Jonathan Roberts Not Safe for Society

Not Safe For Society: Challenging Obesity Myths – Personal Battles, Societal Costs, and the Fight for Accountable Health Choices

Jonathan Roberts Season 1 Episode 13

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They say you can't outrun your fork, and today, we're tackling the hefty issue of obesity head-on, peeling back the layers of society's love-hate relationship with weight. Stripping down the complexities of personal health, I'm not just talking the talk—I'm walking you through my own grueling tug-of-war with fitness, from my athletic heydays to the rigor of military discipline and the sedentary snares of civilian life. We confront the uncomfortable truths about obesity's impact on business prowess, family safety, and our nation's readiness, unearthing the hidden costs that roll well beyond the individual.

This heart-to-heart isn't shy of controversy either. We unravel the knotted threads of nutrition education, challenging the status quo of government-backed dietary guidance, poking holes in the food pyramid, and stirring the pot with a skeptical glance at the vegan diet. We question the wisdom in our current approach to what's on our plates, with a frank discussion on the influence of lobbyists and the dire need for genuine, health-conscious leadership in how we fuel our bodies.

Sharpening our focus on self-care and accountability, this episode lays down a challenge: step up, own your health, and stop making excuses. I'll be the first to admit my own struggles with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but it's time to cut through the noise and confront the hypocrisy in societal attitudes toward obesity compared to other health issues. It's a call to arms—or rather, to forks and sneakers—to drive a healthier, more accountable society where lifting each other up means expecting more and excusing less. So, let's lace up and get ready to push for a fitter future, one candid conversation at a time.

Speaker 1:

All right, welcome back to the Not Safe for Society podcast. This is the podcast where I just get to talk, I get to practice talking, I get to say whatever the hell is on my mind, and you know it's my shit. So you can listen to it, you don't have to listen to it. You know, this episode we're going to talk about today has actually got me throttled a little bit on, you know, a few social media platforms. So, yeah, I'm excited to go. I'm excited to go. So what I'm going to talk about today is an overwhelming problem in the world, but really, really an overwhelming problem in America, and that's obesity. Obesity and being overweight, and this podcast was, you know, dictated.

Speaker 1:

I did a Facebook post the other day hey, I need to shoot a few podcasts. You know, everyone gave me a couple ideas Like what can we do? What could we do on a podcast? What have I not done yet? Who have I not pissed off? You know what, if I have a little bit of passion to actually talk about, so I can go on for 30 minutes to an hour about it and be somewhat entertaining and obesity or, you know, overweight or lack of fitness or whatever you want to call it. L lack of discipline came up over and over again and it was funny because I actually did some Facebook posts about it the other day, actually over like the last three days, and I've gotten some pretty good reviews. You know a lot of people are like, hell yeah, dude on board. You know one of my posts was something to the extent of losing weight will help you in business or it'll help you make more money if you're in sales. Basically, you know, comment hell yeah, if I'm right, or you agree, or prove me wrong. Tell me you're going to prove me wrong and then go do it. Go lose some weight, get your ass into shape, start eating a little bit better, start picking up some discipline in your life and prove me wrong. I wish you would. So you know it's only been three days, but I don't think anyone's going to prove me wrong. So maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm wrong and there's someone out there that's, you know, going to do the work, that's going to really put in the work, make some changes and make it happen. But we'll see. So the first thing I want to start off with, just so people you know cause I'm going to get it People are, oh, you're fat shaming.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if I call it fat shaming. I think by definition, I'm fat shaming, but I look at it this way. There is and we're going to get to this on one of my Facebook comments, but there's no doctor that I know of, and if you find one, go to a different doctor. But no doctor in the world that I know of that has said hey, it's okay to be overweight, it's good for you. Nope, they all said it was bad for you. We all said you know what, go ahead, be a fat ass If you want, live your life, be happy. And then all of a sudden, covid hits and it like wiped out a bunch of them, and you know really where it dials into, is like, and I'm not, you know, I'm not happy that anyone died. That's not the point of this conversation.

Speaker 1:

The point of this conversation is, ever since you know science, people could do shit, you know, make sense of things. You know we had modern technology, like we've known, overweight or being overweight makes your you know life harder, you know, gives you a shorter lifespan, makes it, you know, heart disease, lung disease, typically, because you're not fucking working out, there's a million things high blood pressure, you know a million things diabetes, diabetes, like there's a million things that could go wrong and no doctor has ever once said it's okay to you know, be overweight. They all tell you to lose it. They all tell you to cut back a little bit. They all tell you to eat better, quit drinking, go to the gym. And when I say go to the gym, I don't mean go in there and squats, bench press, massive curls, shit like that. I'm talking go for a fucking walk. So if this offends you and you're like I don't want to go to the gym, it's not me, I don't like those dudes. Well, go outside. Go outside and move your feet at a slightly above lazy ass pace for 45 minutes. So that could be what the gym means to you.

Speaker 1:

The second part is that you've got to step up in life. You've got to be a leader, you've got to be around for people who need you and you've got to just be there for yourself, because if you can't respect yourself enough to just admit it that maybe you're overweight, maybe you need to change. I'm not saying you've got to freaking, do it, but we've got to get off this narrative of big, beautiful bullshit. Now I get it. You could be a great fucking person on the inside. I fucking cool. Go spread your joy, go spread your love.

