I get for some reason throttling right at 400 to 450 views on almost every freaking video, and I'm sure there's some social media nerd out there that can explain it to me a little bit better. And hell, maybe even help me reach out. I'll hear your bullshit out. But, if you know, give me some bullshit about how you understand the algorithm and you work for Google. Like I'm gonna probably just hang up on you or, you know, beat you up on the phone a little bit, so don't get offended. But TikTok, on the other hand, is where I'm getting my most views right now.

Speaker 1:

Now I know TikTok's not the most viewed platform, but it doesn't seem like they're throttling people for too much of an opinion, like I don't really give. I'm not political too much on any of these, but, like I said, I just say fuck. And TikTok is kind of allowing that. Now I always click. If it's like on YouTube shorts or whatnot. Is this, you know, content made for children? I click no. And then there's another one that's like, you know, is it like illegal to show children or something? I leave that one blank because my shit's not. It's just not made for children. So I answer the questions correctly, if you know. If they do have the minor question and it's like no, it's not made for children but at the same time it's not illegal for a child to see it. I don't think. I guess I know there's R rated movies, but I'm not rated by you know movies. So TikTok I like because it's another platform that so far they're not throttling people too heavy. Now it's goofy, it shows everything.

Speaker 1:

And I know a lot of people are like oh my gosh, you know TikTok and shit. Like I was so afraid of TikTok for so long because everyone I think it came out when I was in the army, I think it was like 12 or 13, maybe 14, something like that, and it was like oh, it's just a bunch of 13 year old girls you know on there, weird and blah, blah, and I'm like that's fucking gross. Like I got daughters like I don't need to be checking out, no, 13 year olds. And then I got it one day this is years and years later like I got it, I think a Facebook ad came up and it was a TikTok thing and I had to download TikTok to see it because it was funny. And I started scrolling and like oh my gosh, you know, at first you saw a couple of things and I was like it's not really my thing. So you know, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, whatever it is, and gosh, after like 30 minutes you just don't see it anymore. So it made me like realize it man, these fuckers are creepy because the algorithm locks in.

Speaker 1:

I think honestly, I think early on when I adopted TikTok one of the reasons and I quit using after this for a long time, but like one of the reasons I kind of got a dick to do it because, man, it frickin dialed that algorithm fast. It figured out exactly what I wanted. It was like stupid military humor, bar humor, like just dumb humor. You know a little bit of like. You know the man shit, the fucking like that. That guy from the Midwest, like his videos are funny, doing Midwest shit, the passive, aggressive niceness. I don't remember his frickin name, but you know he always came up in mind. There's that I wish I could tell you. I don't even know their names, I just see their faces and I'm like, hi, yeah, these people are funny. Let's watch this for 30 seconds.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, like it just dials in your algorithm so much, so like I think I'm looking at all these people like, oh, why are you only seeing a bunch of like 13 year old girls. Dude, it's like fucking weird. That shit disappeared on mine like fucking three swipes. It realized I'm not into it. But yeah, you frickin creeps. And you know, if you ever go to someone's for you page, like it's terrifying. Like you know, as a sales coach, as a life coach, I quite often someone starts giving me some bullshit and I tell them hey, pull up your Instagram, pull up your tiktok, go to your for you page. See all that shit, big booty bitches. Yeah, that's why you ain't getting anything done, because that's what you focused on. You're telling me your mind's clean. You're telling me you're focused on growth. You're telling me, you know, whatever I digress there, but I Don't honestly don't think we get rid of it, and I don't know the right answer because I'm not too much of a tech nerd but you can't ban it.

Speaker 1:

It violates our freedom of speech, and the great thing that we have in this country is Freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom to go find information. Now here's, here's the thing we think as Americans. We think that you know, uh, north Korea controls its people. Russia controls its people. Um, I don't know. Vietnam, uae, fight all that control their people. No, the United States is actually really, really, really good at controlling its people. Because you think you're free, you think you have, you know all the information available to you.

Speaker 1:

But I want to let you know like there's a lot of block stuff that we can't get in the United States. It we don't actually know about because we kind of started the internet. Yeah, I know there's some other jackass that claims it, but let's just be real. We blew the shit up and we have the unfair advantage and you know, we got the comm, we got the dot us, we got the dot gov. Like we kind of kept the traffic toward us where we wanted it so we could control it and Like could any of you do, any of you like, even really know like a foreign, like, unless you're like a foreign national to that country? Like we don't know any foreign shit. Like I don't know too many British websites. I don't think I know a single Australian website. I know zero in Russia, zero in Germany.

