Jonathan Roberts Not Safe for Society

Not Safe For Society: Unlocking Authentic Joy and Self-Mastery Amidst Social Influence and Entrepreneurial Grit

Jonathan Roberts Season 1 Episode 5

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Unlock the doors to a life of self-mastery and fulfillment as we journey through the art of genuine happiness and the vital role of integrity. This episode, brimming with heartfelt Valentine’s musings and pragmatic advice, promises to guide you through the intricate dance of love, service, and the pursuit of excellence. With relatable examples, including the impact of social media influencers on our perception of authenticity, we delve into why aligning our actions with our true selves isn't just idealistic—it's essential for lasting joy.

Feel the transformative power of self-reflection and personal audits in this thought-provoking discussion that will challenge you to rate the aspects of your life, just like a video game character seeking to level up. As we uncover the pivotal role of resilience and determination in entrepreneurship, we also dissect the pressures faced by millennials, shaped by participation trophies and societal expectations. Every story, every insight is crafted to encourage you to push beyond complacency and embrace the rewards of discipline and proactive leadership.

Wrap up this explorative session with actionable insights on seizing opportunities and the intertwining of personal growth with effective leadership. For creatives, particularly tattoo artists, we share invaluable lessons on skill enhancement and the power of social media for amplifying your brand's reach. Let this episode be the catalyst for your transformation, as you embark on a relentless quest for success, both in the quiet corner of your mind and the bustling marketplaces of modern entrepreneurship. Join us, as we redefine the path to success and happiness—one honest, bold step at a time.

Speaker 1:

So good, freaking morning everybody it is. What is it? February 14th, it's Valentine's Day. I love you guys all. Make sure you go take care of someone especially. I say that on every call. Do something for someone else, serve someone else.

Speaker 1:

If you're single, there's someone out there. There's someone out there that you can make their day to day. There's someone out there who is around that maybe just a good smile of thank you, an awesome job, but hey, you're looking amazing, like whatever it is like. Go make someone's day and do something else today on Valentine's Day, if you got a spouse, if you're in a relationship like, remember that you guys have different perspectives on what the day looks like, what you're doing at work, who you are but pay back to them, give them, like, some support, give them some love and I mean it'll come back around 10-fold. Now, if you're the type of person that you know maybe me six, seven years ago and you were kind of a jackass, trust me, one day don't make up for all the jackass shit you did in time. So just because you say I love you once doesn't mean you're, you know, going to the promised land right away. You might have to earn some shit. Don't be that jackass, but today's call is not going to be about Valentine's Day. Today's call is going to be about self-mastery. I was going to try to do a Valentine's Day related call but, like, as I was thinking about it, I came up with something like something that I really wanted to connect with, something that I really wanted to, you know, bring to the table, and it connected me back to like this American dream we have. Now, I know some of you on this call are not in America. We've got quite a few amazing Canadians, a lot of European. I even got some South African people, from South Africa. So don't take this as America. Take this just as you know your human right for what I'm about to say.

Speaker 1:

But when we go back to 1776, right, that's like the year the country was started or some cool stuff like that. Like 1776, there was this bill or this declaration of independence that came out. This is like the OG constitution, I believe. If I remember correctly, this is kind of what started all this writing that we believe in, and one thing it said is you're gonna have, you know, the ability to pursue life liberty or you're gonna go for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Right, and I really wanna focus on that last portion there, the pursuit of happiness. Because life and liberty are pretty easy. But what is happiness? Happiness is an emotion inside of us that we get to choose how we decide to live it, and with being a human, we like to over complicate and confuse shit. So I wanna focus on like the happiness portion of that and really, you know, taking you to another level of who you are.

Speaker 1:

So the first thing we're gonna talk about is we're gonna talk about self-mastery. Today. This is all about self-mastery. This is all about figuring out who you are and what you do and really what you're capable of pushing to. Because a lot of times we hide behind our emotions, we hide behind our lives, we make up bullshit to make our lives easier and in the short run it buys us, like this fake comfort, happiness. But in the long run, quite often we're kind of just stuck in the same place and we're not getting the really one.

Speaker 1:

So the first thing I wanna talk about is when you're pursuing this self-mastery, when you're pursuing your ultimate level of happiness, men and women, we have to do this. You cannot lie to yourself anymore. We talk about that a lot. You cannot lie to yourself, and there's multiple reasons. The first one is just kind of being common sense, like, if you lie to yourself, you lie to others. If you give yourself permission to lie, you're gonna lie to others. But really, where it comes down to is it's the little things we do on a daily basis. It's the things that we tell ourselves on a daily basis of what we're doing. For example, when we get up in the morning and you know, maybe we say, hey, we're gonna go to the gym, we're gonna do this, we're gonna meditate, we're gonna read a book, and then we fail to do it. We just gave ourselves permission to lie again, to not do something we were gonna tell ourselves to do.

Speaker 1:

When we go out and you know, I'm not calling anyone out on this call, I'm just, you know, generally speaking here but like, think about all the Instagram, like influencers out there and stuff, the people who are supposedly doing big things you know Rhett and Lamber Guineas and shit Like when they go out and they build this persona that they're not truly living up to. Or they're telling you like my favorite one is all the DMs I get of hey, brother, we could blow your Instagram account up, blah, blah, blah, this and that. And then I'm like, who in the hell is this idiot? And I click him and they've got like 36 followers. I'm like, what are you doing?

Speaker 1:

Like, and I know there's probably some scam there or some other crap, but like, we do that in our own lives, maybe to not that extent. So think about it if you're in, maybe, the automotive field and you tell yourself, you're a 20 car a month salesperson, but your average is 13.5, and just because you hit 21, that's kind of you're worth 20? No, you're 13.5, that's your average, that's your standard. You've got to raise that standard to your new person. Now, that being said, I'm all about, you know, lying to yourself if you're 100%, but if it's something that's become a habit, something that you're just never actually doing the work to get to, we got to check ourselves in that and, at the same time, we got to check ourselves with who we are, because we're trying to pursue this ultimate level of happiness. And this is going to kind of be a little therapy session for myself as I speak to you. So I hope it connects to a lot of you because ultimately, all I'm doing is I'm giving you, guys and gals, back the training I'm doing in my own life right now of trying to figure out how to become the best version of myself every day.

