Jonathan Roberts Not Safe for Society

E4 Not Safe For Society: The Unvarnished Quest for Professional Excellence / Getting hired in 2024 / Not everyone gets a trophy

Jonathan Roberts Season 1 Episode 4

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Craving a dose of reality in your quest for professional growth? Strap in as we dissect what it really takes to come out on top in today's cutthroat job market. Today's journey is not for the faint-hearted; it's a raw, unfiltered blueprint for those bold enough to join my team in a world teeming with danger and dynamism. We're throwing down the gauntlet—do you have the passion, the work ethic, and the insatiable desire to learn that it takes to stand out and grow alongside me?

Navigating through the tech-infused tides of the 21st century, we examine the profound transformations in work and education. We contemplate the riddles of a future where AI reigns supreme and question the preparedness of our educational institutions to equip the upcoming generations. In a tale of societal and political upheaval, we're casting a critical eye on the participation trophy culture—a contentious legacy shaping our approach to entitlement versus excellence. 

As the curtain falls, we shift the spotlight to you, the listener, challenging you to embrace the grind and reach for success with gritty determination. I'm on the hunt for the resilient, the driven—those who've weathered life's storms and are hungry for an opportunity to rise. This episode isn't just a wake-up call; it's a siren song for the tenacious spirits ready to chase their dreams and make a palpable impact alongside a team that honors true grit over privilege.

Speaker 1:

All right. Next episode of Not Safe for Society starts now, and this episode, or this podcast, is literally just turning into the crazy ass thoughts or the awesome ass thoughts, depending on what side of the scale you're on that I have on a daily basis and things that come to my head when, typically just when I'm driving on the way home to work, to work. This one hit me midday, though. This one hit me midday. So, currently in my life, I am looking for an assistant. I am looking for an assistant. This person's job description will essentially be whatever the hell needs to be done, so probably some social media stuff. They'll need to learn some photography, videography skills, you know, send text messages, basically, just, you know, keep my life going so I can stay on the phone and close motherfuckers. That being said, like I'm willing to pay for all the education when it comes to videography, you know, making real things like that, the social media stuff and really any skill set that they need. I just need someone that's hungry and eat, someone that really wants it. So if I drop this episode and I still don't have an assistant and you meet this thing, like, please, please, please, like, listen to this whole episode, because I'm going to essentially tell you how to get hired anywhere. Okay, so it's been like four years, five years, maybe, probably four or five years since I really hired someone and, oh my gosh, like I hear people bitch and cry and maybe I'm not attracting the right person. Maybe this is on me. So if that's it, someone like call, like reach out and call my ass out. I'm going to draw my phone number on the end of this podcast. So if you want my phone number, my personal number, hang out and if I'm wrong, call me out. If it's me, call me out, please, please. But I truly think I'm pretty freaking awesome and I know I'm not the best. I know I'm not the greatest in the world, but overall I'm pretty confident in who the hell I am.

Speaker 1:

So I've made a couple soft ads not really ads, like posts of trying to just kind of fish a little bit, trying to get some people maybe who are interested in something. And, honestly, the only people that reach out to me and if you've reached out to me, this is kind of a training call, this is something that you should take in a positive manner how do I get better Are fucking pathetic, like most people who have reached out to me have given me like one. I've had multiple people reach out. What up, dude? Like, do you not watch my fucking content? Do you not like see who the fuck I am Like? Are you just begging for a fucking opportunity? Like dude? What up, dude? Like dude, I rip on you all fucking days. So skip that bullshit. I teach people how to go out and DM people and put up money and I know you may not love what I do, you may not love what I'm really good at, but hey, pays the fucking bills. I get to live where most of you motherfuckers dream of living or dream of vacationing live there year round.

Speaker 1:

So before this podcast and it will and the haters are going to help me boost my ratings and shit but before you start hating, just think about like. Think about what it actually means. Think about like I'm not better than anyone as a human being on earth. I'm not better than anyone. I just try harder. I don't fucking like.

Speaker 1:

When you tell me no, I figure out how to make it a yes and I acquire things that I need. Like I acquire resources, whether it be you know, knowledge or something I need to get the job done. I'll figure it the fuck out and, like so many people, just won't do that shit. So, like, go listen to my content, go listen to what I publish, go listen to like, who the hell I am? Because I am all over the place. I'm not freaking like you know YouTube famous or some shit, but you can just go to my Facebook and Instagram and figure it, figure out who I am. You can figure out my entire profile and I'm looking for an assistant. Who's going to help me sell, who's going to help me grow, who's going to help me become this, you know bigger influencer. Who's going to help me change more people's lives.

Speaker 1:

Therefore, you need to know my fucking personality, you need to know what I'm about. You need to know what I think. You need to know every little thing. So there's a couple of people and you people probably know exactly who I'm talking about, who maybe I've actually personally reached out to and had a phone call with, and you just, you know, for whatever reason, it wasn't right at the time and I totally get that. At least you were honest with me and you are honest with yourself. But it's like the stupid freaking like, and this has come into a place, this has come into a place where we're going to come up with a solution, hopefully to fix something that's gone wrong in our society, and something that's gone wrong today and something that's caused us all to be like so stagnant and what we do that we can't even get a real job and make a real wage and support a fucking family. And it's not society. I just want to say that, it's your fucking ass. So I'm going to help you fix it.

Speaker 1:

And if you were the person that DM me, if you're one of my and I shouldn't say that person the fucking handful of motherfuckers who did like I don't give a shit, like you could either get back online, call me out, call yourself out, I don't care, but hopefully you take this constructively. So let's get over all the people that are like what up, dude, what do you need? Brother? Like that stupid fucking shit, like dude, I don't need you. If that's your opener, I don't fucking need you. I'm going to be that fucking real with you. If you're so entitled that you can't be semi professional, I get it. I wear jeans, a t-shirt, like I'm not fucking wearing a four piece suit. Maybe that gives you the idea that you could say whatever the fuck you want.