Speaker 1:

I lived there for a while like we're not exposed and that information doesn't come our way. Now, that being said, like why would it? Well, like you know, we hear about how other countries are great or having troubles or falling apart, like Okay, why can't I hear it from the horse's mouth, why can't I hear it from them? I think like the best news source we have that's not American is BBC. Wait, bbc, bbc, yeah, british broadcast network channel means something else. Now I'm like terrified, but like we have that and but we have the American version too now, and you know, I don't, I don't trust any of that shit. I don't think it's, you know, a network that is worth watching. But I'm saying like that's about the only thing I could think of that's even come over here and we Americanize that shit, just like we did Chinese food. So we don't actually have a lot of outside exposure.

Speaker 1:

Now you can Google it, but the problem is it's gonna go way, way deep in the results. There is also Domains that we can't get access to there, and then I'm not even talk talking to dark. What dark web? You go to a Thor browser and all sorts of Thor browser and all the other sorts of shit you can go to like that's a whole different thing, but just simply places on the worldwide web that we don't have access to. That's blocked in our country and sometimes, like you know, we don't lock anything right. You know, sometimes maybe it's other countries that block it from the United States. That might be true rarely, it might be true on paper, but I guarantee you we have something to do with it. So I Don't know if we can block anything. I think we need to protect it. I think we need to vet a little bit more. I think there's got to be something we can do.

Speaker 1:

And you know, I've thought about it a million ways because, you know, I like, I Like freedom of speech. But freedom of speech is not like. It's not as like, when people throw around the word freedom of speech, it doesn't mean what they want, doesn't mean you can go around and say whatever the fuck you want without fear of you know, repercussion. Um, because, okay, it might be illegal to break your fucking job, but if you say something stupid, you get your job broke. Okay, you're free to say stupid shit, I'm free to punch you in the mouth until I get cuffed up. That's against law, but, you know, so is your stupid fucking words and opinion. And I'm not condoning violence, but I'm just making a point here like, yes, freedom of speech exists.

Speaker 1:

However, you can't say whatever the fuck you want when you want without like repercussions. You know it's kind of like starting a riot. You cannot Start a riot. That's illegal. You can't use your voice to do that, like there are things that you know are taken away for good reason.

Speaker 1:

So then I look at you know measures like that which I'm like hey, yeah, if you know you're starting to riot, you're turning in a peaceful protest in a riot, telling people to go around, loot, burn all that bullshit. I think that's probably a no-go. You know the what's the law where you can't, you know, run into a movie theater and scream, fire and watch the chaos, pursue Something danger, intimate danger. I think there's a movie title that, whatever. Sorry I'm losing track, but you can't do stupid shit like that, and for good reason. So I look at you know those laws like that and I try to read the precedents or read into the precedent of it and I realized tiktok's kind of in the same damn place. But also, does that make Facebook, instagram, all of those in the same place?

Speaker 1:

And then my third thing I worry about is okay, who's behind really banning tiktok? Because tiktok's competitors are some of the biggest, biggest companies in the United States, and how much would it be worth to meta. For example, if tiktok disappeared Could be a big payday Stock prices. I have a feeling they're gonna go up speaking that I should go buy a caller so and see how this plays out. Or if you're gonna bet the other way, you might get a little put action in there. But, that being said, I'm not giving you stock advice because I don't know what I do. I just like to lose money.

Speaker 1:

So that's kind of my thoughts on tiktok. Honestly, I don't know where I stand. I would, honestly, to give you a true, true opinion, probably need to read a little bit more into it and Understand it. But then I still don't believe the information I'm gonna get us because a lot of it's gonna be from China and I Don't know how much I could trust them. It's, it's, it's. It's so hard it's.

Speaker 1:

I think for this one I stand like gut feeling you got to leave it, you got to leave it. You got to figure out a way to control it, and I don't really know what that is. I think it would take a lot of thought from smart people and I'm not talking about the dipshits in DC, I'm talking about literally a 13 year old kid could probably come up with a way to control it better than those idiots and not fuck people over. But I think you have to leave it. I don't think you could ban it and, yeah, that's gonna be something develops quite a bit, because that's gonna set a precedent for a lot of shit, you know. Next thing, you know, fucking Facebook X and Meta platforms are gonna become publishers and who? They gonna hate that. So, elon, let's talk about Elon Musk. So I want to be real for a second.