Speaker 1:

So when we're chasing this like ultimate level of happiness, we have to like be real with ourselves. We have to break down our faults. Has anyone ever taken like pen and paper and this is my speaker note, so this actually isn't my what I'm about to tell you to do but take pen and paper and actually write down like who you are on the inside, like I'm talking like old school you know, 12 year old girl diary shit. You buy one of them notebooks that has a fucking lock on it so nobody else can get in it and, like you, really just drop your ego. You become like whatever. Like whatever person is holding you to where you are today. You get rid of that crap and you just write who you are.

Speaker 1:

This is another one of those activities where it's a you versus you thing. No one else is in the room not your spouse, not your kids, hopefully no one's even at home. You know, you turn the lights down a little bit, you relax and you just go deep into who yourself. The second portion of that is you go into what you need to eliminate, what you need to change. You start writing, you know, start judging yourself in freaking every aspect of life. It's like Madden football or like a video game right, they have. Like sport, video games, each player has attributes, you know speed, acceleration, quickness, agility, catching, like all of that.

Speaker 1:

Do that for your life and give yourself a rating zero to 100 and really figure out, like, where you stack as a man, where you stack as a woman, but ultimately where you just stack as a leader in society. So some of the things you're going to want to focus on is you know your health and you could break health down in many ways. Eating habits how do I rank One to 100. Am I hitting the gym every day? One to 100. Effort in the gym, relationship, relationship with spouse, relationship with kid, relationship with strangers, relationship with clients, partners, subordinates, like these are all little attributes that you could start ranking yourself to kind of see where you're at. You know how well you are at sales, being a public speaker, like, what goals do you have? Rate your attributes on goals.

Speaker 1:

I hear a lot of people Jonathan, I want to become a public speaker, I want to be on stage. How do I freaking get there, we'll figure out where you are today. Hey, nervousness, ability to make shit up on the fly Because for those of you that think you know, you've got and I know there's a lot of people out there that are talking about like, oh, to be a public speaker, you got to practice, practice, practice, you got to practice, practice and have this perfect story down like fuck that shit. When I get on stage, I have like six things written on my hand to keep me on track a little bit. If it's our like, I want the reality.

Speaker 1:

Are you someone that can kind of you know, have a general guideline and truly speak their mind? Because that tells me one of two things. That tells me one. Do you actually know what's coming out of your mouth? Or are you just reading the prompter in front of you with a little slideshow and making some shit up? Like I'm okay with notes, but if you're reading bullet point, bullet point, literally I've seen speakers go up slideshow doesn't work, freaking shit's up a little wonky and they can't even get through their own fucking slides by seeing 50% of them.

Speaker 1:

So, like, what level do you know the content you want to talk about? Are you nervous? Like get all of these attributes written out, because then we can start one identifying where our shortfalls are and really, really attacking them, and do it in business too. And I want to say this when it comes to business whether it's insurance, you're an entrepreneur, you own a gym, you run a freaking agency, like whatever it is like truly be real with yourself. Are you one where you want to be? Two, are you accomplishing your goals? And three, are you truly, truly operating at that 100%?

Speaker 1:

Because I'll tell you this, men and women alike and this killed me for so many freaking years, and I'm going to be a little, I'm going to be a little cocky right now when I operate at my 80%, I will fucking outdo 90% of you, and I'm not being a dick, I'm just being real. My 80% will smoke 90% of the freaking world 100%. But that problem is is my 80% inside of me and when I focus on me and not the average around me tears me up. Knowing that I'm leaving 20% on the table every single day, knowing that I'm not hitting that freaking 100%, knowing that maybe I went home earlier, I didn't make the phone call or I didn't actually achieve my goal, knowing those things on a daily basis will piss you off. I see big rain here. I'm pissed off. Baby, for success, we're killing mediocrity.

Speaker 1:

Jonathan Roberts is going crazy. Hey, hope you guys have a fun Valentine's Day. Don't forget your lovers and take notes today, go crazy. It's time, baby, let's go Bye. He's operating at that 110 in the gym right now. If you guys see him blow the fuck up, holy shit, follow him on Instagram or wherever the hell you follow Ryan Rasmussen, but yeah, he's tearing it up.

Speaker 1:

But like, go back to that. Like, go back to a part of your life right now where maybe you're putting in that 80%, maybe you're just not getting it and you've gotta unlock it. You've gotta find that 100% because it's really the hardest thing in the world to do. Like, I'm not bullshitting you when I get on these calls and I tell you, like you know, we're talking about self mastery or we're talking about finding your why. Like this stuff's not always the easiest, it's gonna take time and, honestly, it's not even always fun, because you have to admit some bullshit in your life that you don't always wanna admit to. But when you really dive into it, that's where you're gonna find that happiness.

Speaker 1:

A lot of times, we're hiding behind a wall. We're hiding behind our you know soft yourself. We're hiding behind whatever it is. It might be alcohol for some of us, it might be laziness, it might be not wanting to get out of bed, it might be loving motherfucking pizza I love motherfucking pizza. Pizza, damn good. But what does that bring us in the long run? The short term pain versus the long term pleasure. It goes for financials. It goes from the mindset skill set, like everything it really controls, and today's like level of happiness is like we talk about financial freedom a lot. This is ultimately. We're going for the like, the mental freedom. We're going for the golden handcuff like get them off, break out and allow yourself to do everything you want and allow yourself to truly chase it and unlock your mind.

Speaker 1:

The second bullet point I took here that I wanted to talk about is a little bit of what I was alluding to. But okay is not enough. Okay is not enough. If you're just doing okay, if you're just doing above average, it's probably not enough. You're not getting on these calls. You did not, you know, find Andy Elliott's content. You definitely don't find my fucking content on YouTube and Instagram and go. You know what. I'm okay. Being slightly above average. I'm okay doing a little bit better than Johnny and Susie, like fuck.

Speaker 1:

No, there are two types of people I just want to be real with everyone right now. Two types of people that reach out to Andy One someone like you, someone like everyone on this call, who's like look, I'm looking to level up, I want to live the best version of myself I can. I want to absolutely destroy it in business. That's level one. The second person that reaches out to Andy is the person you can go to his YouTube channel. Click them little freaking comment, scroll down a little bit and it's going to say something like ha ha, your tight pants, blah, blah, blah. I was like dude, come on. Like really like what about your tight wallet and your tight freaking bank account? Move the fuck on, move back home like whatever, get out of your parents' basement. So, because I know the fact that you reached out and you're connected in this, you're not okay being okay.