Speaker 1:

But me personally, someone who I've wanted to know something from, it's been yes, sir, yes man, my entire fucking life, and I don't care what level I think I'm at, like to this day. You know, I'm around influencers left and right and it's still fucking respect. Yeah, I might joke with them a little bit and be a little cocky, but if I really want some information, let's sit down, look them in the eye and have a genuine conversation. And I promise you I ain't going to start out with what up dude. I ain't going to start out with some stupid fucking DM when you know there could be a potential opportunity on the line. So step one don't be a fucking dipshit. Like present yourself how you want to be treated, because the minute I see that shit, my next question is what? And you might think I'm being short, but really I'm just trying not to ignore your ass because in my DMs I don't actually know how Facebook works, but I figure like I should probably respond. If you're a real person, I don't fucking know. So if you get a response from me, that's like what? It's probably because you're an idiot or you're not bringing any value to the opening sim. Y'all ever heard of an elevator pitch? If not, google that shit. Yeah, it'd help you a lot, but anyways.

Speaker 1:

So the what up dude, what do you want? What do you need, homie? Like yeah, I guess I talk like that a little bit when I'm on a phone call with someone who's looking for something to try to build rapport, commonality, all that shit, but I'm not talking like that to anyone that I need, that I necessarily need something from, but I want an opportunity with. This is the correct word. So get rid of the what up dude Bullshit. And if you're doing that on a job, like a job, or you send me like a resume or some shit one, if you send me a resume, I'm probably gonna throw it away. Like, I fucking don't feel like reading that shit, especially if your resume is anything longer than one page. I might read like two or three things and it's probably going in the trash. So, no, okay, got it. Get rid of the what up dude shit.

Speaker 1:

Next, the next thing is when we go over what I'm looking for. So pretty much what I've gone over with everyone is hey, I need some help with social media. I'm gonna need some help with like DMs. I'm gonna need some help set an appointment. So I'm gonna maybe need some phone skills. Don't think I'll ever probably have you sell or close or any of that shit. But like I definitely just need you to keep busy. I need you to eventually learn how to use professional level photography equipment and like I tell everyone, hey, I'll fucking eventually, if you prove yourself, pay for you to go to some badass course to learn how to shoot some badass images and maybe clip up some badass reels. Like I'll pay for that. Like I don't expect you to be a 10 out of 10 if you've never done it, but I expect you to, like you know little bit of common knowledge, a little bit of common sense and be willing to learn. So, like that's my job description. It's relatively vague because, honestly, that's kind of the fucking job.

Speaker 1:

Now the pay itself is probably gonna start around five or six thousand a month. Mm-hmm, yep, five or six thousand a month. And that's going to be based on, you know, like a revenue share type thing. You know it'll be a commission structure. I ain't paying someone based on just sitting around hanging out with me.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking for a motherfucker that wants to grow and I know I call it an assistant. It's really not an assistant position, it's like a I guess it's an assistant. It's an assistant sales position. So that's what it is. So I mean, correct me if I'm wrong again, call me out my DMs, shoot me a fucking text later, like we're talking a position that's, you know, fifty, sixty thousand to what is that? Like seventy, two thousand a year starting, and it'll probably be ten, ninety, nine style.

Speaker 1:

Because you know, I don't really feel like being in charge of anybody, I don't feel like being anyone's boss. If you want to show up and do some work, by all means show up and do some work. If not, like it's the best way to fire someone, just don't expect anything. And if they don't show up, all right, you weren't right, I don't have to fucking do anything. So you know, if you know anything about ten, ninety, nine, like it can go a little bit further if you do it right, and I'll teach you the steps, people, I'll teach you the steps. So typically we get to this point of the interview and, honestly, like nine out of ten people aren't even making fucking seventy, eighty grand a year and in about three to six months this will be a twenty or a ten thousand dollar a year or ten thousand dollar a month position, so a buck twenty, and, honestly, by the end of the year, you know, eighteen months at the most, we're looking at a twenty thousand dollar a month, a two hundred forty thousand dollar a year position. So we go back to that and you know.

Speaker 1:

Then I want, then everyone wants to like, oh, what's the specifics? I didn't know exactly what I'll do. Like what? What does that even fucking mean, dude? I don't even know what I'm doing on a daily or hourly basis. What are you talking about? You're going to assist me and you know the commonality of tasks that I need to do. Well, but what does that look like, dude? I just told you, like you're gonna have to learn some social media shit, some text messaging. Like you know, light sales, like don't need a closer, but definitely it's a setter type thing. And basically, just, you know, keep me with appointments, keep me in front of people that I need to be locking down. So we get to that point. And then I always get the, you know, just like random confusion.

Speaker 1:

And I take this back to the book Litchpin, litchpin. And I think and I'm so glad I read this book because it makes me understand this and you know, maybe four months ago I would have been like there's a bunch of fucking pussies nowadays, but I'm starting to understand it a little bit more and I think it's the everybody got a trophy idea that you know my and this is gonna be, this is gonna be fault three, but I think it's the ever everybody gets a trophy lifestyle. So I think back to the book Litchpin and you know, america was started in 17 something, or rather 1800s, whatever, and what had happened is shortly after that. We hit this industrial revolutions part now. Originally, when we started to industrialize, it was a living hell. Like fucking kids were losing arms, you know, freaking nine year olds were working, getting killed, like everyone was losing fingers and shit. There was no regulation. The boss didn't give a shit about you. And then, early day, unions started to form and you know, take care of employers a little or employees a little bit, and unions started to form. People started to band together and overall the industrial revolution was a critical time in the United States and early unions were a good thing. Like I'll say that live early and I want to specify early unions were a good thing. We'll hit another episode where I cover how unions have fucked up society, but that's a different episode.

Speaker 1:

So as the industrial revolution hits, like you get this, you know, you get a lot of factory workers, you get people who don't really need to think, they just need to show up, not bitch and do this like take a, turn it into be, move it to person, cc goes to D, d goes to E, so on and so forth. Everybody had their little station in an assembly line or you know. For whatever you did in that type of you know scenario and we didn't really need you to think we need you to shut the fuck up, we need you to show up on time, we need you to put work or overtime in when needed and we need you to go home and take care of your family. Now, early on, this worked early on, this supported a family and it was great. And then it took a while for society catch up to it. Like, I'll be real, it didn't go from a to B or a to Z like right away. There were a lot of steps in the way that had you know, that made this happen. Like you know, originally people weren't getting paid enough. Like I said, they were losing limbs left and right, like people were dying, locked into a factory to a fire. There's like a million fricking examples of shit that didn't work, but it got a little bit better and people started to, you know, be able to support a family working for a factory and so on and so forth.