Speaker 1:

I used to be guy. I used to be guy that hated Elon Musk, like thought he was an idiot, you know, thought the FCC should have his ass thrown behind bars because he's always saying stupid shit. And I think I was a hater Cuz he was kicking so much ass. Oh, and the electric cars are stupid. Yes, I own one or lease one. Correct terminology Tax credit was kind of cool. The autonomous shit is kind of cool and it's fast as fuck. It's still fucked up for the environment, but other than that, it's actually not a bad car very basic, easy to drive, quick as fuck. It very fast, very fun, and it's just like it's simple. It simplifies a lot of shit. So Simple, flies a lot of shit. So that means that. So Elon, a while ago, buys Twitter and May and buys it out, makes it go back to a private company.

Speaker 1:

And I actually have never once used Twitter in my life and a month or so ago I Needed to figure out for something else I was doing what hashtags are trending, because I'm starting to play with hashtags a little bit more and trying to figure out how to really dial them bad boys in. Don't ask me about them. I'm working on it deep, like I've got the, the niche sound hashtags to like your local community done, like things like that. But I'm looking for these bigger players now and you know seeing how I can mess with those a little bit, but anyways. So I was like, oh, doesn't Twitter have that?

Speaker 1:

Or it took me over to Twitter X and there was a hashtag list. I'm like, oh my gosh, that's exactly you, exactly what I'm looking for. And I had to make an account. And then I just was like, well, I share everything on, you know, the other five platforms might as well copy paste it over here. So I started to share it on X and then every time I would get on X like I think the only person I'd follow is Elon. I think it says three people, I don't know who the other two are.

Speaker 1:

And I just started noticing shit where he's posting a lot of the you know the Putin interview, right, like, like it or hate it, I don't really give a shit what you think about Putin. But everyone else said no bad. Well, what if Putin like what, if he has some good shit to say? And it's the, actually the American, you know government repressing us from his side because all we get to see is what's on CNN, fox News and CNBC, and they're all fucking crooked. Republican Democrat, left, right, they're all fucking crooked. And I stand by that statement and I'm going to say that even though I mean that's just, that's just a fucking. It's a fact. Why? Because I'm not going to be real with you being in sales coaching, when we actually try to post like sales coaching, like the real shit on YouTube or whatnot, it doesn't work.

Speaker 1:

I mean it doesn't get views. It works, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't get the views of a quick little witty one-liner. That's kind of fun, that flows. That, you know, is fun, just to hear because it's, you know, peaceful to the words. I was like, damn dude, that's badass. I wish I could speak like that. Or you know the. You know Andy, calling someone out, shit like that, those get views. Yelling at people, freaking intensity like that gets views. But let's face it, nobody wants to watch someone freaking dial for, you know, three hours straight to get 15 people to pick up their actual phone and, hung up on a couple of times and you know, have to do a quick little phone and just get like nobody actually wants to listen to that for three hours. So that's not what gets views. Fox News, cnn, cnbc, csbc, cbb, like whatever they are, they're all the exact same there. They're there for views, they're there for their pocketbooks, they're there to support the network, they're there to make a shit ton of money.

Speaker 1:

Capitalism, I fucking love it, but we have to be real about it. We have to be real and we have to understand it. We have to quit fighting about this shit. We have to quit saying like one side's white. Let's just say both sides are wrong. Go figure out your own information. The problem with that is where it becomes a bitch. So, that being said, like X is badass. And someone corrected me. If I'm wrong, dm me, call me, text me. Whatever way you have to get ahold of me. Show me something, and I'm not talking you fucking weirdos. If it's pedophilia, I hope to gosh. Elon is banning that shit. But like, if it's not against the law, meaning like it's not straight against the law to post the shit, like I think he's pretty much letting everything fly.

Speaker 1:

I've seen, you know, crazy left wing stuff. I've seen crazy right wing stuff. Do I think the crazies on both sides are crazies? Yeah, that's why we have crazy fucking people. But I think we need a platform that goes left and right. I think we need a platform that is true free speech.