Speaker 1:

We've already addressed that. That's what's cool about our content and our personal brand is we've gotten the okay mentality out. So you have got to be okay to tell yourself it's no longer to be, it's no longer good to be okay. That doesn't mean you need to go down this depression cycle or anything like that, but it means you need to realize for you to unlock and get to your ultimate level of happiness, your pursuit of happiness, you have to be okay chasing it every day. You have to be okay that people in society are not always going to love everything you do. You have to get okay by letting the world know that you're doing pretty good.

Speaker 1:

We've been told for so long that you need to stay humble, that you need to stay like just be a good person and even if you're making a billion dollars a year, don't talk about like. What in the fuck does that even mean? Like, really? I want you to think about that for a second. What does humble mean? Humble is an elitist bullshit thing that you've been told to keep you where you're at, to keep you to where you're just being safe there. Because, think about that for a second.

Speaker 1:

If we live in, let's say, a true communist state right, a true, true communist state everyone would be equal. The government would tell us what we get and we would just go on and be part of the Caga society. But that's not where we're at. We can pursue our own happiness. We could pursue our own dreams, we could pursue our own business. We can be whoever we want and make whatever future we want. So if everyone were to truly stay humble and follow that like, what would be the point of pursuit? What would be the point of putting in work and, at the same time, do we serve others? Are we a contributor to society or are we just consuming all the information? Because, to stay humble, you're just consuming. But if you're contributing and I don't even actually know what humble means I have a general definition of it but I want you guys, if you're getting some wins out there, go share the wins with your world.

Speaker 1:

It is okay to share the wins with the world, because I know there's men and women to your left and right looking up to you, going, hey, I'd like to know a thing or two. Yes, there's a hell of a lot more haters that are gonna try to tear you down, that aren't gonna understand, that are gonna talk shit, all that. Fuck them, just let them help your algorithm blow up. But there's also people looking to you. There's also people wanting to know what you wanna know. So give yourself permission that okay is not enough anymore, and give yourself permission that you can go for greatness, because a lot of times we fear that greatness. We fear, like, what people are gonna think. Or we fear like, oh my gosh. Like maybe your freaking dream is a Lamborghini, Maybe your dream is truly a Lamborghini and you don't give a shit about the house.

Speaker 1:

And I used to make fun of these people. You know the person living in a $400,000 home, but they had a $380,000 Lamborghini in the driveway. I'm like what fucking sense does that make? Aren't you supposed to have a $2 million home? Maybe not. Maybe that wasn't his or her dream, maybe that was just my arrogance.

Speaker 1:

So go out and share with the world what you do. Share with the world, like who you are and how you're getting there, because there is someone in this world that wants to know your story. There is someone that wants to know how you freaking did it and whether you're a salesperson at a dealership. There might be another salesperson that watches you, maybe a lot of attendant, maybe one of the managers, maybe one of your leaders or bosses and they could still be a leader is paying attention to you and needs to know. Maybe you're a badass salesperson in, let's say, solar and you're the number one dude there and you've also got a badass relationship and there's a young solar cat who's making a little bit of money. You know what I'm talking about? The 19 year old kid putting up 200k a year crushing it, but he's like shit man. I want a big relationship on it. Maybe they look at you for that.

Speaker 1:

So I'm not saying brag. I am saying brag a little bit. I'm not saying get arrogant. Where you start bullshitting, you start talking about all the shit you haven't fucking done and you know you're renting the Lamborghini and telling everyone you're buying Lamborghini. Like don't be that person.

Speaker 1:

But it is okay to share your fucking wins. If you have a freaking five car Saturday, you're asked better to be posting that on fucking line. You're asked better be posting it in sales nation. If you wrote fucking 25k and new policies and you're an insurance agent, friggin post that shit in sales nation. That's what this community is about. We want to encourage each other winning and trust me in sales nation. If there's any fucking haters in there, don't worry, they're gone. That's a safe space. That's the only safe space I'm good with in this entire earth. Any of you like sales nation, follow us on Facebook or the group or whatever the hell it is. Join that group, though, because we want to see your wins, because there's gonna be a motherfucker in there that goes dude, johnny, how man. And he's gonna love to hear about it. He's gonna want to know what it is. And here's the other thing winners advertise that they've won. Now you don't need to advertise, like I said, what you haven't done yet, but advertise your journey when you get the win.

Speaker 1:

Fucking tell people, like y'all saw, there was like a football game this week, right Sunday, like some football game. Anybody watch it. There were some people Taylor Swift played, fucking MVP just saying, like dude, did y'all fucking see Travis Kelsey? After the game, he told everyone he fucking won over and over again. Tom Brady, the fucking goat, he is one of the quiet guys on the field. He's kind of that quiet general. He's not celebrating, he's not fucking well, he can't dunk over the fucking goal post, but that's just because he's. You know Tom Brady, but like he's not the guy doing the dance. Like you know Chad Ochocinco, chad Johnson, whatever his name is, he's not that guy. But when they won that one Super Bowl, I saw the clip the other day when he was taking the freaking Lombardi Trophy and he was throwing it from boat to boat with a grunk, like the motherfucker is celebrating when he wins.

Speaker 1:

Have y'all ever heard like anybody watch freaking Michael Jordan's documentary Dude? When that motherfucker's talking about winning, he tells you he fucking wins. He tells you it's a requirement to win. When you played on the bulls with Michael Jordan when you were his teammate, winning was the only thing you were allowed to do and he would not let you live below his standard, because he led that team and he led the winning mindset of that team. Tom Brady's the same way.

Speaker 1:

Freaking Jordan LeBron James. Lebron James can be a little bit of a baby. We'll see how he phases out. Kobe Bryant's another fucking big one. Kobe Bryant and Shaq loved winning so fucking much. They ended up like I mean, and the Lakers won a lot of games in their time, but they ended up loving winning so much from their own dynamic. There was actually an issue with it, dude. Think about if Kobe and fucking and Shaq were like on point in this state, like oh man, that could have been. Those Lakers would have been fucking deadly. So share your wins and it's okay to win and go well, well above average.

