Jonathan Roberts Not Safe for Society

E3 Not Safe for Society : Haters gonna hate / Why the hate/ Save the haters for your brand

Jonathan Roberts Season 1 Episode 3

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Emerging from my social media sabbatical, I was greeted not just with a warm embrace but a barrage of unexpected criticism. It's a wild ride, the more I bared my authentic self, the more the haters piled on—yet, here's the kicker, their envy-fueled antagonism played right into my hands, boosting my online presence and solidifying my brand. Together, we'll dissect the psyche behind these digital detractors and how their animosity can become the unlikely catalyst for your growth. Buckle up for real-life anecdotes and my battle-tested tactics that will transform every shred of negativity into a stepping stone for success.

Then, we take a hard look at the bigger picture, questioning society's unending pursuit of happiness and the pitfalls of pushing equality to the brink. I'll share my controversial stance on why emotional diversity is vital and why personal responsibility should take center stage in our lives. We'll unpack the disillusionment that plagues those who followed the 'expected' path only to meet dissatisfaction, and why a growing segment of society is pushing back against these perceived systemic failures. No sugar-coating, just raw reflections on the need for a societal shift and how embracing our genuine selves is paramount in the digital age.

Speaker 1:

All right, on the next episode of Not Safe for Society. This episode isn't going to be out there to say a bunch of offensive stuff or just speak my mind. This episode is actually really going to help people who are trying to blow up and blow up online because bullies are mean. I'm just kidding. I don't really give a shit about bullies. I've never been like a super-duper bully or whatever the stereotypical bully was. I've probably not always been nice. There's someone that was out there that said I bullied them. But realistically, in my generation of society, the kids that were bullied and stuff now own everybody. So I don't know, something might have worked. But what is the modern-day, early 90s, late 80s bully? We call them haters. They're the ones online trying to destroy the entire universe. One frickin' basement at a time. One internet connection at a time.

Speaker 1:

What's funny is I've started really going hard on social media again because I kind of took a little pause to it. Not because there were a bunch of reasons, but honestly I just got super, super busy and had to do some things, kind of fell off social media there because I was not really going a different way, but going a different way. Anyways, magic, magic, math, math. I kind of fell off social media for about 90 days, probably kicked my ass, probably cost me a lot of money. That was dumb for me, anyways. So for the last 30, I've really been picking it up with the new podcast with just a bunch of stupid shit that I write. Some of it I'm just trying to get engagement again, dropping content every day as far as speeches I've done, training ends I've done, just really getting in front of everybody to get my name out there again. Here's something that I personally never experienced the first time. I did pretty well on social media, just to give you an idea of what power social media has my last time posted on social media because I know a lot of people are going to be like man, you don't do shit on social media.

Speaker 1:

You don't have that many followers, isn't that? Well, let me tell you this I've done one post before and two hours after that put up $20,000 of revenue off of one post in a couple hours. So my shit kind of fucking works. But I fell off of it for a while.

Speaker 1:

Before I had fallen off of it, I had never really experienced haters. I don't really have too many people in this world that I've fucked over and given reason to truly, truly hate me. I've done dumb shit before. I've done this. I've done that. It's not always smart, but I've never really just straight intentionally screwed someone over. So I don't expect too many haters.

Speaker 1:

So I kind of always just figured that's why I didn't have any haters. But I was wrong. The reason I didn't have any haters is because I wasn't doing big enough shit, I wasn't going hard enough and you know dry into freaking. You know do anything. I was just kind of giving out general content. And this next time I'm just being my freaking self. I'm not really filtering anything, I'm just kind of posting whatever's on my mind and, oh my gosh, the haters are coming in hard. And it's freaking awesome because I've really learned to leverage them and I love every one of them.

Speaker 1:

But at the same time I was thinking. I was thinking earlier today like I made a post about haters and it said something about, like social media facts 100% of your haters have not achieved anything in life. And I believe that because occasionally I get bored, occasionally I have an extra 20 seconds and I'm like let's click on this person's profile, like who is this person that hates me so much for just saying random ass shit, not random ass shit. I mean, honestly, half my haters are bitching because I'm telling them how to make more money or I'm telling them how to just be happier. I'm, you know, giving them little tips and tools that I've used to, you know, be semi successful in life, and that's where most of them come from. So it doesn't make sense to me why you got to hate, because anytime someone me personally, this is just my attitude anytime someone who's done a little bit better than me and something that I want to be doing, I'm like hey, it's time to shut the fuck up and listen, because maybe I'll learn something. But haters are not like that. Haters want to tear you down. Haters, you know, want to just give you shit, but all they really do is become your number one fan.