Speaker 1:

And I look at this and I say, hey, looking at X, that's kind of the only one that's not a publisher, minus the fact that it's not publicly owned. So there's, it's a double edged sword. Again, it's not really showing too much bias as an agenda, but it's also privately owned now. So I'm really having fun on X, though I don't have any followers yet because I haven't really tried. I actually don't even know how to actually follow someone or search something like I'm that bad at. I have just figured out how to copy paste, like drag a video over, drop it, throw my little script in there, and I don't know what happens beyond that, so I'll fuck with it more.

Speaker 1:

But from what I'm seeing, what I'm seeing posted on there, the stories that are being shared and I've seen both ways, I've seen left and I've seen right and I'm trying to be unbiased Obviously I lean in one direction, but and I think everybody does, I think I think you know, if someone I'm not a anonymous reporter, but a what's it called where you don't have a nonbiased reporter, that's fake, that doesn't exist, I don't believe you. You have some bias somewhere, otherwise you're a fucking robot and then your opinion really doesn't matter. So, that being said, I lean one direction but I try to do an unbiased like evaluation of it, and I think X is doing a pretty good job of being left and right Now. That being said, I'm assuming, as I get on X, if I start playing with it more you know I might read something here, click something there it will start using its you know magical algorithm and it's probably, you know, surfing all my cookies and whatever other shit it steals. So it probably is going to push a biased you know type to me, but from just getting started on it, not ever using it before, it looks pretty cool. That being said, beautiful. So I like X. If you haven't started playing with X yet, I highly recommend it.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what's purpose, I actually don't know what to do on it, like I said, but it looks pretty cool to me and I just I think you got to be something right now. I think you got to be involved in something that has that freedom of speech. It's like Reddit. By the way, reddit IPO is going live in two days. I still don't think they have a hit price, but I also don't back to me not giving you financial advice. I actually don't know what I think about this, because one I haven't done much research. I do have an order in for an IPO. So, yeah, they still don't even have the final price. I think that'll hit tomorrow sometime because it's expected to launch on Thursday. But, that being said, I don't really know, because I don't know Reddit's model. I know it's.

Speaker 1:

You can pretty much go on there and just type anything. I think I know I find a lot of random information on there that sometimes I need to know, sometimes I don't, so I'm taking a little risk trying to secure some shares of it, but I don't know what's going to happen. But go check it out, do your own research and see what's up, and by the time you hear this, you'll it might still be good. So, biden, the 10 K tax credit. So I'm looking at that and one thing I'm really noticing is that you know it's obviously the election year. Good news, that probably means guess what? Gas prices are going down. Woo, that'll be cool. So gas prices will go down. But what else is going to happen? Well, there's going to be some crazy ass laws out there. There's going to be some crazy ass policies that get written that don't always make sense.

Speaker 1:

So I was scrolling across the uh, one of them today Facebook or Twitter or some bullshit and I saw Biden proposes a 10 K. I think it's a first time home buyers credit. So 10 K for the first time home buyer. And basically how it is is, if you buy a house, you get a 10 K tax credit and that is going to go. I think five K for the first two years.

Speaker 1:

So I just want to let everyone know I truly don't think that is going to affect the real estate market one fricking bit. Yes, that does come out to like, I don't know, 400 bucks a month or something like that. But let's be real. Inflation has hit fucking hard. Um, wages have not gone up and I'm talking averages, because you know you have the ability to do whatever you want in life. So just because wages haven't gone up doesn't mean your wages can't go up. So you need to catch up. Yeah, in general, wages have not gone up. You've got things like black rock and shit buying everything. You've got these huge investors buying up real estate left and right and it's smart. Like you know, we can't really make more land, but people keep fucking and making babies, so we just keep populating more and more. So, like you know we, you know more land or no additional land, more people. Guess what? Crowding. You know prices go up, supply into mans Just how it fucking works. Now here's the thing you want to be real. You want me to be real for a second.

