Jonathan Roberts Not Safe for Society

Not Safe For Society: Harnessing Warrior Mindset and Resilience Against California's Wage Debate and Life's Sales Battles

Jonathan Roberts Season 1 Episode 8

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Awakening before dawn, I've found the quiet of the morning to be the perfect backdrop for fortifying my warrior mindset—a practice I believe is crucial to thriving in life's battlefields. Today, I pull back the curtain on my daily rituals that fuel this mindset while engaging with the heated debate around California's $20 minimum wage hike. Exploring the economic dance of consequence and effect, I argue this policy's surface appeal might mask a deeper hit to our wallets and societal structure. It's a thought-provoking journey that unravels the fabric of our perceived progress and challenges us to build resilience in the face of economic headwinds, service disruptions, and the temptation of complacency.

Strap yourselves in as we pivot to the power of discipline and resilience in sculpting a life of achievement. I'm laying bare personal stories of setbacks turned into stepping-stones, advocating for a lifestyle where discipline becomes your bedrock. Whether you're tackling the sales world, pushing through a plateau in physical fitness, or crafting an unshakable sense of self-belief, these narratives intertwine to create a roadmap for relentless pursuit. Adaptability in business, much like in military maneuvers, is highlighted—showing how the ability to pivot can define your success in an ever-changing battlefield.

Bringing it home, we address the symbiotic relationship between mental fortitude and physical prowess. Discover how SalesTrail might just be the catalyst you need in business, and how standing face-to-face with common sales objections can sharpen your skillset. Wrapping up our session, we delve into the essence of value-driven networking within the Elliott group, where personal growth can spark transformative waves in our communities. Join me as we reveal strategies, reflections, and candid moments, all while traversing the landscape of self-improvement and success.

Speaker 1:

All right, all right, good morning, good morning everybody. Hey, let's get today started off. I got some badass shit on my mind and it was one of those things like people asked me a lot hey, dude, how do you think about some new content every single week and where do you come up with it? Honestly, nine times out of 10, I'm just giving you a version of whatever I'm coaching myself on and whatever I'm personally growing on. So it's, you know, true to my heart and it's, like you know, top of my mind. So it's something real, it's something coming off. And then occasionally I get lucky, like I did this morning.

Speaker 1:

So a lot of times I put these calls together, honestly, in the gym. While I'm in the gym, while I'm kind of waking up in the morning, while I'm getting my things going, while my mind's still fresh and nothing's really screwed with me. For the days I generally have the topic I want to talk about the night before. You know I lose a couple of minutes of sleep over it. But then at the gym I really start dialing in. I'll do a little note here, a little note there. But today was one of those really cool ones because I was listening to a podcast and they said something that's really going to frame this conversation. So, if you saw, I kind of started framing this this Wednesday Zoom call a couple of days ago on my Facebook, or maybe right after Zuckerberg took us off Facebook for two hours. He said, hey, all y'all need a nap, y'all going a little too crazy with Facebook. I'm going to go ahead and take you off for a couple of hours and, you know, come back when you're ready. So we got our little, we got our little. We got our little no go on Facebook there for a minute. And luckily he gave us the, you know, gave us permission to use it again yesterday. It wasn't a permanent ban, but everybody got smacked around a little bit.

Speaker 1:

So I decided to do this call on kind of the warrior mindset and I don't want to get this call going in a political direction. But what sparked my mind this morning, what really locked it in, is I was listening to PVD's podcast and they were talking about $20 minimum wage in California. Now, there was some political bullshit they were talking about on the side, but I just want to talk about the facts of what $20 minimum wage does. So minimum wage is one. A scarcity mindset.

Speaker 1:

Minimum wage will actually hurt an economy, because here's what happens. Here's what happens. So my numbers are good. I can't do 20 math, so I'm going to do 10 math. Let's just hypothetically say minimum wage is $10, right. And let's hypothetically say the middle class is $30 an hour. Hypothetically, what happens when I increase minimum wage $2 an hour? So 10 to 12. Well, that's a 20% increase. Now you think logically, wouldn't that mean that the $30 an hour worker gets a same type of raise? You know, another 20% raise, not typically, because that actually is going to cost a company, that's actually going to cost an organization a hell of a lot more money. I think it's going to be six bucks or whatever the math is. So typically, you know, they'll make them feel good and they'll give them $2 an hour too.

Speaker 1:

The problem is is when we raise the minimum wage, especially when we go from 15 to 20, and happens April 1st, by the way is now we have this huge problem of artificially inflating an economy. And guess what? There we go. Guess what. Here's what really happens. Everyone's like oh my gosh, people can't afford to live. Well, people can't afford to live anyways. You've made it so freaking hard and you've lied to people about what they can do on a minimum wage, that they just think it's going to fix everything. So what actually happens is when McDonald's has to raise its you know $5 an hour, guess what Burgers cost more. The apartment complex, that, that, that, that and really these jobs at minimum wage are not supposed to be the jobs you and I have, and you're not on this call for that.

Speaker 1:

I'm just trying to frame where we're going with this. Why? Why you're going to have to push harder in 2024 and 25 and 26, and 27 and 28 and until the end of your life. It's because when I raise it to 15 to 20 an hour, guess what? The maintenance worker, the front desk gal, the, the, the apartment manager, the, whatever they all get a raise too. So everything becomes more expensive. And you didn't create more money, you didn't pay people more, you just made everything more expensive to buy. And typically because now I'm going to tax you rass at a higher rate typically you deflated the value of the dollar, you inflated the economy and, in the end of the day, I have less fricking money.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm trying not to take this in a political direction, but I want you to understand that's the mindset that we're dealing with coming into this. That's the mindset that society wants you to think is the reality. Now, you may or may not agree with me. Honestly, I don't give a shit and if, like, what I'm saying isn't connecting with you, you may want to get off this call. I'm not heated, but I'm a little bit passionate, I'm a little bit emotional about this call today. So I'm going to try to keep it clean, I'm going to try to keep it fun, but I want to talk really about developing the warrior mindset, and when Patrick by David brought that on, I was like shit dude.

Speaker 1:

This is exactly why we need it, because what we're trying to do, everyone else is trying to tell us we can't do. Everyone else is trying to tell us, hey, it's not the right time, it's. You know, everyone needs to be fair. If you saw my reel that I dropped this morning an hour ago or so, it was about like it is no longer okay to lose, it is no longer okay to be average, it is no longer to just be happy failing over and over again, because that's what we were told. We were told to be happy no matter what.

Speaker 1:

It's okay to get a little pissed off when you're not doing what you know you need to do, when you fall short on your goals, because that anger and that fight will push you further. How many times have you been in a great mood? Everything's chill, you're relaxing on the beach and you have a passionate conversation. Nah, usually and I'm saying those are good conversations occasionally but they're generally like, more relaxed, they're generally more like they don't have any action with them. They might be big goals, they might be big dreams, but they don't have action. However, when someone pisses you off, when someone kicks you in the freaking I don't know whatever punches you in the face, that's when the action comes into place. That's when that anger can actually be used in a positive manner to take you where you are.

Speaker 1:

So we and I say it so much on these calls in business and in sales we have to be ready to go to war. We have to be ready to absolutely dominate our competition. We have to be ready to create a culture within ourselves, to lead our families, to lead our businesses, to lead people around us, so we can actually make a cultural change. If y'all haven't figured out yet, the Elliott Army, the Elliott Group, is not just a business and sales consulting company? We're really not. Yes, that's a huge part of what we do and we're better than anybody at it. However, if you're so focused on business and sales, you're going to miss everything else, because it's not about giving your life away to you know a company. It's not about giving your life away to your own company. It's about building a legacy that you could be proud to leave beyond behind. It's about building a legacy that, when you disappear from earth, your kids remember your name. There's information out there about you and the lives that you changed or what you did in this world. That's what this is about. This is a positive culture.