Speaker 1:

So we get to the 1900s or mid 1900s and all of a sudden, technology really starts to evolve. Technology really starts to take off and I think one of the first big, big advancements were obviously machinery. You know, helped. But when we got the use of the microprocessor or even the PC, the computer, you know, even as basic state, we quickly realized that this machine can take input and give us output at a near perfect rate where no humans even close. So when we go back and we're talking about like 8-bit type machines, like it didn't really do much, it just made a bunch of noises and click this, click that light, switch on, light, switch off. However, now in the morning I no longer needed the janitor or whoever it was responsible to come in and click light, switch on, click, light, switch off, because I just replaced your ass with a computer. So time goes on, you know, 1632, 64, 128, 256 bit machines start becoming more and more, you know, adaptive and you know, starting taking over lifestyles. And then all of a sudden we start to get, you know, the internet. We can talk to anyone in any country, any state, any region, anywhere in the world. Hell, the space station, so space, and we started to realize that we can start using these machines to, you know, facilitate basically factory work.

Speaker 1:

Like if you study six sigma and lean principles, like yeah, lean, we're gonna lean out some people, but let's talk about six sigma. Like you're trying to get to the six sigma of a process that doesn't like deviate or have any issues with it. So, basically, point, you know, 0001 or whatever the fuck. It is like things happen and that's like your failure rate. So if you're creating a hat right Out of every, I think it's incorrect to me, if I'm wrong, it's like every 600,000 or 6 million hats. That will be one deficiency and that's where your six sigma really and summarizing it Barney style, that's essentially what it is is. You want to have that little failures? Well, the humans can't really do that very well. Like we will get tired, we'll forget something, we'll miss a stitch. Well, you know, humans will just do dumb shit. We're not getting to.0006% failure ratio.

Speaker 1:

So they start, like you know, factories and stuff and shit. They start using machinery and they start creating machine assembly lines and you know the automotive industry is a great, freaking example. Like you know, the machine started moving the freaking metal and forming the metal and putting the metal together. And you know, originally they did have humans coming in with fucking impact wrenches and shit and fucking drilling shit on and making the weld marks. And then all of a sudden they realized humans were fucking that shit up too much. So they found a machine that could weld or they found a machine that could come in and fucking pop a bunch of fucking bolts in and do that. And then the machines were doing the interior work and they were putting the fabric on and they were like, if you go to an automotive assembly line now it's like 90, I don't know what the real number is 90%, 95% machines versus human. Like humans just look around and go. Yeah, they're doing good and, honestly, like I truly believe most of the humans standing around are just there because, like OSHA or some federal regulation says some human has to be there, because, like the machines and AI now can actually like decipher if they're fucking up more than a human eye can. So your jobs are gone too. So, anyways.

Speaker 1:

So what happened is through society, through our school system, through our education system, our government and this can go into political theory as well of why they're trying to hold you back, but essentially what had happened, and most teachers aren't evil. So this is where I'm gonna go. More of this is a, not a political thing, but this is more of a just society grew into. This is, I think, most teachers and educators, like they wanna actually help children, like they're not going there to fuck children up, but unknowingly they are, because educators now my age, 35 years old, born in the fucking late 80s, early 90s, that's kind of your grammar school, middle school, maybe some high school teachers, the young ones and so on and so forth.

Speaker 1:

So these educators started grammar school during the end of kind of the industrial era, or it was really past the industrial era, but like we didn't really have technology yet, like PCs were not something that you could just put in your house, like most of us did not have internet, like I remember getting internet and I was probably eight, something like that, maybe six, and it's probably seven or eight at least, and it was dial up it was a 20 fucking 5.6K or whatever the hell. It was made annoying sounds and like we didn't grow up with this. So we didn't go to grammar school with that. I think middle school we finally got our first like Apple computers and we played Oregon Trail all day, cause that's a bad ass game. By the way, if you haven't played it in your kid, go find Oregon Trail one. You will be fricking hooked. But we didn't have computers, so our educators also didn't have computers, so they educated us on what they knew.

Speaker 1:

Now, what they knew was how to read out of a textbook and they would, you know, read just whatever the hell the textbook said, like most educators have not. Like you know, if you go to a school and you have a history teacher, you know high school and below and even most colleges. Like your history teacher has probably not gone and spent a year in Greece and teaching you about Greek mythology and studied from some crazy Greek scholar whose family and family and family passed this on, which isn't the greatest information, but it's better than you know information that an American scholar came up with just reading a bunch of books. So they didn't really do anything.

Speaker 1:

And your business professors like, trust me, and I hate to say this college and I don't really hate to say it, I'm just gonna be real with you. Like, if you're going to get a degree in business management, let me break it to you, your fucking professors suck like. Let's be real. Like, if you're looking for a Fortune 500 job, if you're looking for a big old corporation to fill a fucking spot and be a cog in the wheel, by all means then go to fucking Harvard, go to fucking Yale, go do that bullshit. But if you're looking to be an entrepreneur or build something that matters, by all means like it ain't gonna fucking work.

Speaker 1:

Because here's the issue is and there's, you know, the one in hundreds. So don't get me wrong, there's probably maybe one out there. But most professors, even if they're at the top universities, they're gonna be making a few hundred thousand a year. Most people are not gonna give up a entrepreneurial position, a business, you know, maybe a hundred million dollar business, where they're, you know, putting away a few million a year, 10, 20, a hundred million a year to go teach. And you're like, but wouldn't they wanna give back? No, they fucking wouldn't. They would probably rather and they would probably be more important to society by giving motherfuckers jobs and opportunity and teaching those who actually wanted to learn not this, not just those that wanted to get a degree. Because, let's face it, when you're teaching a college class, you're, you know, speaking to a hundred people and maybe four of them actually give a fuck. The other 96 are thinking about what they're gonna do on the weekend, getting their fucking dick wet. Who fucked who on Tuesday, and they're just trying to fucking graduate. Leave them the fuck alone.

Speaker 1:

So your college professors fucking suck when it comes to business. For the most part. Now they understand theory, but show me the business they've created from the ground up. Show me that. So what happens is your teachers from grammar school, middle school, high school they've all been just reading books, they've all been reading theory and they're not actually doing anything. Then they go to college for four or more years, depending on what state. They have a year or two to get their masters or maybe doctorates, depending on what type of position, what type of school they teach at, and then they go right back to fucking school. They don't actually practice a fucking thing, they don't actually do shit, not a God's saying thing. They just go right back to school and all they've got is a bunch of theory.