Speaker 1:

Because let's talk about social media for a second. Like, how does Facebook work? Well, we used to. I mean not, we used to, but like, one of the biggest fears of social media is oh my gosh, what are all my people's going to think? What are my family going to think? Like, what are my friends going to think? Are they going to think I'm changing or trying to do this cool shit.

Speaker 1:

Well, here's the cool thing about social media Like those people, if they don't actually support you, one fuck them too. Like, if they don't look at your shit, watch your shit, comment on your shit, share your shit guess what? They ain't going to see your fucking shit, so quit bitching about them because they ain't your target audience. So that's just normal people that don't want to see anything about you or don't care what you're doing. Okay, they're not going to see it. Facebook meta whoever ain't going to show it to them. But then we get this class of people that typically don't even know who we are and we call them the haters. Now, the haters really feed the machine. Like, honestly, I don't even know real statistics because I don't care that much, and I wish Zuckerberg one day maybe I'll have the opportunity to you know, interview him and I'm a first question what percentage of people on Facebook and Instagram are haters? And he'll have to tell me, and it's probably something like 30, 40%.

Speaker 1:

I just really think people that don't actually contribute anything to society, like Frisela says, breakfast moms and fucking deadbeat dads and shit who don't do anything, and not dads in general, but just, you know, males and females that have a house that are over the age of. Let's say I'm going to give him 25, because Obamacare gave him 25 to have free, fucking bullshit insurance on mommy and daddy's plan. So let's just say 25. Like, if you're not paying a significant amount of taxes, if you're not like doing anything worth value to the world, if you don't like not get it, like I say, breakfast or brunch, moms is what I meant to say. You know, if you are a stay at home mom, you raise a family and this, by all means, like, I respect the hell out of that. But if you just like don't do anything, you don't have kids, you hang out at home all day and you go eat brunch, like who the fuck has time for brunch? Just someone, answer me that. But those people like y'all cool, keep doing stuff. Just could you know, try to contribute to society a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

But let's go back to, you know, the class of society of people who are the haters. So what happened? There's, like this group of people that are out there and they're surfing the interwebs and they're going through Facebook, they're watching reels and they're just hating on everybody and like, like I said, none of them are doing better than you are. Like, if they hate on you and you know, give you shit for fat, they're usually fucking fatter. If they hate on you because of your success, they're usually fucking broke.

Speaker 1:

Like I love the ones that are like hey, dude, because I wear, you know, tight jeans quite a bit when I'm on stage or doing this, because I think I'm fucking awesome and I, you know, it's what I've worn since I was in high school and that's just a style. And like the loose jeans are freaking weird to me. That loose, fitting clothing is just an acceptance of society to be Like overweight and hide it, which I'm not cool with. So, like, don't do that shit, but it's not my style either. So, whatever. So I wear, you know, tighter, form-fitting clothing and I can afford shit that fits, like, you know, semi-custom made.

Speaker 1:

So I get a lot of comments like one of my favorite is like oh, nice jeans, dude. I'm like, yeah, dude, like are you zooming in a little too much? Like what? What are you seeing, dude? That's cool man. Well, realistically, it's like dude, your jeans are too tight this and that. And I'm like yeah, you fucking bank accounts too tight and your trailers too tight. And Go back bitch. Like I've never actually had a comment that I've gone back and 90% of this is like tick tock.

Speaker 1:

Tick tock is the worst for haters and usually it's user 27321, 654321, that like doesn't even actually, you know, have the balls to put their name out there. But I've never actually, on the few that you know, has a profile actually been able to click one and and like identify nine, nine times out of ten. I don't even know like who the fuck you are, what you do, because it's just some big Profile, because you get off on this shit. But the one out of ten times where it's like your real thing, like dude, like I'm sorry man, I'm sorry society's kicked your ass and I'm gonna, I'm gonna get because I want to give value on this post and I don't just want to rip on haters because that makes me a hater, but I want to help haters fix and I want to give you what I think in theory has created the modern-day hater and how we could actually fix it and what can actually happen. So I'm gonna cover that by the end of this but like I've never actually seen anyone who's in that stereotypical Hater idea like doing anything in life. So not get the fuck off or wake the fuck up, but there's a theory to that, so I'll get to it.