Speaker 1:

I've got 55 people on this call today. 55 out of you 55. What if one of you every one of you, 55 of you went and changed two lives? Today? It doesn't have to be drastic. You don't have to get anyone to quit doing heroin. You don't have to save anyone from alcoholism, but maybe you put a smile on someone's face. Maybe you go out to eat and you treat the waiter or the waitress You're not going to piss that day Nice. You smile at him or her, you give them a change and then you know what? Maybe they wake up and they go to affect two more people. Y'all know the law doubles, right? If I give you one penny and double it over time, how long do you have a million dollars? I want to say it's like 23 or 26 days or something, right?

Speaker 1:

So what if we did that? What if we, as an individual being, as who we are, that one soul person on earth, made our mission to change two lives every day, to increase something in the world, to bring value to our business, to our families, to our coworkers, to just some random person at the convenience store? What if we did that to two people every day and then we created a culture where those two people then knew to go change it to two people. What if we started focusing on that instead of starting focusing on all the other bullshit going on in the world? We would change our lives accidentally. We would change our lives subconsciously. So in order to do that, we have got to have a warrior mindset.

Speaker 1:

Because I'm going to be real with you. I can share my screen right now. Go to this website cnncom, foxnewscom, whatever it is and I can find a way to depress every one of us in the next 30 seconds, literally all I have to do is read the fucking headlines and I can tell you how the world's going to burn. I could get you thinking how everything's going to end. I could tell you about Super Tuesday yesterday or Facebook falling out. I know I started my call with that because it's kind of funny, but we can focus on all the negative. However, it does not affect my life. I'll be real with you.

Speaker 1:

When Facebook went down yesterday, I went oh fuck, I've been hacked. So I'm texting my wife like, oh my gosh, I need to do this because I have a lot of good stuff on Facebook, right, I DM a few of you in occasionally, dming your damn credit card information. It's freaking crazy. And then there's a few other sites and stuff or groups and stuff I run. I've got stuff that someone could truly fuck with. So I'm like man, I got to fix this shit quick. And next thing, you know, I'm kind of stressed, I'm worried about it. And then all of a sudden, my wife texts me. She's like hey, I think everyone's on Facebook. And I look at Chris next to me and he's like dude, log on to your Facebook. And it was like fuck you. I'm like cool, I'm not hacked.

Speaker 1:

So what I quickly realized in Zuckerberg's two hour pause of our society and I'm making fun of it because I'm trying not to get political about it but in our two hour pause, nothing changed in my life. And if y'all don't know, I know I'm connected to Facebook a little bit more than y'all. I put up a lot of money through Facebook. I'm just I'm not trying to brag, I'm being real, but those two hours I didn't miss anything. Like I don't think anything. I don't think anyone died. I don't know if there was a news story. But what was really cool is, for two hours our society was free of the grasp. I know if you were like me, you got on ex, formerly known as Twitter, and you made a comment about how Elon's a badass and a Zuckerberg can't figure his shit out, or something like that. But like I actually, other than that comment, because I thought it was funny, like I just stayed off the shit I didn't post my morning real until eight o'clock at night and honestly I'm looking at it this morning I think my real got just as many views as typical.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, in two hours of separating, nothing changed. So we've got to get ready for this next, next phase, because this next phase, we're gonna have to immerse ourselves in a brand and social media, but we can't get overpowered by it. We're going to have to be able to fight for ourselves, fight for our family. Men, women in this room, if you've got kids and you and you're, you know, connected, you've got to be connected to a higher being, a higher mission, because I need everyone on this call to be ready to fight for their family, be ready to defend their family if they ever need to. And I'm not talking about some Crazy freaking conspiracy theory that someone's gonna take everything from you, but I am talking about inflation.

Speaker 1:

The not the government, but one of the third parties yesterday really released the actual inflation numbers for 2022. It was 18%. I know the US government said I think six or some bullshit like that, because it sounds good at sexy as hell. I'm not saying who to trust, I'm not saying one's right or the other, but I am saying I'm paying a lot more for shit since 2022 and I feel like I'm paying a little bit more in six freaking percent 18%.

Speaker 1:

Imagine that raise again, if you got an 18%, what raise? Imagine this. Imagine if you were working for the US government and I used to, and I think the biggest pay raise year over year I got was one year when I don't know some president was there and they said soldiers don't get paid enough. Blah, blah, blah Whatever the bullshit was and I think we got like 3.9 percent. We're like we rich got an extra 96 bucks a month. Hell yeah, 3.9%. Typically was like 1.5 to 1.9 per year.

Speaker 1:

Inflation went up 18% in 2022. Now do the math from California we're one of my nerds on here what is 15 to 20 dollars an hour? Well, what's the percentage difference there? 10 to 20 would be what? 100% is that like a 50%? Probably a little less than 50%. It's probably like a 40 38% raise, something like that. Someone drop it in the comment. I'm really making numbers up. I'm not a math magician, so stick with me right there. But that being said, think about that. They got a freaking raise. That just art. It's crazy.

Speaker 1:

So, in Order to keep up with inflation, to protect your family from the economy, guess what? You're gonna have to have that warrior mindset because you now have to give yourself a raise and up to 18% per year, and that's all we've hit, and I want people to go back. Don't go dwell on this and just let me tell you and believe it, you know, backcheck me if you want. Go look at nations that have gone through hyperinflation. Go look at what happens your dollar becomes worthless. So you've got to get ready to go to war for that.

Speaker 1:

Here's the second part. In the last two weeks three weeks maybe We've lost AT&T for a couple hours and we've lost Facebook for a couple hours. Our society is so built on being able to function, communicate at an instant Notice, being able to get a hold of your mom, your dad, your friend, whatever that there were a handful of people that straight freak the fuck out. Now I know a lot of us are in phone sales. I get it. That's kind of like oh shit, I can't dial, I got goals to hit. That sucks ass.

Speaker 1:

But realistically, like what happens if all this is taken away? Are you ready to go out and figure out how to keep your family surviving? Are you ready, are you in shape enough that if you ever had to do something, you could move somewhere with your family, you could support them, you could fight for them if you absolutely had to? These are the things you have to think about Whether anything ever comes where you have to fight, where you have to protect, where you have to grow, or you're just simply living a healthy Lifestyle for your business. It's the same damn thing. But here's one thing If I'm working for someone else, I don't really give a shit about their dream. I'm just being real with you.

Speaker 1:

And if you're an owner, if you're a GM, if you're a principal, don't take this the wrong way, but I do not care about Shet as much as I care about mine. I really don't. I don't care about your empire. Now, that being said, you can build an empire as an entrepreneur. You do not have to be self-employed. However, if you don't own that son of a bitch, guess what? There's got to be a bigger driving force than Some other guy or gal's business. So that's what I relate it to family. That's what I get so sick in my own mind and so so determined that I will not let my family down. That what I do for my Family affects my business allows me to grow who I am in business. Because I'm growing who I am as a man, as a leader, as a woman, whatever you are and when you start walking into that thought level that I'm not just doing this to make a little itty-bitty paycheck. I'm not this doing this to get by. I'm doing this to thrive. I'm doing this to survive. I'm doing this to become the best version of myself I can.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't just start with the mindset. Starts with how you treat your body, what you feed yourself. It starts with everything you do on a daily basis. Do you wake up and fight the demon? Do you wake up and kick your own ass? Do you do the things that you know you need to do on a moment's notice without even thinking about it, or is everything you do in your life has to be a two-week thought, has to be thought out and Process and make sure it's a perfect freakin plan, because the perfect plan is not there. Do when the work is, and it'll get you a lot further. So, that being said, that's just a little intro to what we're gonna be discussing today, and the first couple things I want to talk about is I want to talk about the components to. We're gonna talk about the components and then we're gonna talk about how to develop it, how to develop that warrior mindset. Now, I'm taking a lot of this from the military. Some of the reading I've done like this is a Collaboration of my life with the Elliott group, military readings, all of this good stuff and I'm giving it back to you because we as a society break so damn easy.