Speaker 1:

Do not hold back for fucking anybody watching you. This is your life, nobody else. Next, very quick, we're gonna hit goals and are being motivated and being driven. I say this too much so I'm not gonna dwell on it. Fuck your motivation, that shit's not here. It might be here, it might come Tuesday, it might be back Wednesday. I really don't know. Your motivation fucking sucks and it's not always gonna be with you.

Speaker 1:

But you need to be so driven on this, like this pursuit of happiness you have and I wanna keep saying this pursuit of happiness because I'm trying to really wrap my mind around that, because that's ultimately what self mastery is. But the problem is, society tells us how we're supposed to feel, what we're supposed to do. They tell us stress is a freaking negative emotion. They tell us, you know, working your ass off, being tired, is a negative emotion and that doesn't even make any damn sense. Like I actually like a little bit of stress. When I'm not stressed, I don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything, I don't feel like I'm doing anything and honestly, I kind of get this weird eerie like anxiety feeling and that's the happiness to me. So you have got to define and if you're lost on what I'm talking about right now, because I'm gonna move on from this, go back to, like my finding your why or finding your purpose. Call it's, you know, four or five Wednesday calls ago, and that's gonna help find what drives you. That's gonna help find what that ultimate level of happiness in your life is so you could start pursuing it. So the next thing I wanna talk about and this is huge.

Speaker 1:

So for everyone that knows me, you probably know a little bit of my story, but I'm 35 years old as of today. I was born in 1988. So I want you to just do quick math in your head, because you know I'm a car guy, so math is freaking hard for me. I was born in 1988, I'm 35. Now I'm gonna speak on my generation. I know there's the generation to the left and the generation to the right of me. We share certain things. However, I think I'm a what is that Like? Not Gen Z, I don't know. Baby, no, not baby boomer, that's before me.

Speaker 2:

What is that Millennial? That's not one.

Speaker 1:

I freaking hate that term. I think that's the generation I'm in. I think I'm the older part of it, but on that bullshit millennial generation and I'm just gonna be real with people for a second, so don't fucking get offended or do I? Don't care, but you've got this like generation. So my parents, the people before me, the baby boomers, right, like, ah, fucking, millennials are soft, this and that. Okay, you're fucking right to begin with, but it's your bitch ass that made us this way. You raised us.

Speaker 1:

You're the one that told everyone in my generation you get a fucking trophy. You're the one that we were no longer allowed to have first place at fucking school and you had to have frickin' participation awards and, like the softball team, got like 17 mini fucking trophies for just showing up and doing so well. You're the generation that told me I could do whatever the fuck I imagined, but I didn't actually have to work. You're the generation that told me college was the only fucking way to do what I would get, and when I dropped out of college I was gonna be a failure. Now that's still going on today, but I think we're starting to come out of it, and the reason I brought that up is because you have to win. You don't get a fucking trophy for showing up in life. That fucked up my generation. Because what happened is we were told words are bad, words hurt people. Be nice to everyone, your boss is gonna love you. Go to college, maybe you'll get a job. Actually, I mean, my generation was basically told if you graduated college you were gonna get a high paying job. That is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard. That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. My generation was that weird one where we kind of skipped the trades for a while and now there's this trade industry deficit and, like there's so many students that I went to school with that are, like you know, working at AutoZone and shit instead of, like you know, getting their hands dirty and busting ass. You know that's not my dream, but I guarantee if you want a little bit of money, I've seen what an electrician makes on a yearly basis. Or a fucking high lineman Makes some damn good money. But we were never told about that in school. We were never talked to about sales. We were never talked to about entrepreneurship. It was go to freaking college and go be part of it. When you played sports, my high school did not cut anyone from most sporting teams. They had juniors and seniors playing JV ball, so they didn't have to cut anyone from the football team. Yeah, football should.

Speaker 1:

I grew up with and what had happened is we got this entitlement and it wasn't even our fault because we didn't know. We were being brainwashed by what we were taught and that was what society was telling us Was. We had to be part of it and everyone could win if they just showed up. And that's the dumbest thing ever, because what happened when we turned 18, 19, 20 years old and we decided to go out into the real world, or we graduated college, 23, 24, and we got our first employer and they're like huh the fuck, dude, you little bitch, get out of here. Like you know, the employees I have hired in my day that I was confused on, like people who I would hire as a GM of a dealership or a sales manager of a dealership, and they told me they were taking like two weeks off to go on vacation during the summer and they'd been there for two months. What the fuck are you talking about? Well, I always go to the lake with my family in the summer. You, fucking, 20 years old, you came to this position because you wanted a better life, and that's what we always do. Cool, go do that. I don't need to do that. I don't need to.

Speaker 1:

We were told we could do shit like that. We were told that everybody could be a winner, but we were never told that it was gonna be stressful. We were never told that we were gonna have to fight for it. We were never told that there was that one out of a hundred motherfuckers who was actually gonna win and you're probably gonna fail. I want everyone on this call to know this right now Statistically, with whatever you're doing right now, you're gonna fail, and that has got to be what pushes you to fucking win. Because if you think it's gonna be easy, if you think there's never gonna be stress, if you think it's just gonna come to you and all this business is gonna come your way and clients are gonna love you because you can smile a little bit and because you do things differently, people are just gonna fall in line and you're gonna become a billionaire. That shit ain't gonna fucking happen. You're gonna have to understand that. The reason most people don't win in sales, the reason most people don't get into entrepreneurship world, the reason most people don't start a business or most businesses fail in two years is because people are not ready for the pressure that it's gonna take to win.

Speaker 1:

Look at literally everyone. Andy Elliott two years of YouTube content. Never asked for a dollar. Andy Fersella fucking 50, I think it was like 56 grand is what he paid himself the first 10 years of business, not 56,000 a year, 56,000 in 10 years, 5.6 thousand 5,000 dollars, 6,000 dollars 8 years for 10 years to just keep his business afloat so we could give everything to it. He almost quit, but he didn't. There's a million other entrepreneurs out there, a million other salespeople that were in the exact same boat, that they had to realize it wasn't easy. But also settling on your dreams and settling on your future isn't easy either, because that's a commitment you have to make to yourself to say I'm okay losing and we go back to it. It's not okay to be average, it's not okay to not achieve and you've got to go get your fucking trophy. But know that only the winners are gonna get the trophy. They ain't just handing them out anymore.