Speaker 1:

And for those of you that run a business like how far does fucking theory get you? Trust me, some of it's good, some of it does help, but if all you have is theory, you ain't getting fucking anywhere. Or if you do, you're gonna do it by the book. And if you do it by the book, someone who's just out there fucking shit up and seeing what happens is probably gonna overtake your ass or go bankrupt. But they're not gonna do the standard, just small little growth line, make sure everything's perfect. They're either gonna go bankrupt, start another business and overtake you, or they're gonna just their first business boom, blows the fuck up. So your theory fucking sucks.

Speaker 1:

So what had happened during my generation is we were told that you know, you know, just stay in school, do good, try hard, graduate. Maybe. Some of you go to college, two or three of you become a doctor or a lawyer and then, like, just do your part of society. The problem is like that fucking hurts, like you have to give up your dreams, you have to give up your happiness, you have to give up a lot to do that.

Speaker 1:

And I know some people are gonna listen to this and say, no, I didn't. I'm fucking great working for the government. I love my $100,000 a year fucking salary. I'm like cool, that's way more fun to make in a couple months or a quarter or a month. Like, trust me, it is, and money's not everything, but it does allow me to do shit. It does allow me to get my dreams. It does allow me to go fucking have fun. It does allow me to get my kids every opportunity that I always promised them. It allows me, as a man, to fucking allow my wife to do the shit that I promised her. So if you're okay, making a $100,000 a year salary, that's cool, I fucking love it go do it. But if you've promised anyone a bigger life, if you've promised yourself, if you have bigger dreams and you're hiding, wake the fuck up.

Speaker 1:

So what had happened is we had just gotten used to that. We had just gotten used to being okay. We had gotten used to not having to think at our job and wanting to know exactly what it was gonna look like. And then what happens is companies like Walmart and shit realize that you're fucking replaceable, like if you're just there to stock shelves and you cough an attitude. Or you tell me that part time is enough work, or you wanna raise and you don't do anything and you're not part of this fricking system at all and there's 40 people that wanna job behind you, I'll fire your ass and next moving along. That's a promise.

Speaker 1:

People got entitled and they thought stocking shelves at Walmart was a thing that was gonna get somewhere. They thought fucking, flipping burgers at McDonald's they might have a chance in life and, trust me, there's a lot of people that have started at McDonald's. Don't get me wrong, it's a great. Me personally I have not, but I know a lot of people. Their first job was McDonald's. It was Walmart. It ain't fucking there to support a fucking family.

Speaker 1:

I'm just gonna tell you that Now I do know what a GM and a regional GM makes at McDonald's. I get it. There is possibility to go. You better be busting ass. You better be going home and studying leadership books. You better be going, cause if you just work in there praying for that GM job, it ain't fucking coming.

Speaker 1:

Nobody needs a GM that flips burger, lift, flips burger right, patty on or whatever the fuck. I know you guys probably have some stupid fucking song you sing to remember how to make a fucking Big Mac, not dissing you, saying if you're trying to support a family of four on that shit, fucking wake up or start taking action to become the GM. Start taking action to run that bitch. Pretend like it's your fucking McDonald's. I bet you accidentally get promoted. So society realized we didn't need a burger flipper. We could replace your ass. If you didn't fit in, if you didn't just shut up and flip burger. There's a 16 year old right behind you that needs to flip a burger. And, by the way, teenage employment is up, higher than it's been since oh nine, meaning your ass will be replaced. So, that being said, society realized that we need people who can make a decision, we need people who can contribute, we need people who can grow.

Speaker 1:

So that's why I'm looking for an assistant and I don't wanna lie like. I won't lie to you. I'm not gonna mislead you, I'm not gonna tell you like some shit to make you fucking happy. And you know, tell you it's gonna be easy, cause it's not. Like. I'm probably not the easiest person to work for and you know, some of my employees in the past will probably tell you that Some of them love me, some of them think I was a dick. Like I might have been a dick, but I was usually fair. Like I try to be fair most often, and you know it. Just I just always I don't tell people what they fucking want to hear, because that just makes motherfuckers weak, and then you stay stuck in your fucking bullshit ways and sometimes you just need to be told to do some shit that you don't want to do. So I'm getting all these applications.

Speaker 1:

The other third of people that I'm turning down are wanting too specific, and it's not that I'm trying to be a dick, it's not that I'm trying to hide anything. It's that I don't fucking know. I know, based on the last three months, you're going to make X amount of money. Are you good with that? Okay, you are Step two. Here's what you're going to maybe be doing, plus infinite other things, and these infinite other things aren't fucking ridiculous. I'm not going to have you go get me coffee. I'm not that type of motherfucker. I've said that before in these interviews. You're not going to get me coffee. You're not going to go fucking get my dry clean. That's not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for someone to build with. My wife already works with me, but she does a million other things and she's capped out on what she can do, so I need more help.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, you want this specific fucking plan, but you want to get paid like a fucking human, or you want to get paid to go chase dreams. I don't know what you're going to be doing. What you're asked is going to need to adapt and you're going to occasionally hear I don't fucking know, go learn, go figure it the fuck out. Because I'm also the type of person that's not going to like if I don't know, I'm asking you to do it. I'm not going to ask you to do something that I couldn't do myself. But there are these little tasks like video editing type shit, where I will provide you with all the education and I might not know how to fucking do it because I don't give a shit and it's not worth my time to learn. So if I tell you to do it like I can't teach you fucking everything, I'll give you the tools, I'll pay for the tools.

Speaker 1:

But there are those little itty bitty things that could I do myself. Would I be willing to do myself if someone paid me enough? Absolutely, it's not some degrading bullshit that I would never do myself. I'll never ask you to do that, but it's something that I don't need to fucking learn because I can pay someone to do it Now, it's not you, because you're too fucking entitled to learn. So, that being said, I think that's entitlement. I think that's not being someone who wants to contribute anywhere. That's just someone who wants to breathe, and I'm not looking for a fucking breather. There's enough mouth breathers on earth. There's enough people out there. So I think I got four parts of people that pissing me off, not pissing me off, just like.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, this podcast, I hope, wakes you the fuck up. I'm not going to sit here and be nice. You can go to Google Andy Elliott interview and it's like a video that was released about a year ago or six months ago or something. How to land it's awesome it video on how to fucking interview. It really is, and I know a lot of you are listening to this podcast going.