Speaker 1:

And no one on this call because I know some of you on this call right now have called me broken. I know some of you have called me on this call right now and not been where you want to be. I know some of you on this call have called me and be like dude, I'm about ready to quit. I want to let everyone know I'm not dogging anyone, because every single person on this call Should have had that type of experience in their head. Why? Because if you're not, you're not doing anything, you're not pushing yourself hard enough, you're not running to any damn pressure. If you absolutely love every day and I'm saying like, you should be happy. But I'm saying like if there's zero stress and you're just living a you know life and maybe you're on a bunch of antidepressants, because I don't get it. I don't get how to have zero stress and not achieve exactly what you mean to achieve Basically, when you turn 18, 19, 20, somewhere in that you know, mid 20s or below, you get an idea for who you're trying to become and what you're trying to do now.

Speaker 1:

When you start locking in those ideas, when you start locking in that future, you know what type of house you want, you know what type of family you want, you know what type of automobile you love. Go get that shit. So when you're not hitting that, I don't get being happy all the time, I don't get being, you know this, positive, cheerful, oh no, I get going into the fucking trenches, get dirty and Get through it. Now, the freaking dichotomy to that is guess what, when you go home, when you go back to your family, when you get around your team or whatever it might be, you can't be a bitter little bitch. You have to still lead, but you have to start developing yourself and you have to start winning yourself.

Speaker 1:

Because if you're not feeling like a winner every single Day and you're hiding behind a smoke screen of people, people telling you it doesn't matter what you do or don't do, you're still a winner, oh fuck, you're not. If you lose, you lose. It's just science. I've never, ever in my life, and I hope I don't ever see this. There's never been a team I'm going to talk about football in the NFL that has won the Super Bowl, the championship game, without winning a couple other games. You don't get to be a fucking winner if you don't win Now. That being said, winners are going to lose all the damn time.

Speaker 1:

So you've got to be disciplined. The first thing is we're going to talk about discipline. You've got to be disciplined to do the shit that you know you need to do every single day. Now, that's different for each one of us, so I want you to write down pen and paper. Write down right now the top three things that you need to improve on in your discipline area, and write down the three things in the last 12 months that you have improved on. What disciplines have you put into your life? If you don't have anything to write down, that's I'm not going to say it. If you don't have anything to write down. Of three areas, I've improved in the discipline factor, whether it be going to the gym, eating healthy or waking up on time, showing up to work 15 minutes early, not speeding, speeding a little bit more, like whatever discipline you want in life. What are the three that you have improved on in the last 12 months? If you cannot list three like that that pop in your head and like, oh shit, I'm actually kind of proud of myself. One you need to dig deeper in yourself, or two it's just not fucking okay because you haven't improved.

Speaker 1:

You're becoming a library. What is a library? A library is some of y'all that get on these freaking calls week after week, month after month, and you don't actually take action. You just hear the information for motivation. Now I might try to motivate a couple of you. I might try to wake a couple of you up, absolutely. But I'm trying to give you skill set that will help you grow. I'm trying to be real with you. I'm not telling you it's easy. I'm not telling you you just have to get on these calls here, five of us yell at you do some of Andy's training and freaking. Your world's going to change.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you that's a great path to get there in a faster manner. It's a great path to learn from people who have done maybe what you want to do and take it to that level. But it's not as simple as just taking in the information and memorizing it. That's what our school system did. They told you to take information and memorize it. Memorize it for six weeks or however long it is. Pass this damn test so we can get our curriculum scores and the state gets off our ass and we can get our federal funding and then get the fuck out of high school. That's not what I'm telling you. You're in this for life. We don't graduate, we do not graduate. So you've got to get disciplined every day to do the things you want. So I want you to write down this is a you versus you thing, I don't need to hear any stories about this Three things that you've improved on this year in the last 12 months, and three things that you need to start tightening up.

Speaker 1:

Those three things might be the exact same, by the way. Might be the exact same. It might be like you know what. I did lose 30, 40 pounds and I did start going to the gym three days a week. But I've really been wanting to go to the gym five days a week. I just haven't been able to convince myself to do it. I haven't been able to do it or whatever change my habit. Hey, you know what? I did cut carbs or I did quit eating chips, or whatever it might be, but you know what? I've really got to reduce the carbs by about 50%. Still, I'm still not exactly where I need to be. You can have the three to the same things.

Speaker 1:

The next thing is resilience. The next thing is resilience and this goes back to my winner loser. Resilience is key because when you start pushing, when you start, you know, trying to enforce new disciplines, when you start working on your habits, you're going to get the shit kicked out of you. It's not always going to be fun. You're going to get knocked off the fucking horse and you're going to have to get back on. It's like for any of you that have kids. Right, my wife and I raised kids way differently. Like I went out and took my 13 year old mountain biking the other day and my wife mountain biking means pavement. Me, mountain biking means rocks, jumps, some cool ass shit. And it's like if I were to see my kid fall not break a bone, no big blood, or anything like that. You know she wears a helmet, we're kind of safe and she were to fall out on a trail. Like, as long as that she's not fucked up, I'm not going to put up with the shit. Get back on the bike, let's go. We're not done yet. We still got trail to ride. I'm not going to baby her. I'm going to show her the resilience. But that's the same for me as an adult. I've got to have.

Speaker 1:

That same mindset is, if I didn't do what I need to do today, like, am I a better little bitch about it? Do I take it out on someone else? Do I take it out on myself? Do I take a nap? Like, how do I deal with failure? How do I deal with shortcomings? Because shortcomings and failure are the best thing that you're going to have in your life. Because if you're resilient, you're going to learn to wake up. You're going to learn for it to just piss you off in a healthy manner, just enough to go out and freaking attack, to get back on there to wake up the next morning and go twice as hard.

Speaker 1:

I talked to a lot of people like for the gym, for example, like waking up and going to the gym is like you know well, I was up late because I didn't hit my financial goals or business was this? So you know I haven't been able to hit the gym. I'm like how about you make a discipline in every area? It's just not financially, it's everything that you need to do just because you didn't financially crush it that day when you didn't sell a car, you didn't sell six policies, you didn't throw free roofs on, you didn't freaking get a new client. What's the point of that? Throw three roofs on you didn't freaking get a new client, whatever it is, doesn't mean, doesn't mean drop in some area, other area of life. It means guess what? You might have to lose a little bit of sleep, you might have to be a little bit irritated and pissed off, because what is that going to teach you? It's going to teach you how to work through the pain. If you've never been tired, if you've never spent 48, 72 hours up achieving something in your life and I'm not saying do this, I'm not saying it's a healthy fucking practice, but if you've never been under that level of stress, you need to fill a little bit of what it is.

Speaker 1:

For those of you that have never done a 24, 48, 72 hour fast, I highly fucking recommend it. I'm not like. I, for the most part, work out. You know, I used to be an athlete, so I try to say athletic. I don't really know, like I'm not a scientist on nutrition and some shit like that, so I'm not talking about there. There's nutritional benefits to a fast right? I think I don't really know. That's what someone told me. Here's why if you've never done a 24 to 72, if you're going to go 72 hours, get what someone knows what the fuck they're doing but a 24 hour fast. If you've never done that, I challenge you to fucking do it. Why? Because it kind of sucks. Honestly, a 72 hour is easier than a 24. Because after like 30, 36 hours you kind of quit being hungry. But like, dude, 36 hours sucks ass. I'm just being real with you. So if you've never done that, just go do it, because it sucks.

Speaker 1:

If you're trying to find this emotion of like okay, I get what you're saying, because they don't usually tell me like I come from a military background. I was very intense in the military. Then I get into the automotive field, I have an HR department, so I had to back off a little bit so I don't lose my damn job. And I had kind of lost that military, that warrior mindset that I'm talking about right here. I had lost that a little bit and then he told me I need to go find that motherfucker again. And that's really for the last 12 months my biggest area of, I guess discipline or improvement has been able to find that passion of like, truly like, not just wanting to change people's lives but really wanting to get on a call. Give everyone everything I got and hope to God I can affect two, maybe three of your lives today and have that passion.