Speaker 1:

The second portion is is like I Don't. I don't get any of it. Like, how does being happy and how does Succeeding like make someone else so fucking pissed off? Like literally, these, the same freakin people are wasting every extra minute of their life Not doing anything productive to you know, watch the NFL, watch college football, watch the NBA during that season and watch baseball and like watch everybody else, like grow and live their life and They'll, frickin, you know, spend 50% of their frickin income to go to one football game a year, drink some beer and Maybe watch Travis Kelsey can catch a touchdown if they're lucky. Like what freakin sense does that make? And then you go back to hating. So I don't get it.

Speaker 1:

But let me tell you the positive of haters. Haters are actually your number one fan. I know curveball. So the first thing I want everyone to know is one haters haven't done shit that you're trying to do. Anyone who has made a million or anyone who is hating on you for trying to be successful, make a bunch of money. You know doesn't have a fucking ton of money, like the people that do have a fuck ton of money. You're have done what you want. One, they're too busy to even pay attention to you. And two, like they get it. They've done shit. They've been there, they've done the things that like they weren't good at and they got out there and they did it over and over again till they Get good. So they, they see it, they understand why you're sucking ass it. You know, doing a social media poster, go in live or writing funny shit on social media, they get it.

Speaker 1:

The second portion is that they like no one actually cares. But here's the cool thing like when the haters come out with the comments, like you just hit them, like. So me personally, I like to talk just a little bit of shit so I can keep the conversation going for a minute or two, because all they're doing is helping me get more and more exposure. Yeah, haters are my number one fans and I'll let them hate and hate and hate, as long as don't get derogatory. If it gets derogatory or stupid, then I'm gonna cut it off. But like you can give me shit, I don't care. I'm confident in like my fucking badass house, with driving to work, my badass car and being able to actually have the balls to put my name on social media and do something like I'm dude. Obviously I don't give a fuck.

Speaker 1:

But when user 232143879 decides to come in and chime in with his stupid fucking opinion, that really doesn't matter and no one cares about, because he doesn't have the balls to say that he's a real fucking human or at least you know, talk about who he is like. Anyways, when that guy comes in and chimes in and Talks some stupid shit, I'm just like okay, cool, let's have a conversation in the comments. And thank you so much. You know more people are gonna see my stuff. Thank you, dude. Thank you. And guess what? Now, since you comment on my stuff, the more and more I post, the more and more you're gonna see it.

Speaker 1:

For example, just had one and this came in at a perfect time because I'm sitting here dicking around, because I'm like oh yeah, this guy was talking shit too earlier. Yeah, he's gonna see it and whatever, and this is gonna go right for this. So, and I'm not talking shit, I'm just giving him love. So this guy hits me up, you know, three hours ago. This is a tick tock, I take talk is the most toxic. I love it and I don't remember what the hell we're talking about, but you know, one of uh, one of my comments was sorry, I misunderstood something. Did you want to come get a lift in, or did you want to come do an event yourself? Or, dude, are you just talking like? What's going on? Bro's putting words in my mouth? I'm like I don't even know what that means. You meant, you moron, um, and then he hits me. Well then, actually hit him with okay, or here it is. Oh, okay, keep loving, see you soon.

Speaker 1:

On my next reel I Forgot a period, so I am sorry, grammar, bad, whatever. And His next thing this is about what we got 10, 10 back and forth. Sir, lovely he goes. You were on my FYP for you page. Doubt I'll see your vids Again's again spelt wrong like how'd you fuck that one up? Uh, keep trying to be an Elliot, though. Hmm, hmm, you're not. Oh, okay. So this fucking loser who doesn't want to come play with us and Doesn't think he's gonna see me again, but he just had this huge conversation with me again. So I'm gonna be coming back and forth on his for you page for the foreseeable future Until until his hate can separate from me and hopefully he reaches out, hopefully he steps away or steps in and, like, decides to change his little bitch-ass attitude because it ain't fucking worth it. It's not fucking worth it and here's. Here's where I'm going with this. Let's, let's solve a problem today and let's quit hating. So I have a theory. I have a theory. This is how the hater was created.