Speaker 1:

I would never hire you with that attitude. I'm fucking glad you wouldn't, because I'm probably not fucking right for you. I put in the time of doing some shit that I didn't want to do to fucking get ahead in life to make money, to prove that I could fucking actually do it. So my attitude now is, honestly, what I've wanted it to be always, of just doing shit and it's nothing. I'm pissed off, honestly. The only thing I'm pissed off about is that some of you motherfuckers out there are listening to this and you know it's about you, but you're unwilling to change. Yet you're still going to go home and you're going to promise your fucking family that this is going to change. In. 2024 is going to be my fucking year and we're going to finally do this. We're going to finally pay off debt. I'm going to finally take you here. We're going to shut the fuck up with the finally bullshit. It just goes to the fucking grave with you.

Speaker 1:

Go do some shit, but I need to spend fucking eight hours a day with my eight hours at work, eight hours with my family. Eight hours Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. You spend six hours playing fucking Call of Duty, or fucking two playing Call of Duty for playing golf to drinking with your buddy. I've been there. I know I've done it too.

Speaker 1:

Your family doesn't even fucking want to see you eight hours. Your kids do not want to see you eight hours a day. They will get fucking bored of you. They need to go have their own friends. They need to go learn how to fucking cope by themselves. So they don't actually want that and it's actually fucking unhealthy if that's true.

Speaker 1:

If you truly go home and fucking be where your feet are for eight hours and you're fucking with your kids and your wife for eight straight hours like Jesus, fucking Christ, they don't like you that much. Not that they don't love you that much. They don't want you around that much. They want freedom for themselves. No one wants to be fucking bothered that much. So quit telling yourself that bullshit. You need like one or two. You need an hour or two like good, good hours. Like put your fucking phone down, play watch a movie. Like interact, play UNO we play UNO a lot, so do some shit like that and those hours will go way longer than the eight hours. You watch football on Sunday and they're just in the same fucking zip code as you and you say that you're hanging out with them. So if you're not where you want to be, if you're not hitting your promises, like you don't get all this shit, you don't get the fucking freedom, you don't get happiness to fucking fuck off all day. You don't get an eight hour job, you don't get to be lazy, and if you are like, you're failing yourself and you're failing those who count on you. So I'm not looking for people who do that shit.

Speaker 1:

The third, now the third group of people, and this is my generation and this is my fucking parents fault, that this is even a thing, and I don't even know it's not really my parents, because, like, I didn't get this type of bullshit love and I'm so glad I didn't because it ain't love. It's actually hurt. But that everybody gets a trophy shit, the fucking you showed up so you get a trophy. It's okay not to be great, it's okay to just be average, it's okay to even fucking lose because you fucking tried like that, whatever that is, and I know everybody makes fun of my generation for it and I can't fucking figure out what it exactly is, but I see it. I know people that I went to high school with that like aren't doing a gosh-daying thing with their life.

Speaker 1:

And it's funny because, like the parents who were maybe a little bit more aggressive or pushed a little harder or didn't accept bullshit and I'm not talking about you've got to get straight A's, dude those parents fuck their kids up too. Like everyone I know that fucking is killing it got like a 2.3 or less and their parents like kind of gave a shit. They're like, hey, you're grounded for a week. Like, cool, mom, come back to work, that's me, yeah. But so like it was the parents that, like everyone, was a winner just because you showed up for baseball that year, you got a fucking trophy, even if your team lost every fucking game. Like it's okay, you tried really hard, your team fucking sucked, you fucking sucked, everybody fucking sucked, the coach fucking sucked, but it's okay, we showed up.

Speaker 1:

And then, like all of a sudden, that attitude got pushed into politics and it got pushed into society of everyone's motherfucking equal. Now we go back to my first episode. When it comes to things like you know your race, your creed, your religion, your sex, your you know the shit that doesn't like inhibit you from doing anything, yes, you are 100% fucking equal in my book. You should have equal opportunity, you should be given an equal chance. Now, that doesn't mean privileged chance, it means equal chance at everything. And I know we'll never be fucking perfect, but I think we're a hell of a lot better than we have been. The problem is this equal opportunity shit came into, like I said, equal, fucking lazy. And then all of a sudden laziness became a fucking issue or fat nist or like these things that, like you, can actually control in your life and is caused by just lack of discipline, lack of give a fuck, lack of self respect. Like no one was born with the genetics of lack of self respect Just doesn't exist. No one was born with genetics to be lazy.

Speaker 1:

Last I checked every freaking healthy and I want you to think about that word healthy. Two year old is bouncing off the fucking walls, running around asking everyone's fucking questions and then as adults, we fuck them up. We tell them hey, quiet down, you don't need to ask that question. Hey, you've asked me before. They're just trying to fucking learn. You've asked me 14 times be quiet. And I did it too as a parent. I was an idiot. Or you know, you fucking feed your fucking kids McDonald's every day and shit, and you give them burgers and you shut them up with a fucking soda pop and a fucking juice box and they're sucking on a juice box and they're bottle all day. Their teeth rot out and they fucking like. We all know who the fuck I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

But during my generation you weren't allowed to say shit. You just had to be fucking nice. And I'm not saying you should go bully these motherfuckers, but maybe you should fuck the parents up. Maybe you should tell the parents to get a fucking life and quit fucking their kids up. Maybe the doctors shouldn't be like scared to say anything and really be able to face you know, you know express their opinions. Maybe, instead of reporting people for CPS for pushing their kids a little hard, maybe the doctors should report their kid for being CPS because they're eight years old and weigh two hundred and twelve pounds. Maybe we should go there. Maybe we should quit fantasizing about the shit on Jerry Springer and Maury and having these fucking, fat, fucking kids get on TV and make fucking funny reels and shit. Maybe we should quit supporting the big, beautiful fucking movement. I think we have. I think over the last, you know, five years, I think we have.