Speaker 1:

I tell my guys this, like SM on set behind me when you get on the phone with someone, when you talk to someone, you've got to talk to someone and you've got to serve your clients. This goes for automotive sales too, maybe a little different tone, but like I imagine I'm talking to my child. I imagine I'm talking to myself. I imagine maybe like I get on the phone with an alcoholic. I've been there, I know how to fucking fix that. It sucks ass. But I imagine I'm sitting there drunk as hell. You know that fucking that Sunday morning freaking hangover in some place. I probably shouldn't. Be Not really sure how I got there Clothes all fucked up, jeans ripped. I imagine I'm sitting in that fucking place and I'm hurting so bad, being ashamed of who the fuck I am, being ashamed of the man, the leader I've become. That's the level we have got to take our minds. Everything we do is with intensity and I had lost that.

Speaker 1:

Separating the military because I love training soldiers when your job is to train someone to stay alive, potentially it's one of the greatest fucking things you could do, because that is the ultimate level of leadership Is when you could tell me to fuck off. Worst thing I'm going to do is kick you out of the military. But you've got to go with me, even knowing that you know I might send you in harm's way, and I'm not doing it to protect myself. I'm not doing it to protect someone else that doesn't need to be protected. I'm doing it to fucking function as a team. And whether you're by yourself on that ground level of sales, you still have a team. Look at the zoom call All these faces on here on your team your family.

Speaker 1:

If you don't have a family yet, it's okay. You're going to find them. Your family's your team when you do. If you're not having a family, if you don't have a spouse, if you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend yet, it's okay, because possibly the man or woman you are today, the person that you want to attract or need to attract, isn't ready for you. You're not ready for them, so you will not attract them with your current state. But you're going to have to be resilient. You're going to have to get back up. You're going to have to fight. You're going to have to get your nose fucking broke and get back in the fucking ring. Throw some ice on it, take 30 fucking seconds in the corner, stand the fuck back up and fight, because what happens? Go watch the UFC, go watch boxing. There's a lot of guys out there that'll drop your ass in the first, second, third round. But if you go the distance, if you're, you know championship fight, you're going five in the UFC. You're going whatever boxing is, fucking 15 or in fucking leap year or some bullshit like that. Like, if you make it to those rounds, sometimes those strong motherfuckers lose. I mean, look at Conor McGregor, floyd Mayweather, fight Mayweather. I mean, you got to go back. Some of you aren't rolling left to watch this and just being real. But like, go watch that fight If you haven't.

Speaker 1:

The McGregor Mayweather fight was one of the few fights I actually watched because they talked a lot of shit and I thought it was funny as hell. But like, if you saw McGregor came out hard, mcgregor was, I think, always McGregor was, I think, overall, a stronger fighter, even though McGregor doesn't box. He held his own. Mayweather fucked with him. Mayweather fucked with him for 15 rounds. He was all over the ring dodging a little bit. You know McGregor got a few fucking hits in there. If McGregor landed one of those first or second round punches, I think Mayweather was done. I really do. I think there's a little bit of luck because I think Mayweather's skill set was way above, but I think McGregor drops in first, second round if he lands a couple of good ones. However, mayweather didn't let him touch him. Mayweather didn't fight for five fucking rounds. Mayweather dodged. He moved, played a little bit little, jabbed to keep him away a little bit, but he didn't fight. And then, as he got to those late rounds, he fucked McGregor up.

Speaker 1:

Mcgregor's hand started to drop. He started to get tired. His resiliency was getting his shit kicked in and I'm talking about a fucking stud athlete. By the way, I'm not talking. This was some chump that just showed up in the ring to fight fucking Mayweather for a couple million. I mean, mcgregor's a stud, but he could not hang Because his resilience didn't keep him up. Mayweather outdid him and if you think about it, let's talk about the warrior mindset that both those men had. Mcgregor was not prepared to fight Mayweather Because Mayweather knew if he took it the distance he won. He handled the fight. Mcgregor was not ready to take to the distance with the speed and the level that Mayweather was fighting at. So his mindset was good because he trained his body correctly for the fight he was getting in.

Speaker 1:

The next thing is you're gonna have to have focus on an awareness. So we're still covering the components to the warrior mindset Focus and awareness. And this is what you hear me say so so often Fuck your motivation. I just want to be real. If you need to be motivated to do anything, fuck off. You will get this shit kicked out of you. I'm just being real. I'm not trying to hurt your feelings.

Speaker 1:

Now, am I saying motivation is bad? Hell, no. Motivation is just like a little extra extra. It comes in, it wakes you up, you move a little faster, you get shit done, you're having a great day. However, if you need it every day just to perform, if you need a motivation to wake up at 5am, it ain't there. I have never been motivated at 5am to wake up, unless I'm going like hunting or fishing, and then I'm still kind of groggy until I get in the truck and you know, head that direction. Like I am not motivated at 5am to go to the gym, I just am not.

Speaker 1:

Typically I grab my phone and I have a little argument with myself for an hour and then I decide not an hour, like a minute or two, and then I decide to freaking, go. Like I have that. I don't have the motivation. But I know what my drive is, I know what my focus is, I know my awareness. My awareness says hey, you lazy, fat piece of shit. You've been fat before. You've been lazy before. You've let yourself go before. Do you want that to happen again? There's my awareness and my drive is no, this is who I want to become. My drive is this is who I want to become for my children to look up to.

Speaker 1:

This is the man that my wife freaking married back. I mean, we got married right out of high school. We've been together since high school. I played D1 lacrosse and I was in the military. I've always been in good shape and everyone says oh, if you know you got fat, would you leave your fuck? Yeah, I would, because the person that I married, that she married, we worked, that we had the discipline to stay in shape. So if you let yourself go, you have changed who you are. And I'm not saying go, divorce your spouse, but I'm saying I as a man have to now, never, never, let myself get to that point again where I let myself go, because, even though I was making boo-koo bucks, I was making good money and I found my identity in that money.

Speaker 1:

What happened? I had lost my focus because I had started focusing on that, that green cash talking when I was in the automotive industry people, gmo of the store, I was doing great, I was fucking loving it. But I let go of myself and for so long I told myself it's okay, you could feel happy, you're making fucking great dough, you're paying off the platinum card every month. You're doing all the shit. Fuck, I wasn't even getting. I was fucking fat. I was kind of an asshole. I was fucking drinking. I mean, I was out performing half y'all. I'm drinking fucking minimum six beers a night, and I say minimum because that was the wake-up call. I was just going after work. You know what I'm saying. Like we've been there, dude, I wasn't a good person and I was fucking fucking people up. I was taking names, taking souls, resume stacked, but none of that shit mattered because I lost who I was and I lost my awareness and I lost my focus.

Speaker 1:

And what was that going to happen? Imagine this. Imagine if something happened to my family and I'm crazy as fuck. I think maybe some of it's PTSD, but let's just say, middle of the night, someone kicks in our door, makes it to the master bedroom. I can't grab a gun and I'm hands-on with a guy. Imagine this.

Speaker 1:

Imagine me 2000, 2020, covid timeframe, right, oregon. Yeah, the gyms were shut down. I wasn't going before, but you know, there's my excuse for 2020. The gym was shut down. So imagine that timeframe. I'm 250 pounds, I think I got to, and I wasn't muscular like I am today. I was like a scrawny 250, meaning fat as fuck.

Speaker 1:

And what if I had to go hands-on and fight someone? What if I did? I don't want to fight people. I fucking hate fighting. I love sport fighting. I think street fighting is stupid. But what if I had to defend someone? What if, like, someone tried grabbing my kid at Home Depot or some weird shit like that? You know the weird shit you hear about that happens never in your life, but the one person it happened to? What if I was that one person, I couldn't defend my family, couldn't defend what I cared for, couldn't defend it. Like how would I feel there? So when I literally moved to Phoenix Arizona and I'm going to go start a new dealership this is a big corporation dealership I came from a family owned for half the days I wore jeans and a fucking polo, like it was just a little more relaxing, like, okay, corporate dealership, I'm going to get some new suits.