Speaker 1:

The next portion is huge with the Elliott group. Here is here is something that we really really have to get better at as a society. I was listening to. What was I listening to this morning? This is actually where this portion came up. I can't remember. Oh, it was Rob Bailey's Caviar and Chips podcast and he had David Goggins on it and they were talking about the military. So I'm gonna bring back to the military real quick.

Speaker 1:

Anyone who was under the age of 30, I want to say it's 34, 35. Let's say 35, my age, anyone under the age of 35. Put a one in the chat real quick and you don't have to call yourself out if you want. I just want to see how many people under the age of 35 we have on this chat. All right, so I've got 51 people live on this right now and I'd see about 21s in there, something about that, and I know there's more. I know there's a few of you driving, a few of you that can't get it in. I want you to think about this for a second, and this isn't a political go start a militia fucking statement. I'm not saying that, but currently fighting aged males and females in the United States. So, basically, 35 and under is where the military will take you without prior service. It could be 32. So if there's a recruiter, don't correct me, it's about 35 fighting aged males and females.

Speaker 1:

75% of our population does not qualify to fight in our military, to serve in our military, because guess what, there's jobs that you don't actually have to go play combat boys in, but 75% of our population does not qualify. They cannot pass the minimum standard fitness tests. They are overweight, they have medication they're using like this and that, like 75% of our population, is not fit to fight. And who here has? And just raise your hand real quick who here has ever worked a government job before? There's a couple of you.

Speaker 1:

I'm not talking shit. Yes, I am To work for our government. It's not that damn hard. I'm just going to be real with you. They're not looking for the cream of the crop in most fucking place. I mean, they fucking hired me. I was one of 25%. Scared shit out of you, I know.

Speaker 1:

But here's the thing. It's not that hard to get in. But how do we expect to actually go dominate in business if we can't even like, if we're not even? And I'm not talking like this is like the combat standards test that you take before you go on a deployment. I'm talking this is based bitch to get into the freaking Air Force. Oh, there's an Air Force vet on here, because that's more funny if that joke goes to them. But I'm talking like this is just a basic test to get into the Air Force, where 75% of people don't qualify Now for the Air Force. Most of them it's probably like an intelligence, you know, smart kid thing, and then they're like hey, go to the Marines, and then Marines are like you're too fat, but 75% of our country does not qualify, meaning how easy is it to take over in business?

Speaker 1:

Because if you can't just like be under the age of 35, and if you can't get yourself to the point where you could at least at least get your ass in the military like, you will fail in business. You will fail at sales because you have zero discipline, you don't care about yourself, you don't care about your future, you don't, you don't have any self respect for yourself. Now, I'm sorry to say it actually, no, I'm not. The big beautiful. Bullshit was a lie. My generation. Again. I apologize for that shit and I'm not saying you're not a great person if you're a little bit big, but there's no doctor in the world that ever agreed with that fucking statement. There's no person that wanted you to have heart disease, that wanted you to have lung problems like. That doesn't make any damn sense. Clogged arteries will not help you. They will lead to a fucking heart attack. So like, have the self-respect to take care of yourself every day.

Speaker 1:

When Andy Elliott put out that statement that blew up online six pack, you're fired I know a lot of people took it directly from his mouth and wanted to twist it a little bit, but here's really what it meant. A six pack is something that a very, very small portion of our population has Currently. I'll be real, I'm about two weeks out from it. I'm trying to add a little bit of freaking muscle. So if I were to cut, I could have it back in two weeks. One week I'm showing two weeks. It's pretty much there, but I'm trying to add some muscle. But here's the thing that statement is really about self-development. That statement is about the pursuit of truly being that one percenter. That statement is about growth. And here's the thing about a six pack. More people in our country, united States of America, have a million dollars in a bank than have a six pack on their stomach, on their abs, whatever the fuck. So if you're disciplined enough to just control yourself, to care about yourself, enough that you can cut in a six pack, you could probably put a mil in the bank, because a six pack is not a thing that you just do some sit-ups and that shit pops. It's gonna go into your eating habits. It's gonna go into actually hitting the fucking gym every day. It's going to go into doing the right type of abdominal workouts. There's multiple sets of abdominals you have. Do science. Get on Aaron's call later he'll explain it more. I just like show up at the gym and fucking move shit around. It's the same thing in business people.

Speaker 1:

Are you disciplined, you know, four years ago, three years ago, four years ago, I'm 240 pounds, I'm overweight, not loving myself. Are you disciplined to become the man or woman that you see yourself being in two to three years? Because most of us aren't. Are you disciplined enough to make the fricking moves every single day for the next two or three years to put the million dollars in the bank? Most of us aren't, because it's not that fucking hard.

Speaker 1:

I remember in basic training day one we weren't even actually in basic, it was part of the reception thing. So, like the pre-basic, do your medical in this. And they had some guy, guy from USA or some bullshit. No, that was like TSP, the government savings plan, the thrift savings plan, retirement account, basically a Roth IRA or 401K, and you know I'm a 20 year old kid.

Speaker 1:

This guy comes in before we start basic and he does math. He has one of those little you know compound interest calculators and basically says, hey, if you donate this amount to your TSP when you're 20 years old or 18 years old and you let it compound over 30 years and you donate I think it was like 150 bucks a month over fricking 30 years, you'll have something like 1.8 million. You know, using a rate of like 6% or whatever the hell. It is over 30 years, right? How many people? How many people would want $2 million in the bank? I think pretty much everyone would want $2 million, and if it's a Roth IRA, that's 2 million untaxed when you pull it. So that's pretty fucking cool. But how many people are actually disciplined enough to donate $150 to something?

Speaker 1:

Now, I'm not saying a Roth or 401K is the best use of your money for an investment. I'm just fucking saying facts. How many people are disciplined enough that $150, they could live from the time they're 18 till the time they're 55 or whatever, when you can pull it. How many people are disciplined enough to just give 150 bucks a month away? Now, most of us have no problem with a $800 card payment every month for the rest of our life. Most of us have no problem for that stupid fucking iPhone that we get every single year, which is gonna, you know, with the phone bill and everything.