Speaker 1:

I also think this. I think people are pathetic and I think they're a victim of their own circumstances. Because I want to take you back to the good and old days, to this thing called the Oregon Trail. What happened on the East Coast when shit got too expensive? People weren't happy. They didn't like the you know politics or whatever other fucking reason they decided to jump into a wagon and go. I think it was because they still had that British accent, like a little bit like the Boston peoples. You know New England had changed it up a little bit, but they still sounded like they were in 1920s Great Britain. So they just like ran. And if you notice like the further we get from Great Britain to the right, to the left, the less accent comes out. Like I don't know what happened in the South Texas, missouri, mississippi, all was just like you know what? Fuck me shit, we going all out. But whatever reason the Oregon Trail happened, people needed a place to go. They wanted to seek land to the West. There was gold, there was all that other shit. So what they do, they fucking moved in wagons Like motherfuckers were dying, like usually not most people but a good handful of people, and sometimes most people would die on the way to the West.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like, oh man, this is going to be painful to say, but it's true. I know so many people nowadays who won't even leave their mommy and daddy's basement for a better life, like people who stay in the same city, town that they grew up in, bitchin' and cryin' that they ain't gettin' what they want. They're not where they need to be whine, whine, whine, and they literally will not even like move to the other side of town. It's like what in the heck happened? Like for real. Like what happened to just doing shit to give yourself, your family, a better life.

Speaker 1:

What happened to? Hey, I'm not happy here, let's go change it. Let's not wait for things to get better, because guess what? Things aren't gettin' better. You know last eye checks. We go back to it. What happened? Inflation's up, this is up, this is down, like shit out there is gettin' tighter and tighter and you're just gonna sit around bitchin' and do nothin', like I don't get that one bit.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, you can't be like a victim to your circumstance, like it. Just it doesn't make sense. If you're not happy, if things don't happen, you need to move and I have completely digressed on that because this is all about Biden's 10K tax credit and the upcoming election. But move. If you're not happy, fuckin' move. If you need more money and you're, you know, livin' a podunk town with six people move. But house prices have gone up and that's how that got there. Incomes have not, interest rates went up and he's going to give low income and I'm just gonna be real, he is. They're pickin' on the low income here and that, and this is one of those close ones. Yes, this is my opinion, but I can read through the fuckin' lines. They are hurting lower income citizens right now because that 10K one I just wanna let you know ain't gonna fuckin' help you buy a house, because one it's not gonna go to a down payment so you can save the fuckin' 10K Like you still have to do it.

Speaker 1:

It's not gonna help with your down payment, it's not gonna help with your closing costs, so the money doesn't exist. The problem is we're gonna create you know X amount of and I'm sure it's attached to some stupid fuckin' bill somehow or away or it's gonna get you know paid off. But we're gonna attach a shit ton of money to make you feel good, and $10,000 sounds like a lot of money when you don't have any money in the bank or you've never made that money. But I hate to tell you it ain't fuckin' shit and it's gonna come later on. This is later future money. This isn't money that you can use right away. And here's the thing. I promise you this because I'm just doin' math.

Speaker 1:

If a $400 additional payment scares the shit out of you, you need to look at a different house. Because here's what really happens. You're gonna go two years. You are probably not going to get a $400 raise, unless you decide to change your circumstances. Just you know that might cover it. Maybe I don't know, but here's reality. Taxes are gonna go up, so that payment's gonna continue to go up. Hell, you know, there's a million things that could change. Taxes will go up. They're probably gonna do some school fuckin' levy that you're gonna have to pay a shit ton of money for, so then taxes are gonna go up and up more. And realistically, as other things go up, guess what? So does rent or not rent? So does food? So does gas? So does this? So does that? So if you can't afford that additional $400 today, in two years, if you don't have a significant raise in your income and I know everyone dreams about a fuckin' income raise, but they don't ever actually take action to do it you're going to be in the exact same fuckin' place. You're just going to feel a little bit better about gettin' fucked over.

Speaker 1:

So it's a political move. I think it's to. Hey Biden, he's good, he's trying to give us free money. You know how'd that? What did that like? Right now, if student loan bullshit, how'd that work? Now, this'll go through. This has been done before.

Speaker 1:

I think Bush actually did it as well. So this is, you know, a. It's a dual side. It's not just Democrats all the time. I wanna say Bush had a fuckin' and I could be wrong. It could have been Clinton and I'm just complete idiot. But I wanna say Bush did a first time tax, first time home buyer credit or some shit back in the day, and it was, you know, same thing during the crash.

Speaker 1:

Let's really get the economy going. Guess what. No one can afford a house. 10k is not gonna do shit. So hell, I'll do a podcast here soon on just like a property law, and you know how we could. And I don't believe in affordable housing bills. I don't believe in, like rent control. I think that's silly. There's better ways to do it. We'll talk about it on a podcast.