Speaker 1:

I go to Nordstrom, right, cause I'm fancy, I'm a fancy broad, and I find one of the other personal shoppers or whatever, cause I cannot shop. My wife's still in Oregon. She's like dude, you can't do this by yourself, you need to find someone to help you. I'm like all right, I get it. I've tried it by myself. It doesn't work. So, guys, cool as hell Looks me up and down. Yep, you need this. I help a lot of car guys. Gotcha brother Brings out some pants.

Speaker 1:

He goes what size? What size weights for you? I go, I don't know man, 38. I think I'd go 36. I could probably squeeze into 36 cause you know, I'm trying to lose weight because I knew I was fat on the inside. I wasn't happy with it. He goes huh, all right, so it brings me a 38. He doesn't even let me try 36. And I go in.

Speaker 1:

I go into the dressing room, pull my pants down, put the pants on and like, as you're reaching around right, oh fuck, I couldn't even get a size 38. Waist of fucking fuck. And I'm talking about my own story so you can, guys, interpret this in your own way. It may not be weight, it may not be size, it may be something else in your life, but that moment was my fucking fuck. This moment, that moment was my. I need to wake up. Because I knew on the inside I wasn't happy. I knew I wasn't comfortable. Um, I knew I didn't fucking like myself. And I'm sitting in the Nordstrom room by myself and I'm trying to put those pants on. I hit get that. I'm like, oh shit, 40. And I knew when I hit that four zero and I'm not talking about my age, cause I'm selling my fucking 30s, but I knew when I hit that four zero, it was over and that was my wake up moment to freaking change. That was my wake up moment that you know what.

Speaker 1:

Money's not as important as I thought. I've got to start taking care of myself again, because if I don't take care of myself, I can't take care of my family. I can't take care of my employees. Imagine this. Imagine I'm a badass GM, right, stack fucking title, run in dealerships, take in names, making people more money than they ever imagined. But imagine if not a single one of my employees ever looked up to me. Would they trust what I say? I mean, yeah, I can make them a little bit of money, but are they going to go to the end of the world when the economy started to shift and things went from fucking easy to hell? Like, would they be there with me or would they leave?

Speaker 1:

That's the person that you've got to become. Do your kids look up to you? Do your friends that you actually want in your life look up to you? Now you don't have to be the one that brings value, the only one that brings value every time. Find a friend group that you could contribute to that. They could contribute to you. Those are the people you want to roll with. But if you're, like myself, so focused on the paycheck that you lose everything else, no one actually looked up to me. Yeah, people love to go out and drink with me because I always swipe the fucking card because I have a little bit of an ego.

Speaker 1:

Bradley has that little reel something out there about if you go out with a group of people and you go to a restaurant, don't fucking split the check. It's weird. I fucking agree with that. I think it's weird as fuck. I think it's super, super weird. One person paid. If you've got good enough friends, they'll pay next time.

Speaker 1:

And honestly, if you can't pay, I'm not doing it because I want anything from you. I'm just doing it because I enjoy your company. And if I enjoy your company, I allow you to go do something with me and my family. I probably think there's a future for you, because if I don't, I just don't fucking talk to you. It's that easy. So I'm not doing it to like one up you. I personally don't do it because I'm going to owe you. You're going to owe me something later. I just do it because fucking split the checks weird, it takes extra time and just swipe the shit Like it's an abundance mindset.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't really matter to me and, honestly, sometimes I'm just. You know, yeah, I'm trying to be a little flashy, I'm trying to show someone a little bit better of a life, maybe, so they wake the fuck up and they can taste it. So make sure your focus is dialed in, but you also have to have awareness of what's going on and why you're doing it, because it is so easy to get lost in your awareness If your focus isn't in check and if you're the opposite of what I just said if your focus is jacked up, your awareness can be jacked up. So, that being said, we got that.

Speaker 1:

The next thing is huge confidence and self belief. You have to believe that you could do something. You really freaking do. You have to believe that you're worth it, and I can tell you this you are, I really freaking. Do believe that. I believe everyone on earth can achieve something. I believe everyone on earth has a calling of some sort. Your calling may not be a billion dollars in the bank. Your calling may not be driving Ferraris, private jets, this, and that your calling might be in your head right now. It might be something that you need to do. It might be one step away or a handful of steps away, but your calling cannot be buried. It can be done by basically, false happiness, by false emotions. So what I mean by that is. You don't always have to love what you're doing today. Trust me, I'm very thankful for the automotive field. It changed my freaking life.

Speaker 1:

But I promise you this there were freaking days, weeks, even months that I wanted nothing to do with it. There were months I talked to myself out of quitting. There were months that I wanted to throat hug everybody. It wasn't always fun, but I knew what my bigger focus was. It wasn't crystal clear, but I was self-confident that I could go get it. I was self-confident that my leadership skills were gold stacked like a motherfucker. And now I just need to develop the skill set and what I wanted to coach people on outside of the military, because last time I checked, I don't need to teach you guys how to shoot a fucking M4. I mean, a few of you are like hey, dude, let's do a zoom call. Now that seems pretty dope. Gotcha, it's not going to help my helping business spend a whole type of business you're doing, but I don't have any private military contractors. I think on this call. If you do DM me after this, love to chat with you, brother or sister, it doesn't matter, you can do either.

Speaker 1:

But, that being said, you've got to have this self-belief, this disgusting self-belief. I don't mean disgusting weird, I mean disgusting like where everyone else is like dude, you're fucked up. That level that I can do this, that I have a mission, that I have a calling, that I have a purpose, that people are expecting me to show up every day, that I cannot fail those who expect me to win. That's your level of self-belief you have to have with yourself. And then you have to have the confidence to go do it. How do you get the confidence, confidence, if you're trying to achieve something that you've never done before? You better be confident as fuck that you're going to fail a fucking bunch and you better be confident as fuck that you're going to struggle, that you're going to be stressed, that you're going to have to put in hours and repetition to get so great at it that you're the most confident person at that task on earth. Because you won't get there if you're not confident in yourself and you don't believe you can get there, and you won't get there if you're not confident that failure is part of the process, that stress is part of the process.

Speaker 1:

The next thing is adaptability. You got to adapt to your environment and business and sales and life and sports and freaking, everything. Things change and that was so hard for me that was probably one of my biggest struggles was adaptability and these things like when I talk about this, like I said, these calls I'm coaching myself as much as I'm coaching you. I'm having an internal dialogue. Every time I pause, if you guys notice, I'll have that quick little five second pause. I'm usually going through something in my mind so I can get to that emotional level again to give it to you guys. But adaptability was one of the hardest things for me because when you graduate high school, fuck off in college, drop out after a year and a term and then go to the military and guess what?

Speaker 1:

Everything in the military is controlled, everything, even though they push you to pressure, even though this, even though that most things are controlled, now like a firefight, shit like that. Obviously that goes a little haywire. But in a firefight, everything you do when you're in a gunfight, everything you do is controlled. You have battle drills, you have TTPs, you have things that you have been trained over and over hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of reps to go operate without even thinking about it Everyone talks about like the military battlefield, right, and they're like oh my gosh, like how do you serve? Or like how do you communicate? You don't fucking communicate.

Speaker 1:

It is so hard to hear during a firefight. You don't know a damn thing. That's going on half the time. However, what you do know is you've been working with these men for so freaking long that you know exactly what Private Smith should be doing, even as Private Smith's leader. You glance over. He's like fuck, he's doing the right thing. Man, we got the equity machine guns, I got beef or I got second squad going around right to play. You know whatever react to ambush things like that. Shit just happens. Now the radios are going to a certain extent. You know the frigging squad leaders and whatever trying to get communications going, but that first 60 seconds you can't hear a damn thing. It's straight chaos. So you have to adapt to your situations. Business is the same way here at the Elliott group.