Speaker 1:

I think I'm at like $400, a fucking. I don't even know how the hell that happened. Last I thought it was like 250, I saw it the other day it was like 370. I'm like what the fuck is going on here? We'll do dumb shit like that all the time, but can you give to your future self $150, 100 sit-ups, 200 push-ups, an extra hour? You see how it's all related. It all connects. This is all about how we treat ourselves and this is the war your mindset. Get the body right so your mind can be right, because you are gonna go to war. Any self-made entrepreneur out there tells you. It's going to be hell If your body is not in shape. You will get tired, you will break. You will not survive the 18 hour day that you have to put in to save your company.

Speaker 1:

I tell people this everyone who's getting in the business for themselves, who does you know 1099, where door knocking is an option which, by the way, is everybody in the world? I know a car guy's like I can't door this. You fucking can. It's pretty cool because they have their car in their driveway. You just don't have the balls to do it. But if you are on your last line of business, if you have nowhere else to go, you can always knock doors. Why? Because all it does is cost you a little bit of freaking I don't know, blisters on your fucking feet. Now I recommend having some skill to go knock doors, otherwise it's not very fun. But you could always save your business if you have the ability to knock doors and sell.

Speaker 1:

But if your business, if the economy, if whatever excuse went down that line and you had to get out there, could you be like? I want you to ask yourself this right now, for you and your family, if everything was taken from you, if the economy and you know how close we fucking were. People go back to 2020. You remember that little flu? They were shutting states down. They were telling you you couldn't leave your house. So imagine if you didn't get your freaking Trump and Biden bucks. Imagine if that shit maybe lasted six months to a year. What would you have done? Were you ready to fight? Were you ready to survive? Could you have kept your business afloat? If it went how it was the first month and everyone's saying we were at apocalypse, could you have survived? Could you have taken care of your family? For me, that's bigger.

Speaker 1:

My happiness is based on my family. So when it comes to fitness, when it comes to staying in shape, I like staying in, like athletic shape why and I hope to God this never happens, but if it does, I'm gonna fuck them up. If anyone ever breaks into my house in the middle of the night and I'm 450 pounds and I can't roll out of bed and my hundred and freaking 20 pound wife is the one that has to defend the family and I'm not trying to be sexist here, I'm not trying to you create that. That's just how I view my life. I honestly couldn't fucking live. I can't even fucking fathom in my head right now what that would be like. And that motivates my ass to get to work every fucking day. That motivates my ass to stay in shape. That motivates my ass to stay tactically proficient with my weapons, because if I ever have to fight, I'll be ready in life or in business If I ever need to save. You know, if Andy ever comes in here and says, hey, we got to do 48 hours of this, this and that, for whatever fucking crazy reason, I know I can do it. I know I could go 72 if I have to. I know I can get it done. But are you ready, are you that deadly for your business, that you have the warrior mindset, that you're ready to go to war, that you can take over the world? So think about that. That's gonna be fitness and mindset.

Speaker 1:

The next portion I want to talk about and this person's probably not on this call, but I was on a call with someone the other day that reached out to me and this, this, was an objection handler. I guess you could call it that. I've been using a bunch because I've always this, this, this objections, never made sense to me, because I'm the type of person that likes to attack If I see, smell something that's good for me and I'm gonna get a benefit from it. It's like when I talk about when I went to see Homeboy, the AI thing like it was 15 grand, you know thought 30 seconds about it. I was like, fuck, I don't really want to drop 15 grand for me and my wife to go do this. I fuck it, I'll do it. Yeah, I delayed. I had about a 30 second delay. Dude, that AI has made me a lot of money. Let's just say that.

Speaker 1:

But I'm the type of motherfucker that I will usually try to talk myself into attacking. It's the same thing Like if anyone comes to my family, tries to hurt my family, guess what? The person who usually swings first and fast usually fucking wins Surprise. So are you the type of person that takes action? I was on a call with someone. They're like hey, I've been here, I've done this. I'm 36 years old, I'm not where I want to be, blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

I basically came up with the game plan. We, you know, confirmed it. Didn't sound like money was gonna be an issue. Sounds like they were willing to do the work, this and that, and then they go. They want to think about it. So my typical one is you know, hey, what is it really to think about? You've already thought about it. You've reached out to us Like are you happy where you are? Do you want to keep running the old game player? Do you want to keep running the new game play?

Speaker 1:

And then, out of all the sudden, he hit me with this one and I've heard this before and this is my generation's stupid fucking mentality. He goes hey, man, you're starting to pressure me a little bit. I go, fuck you, I'm starting to pressure you because you won't do it yourself. You don't have the balls to pressure yourself. But yeah, let him talk. Hey, you're starting to pressure me, and I don't like that. Okay, weird. He goes I wish you could respect me enough to respect my time to think about it for two weeks. I go, it caught me off guard because I've been hit with that before and I've never really, I've never really been able to hammer it. And I go dude, I'm gonna be real with you, brother, I think he was actually like 38. I go, I'm gonna be real with you. I don't fucking respect you, I don't respect your fucking opinion, because you're 38 years old, you've barely been able to support your family. You dream about a bigger life. You've promised your wife, you've promised your kids all this shit that you haven't fucking done. I don't fucking respect you. Now, I love you, but I sure as hell don't fucking respect you Because, as a leader, man or woman, it is your job to get done what you say you're going to get done in a quick fashion, because if you keep waiting for shit to open, if you keep waiting for the door to open, if you keep waiting for the stars to align, it ain't going to frickin happen.

Speaker 1:

No one's going to hold your hand and walk you through an easy path of life. It does not exist. If you want the easy path that's called I don't fucking know. It's called settling on your dreams, being okay to not achieve shit in life, having zero name that anyone will ever remember and not having a single person look up to you. That's the easy, depressing life. Now, that might be for someone, and if that truly, truly is your pursuit of happiness, I believe in America, I believe in our country like a motherfucker. So if that truly is what makes you happy as a man or a woman, by all means fucking pursue that person. But I don't fucking understand that. I don't think anyone on this fucking call does, because if that was you, you would have hung up or you would have fucking got off way before that.