Speaker 1:

But like I grew up and it was like, oh, because you're fucking fat and you say you're nice, you have to be nice and you know you can't. Like I got fucking suspended one day on Instagram where I got a yes, fucking little ban from Instagram one day because we had like abdominal abdominals and a fucking thick picture and that was like body dysmorphia, discrimination or some dumb bullshit like that. This was about a year and a half, two years ago and I went what the fuck? I see fat fucking people all day on Instagram like with their shit out, like it's not okay, it's not fucking okay. And you know, if you don't have kids, if you don't milk the government, if you're not on socialized medicine, if you're not like on Obamacare, if you just like, if you contribute away and like you don't milk the system, and you're okay being fat till you die, and like you know, maybe after the third time going to the doctor and be like, yeah, you're getting fucking fatter, like you have to sign something that says like I will not take government health care and this and that, and you continue to eat like a fucking pig and like no one rely, like whatever, fucking I'm sorry you're gonna die of a heart attack or heart disease or fucking a million other things that you know, whatever, and if shit goes down, you ain't gonna be able to do shit like go fuck, go fuck off, I don't care.

Speaker 1:

But here's the thing. Let's be real and, men, I'm gonna talk to you because I'm a fucking man and I believe in. You're a protector, you're a fucking leader. If you're 400 fucking pounds and something ever happens to you and your family that you've got a fucking fight to protect them, do you think you can do a damn thing? No, you're gonna fucking fail them. Your 13 year old fucking daughter could probably and hopefully you haven't made her a fat fuck too, but I'm talking honey boo boo style but hopefully, like you, haven't broken them so much that they can't protect the family. But I guarantee you you're.

Speaker 1:

You're a disgrace and I don't care how much income you make, I don't care what you do. You're a disgrace to society. You're a disgrace because you can't do shit and you're failing your position as a leader and as someone who is a supporter and a fighter and honestly, by men I mean women or men who take that role in life. I really do, because there's some badass fucking women out there and then there's some useless fucking women out there, runch moms. But my society said that was okay. My generation I shouldn't say said that was okay. So they get a trophy too.

Speaker 1:

We're gonna, you know, make them millionaires on the internet by saying, Ah, this is funny and they shouldn't be like that, but we can't say they don't want to be like that. So we're just going to share this reel and you know, see this like 350 pound 12 year old girl. But you know what fucking reel I'm talking about? Fucking the 18 pack neck, and not pack neck, but the 18 roll neck, like she got more rolls in a fucking Christmas dinner and we supported that shit because we couldn't be mean, we couldn't say what we wanted. We had to do this shit. And then, you know, we made it okay to lose.

Speaker 1:

And then we started telling people hey, if you're a fucking loser, if you don't fit into mainstream, if you're not, you know, taking care of yourself, if you're not disciplined, it's okay, there will be an opportunity in life for you. So this is actually the number one thing that I'm struggling with when finding someone to help is, I get a lot of people who are like they're like fucking, there's so many DMs and shit. But the DM they literally tell me all the things they've lost and they've been waiting for an opportunity like this. And I go back to one of two things. One question. One is do you know who the fuck we are or what we do. Well, yeah, I see you on the internet. Okay, what does that mean to you? Well, you guys seem positive, we'll fuck you up. You think it's fucking easy. And the other thing I see is, you know, is like, do you watch my fucking content? Like, I mean Andy's, andy's, andy, but I'm pretty raw with my content too, especially this new podcast.

Speaker 1:

Like, if this is all out and this will be episode four, I think I think I'm going to require, if, like, I can't find someone, I'm going to require motherfucker to sit through all like four, five, six, 26 of my episodes and say, hey, you still want to do the shit, and if they do like, oh cool, I need to co-host too. So you're going to be doing the podcast with me. But it's like, do you think, do you think out of any of the shit I say on Reels, any of the like shit? Like, do you think I'm just like talking shit online to like it's just 100% exposure thing and it's fake? No, I won't say some fake shit Now. I'll call the motherfucker out for exposure, something like shit that I probably could just not say and hold to my own thoughts.

Speaker 1:

But I'm trying to, you know, build my fucking algorithm. I'm sorry to say it. Like you got to say some shit to you. Know, if you're not doing anything in social media or in the world, that's like getting a little bit of controversy. You ain't doing enough. Because if you agree with like one tenth of what I say and you ain't pissing someone off, like you don't agree with shit that I'm saying because everything's a freaking mess, so you've got to be doing something to stir the fucking pot. So I'll share shit like that online just to stir the pot. But it's not that I don't believe it, it's just that I don't fucking always want to say it Like I sometimes I used to be the person that never said anything.

Speaker 1:

I never talked about my opinion. I never would fucking tell you you're a fucking pussy. I never told you you're fucking your kids up and I'm not going to go out of my way and start, you know, ragging on people. That's not me. But I've also decided I'm not going to sit back. Like you come over to my house, you call me, you want to have a conversation. You DM me like you're getting fucking raw me. I ain't fucking hiding it anymore. Like if you want to be around me, we're fucking rolling together. We ain't rolling at all.

Speaker 1:

So, yeah, I'm getting all these people that, like their entire freaking three paragraph like resume is like, yeah, it's like you. Just you're telling me all the things you've lost and you don't even tell me how you've overcome them. You just lost here, lost here, lost here, lost here. But I've been waiting for someone to just give me an opportunity where I can win, like what the fuck makes you think in your pussy, in your mmm, yep, that's it, bitch ass position. You think you're going to freaking win at a high level and you're going to win with and I'm not a tyrant, like I'm actually relatively nice, kind of, but I'm just straight to the fucking point and you explained to me how your last boss was a dick and this and that, and you failed four times at this position and it's because everyone didn't give you an opportunity and you know you're worth more. Like, maybe it's not fucking everybody else in society, maybe it's fucking you.

Speaker 1:

That's number three and, honestly, that's probably one of the most rough ones I deal with because, like I said, I'm not going around destroying the Internet, I'm not chasing people. I hate people. Like most people, I read it, I sit for an hour and go. I can't respond to that just yet because my response would be Shut the fuck up and get a fucking real job and prove to yourself that you could fucking do something. But I can't do that because that's not constructive, because I also understand that, growing up in my weak ass society, that we can't hear words like that out of the gate. And if I truly, truly, truly actually give a fuck about people, I have to be a mentor. I have to be someone who goes out there and says and I mean there's literally a voice text on my phone right now that says the same thing. It's like hey, man, look, I'm looking for something a little bit different.