Speaker 1:

One of the one of the toughest things for me to adapt was was the noise. If you guys have ever been to our office during a seminar, after a seminar, like it was today about 25 minutes ago on the call, when everyone got released from the meeting, like you heard what it's like on and off here all day the energy, the noise. For me. I've been blowing up a couple of times. My hearing is shut. So I used to bitch a lot because of the noise, because when there's two different sounds going I really struggled to pick the one out. So you know what I quit doing, quit fucking carrying, quit damning a shit. You know what it's noisy, how about I get so? Damn good, and don't take this the wrong way if you've been on a call with me but y'all got the same fucking problems. I know, I know. You know why. I know y'all got the same fucking problems Because I have the same problems and she has the same problems and he has the same problems.

Speaker 1:

When I get on an initial call with it, I don't actually even need to know exactly what you're saying. I really don't. Once you tell me you've been in sales less than three months, you're new to it, you've never sold anything and you want to fucking crush it. I know your prescription. I know what pill you need. It's the green one. By the way, I got rid of the red and blue. That's for the. That's the special. I'll DM you later if we'll talk about the red and blue pill, but I know who you are. All that and I'm just being real with you Think about this when you go into your, when you're warrior mindset.

Speaker 1:

All that other bullshit you tell me on the phone and some of it's important doesn't matter. It really doesn't, because I know when you jump into sales you're looking for a little bit more money so you can live a better life, so you could do things for your family. So I know that first 12 months, if you're new to it, is going to be a grind. You're going to sacrifice time with your family. You're going to have to learn a lot of shit very quickly. I know that Because I know for you to achieve everything you want in life, you have to fix the financial handcuffs first, because if you're living to survive and not living to strive, you don't have time to do all the other shit. You don't have time to truly give to your family. It's always a stress on your mind. So when you can eliminate the money stress, then you can go dominate everything else.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm not saying don't try to do everything at once. I'm not saying don't try to go be the best dad, the best mom, the best you know in fitness. Those things all come in line, but I know who you are in that first call typically. So I realize if I just get so good at knowing who you are and being able to like go inside myself and understand your pain in my body, I can help you change. And when I started taking my sales game like one of you some of you maybe you got on a call with me two years ago when I first started with the Elliott group and I sold you some shit and you haven't bought some shit from me recently. I challenged you at one of you and I'm not saying because I want to put up rev, but call me and see how my word tracks have changed. I don't even use fucking objection handlers anymore. I literally this one hour Zoom is exactly what I do on a phone call.

Speaker 1:

Now I go in, I feel who I'm paying to or who I'm talking to. I try to take the fricking emotion into myself. And how would that make me feel? What would I be doing? What concerns would I have, what stress would I have? And then I alleviate your concerns and your stress and your pain by filling it. When I go home I'm fucking exhausted sometimes, but sometimes I'm also fucking on a high. I also just use it and it's amazing.

Speaker 1:

So, adapt to whatever your circumstance is. You don't have. You're a dealership. You don't have leads coming in. Good, find a way to get them. You're in life insurance. You're tired of fucking dialing. Your leads are stale. They're shitty leads. Whatever they are, good, dial them. Get better on the phone. Get a better connection with people, whatever it is. Adapt to your circumstance. You're in Wisconsin and you're in the roofing game and a snow storm comes in Good, dial. Quit door knocking. Try to learn a new skill, like get on Facebook. Build a personal brand. Adapt to what's thrown at you, because the better you can adapt, the more adaptability you have. You'll be able to change Wisconsin. That's in Canada, right? The better adaptability sorry, almost died, almost swallowed my gum the better adaptability you have, you'll be able to change quicker. And in today's economy, today's world, today's society, how quick the shit change. One Facebook post can change society, one news article, one stop crashes, one flu comes in for 2020, like, whatever it is. That's how quick information goes around today and that's how quick things change. So you have to be ready to adapt.

Speaker 1:

It was like during COVID, right? What happened? We got all these limitations. We got all this. What did we do? For the most part, unless you lived in that one state that's got a $20 minimum wage coming in you fucking adapted. You put up a stupid ass piece of fucking plastic that someone said you had to and you went that's gonna make closing weird and then you just did it anyways. You wore a mask if you had to, not saying I was for it, not saying I was against it, but see what people apologize to, jonathan, fucking focus. But, like, we adapted quickly and those who went like that and didn't bitch too long, they fucking focused, they got in line, they had their best years ever.

Speaker 1:

Now, that being said, there's some politics shit that we'll talk about on my podcast if you wanna follow. That being said, how do we develop this shit? Like, I gave you an idea. The discipline, the resilience, the focus, the focus and awareness, and the freaking, confident self-belief and adaptability those are gonna be your key characteristics. But how do we truly adapt to this, or how do we truly develop this in ourselves? One, we're gonna have to get fucking tough and honestly, everyone says it, I think you fixed a body before you fixed a mind.

Speaker 1:

That was a question someone put on Facebook A long time ago, I forget one of my buddies in some group might have been our group, I don't remember but he said what needs fixed first the body or the mind? I went back and forth 26 different ways Cause I'm like well, the mind tells you to quit being a little bitch and go to the gym, but the gym strengthens the mind to do this. I think you fixed a body first. I really do. I really really do. Because here's the thing To this day, like I said, I talk about all I fucking hate waking up at five. I really do.

Speaker 1:

I don't like going to the gym at fucking 5.30 am Fucking hate it. However, I could go to the gym. Piss off as fuck. I don't have to get my mind right to go to the gym. I really freaking don't. I can be in a shitty mood at the gym and guess what If I put in the work an hour and a half later, mood's better, fixed it. But here's the other thing If I wake up in the morning and I look good and I'm not worried about fat Jonathan from 2020, and I'm not worried about not being able to buckle a size 40 freaking pant, and that's not on my mind and I'm just proud of who the hell I am and I'm the man, I'm the leader that I see myself as, then my mind will just be a little bit more confident my mind itself. I won't have to fight the demons of not being happy of who I am as much, and I can go fight some other demons and go ahead and skip that shit. And that's rudimentary shit. That is something. That's what I like about the gym.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't matter how well you talk, how many objections you can handle, what your presentation looks like. We're all the same in the gym for the most part For weight loss, it's all the same. If you cut carbs, you'll probably lose weight. But realistically, let me make it easy for you Burn more, eat less. Fucking simple science Like is it gonna give you the best body Might? You have some muscle loss, this and that? Yeah, sure, burn more, eat less. You'll get the same results as everybody else. It's just fucking science. It's rocket surgery. It's tough shit.

Speaker 1:

But from there I really think you have to strengthen the body, because the body will allow you to put in the extra hours. The body will allow your mind to be clear. If you're freaking, abusing your body, you know like I was outperforming half the motherfuckers, but drinking every night. Guess what? My brain was not at 100%. My brain was sluggish, telling new. So my body was more important than my mind, because my body controls my mind. It allows my mind to totally open up, it allows the long hours, it allows the stress, it allows me to push, it allows me to get shit done, it allows me to keep moving all day. You gotta take care of the body to focus the mind, because otherwise you just beat the shit out of the mind. So done with that. So get the body right so you can really focus on the mind.

Speaker 1:

When you get the mind right, you guys wanna know that best way to get you know the warrior mindset is you gotta create just a mental toughness. And what is that? That's where it goes back to the resilience. That's where it goes to overcoming obstacles in your life, because everything you want in life is an obstacle. Every dream you have, there's an obstacle in front of your way that you've gotta overcome. The better you get at crushing obstacles over, you know, jumping fences, kicking ass, like doing shit that you don't wanna do, getting wins, hitting your goals you're just knocking out more and more obstacles throughout the day, and the more and more you do that, the better and better you get at it, the more and more you'll be able to achieve in the future.