Speaker 1:

So I Was born in 1988. I'm 35 years old as of today's date. I was, I think, late middle school or, sorry, late elementary school, early middle school, maybe early early elementary school, or you know, I could look it up, I don't give a shit. But at some point in time in my early life the Commercialization of the internet hit, or like where everybody had the opportunity to get you know the dial up days, the fucking 288k modems and 56 fours, and I think I'm probably making some shit out, but I'm relatively close. Whatever they were.

Speaker 1:

We had a dial into the internet came in and I Like we grew up with it. But we also grew up with like, being boys and I remember having you know my brothers and shit, like what we would do, as we would just talk shit all day because it was fun. We would smile, we would laugh and you know, when someone was wrong or got out of line, we'd whoop each other's ass and it didn't really matter who was right or wrong. It was like whoever won the fight was fucking right. Because that's just like how life works, literally. For anyone who doesn't think the human, humans or animals or fucking animals you dipshit. And I'm not saying go out and fuck everybody up and fight all the time, but I'm also saying an ass beating teaches you to run your fucking mouth and you know, you start thinking about shit a little bit more.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, so that's just what, like, my society or my childhood grew up on, and then, all of a sudden, the internet came out. Now I was probably in middle school where, like aol, a im, you know, that type of shit like instant messaging came about. I was Just graduating high school when Facebook came about and there was this thing called my space before that. So high school was my space and then Facebook was the end of my high school thing, because I used to have one of those I, you know, dot, edu, education or a university, only Facebook's accounts, one of the oh gee, counts. So that's where I grew up. So we had to learn to take our I don't know built up testosterone from the streets to bring them online. Because you know you got a stunt. You got to fucking show people who the fuck you're. You got to show people who the fuck you are.

Speaker 1:

And the other problem was is my generation was also the generation of everybody gets a fucking trophy and, in theory, communism I guess sounds cool, but you know, like unicorns and fucking utopia and like all that shit sound cool too, but it just doesn't really exist. So we start getting in this generation where everyone tells us we can be whoever the fuck we want, we can do whatever the fuck we want. We just need to be happy with whatever is going on in our life. As long as we be happy, we're gonna be good. And then you had this like big, beautiful bullshit that fucking came out and you know it was okay If you were living in poverty as long as you were happy. It was okay to be 450 pounds as long as you were fucking beautiful on the inside. I fucking get it like you would still be a nice person and be, you know, hugely overweight.

Speaker 1:

The problem becomes no doctor agrees with that bullshit and, honestly, like no normal human fucking agrees with any of that bullshit either, like we're the only animal and it's, you know, part of our frontal cortex and the ability to fucking come up, like we're supposed to have the ability to reason, but the ability reason actually gave us the ability to be a like a self-induced fucking idiot too. So it's a fucking double-edged sword. So we start reason with ourselves and we're like, well, what if we just try to be happy all the time and like we get all fucking jacked up and on and at a presence and we're happy, happy, happy, happy. Like do you ain't supposed to be fucking happy all the time? Like you're supposed to be pissed off a little bit, you're supposed to be sad, you're supposed to have fucking emotion. That's how humans are.

Speaker 1:

But my generation decided everybody needs to be happy at all fucking times. And we no longer won, we no longer fucking lost, we no longer were better or weaker or stronger or like you know, like everyone was supposed to be fucking equal and what it like where this all stemmed from is, you know. You know, obviously we've had issues in the past racism, sexism, like you know, equal opportunity, like all that shit's fucking fine and dandy, but we took it too fucking far, we took it to the point of Stupid, where you know, we had like not, it wasn't just racist, it was lazyism, like oh, if you were lazy, you were still supposed to have an opportunity. The fuck are you talking about? If you didn't want to go to the gym, if you don't want to take care of your body, if you don't want to eat, right, you were the fucking equal, you were the same and it didn't even make any fucking sense. And we were just told that we have to accept it. We were told that we have to be part of it. We were told that we have to do this, have to do that, and then the problem became we were all fucking confused and then, all of a sudden, there was a handful of people in my generation that said this is fucking stupid, typically the people who didn't do well in school, because the people that did well in school Followed the system. They said, yep, that's what we're supposed to do. That's what we're gonna keep doing. Yes, yes, yes, because Fucking elementary school.