Speaker 1:

So real quick, I want to acknowledge one of my favorite haters real quick. If you guys don't know, I am a. I like fuckin' with people, like, and I try to say respectful as much as I can, but also stir a conversation up a little bit once I get you to reply and more people see my shit, but here's one of the things about my haters that you'll never see One. You'll never actually see their name. Why? Because I'd probably fuckin' tell you their name if I could, but I got a good one today, and this guy's literally been following me for like three months now, and he comments on like 80% of my videos, so he's an underground lover. He just is. It's just so much more fun to hate, so I hate large, large, large britches is his his freaking TikTok handle, or whatever it's called. He's got 599 people. He's following probably all fuckin' very successful. You know good looking people like myself, just cause you know you're attracted to a certain type of man. It's weird, but you know it's on him. He's got 117 followers, which I think is fuckin' sweet. The thing is, though, he's got an private account and I requested to be his friend, so if any of y'all could help me, it's at large britches, super good guy.

Speaker 1:

Do not talk shit. If I hear you talking shit to my people, like even my haters go fuck yourself. You're a loser, just like them Like. If you try to defend me, you're a fuckin' loser. Just like them. Spread the love. They're watching us for a reason it's because they want it, otherwise that algorithm would kill, but they can't take their eyes off me. So, large britches, I hope you're gonna see this. I'll probably make a little clip of this and I will drop this on the TikTok just for you, my bud, but large britches. Reason three Honestly, this has been like a month or two, at least a two month battle. He's been here for three months but he's been going hard for like the last 30 days, like he could go do something cool with his life. Reason three I don't know the first two, but we're on the third.

Speaker 1:

You never worked hard to get an education, so you repeat nonsense to cover up those deep insecurities. One I think everybody has insecurities in a certain direction and it's actually our responsibility as a man and as a leader to actually improve ourself to lighten those insecurities, because if you don't have insecurities and you think you're perfect, that's like a god-like complex and whether you're religious or not, if you think you're perfect, you're stuck. So, gosh, and I never worked so hard to get an education. I don't actually know where he gets that information. I mean college. I'm a jet educated. I graduated high school. I moved out of my parents' basement oh, sorry, I moved out of my parents' house and I like to think I'm fairly educated.

Speaker 1:

Large britches yes, you probably got a better GPA than me, because I don't know Actually, I don't even know if you did but yeah, probably you got a better GPA than me. I'll put the money on you've got a better GPA than me. I've actually never met and please tell me if I'm wrong, like if you're one of my very successful haters out there. That doesn't exist, but let's just hypothetically say you are. Let's say, someone that's like more fit than me, or someone that makes more money than me, or someone that's better at doing a podcast than me or making badass reels than me. If that's you and you're one of my haters, please, please, reach out, because I haven't met him yet.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, I probably make more money than your bitch ass, and it's not about the money, but my goal on a daily basis is to change lives. My goal on a daily basis if I can affect one person for the positive and I've got fucking testimony so I could prove it. So yeah, man, I don't know what I'm covering up. So fuck you. But at the same time I love you and you keep me entertained, man, and you keep my followers entertained and I get it. So what is my reply? Because he's been like three days since he he actually commented on one of my things and that's kind of scary. He's usually the first to comment on every one, so I got a little scared. I was a little worried about large britches, so I reply yes, my best friend saw this one, I don't know which one that is. Oh, glad you saw this one. It's awesome how repeating things that worked works. Ooh, that's like gosh dang. Why would you reinvent the wheel if it continued to work? When you're ready to come up into the light, I would love to see the positive you toss into society. And then he came back.

Speaker 1:

This hurt a little bit large bridges. I'm not your friend, I'm not your fan, rough dude, because you comment a lot and I just I needed you. I needed you here. I am the only person who comments on your videos, not true, but you know, okay, rude. I only do this because you were weak and easy to pick on. Just get it Jump. Yeah, he used like because he's educated. He used to comment, but he forgot a period after jump. Fuck, I should have told him that I didn't catch it till now, but he's not. He's not my friend and he's not my fan. I mean, he has the like, probably reason I'm a heart that I forgot to heart it early. That was rude of me, I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

Large bridges Um man, that's hard, dude, because you sure are paying attention a lot. But, man, and I really hope the one thing, I really hope this guy like like there's no way, he's not like he found me, like I'm not that fucking famous yet you found me because you're looking at people similar to me, dude. You found me for a reason. You found me because you're looking for this information and you're just, you're out there. You're scared, brother, reach out, man, you don't.