Speaker 1:

If you can't simply just get up in the morning and go to the gym, what's it gonna be like when I'm talking about a $100,000 deal with you and you're not sure if you're willing to put in the 80 hours of work for two weeks? Are you gonna try to close a deal like that confidently if you're not 100% sure you can get the son of a bitch done? No, you're gonna come off weak. There's gonna be that little guy in the back of your mind going what you know can't I do this, is it right? And I can hear that shit when people talk to me. When I get on a call and people try to pitch me, I can tell if they're not confident they're a product. And then what do I do? I just ask them a question about their product and I get that fucking response and I get bored. Then I fuck with you and we have fun and we become best friends. But like you're gonna overcome obstacles every day.

Speaker 1:

So whatever it is, if it's something to do in the gym fitness. If that's your next step, go do that. If in business, if it's like I need to quit giving myself an excuse, I need to quit. Oh, by the way, I'm gonna change everyone's game real quick. I'm gonna give you guys a free app, semi-free app, a cheap app. That'll fucking help eliminate bullshit. But if I'm like, oh, I need to dial 100 numbers a day or this or that, check this out, and I'm not doing it or I'm lying to myself or I have no idea, there's this little app. I'm showing you my phone. It's the fucking lining and the work. Okay, it's called SalesTrail.

Speaker 1:

For any of you that are on the phones and you use your cell phone and you don't like manually logging dials, get this app called SalesTrail. You simply install it on your phone. All you do is call through it. It still goes through your iPhone or your Android, so it doesn't like block it up. I mean you can use it to record and shit like that if you want, or you can use it to automatically log shit in your CRM for you. It's like seven bucks a month if you have a basic shit where you know counts your dials. I promise you if you're the type of person that needs to dial. You know, insurance, car sales, roofing over the phone, solar over the phone, whatever it is. That will improve your game because it will eliminate the bullshit. It'll eliminate that.

Speaker 1:

I think I've done 75 calls today. Haven't done shit, but I think I did 75 calls. It feels like 75 calls because we all do that shit. Salestrail will fucking change your game. If you're a team leader, pay for it for your fucking team. It's not that expensive. And if you're gonna use the record calls, make sure you don't fucking check with your local laws or dealers or all that shit. Be careful, all right, so do shit. You just keep doing shit. Keep breaking down doors, keep doing things you've never done before. And it can be stupid too, and I'm gonna open this up to questions in about 30 seconds.

Speaker 1:

When I talk about obstacles, sometimes it's not business, sometimes it's not family, sometimes it's not business. Maybe it's simply I need to park in the back of the lot today because I need an extra two minutes to walk in and be to myself. Maybe it's I need to quit going to fucking Target every other day. Maybe it's something just silly that you wanna do. That's a silly obstacle. Maybe you've never been skydiving. Go fucking skydiving.

Speaker 1:

If it's on your mind Like I'm serious, if there's something on your mind that you wanna do, just go fucking do it. It doesn't always have to cause stress, it doesn't always have to cause pressure, it doesn't always have to be, you know, good for you. Don't do some shit. It's bad for you. You're like, hey, I've always wanna finish a fifth of Jack in one sitting. Don't do that Bad obstacle to overcome. I promise you it doesn't go well, been there, done that. But what I'm saying, if it's something stupid like I wanna go paint mine, go fucking paint mine. Hey, I wanna take a day off and actually throw my phone in the glove compartment and not even look at it, go fucking do it and go on a hike or some shit. Go do something. Go do an obstacle.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, I'm done talking at you. I wanna talk with you for a few minutes. I'll take some questions. I do have a call. I got some time. Who's got a question? Do the little raise hand thingy? That's for sure. By the way, these new sea pork flavors are delicious. We got purple popsicle. I don't know what it is. Purple sum All right, sal, what do you got for me on my man. We did the first thing on you because of like you.

Speaker 1:

First question is why do you drink energy drinks? I know Andy Elliott thinks about that. That should be weak. If you hit the gym, you're gonna catch your energy. Why do you need to drink that? Because I wanna fuck you up. You know what. You know what. I'll be real with you Because I'm not disciplined enough not to do it yet and, honestly, I don't give a fuck at this point in time. Right now, my main focus is I'll be real with you guys. I'm gonna open up, I'm gonna be a little bit vulnerable.

Speaker 1:

So I was trying to go for the bulk up phase recently. Right, because I've always kind of been a scrawny little shit. I've always been strong, I'll bench most of you, but I've always just been scrawny, like strong scrawny, and I wanted to add a little bit of mass. So I've added about 10, 12 pounds of muscle mass in the last three months. The problem was I did a dirty bulk. Oh man, I've been tearing up some pizza lately. Well, I also added a little bit of body fat.

Speaker 1:

So right now, my main focus that I'm tearing up in my mind is I'm really getting back to a clean diet. And then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go back to I'm trying to keep my diet clean, so really monitor my protein intake so I don't have muscle loss. And then I wanna get back to you know 10, you know 11% body fat at the most, like I don't wanna do a cut phase where I'm getting super, super low, but I definitely gotta get back to right above or at single digits and then from there I'm gonna add muscle to correct way with Aaron's help, instead of doing the dirty bulk. You know the fun add muscle. It didn't fucking works, don't get me wrong. Like eatin' steak chips, pizza, all fucking day you can bulk up. The problem is I put on a little extra fat.

Speaker 1:

So right now my main focus when it comes to physical health is I'm going to, you know, cut a little bit of fat I added so I could do a clean fucking bulk and not a dirty bulk and add muscle the right way. Because what I found out is, yes, it works, but it's a pain in the ass to cut and not have muscle loss. So do it right the first way, you'll be good. So I don't care. One, I don't care enough yet. And two, it's not kind of. It's not something that I wanna tear up on the discipline portion, this is not where I am right now. We all have our own things. So that's my true and honest answer, john.

Speaker 1:

What's up my brother? Yeah, so I'm in the beginning stages of my sales journey. I'm learning everything I can from the elite group. I don't have opportunity yet to take action on the things I'm learning. What would be the best one action for me to get started? I don't know. You got friends, family. You ever go outside? Yeah, talk to people, dude. So do you mean like you're not able to implement your training, or do you mean you haven't landed a sales position yet? I haven't landed a sales position yet. What do you wanna sell? I was thinking about cars. I'm also learning life insurance. Good, go sell cars. I'm going to get a license first. Good, go sell cars, dude, first.

Speaker 1:

So your job today is if that's what's holding your back, your job today is I want you to one go Google a video and DL you how to crush an interview, some shit like that. Find the video, watch it. I think it's like eight to 18 minutes long. It's going to tell you how to nail an automotive sales interview. How old are you? 19. 19. Good, you're rolling up to sell cars. In most states Not really states it's more of an insurance thing. So one viewer might tell you you got to be 21. Just go to the dealer and it allows 18 and up. Honestly, even if they tell you 21, if you're good enough and you bring enough value, they'll still fucking hire you. I did it all the time.

Speaker 1:

That being said, you're going to go door knob dealership today. You're going to get off the fucking X because so many people stay on the X. I want to do this. I want to think about that. Well, guess what? Go fucking do it. Because what do you have to lose if you get told no 100 times Nothing? What do you have to lose if you do nothing? Everything. So, that being said, what I would say is quit fucking thinking about it and take action. Watch the interview video.

Speaker 1:

Don't do a fucking application. No one at a dealership accepts application. I mean they're going to have you do an application there, but the indeed bullshit. The only time I use indeed is if, like I had a bunch of people quit on me real quick and I need to hire three people real quick, go in there and sell yourself. Do it today, do it tomorrow. Don't do it Friday, saturday and Sunday, because a real dealership is too busy to talk to you. Friday through Sunday, that's game day. But yeah, you've got two days, dude, you go tear it up, watch that video. You'll have a. You'll freaking have a job landed by the end of the day. I almost guarantee it, brother. You know, shoot me a DM if you need to shoot a coach, a DM, and we're here for you, brother. Chris, what do you got for me? My man? What's up, brother, how we doing so? I just like I just landed a job and a solar on Monday.