Speaker 1:

So really take action. Quit waiting for shit to come. If you see an opportunity to go, seize the opportunity. If you see a customer come up on your lot, fucking go handle the customer. If you see a list of names, come over. Start fucking dialing. If you haven't gotten to where you need to be, dial more. If there is a business connection, make it happen. If there's some training you want to do, or whatever it is, make it happen. Quit waiting on your future. If you told your wife that you guys are going to go out at 5 pm the night, go out at 5 pm. If you told your kids they're going to have this, this and that, make that shit happen and start doing shit today and quit waiting for it to come.

Speaker 1:

I want everyone to think about, especially if you have kids and a wife, because this is really big, because I truly, as a man and as a leader of my family, like I truly believe my main purpose on this earth is to take care of them, is to take care of the people that I have promised my life to. And I fucking mean that when you kind of get in my inner circle, I literally promised my life to you. I mean I carry. So everyone knows. If you've been to a seminar, you guys know I carry every fucking day. I'm pretty proficient with a firearm, but I do it to protect myself, I do it to protect my family and I do it to protect those around me my entire and we shared.

Speaker 1:

My wife's statement the other day is I'm going to help people grow, I'm looking to help people get to another level and I do it as a leader. And then, for those of you that have been in the military or read military books, you know leaders eat last fricked, some of Jaco's books, shit like that. You know, as a military leader, you will always put your subordinates before yourself. Meaning I look at the whole fucking world as one of my subordinates. I look at Andy Elliott as one of my subordinates. That mentors me. I want you to think about that fucking statement for a second, because I know this.

Speaker 1:

I know when shit actually goes down, whether it be business, whether it be society, that I will be on the front and I will protect and I will be ready to fucking serve and protect everyone and it really means that really strikes a heart, that really strikes deep to me, with my wife and my kids, and I have to be ready at all fucking times and I have to be ready with the one who will attack first and get what I need in life. So that's really where we get a dial into that physical and mental business idea. You have to be physically fit, your mind has to be sound and then you have to attack your business. And that is that whole human concept of your relationships, of your fitness level, of your health, of what you do with your time, getting rid of all your distractions, knowing who the fuck you are, because everyone on this call is a leader, believe it or not. Even on, even if you're on this call and you are mopping floors at a convenience store or a gas station, I don't know, I don't know Whatever the lowest entry level job is flipping burgers at McDonald's, like.

Speaker 1:

Even if you're there, you are a leader and your ability to lead yourself, to lead others, will grow. Who you are as a man or a woman will grow. Your company will grow, your personal development will grow your family. But the first portion well, I wouldn't say the first portion, because you can be a leader without mastering this, because there's no level of perfection to leadership. You will always be able to get better, you will always fuck up, you will always, you know, need to grow, but ultimately the first focus has to be yourself. Mastery has to be that internal conversation and dialogue that you have with yourself.

Speaker 1:

And go back to what I said a second ago about always place your subordinates before yourself. And a lot of people get it a little bit confused here, because there is a little dichotomy of leadership in this statement is I'm always placing my subordinates before myself. Okay, that means they've got to be top of mind to a degree. However, I cannot lead them, I cannot place them before myself, unless I'm able to master my own self. If I don't know who I am or I'm lost in my own journey on earth, I'm still a leader. I'm kind of just a shitty one or a lost one. You could be a lost leader. You could be a shitty leader, but a lost leader will get a map.

Speaker 1:

When you're in the military, you get a map. You do land navigation. You learn how to fucking plot points. You could shoot reverse ads, miss and figure out where you're at. In the middle of the woods there's all sorts of cool shit.

Speaker 1:

Leadership's the same way.

Speaker 1:

Where you have a map, you might not even know where you are on that map today, but you need to identify where it is and you need to identify that end point because you're going to be chasing that every single day.

Speaker 1:

You're going to find a path. It might be business, it might be relationships, it might be your fitness, it might be some shit that I'm not even thinking of religion, spirituality, fricking. It might be giving up something in your life, like I recently had to tell someone they needed to give up their fucking mom Because the person was hurting him. She did not mean to. She loved them so much she was hurting him. She was afraid that they were going to make a wrong decision and it was killing them inside. So sometimes it's not an easy decision that we're going to make. It's not, it's not one that everyone loves to make, but it's one that you need to make for yourself so you can go out and help others. If there's one person possibly that's handcuffing you, just you know, handcuffing you to a belief and they're keeping you there and they're keeping you from really influencing. More and more.

Speaker 1:

That person might have to go and it might be a loved one. It doesn't mean you have to cut them off forever. It doesn't even mean you have to exactly cut them off weekly. It just could be the conversation that I've, you know, had with a couple of my family members hey, if you're going to talk about that weak ass bullshit, don't fucking call me. Some of them understand. Some of them call me. I say, hey, gotta go, and then I ignore their call for a couple of months and see if they figure it the fuck out. It might be a habit you have I had. I can't say that I had someone who plays a high level sports, high luck. He's an athlete and he's one of the guys I coach and he was. He's a very good athlete. Let's just say that One of his things was he liked smoking weed.

Speaker 1:

Now, you know, into today's society, I think weed for the most part is, you know, kind of normalized. Honestly, me personally, if you want my beliefs, I think fucking, we should fucking nicks alcohol way before weed. But, that being said, some people can handle it, Some people can't. You know, some people can handle alcohol. I'm really fucking awesome and I like to win. So I stay away from the alcohol, because I'm a winner in fucking everything I do. So if I'm gonna drink, I'm gonna drink until you seem like a little bitch. You know what I'm saying. I gotta stay away from that shit.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, weed was holding him back. It was kind of making him lazy, a little bit of anxiety. You know he was using it as a sleep aid and I was like, dude, you just gotta give it up. Oh man, I was like I know it's gonna be fucking brutal, dude, it's gonna suck ass. It's gonna be like breaking up with a 10-year girlfriend who's holding you fucking back. You know someone that you gave your whole life to Hell. You already bought her the $10,000 promise ring because you're a fucking idiot. Like it's gonna be like losing that type of relationship and I just go, dude, you just have to let it go, because if you try to wean off of it, if you try to prepare for it, it's gonna take just so much longer and longer and longer. You gotta take action. It's like playing basketball right, You're playing on offense, You're the point guard, you see your center and your power forward flip. You see an open fucking lane. You make the pass. Well, what happens if you wait half a second to make that pass, Defense stops in. The guy on defense made that initial action, got in the way of the fucking passing lane and your play went to hell.