Speaker 1:

By the way, parents, parents and I'll do episode on this parents but if you, if, if you're a parent and you have children, which would make you a parent and you rely on public education to be the sole provider of education for your kids. You're a fucking idiot and your kids are gonna grow up fucked up. Why? Because it's the same as fucking prison. Like, do you want your kids to be in prison? Is that where they should get their education? Because it's the same damn thing. Because, let me think about this here's how you become a teacher and teachers. I'm not ragging on you, I'm just being fucking real and we need to look at it. We need to change it. But here is the life of a teacher as an educator, is you go to grammar school, then you go to middle school, then you go to high school and then you go to college and, depending on what state, you might even have to have a fucking master's degree to teach fucking elementary school.

Speaker 1:

So the problem with that lies is you go to school, school, school for 25 years and then you go back to fucking school and teach people in school and you've never actually experienced a thing of real fucking life. Now I understand I'm not a complete idiot that I understand that people who have done things in real life, like our government doesn't want to afford them the ability to go teach. They don't want to pay them. It's not worth it, it doesn't make sense. But the second problem becomes is an institutionalized system and you can only teach off of the institutionalized system. You can only teach what you know in life and in reality you haven't done shit. Your history teacher has never gone out and probably done a fucking, been fucking all over the world and looked at World War II things and studied from scholars and shit. They just read a fucking book like they're telling you to do. Like, honestly, we should just go to all online and then tell parents it's slightly their responsibility to take care of the kids. Anyways, that's my view on school.

Speaker 1:

So you get these kids like myself that we went to school, we were told that we had to be good, we were told that we had to be part of the society and then 80% of us just fit in. We went to college or tried to go to college and we went to the unions, we went and did this, we went and did that and then there's that 20% there like fuck, that that's fucking retarded. Typically started late middle school and they didn't just really fit in, they didn't really buy the bullshit and they got out of that shit. Well, the other portion we go back to the 80% of people who bought into the bullshit. Well, some of those people escaped the fucking matrix. Yeah, they kind of came out of the matrix a little bit, but they were lost. So they ended up like getting told that they have to love everyone, that they're equal, that they're this and that, and then they go like 10 years down the road. So now they're 30 to 35 years old and they're going.

Speaker 1:

My fucking life sucks, dude. I thought I was just supposed to be happy doing nothing working at McDonald's, bro, and they moved out for a year and then they moved back into their parents' fucking basement and mommy and daddy still subsidize their fucking Wi-Fi and they're down there just hating on motherfuckers. Ah see, they're just hating on motherfuckers on the internet and it's not their fault. It really isn't their fault. And this is where I have double edged or double views on it, because this other guy just told me I wasn't part of the other group and I'm very confusing, like I don't. Maybe Andy should tell me not you, but whatever, don't give a fuck.

Speaker 1:

But these kids are confused and they think like they think, like their power is built in trying to tear down other people and what would happen if they woke up and maybe someone told them that, hey, you can do this. You can actually go live your dreams. You can move out of mommy and daddy's basement and empower them to do it. What if they took the hate and anger and energy they used to try to surf the web and just put stupid fucking comments on the internet and actually learned a fucking skill that they can contribute to society? What if someone told them 10 years ago that they were a fucking pussy and needed to go get a better job than fucking flip burgers at Burger King? What if someone told them they weren't fucking good at what they were doing? Or maybe they were a little overweight, or maybe that just being an average bitch doesn't get you anywhere in life? And those dreams that you dream about. What if they told you doing little itty bitty things in life weren't going to get you fucking anywhere? What if someone was real with them a decade ago, there wouldn't be so many haters in the world?