Speaker 1:

Actually, what do you think that your biggest tip or the most important thing, you sell and show, believe ability, dude, your confidence, what you do, knowing the product a little bit, but really how you can connect with people and just be a fun person to be around? Dude, solar for the most part, makes sense for like nine out of 10 consumers, like you, almost someone who's got interest in it, who's got a little itch. You almost have to talk them out of it because if you sell it correctly and you're really able to articulate what it does in the long term, dude, it's a fucking easy sell. Now, that being said, door knocking is never easy. So if you're door knocking, if you're lead Jenny, things like that like yes, you're going to have to do it. So what I would say is one, that little tip I told you about hey, go make one or two persons days a day, make it 50.

Speaker 1:

You need to go around and start teaching yourself to have conversations with random strangers, because when you knock at a door, you're having a conversation with a random stranger. You need to get so good at just random conversations that you can run up to someone at safe way and keep them entertained for three minutes and keep them talking to you. That way, you can have permission, when you're at someone's door and you knock on it, to go ahead and make that conversation three or four minutes, because that's all you need to pitch the idea behind solar. You just have to buy yourself two to three minutes and then, once you get that, once you're friendly, once you're different than the competition and you're someone that someone wants to listen to, dude, they'll pay you all the time in the world. So, yeah, man, go out and start getting really, really, really good at talking to people when you go out to the grocery store, you shake hands, you compliment people, you do the stuff that you got to do and for a lot of people that I talked to, it's like well, I don't have anyone to practice my sales training on.

Speaker 1:

How about you practice it on society? Because we just teach people. We just teach you to teach people, or we teach you to put people in a good mood, put people in a buy and mood. What's a buying mood? A buying mood is just a joining chip, having fun, big old, freaking smile, like that's basic level sales there. Then we add to it but just start getting really good at making people feel freaking great and then once you do that man, you'll start just, you'll just learn how to have fun.

Speaker 1:

So good question, my brother Ryan, what do you got for me? My man, yeah, I'm in the furniture industry and so we have customers coming in, we do our meet and greet. Obviously we try to build some rapport there. But no matter what we do, at that point I would say 60% of the time we hear these words I'm just looking yeah, man, I mean that's so what. That is the kiss of death, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

I was going to say yeah, that's one eliminating belief. One don't believe that shit. It's not fucking true. Guess what Car salespeople and furniture salespeople and most salespeople were the most hated motherfuckers on earth. Right, I have never, never in my life, and I sold cars for eight years, or I was at a dealership for eight years, I should say but I don't care if you fucking own the bitch or if you're the law attendant, your job is to sell cars. I have never once had someone come in looking for a husband. It is not matchcom. People do not like salespeople until they need a really good salesperson and they love you.

Speaker 1:

So typically when I hear I'm just looking like one I just fucking ignored it in the car game or I made a joke out of it I would read the, I would read the room a little bit, but ultimately my goal was to eliminate that shit. My goal was to have such a strong introduction that like I'm not trying to sell you shit. I mentioned that a few calls ago. My goal when I get on the phone or when I get in front of a customer is I'm trying to get a smile or a laugh before I ever even talk about my products, because if I haven't, if I haven't transferred any emotion to you to at least get a laugh or at least get a smile. I don't have the right to talk to you about a couch, so if I can at least get a laugh or a smile from you know, wife, husband, kids, everybody and sometimes I'll get a laugh from the kids. Why? Because I'll get a pity laugh from the parents. But if I can get that from them and I frame the conversation, hey, you guys, by the way, you're freaking awesome. Welcome to ABC Furniture. Hey, I just want to say you got a lovely freaking family, by the way.

Speaker 1:

What the hell are you guys looking for today? You're looking for, like, a full set couch, bed, mattress, like what are we looking at? Well, if I get permission for them not to just be looking and get permission that, hey, I gave them value. And guess what? Value is a fucking laugh, value is a smile, value is a good day and I connected with them a little bit. I won't get on just looking. Or if I do, I'll be like Holy shit, thank gosh, because the last guy came in and he was just sitting. It was annoying as fuck. We tried to get him off the couch. Don't go to the back when he might have farted. I don't know, like sometimes I'll just use dumb humor to overcome it, but it's, it's that's going to be dictated where I go with that. What joke I use on how the person you know replies to me.

Speaker 1:

I mean, some of you might have been on a phone call with me, an initial phone call. I fuck with y'all on initial phone calls. Why? Because I have to get permission to have a conversation with you. I have to get your dopamine and endorphins rushing. So if you got on a call with me before Christmas, what was I saying to everyone that gave me who is this? Like one? I don't introduce myself on a call. Why? Because it doesn't fucking matter, but like, but who is this dude? It's fucking Santa Claus, brother.

Speaker 1:

Christmas is coming around the corner. You've been good, you've been bad. What's up? Dude? Like all right, dude, who the fuck is this? And I got permission because I've got your interest. I gave you value of like.

Speaker 1:

What in the hell is going on?

Speaker 1:

So the same thing is with furniture sales, the same thing is with any sales.

Speaker 1:

Is I'm just looking? Means dude. You don't have the right to tell me and, honestly, sometimes it's just something people say so, I'm just looking, could easily be like you know some stupid. Like I would say, hey, perfect, what are you just looking for? Come on, hey, that's awesome. Everyone comes in here just looking. Honestly, nine out of my 10 customers leave here just looking too, so that's totally cool, like I don't give a shit. Or, you know, sometimes I'll be like you just look, so you're not actually here to buy. Like, unless you find something 10 out of 10 that you have, you're not here to buy. Thank God, because I hit my quota earlier today. Honestly, I'm tired. I got two hours left. Do you mind if I kind of follow you around? I'm in a great mood. I just honestly hit my quota, not really, you know, doesn't really affect me anymore to sell today.

Speaker 1:

I'll answer any questions you have, but I won't be overbearing. Is that cool with you? Yeah, I use that shit in the car industry all the time. Word nine out of 10 times. Like it's just having fun reading the room a little bit.

Speaker 1:

And when they say don't just looking, the one thing you don't want to do is bring additional conflict into the deal. Don't bring in another objection. Don't be the one that's like hey, look, I know you're just looking. That's what everyone says. What do you just like? No, just have fun with it. Cool dude, I already hit my quota, thank God.

Speaker 1:

I was hoping you didn't want to buy anything. I just got two hours to kill. Woo, I've hope people. Good question, my man, alright, doesn't look like I got any more hands up. Hey, real quick, real quick, everybody, if you could, if you haven't take a photo of this, do it on social media Instagram, tag me, I'll share it. See if I can get you some additional exposure.

Speaker 1:

The reason I want to get y'all additional exposure is because I want to connect y'all with other people in the Elliott group. If you haven't yet check out the link I just shared, I am not selling you anything. I'm not pitching you anything. That is Anti-Sales Nation page. That page you can connect with pretty much everyone on this call, except for the six of you that are in it. It's a private Facebook group. We monitor everything that goes in it. We 100% put value. I occasionally try to stir some people up for exposure, but, that being said, it's generally value related.

Speaker 1:

If you have a question, ask it. If you need some information, ask it. If you need to connect with someone in Timbuktu or we're ask it. So we're here for you. We're changing cultures. So focus today on focus today on this While you're doing sales, while you're running your business, while you're doing whatever the hell you do in life, focus today on changing your life to change someone's life. Get one step better for yourself, one percent better for yourself, so you can then influence someone to be better for themselves and y'all have an amazing freaking day. We'll chat soon. I'll see you guys next Wednesday.

Speaker 1:

If you need anything, hit me up, hit your coach up, and we've got one of the twins here. He's got his damn shirt on so I can't tell who it is. I go by the tattoo. Six, five for your fire. Let's go. It still doesn't work. Still doesn't work. Y'all have an amazing one. You got a nice little zoom to that, bro. You like it? Dude, I was fucking. I'm snipping it for the reels and shit. I looked at my reels and I'm like I look fucking dead. Yeah, that's good, that's nice. Thanks, dude.

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