Speaker 1:

I used to be in a dark place. I used to be in a place where I thought people that shared positive light and this and that were were evil. We're like there's no way you could be that happy. Well, it's just a choice, man, and it took me a while to realize that Now. That being said, I still think you fucking idiots who are out there bragging about all the shit you haven't done are a complete fucking tool, or saying you choose happiness 24, seven Dude, I've been in a pissed off mood before.

Speaker 1:

Let's be real. Yes, you can choose happiness overall, but there's going to be a day where you're pissed off a little bit. Now you develop and you get over being pissed off quicker and quicker, but at the same time, let's be real, it ain't 100% motherfucker, um, but large britches, I just hope. Hope that you're able to do that. And then I hit him with something. Hey, that's all right, I just hope enough winning can influence you to man up.

Speaker 1:

Why not accept my request? I'm not sure if you're tired or just internet ninja, I'm curious, I'd like to. You know large ninja, or fat boy or whatever the hell your name is. Like, dude, reach out to me, man, I'd love to have a conversation. Hey, dude, if you've actually got the balls, man, I will put you on this beautiful podcast of mine. I will literally let you say whatever you want and I'll publish it on X, um and yeah, man. So, fat britches, let's do it, dude, let's do it. I'd love to. You know, talk to your very educated, sophisticated ass. So that's my favorite.

Speaker 1:

Uh, hater, that one's actually not that bad, but he's, he's just been. He's been putting in the work for a while. Uh, there's one on Instagram I actually had to boot the other day because they went after somebody else that was on my list. And you don't go after my people and it goes both ways. Like you go after my haters, you gone. My haters go after you, they gone other than that, attack me all you want, uh, but you know whatever, don't care. Okay, so let's talk about this. This transition is great into um, a society problem, and this is basically this is going to be me giving you my opinion, but this is facts.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about leaders and bitches. So leaders and bitches and this kind of goes into large britches there's leaders in society and there's bitches in society, and bitches is not a derogatory term toward women or dogs, it is a derogatory term toward a bitch. And what is a bitch? A bitch is someone who always has a problem, and this problem could be with themselves. This problem could be with someone else. This problem could be with you know, someone around them, this and that, and they don't change it. They don't do anything to change it. They don't do anything to fix. All they do is probably contribute to the problem at best. But realistically they're too fucking lazity, even like be around, like they just they cry, they whine, they, whatever. And then there's leaders.

Speaker 1:

Leaders are people who create leaders or people who consistently improve, improve themselves to improve others. And you're not a leader until you can, you know, improve someone else's life. But here's the thing we're all leaders, like inside of us, we all, we all have the capability and you don't even actually know, have to know, how to do a damn thing at life. But you have to make someone else have a positive. And that could literally be you walk down the street and smile to someone. They smile back, they feel good Little endorphin rush. Cool Leader, it could be.

Speaker 1:

You walk up to you know someone at the grocery store struggling to an old lady struggling to load her car with groceries because she's driving that G-Wagon, a Skyline, a motel, and you're trying to do the math. You just don't add up. Help her. Put a shit away, leader. A bitch is going to sit there and whine and cry about how the 89 year old grandma has a G-Wagon and he doesn't. And that's why society is bad, because everyone has the fucking money. Bitch, go make the money, bitch. A leader doesn't even see the G-Wagon.

Speaker 1:

A leader sees someone who needs help, something that they can do to improve. A leader also can be the person that maybe sees a G-Wagon and goes, hey, man, can I help you put your shit in the back for her? And goes, hey, I just was curious, this is a beautiful car, like your, old as fuck. What did you do to deserve this? Well, what did you do to earn this is my correct thing or deserve it? Who the fuck could be? Either way, win-win. It may be a little more mild than that if she's 86. You know, that's kind of a 73 year old conversation. But a leader is curious because now they want to know, they want to, they want to, you know, take back from someone to give to someone what they do, and so they gave. First they helped her load some shit up. Now you should have the permission to maybe have a two minute conversation, maybe get some wisdom from it.