Speaker 1:

And, by the way, I just wanna give you some constructive criticism here. One never, ever start out with anything. With all your losses and I completely understand life's not been fair. Life is tough. I've been through the same shit, dude. And here's one thing I'm gonna tell you man, quit telling yourself that, quit making that your story and go out there and find what you wanna fucking do and actually start pursuing it. And here's the thing it's not always gonna be what you wanna do from day one, but if you wanna get to the point where what you wanna do is a reality. You're gonna have to do a lot of shit that you don't wanna do. The whole fucking idea behind. If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life or fucking. If it's not your dream, go chase your fucking dream. Look, look, look.

Speaker 1:

And I'm pretty sure 80%, 90%, maybe even 99% of men that are listening to this shit right now, and women, you have your own version of this. That men, we wanted to play in the NFL, the NHL, the MLB, the NBA or we wanted, like I don't know, some UFC or some shit. But we all had this like testosterone built up, fucking like we wanted to do some badass, motherfucking shit. Well, guess what, when I graduated high school, I fucked off too much. I was six foot, I was 165 pounds. I didn't fucking try hard enough to get in the NFL. I wasn't hitting the weights hard enough, wasn't even like maybe, maybe, maybe, if I really tried, could have like walked on it at a D3 school for football. I wasn't walking on it, no, d1 school. I wasn't even fucking. No one was looking at me, because it's not like I had the size I think. I honestly had the natural ability, not natural ability, but I think I had the enough talent that if I pushed myself and I did the extra reps I could have gotten there. But I was lazy, I didn't see it. So I just the NFL wasn't my dream and by the time I started to wake up I'm 26 years old, you know, fucking two kids, wife. Like I had to make real income. Like I just I'm not gonna go play professional sports at that point. So I had to drop that dream. But what I did know I wanted to do is I wanted to fucking win, because you know people that make the NFL, they're the 1% of the 1%. So I knew I wanted to win.

Speaker 1:

The one thing I learned in the military is I really wanted to serve others and help people grow, and I knew that. Like I knew how to lead soldiers, but like no one was gonna. Like I didn't wanna join a militia. I'm not that fucking crazy. Like okay, I am, I just haven't found the right militia. But I wasn't gonna go start some fucking militia or some bullshit and lead a bunch of civilians for tactical training and blah, blah, blah. Like like I got some buddies that I really trusted I'll run some shit with. But like I'm not leading a bunch of fucking 450 pound fucking rednecks in the backwoods of MAMA fucking telling them they're gonna overthrow the government. Like what the fuck are you gonna do? Like Burger King is gonna burn down and you gonna be fucked. You ain't gonna go anywhere. So shut the fuck up. If you wanna tell me you're gonna overthrow the government and protect us from tyranny and all that shit, you better be fucking fit. Just saying so. I'm not gonna go lead that dumb bullshit.

Speaker 1:

So I knew I wanted to help people. I knew I wanted to like do something where I could grow beyond the average, you know income and in the rest of life. And I knew I didn't have a college degree. So I had to go get into sales. Like it's just common, motherfucking sense. So I go start selling cars. Do you think I love selling cars every day? Fuck, no, hated it. Like like I did, it wasn't a fan every day.

Speaker 1:

And then I liked working with people, but trying to find people to work with the days that it was just dead, you know, like it wasn't always the most cool place. Sometimes your managers were just a straight dick, and I was too as a manager from time to time. Trust me, I get it. I ain't judging. I was there. I didn't fucking love every day of it, but I knew if I tried I would have an opportunity. And I didn't even know where that opportunity would lead to. But I knew, if I kept doing like little things that got me closer and closer where I wanted to be, eventually what I wanted to do would happen. And about three years ago it fucking started to happen. Got the fuck out of Oregon, got into the coaching space, mentorship space, and really started to work on myself so I could work on others and I did a lot during that period that I'm not, you know, didn't fucking love doing, but it got me to where I was and to the person you know, person number three who is listening to this quit waiting for your dream to come to you, because it's not gonna come to you if you don't start taking a step toward it.

Speaker 1:

If you want to be a multimedia fucking dude, if you wanna be a videographer and you've never picked up a camera, you've never touched a professional camera, but they're like 800 fucking dollars I know that's a lot of fucking money for someone who doesn't have 50 names to their you know, 50 bucks to their bank account. But here's the thing if you want it hard enough, I guarantee you. Go mow lawns for two months in a row on the weekends, on your fucking two days off, from your nine to five, monday through Friday. Go mow fucking lawns for two days a weekend at 50 bucks a lawn, or 20 bucks a lawn if you can't fucking close. And after you know two to four months, go buy your fucking camera and then go mow lawns for another freaking two to four months and then go buy your Final Cut Pro software, whatever you need to do video editing. And then you know, go do it for another fucking two to four months and tear up well, you're doing this.

Speaker 1:

Tear up all the free YouTube content you can on videography I think that's a word and then go buy like some professional videography course or go to some convention or go to some like educational type thing that someone who has done what you wanna do is actually teaching. So don't go to fucking some stupid fucking college course on taking pictures by some professor that took a picture of a bird one day, like there's no fucking college requirement to have a fucking camera. I just wanna fucking help everyone on that. So don't go see that person. Go see the person that makes art that looks the same way that you envision your art doing. Go, you know, take a course that teaches you how to do that shit Like if that's your dream. Take the steps that you need to get there.

Speaker 1:

Now, when you're busing tables at fucking you know, olive garden, yeah, bring me some more breadsticks. I like Zupa Tuscana. Keep the shit full Like you. Dunk the shit. It's super delicious. But go to olive garden and have a big old fucking smile. Make me feel good and I promise you I'll tip you more. And then, when you don't have to work your shifts I know you're gonna be tired, I know you're not gonna want to Go Mollons, go wash glass, go. If you can buy a $150 pressure washer, clean fucking cars, do whatever it takes to get it. Do whatever it takes to get it. And if you tell me, well, my time's more valuable than that, well then go, fucking get your time. But if you can't get someone to pay you $50 to mow the lawn, then you say hey, I'll do it for fucking 30. And if they say no, you say hey, I'll do it for 20. I know understanding you're worth, but after four fucking houses. If you can't close at 20, you better go to fucking 10 and mow a motherfucker's lawn and then go right back to the neighbor. Hey, I just did theirs for 30. I'm gonna do you the same thing since I'm in here. I'm gonna do it for 20, like I said, look how fucking good. Yeah, it looks good, doesn't it? I just taught you a close on how to do this shit.