Speaker 1:

It's amazing how there's so many similarities in life and as you're growing, as you're leading a family, think about it as you're leading employees, you can always make these relationships with people. My kids, I have them in athletics. Why? Because it pushes them, it tells them that they don't just get a fucking win. My kids are in a very, very um, like there's some shit out there. There's some shit. I didn't realize when I was in school that this level of sports existed. Like my freaking 10 year old daughter well, she's doing something I'm like even me as a dad, I'm like God damn, that's a little rough. But then at the same time I'm like, no, they need that shit, Because you don't get shit when you don't win.

Speaker 1:

In life.

Speaker 1:

Losers don't get a fucking thing.

Speaker 1:

And here's where we've gotten lost.

Speaker 1:

We've gotten lost in this depression to be a fucking loser. We've gotten lost in it's okay to lose that you know you could be yourself. And then the problem is is it pulls deeper and deeper and deeper into your soul to know that you're not the person that you want to become. And everyone else is telling you that it's okay, but you know in your own heart that you're fucking not okay with it, that you're not just chill with it, that it's not where you want to be and you bury yourself so deep. So if you're ever in that feeling where you don't know how to get out, it's just the decision and I know it's.

Speaker 1:

It's a little harder than just that to make that decision. But really start off by telling yourself it's okay, it's okay to not be happy where I am today, but then no, it's not okay to stay there. It's not okay to make the mental decision to do nothing, to remain on the X and to find comfort. And then the last thing I say and then I'm going to open it up to like two questions so raise your little hand on the zoom thing If you do want to ask a question real quick the last thing I want to say is fuck what other people think, and I really mean that. If everybody wants to control your life and give you an opinion and tell you how to live and tell you to like fuck everybody else's opinion, Be yourself, be the man or woman that you were destined to become, and just stay hard, keep going big. So open it up to questions real quick for everyone. What has someone got for me? All right, Anthony, go ahead, my man, so I'm a tattoo artist.

Speaker 2:

I'm about to Las Vegas and Nevada and I want to know like what should I do today that will implement the things that you taught in today's lessons?

Speaker 1:

All right, you're a tattoo artist out of Vegas. Yes, sir, how long you been doing tattoos? Since the pandemic started in 2020. Okay, 2020.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I went doing a apprenticeship for like two years and then like just recently, about like last year, like the beginning of October, I got signed off officially to where I could just go full speed at it stuff. But like I've just been like I think like on average I've been doing around like five to ten tattoos for like probably about like a hundred 200 bucks a month Like a hundred 200 bucks, not a month, but like time, and I want to like boost that up like five times and I want to dodge what I'm like later to tell you I like stuck because I feel like like people are talking about earlier, like people are just at that comfortability and once I got like comfortable hitting that goal, I feel like man, I don't gotta do shit, but I want to get that extra step in. I just want to know, like what should I do from this point on to get to that next level?

Speaker 1:

So no, I love it, man. So there's going to be two. The first two attributes I want you to look at are going to go to skill set One how good is your fucking art? Like, how good are you? And compare it to someone else and be real with yourself, because as an artist you can get a little bit better. But you also have to know, like what your style is a little bit right, like I've got you know, all my tattoos are kind of the black and not black and white, but I guess black and skin tone. I don't use color. So, like I always look for an artist that's got that really good, just, you know, lined out black with shade style art. I'm not looking for the artist who's doing all the cool color. So, one, know yourself and know your audience. And then, two, you have to raise yourself worth. So if you look at yourself and go, you know what fuck it.

Speaker 1:

Like I'm doing these tattoos at 200, 300 bucks for the whole fucking tattoo, like I've paid artists $300, $400, a fucking hour for a tattoo, and what they've done is they've created this image for themselves that they are undeniably the best. The thing about that is, you could do it too, but your art better fucking back it up. So the first thing I would do is one truly have a sit down with yourself and identify your skill set and your skill set of art, your skill set of sales. The second portion is are you doing the work to get your value? Are you posting on social media every day? Are you reaching out to people? Are you just sharing your love?

Speaker 1:

Honestly, man, if you need, if like, if you are and I know a lot of those artists like there's some artists in this world that are fucking amazing artists, like Mona Lisa style people, but the problem is is they're not salespeople. And then you know, a lot of times we get held up in that, like if you ever worked like a nine to five and you're like, oh, how fucking Johnny get promoted? He's complete shit because he's a fucking salesperson and he's more friendly to be around. That's how we got the position, not because he's good at his fucking job, let's be real. So a lot of times, artists because of the way your guys's mind works and I'm jealous. Like I do not get the creativity thing at all. Like you give me a crayon and I fucking eat it with my, with my marine buddies. That's how bad I am. But a lot of times you guys don't have the sales skill that maybe I have Now. That being said, I truly think anybody can learn sales, because go look at my ship from 2015. It's embarrassing. But make sure your sales skills is decent and then do the work.

Speaker 1:

Get on social media, build that badass Instagram, tell everyone that you have and have you been doing the work for a consistent amount of time to be able to ask for more. And also, how, how quick is your time booked Like, are you fucking back to back eight hours six days a week? Or are you working like three hours here, two hours here, one hour here and you've got 80 hours to fill? If you've got 80 fucking hours to fill in a two week period, I'm booking more motherfuckers to fill my time to get some fucking cash flowing so that I can maybe make a better Instagram. I could get my shit out there better.

Speaker 1:

You know, I don't know if you know buying better equipment helps you guys at all, but identify where you're at today, what your skill set is, how much time you're wasting, what things are holding you back from where you want to be, and then just go attack man and make sure you're doing the damn work. So that's what I'd say. Dm me on Instagram or Facebook if you want to go a little deeper into that. But overall, just identify who you truly are, your skill set, how many hours you got, and then learn to sell better, and by that, I think with art is going to all be your IG. Instagram is going to be huge for you. So make sure you're tearing up Instagram. You're doing some reels, you're doing some videos that are actually entertaining. So, daniel, I'm going to switch over to you.

Speaker 2:

my brother, hey man, I was like everything's sorry about my game. Everything used to be on the point. I'm sorry, this is bullshit. Everybody gets trophies and everything like that. I'm tired of this. I'm 24 years old.

People on this episode