Speaker 1:

Because if you're a hater, you typically hate successful people, not necessarily financially successful or you hate what you don't have, because, like racism, like sexism, we hate our opposites. So when you're hating, like on the opposites. And when you're hating people around you, you're typically hating over jealousy. You're typically hating over not understanding and it doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense in what you know form of hate you're hating on, but it really doesn't make sense when you're hating on winning, when you're hating on being healthy, when you're hating on, you know, not being a fucking fat ass and you're telling everyone like I, yeah, you don't need to fucking be being good shaped to to be success. The fuck are you talking about? Like, wake the fuck up, because the government tells you that bullshit, the people that you vote for is telling you that bullshit. But guess what? Cova came in and wiped half of your fucking people out.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not saying COVID was a fucking great thing. I'm not saying, like you know, there was a lot of people that you know may or may not have died because of COVID. But like, when I'm watching on the news and the doctors going, yeah, it's, you know, really bad if you're overweight and you got lung problems because you smoke cigarettes and shit, it's like, oh my gosh, hasn't everyone been telling us that since day one? And here's the thing yes, it killed some people. You know that it didn't add up, the science wasn't there or whatever. It took some people but like, fucking, let's just be real. 90% and those people I'm sorry for it. Like if you lost someone I'm sorry, and even if you lost someone that you know fit the fucking stereotype that it was killing, I'm sorry for that too. No one should die.

Speaker 1:

However, if we keep telling ourselves it's okay to live this way, it's okay Just to see what happens, like more people are gonna fucking die. You idiots Like, do you really think the next fucking Plague or whatever the hell, the next virus that comes around is gonna be weaker? Like Pick up a science book. Like I didn't even fucking get good grades and I know this shit from science Like it's going to get stronger and stronger. So if you keep getting weaker and weaker, guess what fucking happens? You get dire and dire. I mean, you're like killed dead. That's DED dead, that's real dead dead. So wake the fuck up. And For those people who are hated online, I Really hope you hear this podcast and I hope it, you know, sparks something in you and you know, if you want to hate on my shit, I don't give a fuck.

Speaker 1:

Help me get some exposure. I appreciate it. But realistically, I hope you hear this podcast and you wake the fuck up, because I I Wasn't as much of a loser where I'd actually go out and take time to type shit online, but I remember looking at people online going, nah yeah, you're just written that jet. And then, like five years later, they own two of them and I'm like, oh thick, well shit, how'd you do that?

Speaker 1:

And I wasn't like you know, I wasn't a basement hater, like I was just hating inside and the only thing I was hating on is the fact that I had settled and given up my own dreams a little bit for what I thought I was supposed to do in society. And and I was hating on the fact that I have the balls to say, like, what was truly on my mind. Because, trust me, if y'all would have heard the shit that I said at home, you know, 2020, late 2020, early 21, when the flu was going around Most y'all fucker I mean I might have been fucking in jail or some shit definitely would have been shadow band or hell might have had a fucking position in the White House a couple for a few years. I don't fucking know. But uh, like I was hating because I was hiding from that motherfucker and and yeah, I didn't really tell anyone I because I'm not that fucking retarded but yeah, for you, for you guys that are truly out there, who are lost and who don't really know how to express themselves, and we're told that you get a trophy no matter what you do.

Speaker 1:

And now you're 35 years old and you're sad and you're depressed and you don't know how to get out of fucking your parents basement and you know like you don't really know what to do and you're lost. And yes, I'm being a little bit stereotypical, but whatever, your version of my idea here is like, get the fuck out of it. You can go out and you can go be great, you can do whatever the hell you want, but the one thing you can't do is be fucking lazy and expect unlazy results. If you want to do some un-average shit, you want to chase your dreams, you're gonna have to do some shit the average motherfucker won't do and the average motherfucker won't change. The average motherfucker won't take risk. The average motherfucker won't learn a new skill. The average motherfucker won't do shit. They'll talk about at the bar with all their buddies the one time or the future, or their big fucking goals and then their fucking liquid courage burns off a few hours later the next morning and they go right back to being a fucking cog in the wheel.

Speaker 1:

So that's my crazy ass theory on haters, and I'll publish this episode soon. So by the time you hear, it'll probably be two or three days later and there'll be a million more on this earth. But I want to tell them all I freaking love you guys. Keep supporting my shit. You know, keep talking shit, but you keep it. You know, keep it. Keep it semi, semi rude, like let's not go freaking crazy or anything, and we'll keep going back and forth and keep helping me spread the word that really people need to hear. And you know, for you, you know personally haters um, I hope you convert. I hope you, you know, you find one thing that takes the hate out of your heart, that takes the hate out of your mind, and you start living the life that you're jealous of other people for living, because you're just a fucking decision away. So that is not safe for society. Episode. Whatever the fuck, I decided to publish this shit. Y'all have an amazing night. We'll see you soon.

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