Speaker 1:

People Quit fucking choosing to remain broke, quit choosing to remain where you are and choose to go get a winner too. Now, on this way to a winner too, you're gonna have a hundred fucking losses. I get it. It ain't fucking easy, it ain't fucking fun, but settling on your dreams and not achieving anything in life is really not fucking fun. So, person three, what I'm telling you is not everyone's a fucking winner. Not actually. As a matter of fact, 90 plus percent, maybe 99% of people are not fucking winners.

Speaker 1:

Like, think about who you think when I say winning. Who do you think about? You think about guys Seth Curry, tom Brady, oj Simpson oh sorry, not OJ, but OJ was a fucking winner in a few plings. Ha a shadow band for that one like a motherfucker. But you think of people like Michael Jordan, kobe Bryant, like people who just fucking won over and over and over again. They did not get there by not doing a bunch of shit they didn't want. I mean, michael Jordan didn't even make his fucking high school basketball team at first. He had to go back and next year and fucking try again. And he didn't even start right away. He just kept putting in the reps. He showed up early. Kobe Bryant would show up before practice to fucking practice.

Speaker 1:

Like most of you motherfuckers, when it comes down to practicing, you don't even show the fuck up. You talk yourself out of it and then you expect to be able to like close more deals and do bigger business, and you haven't done a fricking thing to get there. And person three, I'm telling you you are a winner, but you don't know how to win. It's not okay to be a fucking loser. And start telling yourself that and don't get fucking depressed over it, because everyone's a fucking loser and, honestly, the biggest winners are the people that can lose the fucking most and still figure out how to win. So everybody's a fucking loser. And the more you lose and the more you quit you don't quit you'll get the bigger wins. But overall, if you wanna put everyone's like win-loss ratio of life up there, I don't give a fuck.

Speaker 1:

If you're Elon Musk, bill Gates, you know those type of people. Freaking Jeff Bezos, I guarantee you, and I'll bet my entire life savings, which for them it ain't gonna be shit. But if they wanna take my bet, I wouldn't mind doubling it. Um, I guarantee you they've lost more than they've won. But they also know what it feels like to win and they also know how to go get a win. Occasionally, I guarantee you people like Tom Brady have lost more, even though their NFL record doesn't show it. I guarantee you they've lost more than they've won. I guarantee you, in practice they put in reps over and over again. That didn't go how they wanted. The snap of the ball wasn't perfect, each play wasn't perfect. They just knew how to fucking get past the wins. So much, I guarantee you, every NFL game they played in, there were more minute losses in that game than wins.

Speaker 1:

Someone stepping just outside the pocket, someone stepping off with the wrong foot, someone stepping three inches too fucking far. You know wide receiver fucking taking the wrong cut step. You know, like those little things that you don't see because it doesn't actually affect the game, affect the game, but they know how to get by those little things. They know how to like. You know they check down to a receiver. He's wide open and then in the side of their eye they see and they move forward and they don't see the one like little things like that. They know how to get by and they don't let it affect him. So the biggest winners in this world lose more than anyone, but they don't let it slow him down.

Speaker 1:

So it's okay to be a fucking loser, it's okay to not get the trophy, but you have to go occasionally fucking find that motherfucker. You ain't gonna get it every time, but you got to go get it. So, person three that you know, I hope to. I hope this helps you build. Go out there and fucking win and be okay losing and be okay being a loser, but don't not do anything about your losing position. Don't go out there and blame everybody else, because you can't fix anybody but yourself. And go find a win for yourself and you're going to have to do some shit you don't want to do.

Speaker 1:

So I had a person for and honestly I don't even remember what it is. It came to me. I didn't write this podcast down, this is literally the top of my head. I didn't even pick up my phone to go like scroll through my post right now. I just started talking and I had a person for a minute ago and I don't really remember what it was and it's probably not that important, but I want to tell you here's.

Speaker 1:

Here's really what I'm looking for. I'm looking for someone who's yes lost a few times. I hope you've gotten your ass kicked. I'm not looking for the Yale preparatory student who mommy and daddy paid for college and gave him a you know $5,000 stipend to fucking spend every month and they, you know, were on the what is that little boat thing crew team and you know they bribed half their way through the school and, you know, didn't really do shit. And then they go work for daddy's fucking law firm for fucking four years before they get into politics and quadruple their net worth. How do you do that in politics? Different episode I got. I'm not looking for that motherfucker.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, I'd rather have the fucking heroin addict that was a fucking dopey fucking five years ago and has been sober, than I'd rather have the alcoholic who maybe got a divorce, has been through a couple banker up seas but is like just tired, like sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'd rather have the 19, 20 year old who, you know maybe, decided like they saw their parents struggle and they decided to fucking go sell something and by the time they were 19 years old, they were making more than their parents combined. And like just still living at home getting the shit kicked out of them, like supporting their fucking deadbeat parents. Like the person who didn't let like what was supposed to happen to him happened to him. Like I want the person who's gotten their fucking face kicked in and honestly, that wasn't me.

Speaker 1:

When I was 19, like I'm glad I did the military thing because I got my fucking face kicked in. I had a really good mom who took care of me even though shit wasn't perfect the entire way through, like fucking stepped up when she had to and then later on in my life, you know my dad came in and, you know, got me back on fucking track and you know there's definitely some good the shit that happened in my life. But I really just need to get my face kicked in the military and realize like, hey, I am a bitch welcome. So I'm looking for the person who's done, fucked up some shit, not looking for perfect. And I'm also looking for the person that just wants to fucking opportunity, that wants to fit, that wants to be part of something that they could really grow and they can contribute to, that really wants to change someone's life and doesn't expect anything in return.

Speaker 1:

Now, when I say that, don't worry, I fucking looking for a slave we ain't talking that shit but doesn't expect anything that they haven't earned and is fucking hungry and wants more and wants to grow and wants to be part of a team and wants to fill valued and wants like their name somewhere in life and wants to change their outcome and wants to actually hit their goals and is willing to fucking learn and is willing to grow and doesn't say I can't do that. So you know, if I'm still looking for this podcast out, there's your fucking. You know, there's your fucking interview notes. Write them down, because I'm just looking for a motherfucker willing to listen, willing to learn and willing to adapt. That shit wasn't safe for society, but that shit was safe for motherfuckers wanting to win. We'll see you soon.

People on this episode