Speaker 1:

I think 90% of people would do it would be no, especially if they're 90 years old and driving a G-Wagon like a newer one, not a bus down one, but a new one, a nice one, good one, you know 300 K. They would definitely share it with you because I guarantee you they, you know, someone shared with them at one point in time. And yeah, it's just how those people work. They, nine times out of 10, less to do and some weird shady shit. Love to share, love to help, love to grow. As long as, as long as they know you'll value it or you've done something for them. Yet nine times out of 10, I've never met someone. If you ask them how you know, they say fuck off. And always a time and place. If you see someone hustling, moving, trying to get out of some place, by all means don't try to get in their way to get a fucking picture and be that dipshit, like people got shit to do, and they won't give you a real answer.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, go out there and lead society today. Go out there and be someone who is, who is, strong. Go out there and be someone who takes care of themselves. Go out there and be someone that you, you as a human, are proud to be yourself. And here's the thing like self development, self improvement, like you know, growing who you are. It all starts from A and ends at infinity, doesn't end at B, it doesn't end at Z, it ends at infinite level, because you'll never actually hit. You know perfection. You'll never actually hit a 100% mark, because it's literally impossible.

Speaker 1:

Now the cool thing is is who you are today. I guarantee you, in 12 months, dude, you'll be at 400% of what you know. You'll be at 400% of what you thought possible if you truly go all in on yourself. You know mindset, skillset, habits, fitness, fricking, everything Like. If you go all in on yourself, you will be ahead of what you ever imagined that you possibly could be. However, when you get to the point where you have exceeded your you know past expectations, you'll be like oh fuck man, I was thinking so small. And then it's another one, and another one. You'll never be there. And then the goal is to always chase it. The goal is to know that. So a leader is always going to chase it. They're not going to let anything get in their way. They're not going to cry about other people, they're not going to cry about what's holding them back. And they might you know they might a leader might go.

Speaker 1:

Hey, I'm not able to get to D because I'm at A, but I can't figure out like B is just not making sense. Hey, timmy. Hey, I see that you're at C right now. Man, um gosh, man, I've been trying it, I've been Googling it, I've been trying to do my own read. I'm just, could you help me out with B? Man, like I'm, it's not clicking, something ain't clicking. And bam, timmy helps you and all of a sudden C, d, and then you get to D and Timmy's like shit, dude, how'd you get through C so fast? Well, it was the kind of what I was doing last time. Man is actually trying to skip me and go to C, but I didn't get B done, so C wasn't working. But once I had B figured out because of you, buddy, watch this bam, bam, bam, oh shit, now you're both at D. Now that was a crazy ass. You know alphabetic analogy because I'm unedimacated.

Speaker 1:

Uh, but that's essentially what leaders do they hate, they hate, and others they, you know, hate and prod. They are not hating uh problems, they're like they love it. They see a problem Like, oh shit, that's a gate, that's a fence, I gotta fucking tear that motherfucker down. Let's go do this shit. They don't bitch about it, they don't cry about it. Yeah, they might talk about it, they might analyze it, but nine times out of 10, they're going to freaking. Have you know they're going to have a solution before even ask.

Speaker 1:

I used to tell my employees that all the time hey, you guys are more than welcome to bitch and bitch to me about shit. You know, talk to me about fucking problems that we might be having at the dealership or even in the army, but if you don't bring me a couple of solutions, shut the fuck up. And I didn't want that to belittle anyone or try to keep them down, but I really wanted them to think for themselves. I didn't want them to just be out there crying and whining about every little thing.

Speaker 1:

Because when you go, look for the negative in something and then all of a sudden you have to come up with a solution for it, you realize that, okay, one of two things, one, maybe. You know this is something easy, you can contribute to them. And then you become a leader yourself and you know you actually take more responsibility for it versus being a bitch. And sometimes you realize like you learn a lot more about the situation. You're like, oh, fuck man, I didn't realize any of that shit.

Speaker 1:

You know, hey, sorry Roberts, we should do it this way. Well, we could, but we have to do A, B and C, because of you know the safety regular blah blah, whatever it is, there's always some red tape that you have to go around in the army. It's like fuck man, I didn't know that. I know. That's why we do this dumb shit, dude. It's fucking stupid. I agree with you, but we have to, so be the leader, be someone who contributes and this and that. And the final thing I'm going to talk about today is Biden first Trump. I'm just fucking kidding. I'm not doing that just yet. I will sometime before the election.

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