Speaker 1:

But you can't be selling. You can't be telling people it's okay to be overweight. You can't be telling people that like, oh, you can't say anything to someone overweight, it's a disease, it's something they can't change Bullshit, bullshit. Like humans are humans, we're machines. Like it's science, you know, I guess there might be a very, very small percentage of people that I don't really fucking know if exists, that really are just going to be naturally fat. But like I'm going to be real with you, I've never met a fat like anorexic, like someone who's you know disciplined. They lose fucking weight no matter what their genetics tell them they are.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, I'm not saying go be anorexic or bulimic or any of that bullshit, but what I am saying is you can count fucking calories, you can figure out how much you burn, you can figure out your metabolic rate and do what every other person that wants to get into top physical shape does. So don't make up the bullshit about your genetics. I get it. There are some people that just have a killer metabolism, that burn calories faster naturally. There are some people that have a heavier muscle mass. That guess what? When your muscle mass is heavier, your metabolic rate typically goes up, meaning. If you wanna lose weight, go hit the gym. That guess what. When your muscle mass is heavier, your metabolic rate typically goes up, meaning. If you want to lose weight, go hit the gym. Lift some weights, get some muscle on your body. You're going to look good and feel good. It's amazing.

Speaker 1:

But I don't believe the bullshit of you. Know, I've got this genetic disorder and I'm just going to be a fat fuck. No, not real. And if there's a doctor that you know does like I have my Facebook or I have my uh, if there's a doctor that wants to call me out and I said doctor, someone who is, like, educated in disease I'm looking for. Um, if there's a physical therapist that you know treats fat people but can't fix any of them like that, I don't want that motherfucker calling me because he sucks at his job or she could be a she. But if there's a doctor out there, he or she, who specializes in obesity, I would love to chat with you and I truly want to know if there is a disease or there is a problem, a disability that people have that 100%.

Speaker 1:

They can't lose fucking weight Like they just continue to get bigger and bigger and bigger. They can't lose fucking weight Like they just continue to get bigger and bigger and bigger, even if they count calories, eat the right food, get the exercise and do all the shit that you're supposed to do, that everyone that is fit is doing. I want to know if there is, you know, a person that just you know gets bigger and bigger even if they don't eat, like someone. Correct me if I'm wrong. I just I don't think I am. I could be like you know matters neither created nor destroyed. Like I am. I could be like you know matters neither created nor destroyed. Like you ain't going to get bigger if you don't eat. So someone correct me if I'm wrong. If there's magic out there, please let me know.

Speaker 1:

The second portion, or the second portion. The rest of that is is like. I don't want to hear the bullshit excuses. I'm too fucking tired. Good, wake up earlier, I don't have time. Good, you're going to cut 10 years off your life. Imagine that time that you're going to fucking lose.

Speaker 1:

I don't feel like it. Fuck, neither do I. What other excuse are you going to make for yourself? What other bullshit are we going to go through? So am I fat shaming? Hell, yeah, I am, because I'm tired of the world with this.

Speaker 1:

Everybody gets a fucking trophy mentality. I'm tired of, like my kids, being raised and told that it's okay to be overweight, it's okay to be average, it's okay to just, you know, live your life. And I agree, live your life and be happy. And if you really, really, really, at a core value, are happy at 400 pounds, barely being able to breathe, barely stand up, by all means, smile about your big old, fucking happy day with a big Mac fucking dropping out of your mouth, but don't tell anybody else. It's the way to live. And then you look at your honey, boo, boo, fat ass, baby. Oh my God, I'm not even going to get into that. Sorry, I said that shit, but don't spread your bullshit.

Speaker 1:

That's like. That's like a fucking alcoholic. That's like me when I'm drinking. It's been a while I've cut back. No, I've cut back, I've actually sobered up. I haven't committed to forever, so I'm not saying that, but I've sold it up for a while now.

Speaker 1:

But that's like me when I was drinking heavy and like and I was an asshole and I encouraged the guy, um, who wasn't drapes like dude, come on, dude, you gotta, you gotta just have one. You gotta. Come on, brother, you being, you being lame dude, fucking pussy, and then, like everyone else, is like Robert, shut the fuck up, dude, you're annoying idiot. That's like if they were like you know what, smith, yeah, you know you don't have to drink, but you know everybody's doing it. No-transcript pressure. A motherfucker in Like, if I was going to jump off a bridge in Phoenix, arizona, midsummer that didn't have water below it, would you follow me? No, you fucking wouldn't, because I'm an idiot.

Speaker 1:

But it's okay if it's obesity. It's okay if you're going to kill yourself with heart disease. Diabetes, like you know, create habits in your life that are incredibly hard to break. It's okay, like to die early. It's okay to lead your family. It's okay to let your like, it's okay, like to die early. It's okay to lead your family. It's okay to let your like six year old, seven year old kid, son, daughter, like be obese, like, do you ever walk around and see these parents with these kids? And I'm not talking like, I get it, everybody's got a little chub chub. And, by the way, I'm not talking about, you know, the Andy Elliott, six pack of your fire thing right now. That's not the discussion I'm going on.

Speaker 1:

I truly don't believe that everybody desires to have, you know, the 6% body fat. But I actually correct that. Yeah, I wish I edited these podcasts so I might actually edit that out. I do believe everyone you know achieves that and that's something I kind of used to tell myself. Is not everybody needs that? Blah, blah, blah bullshit, my wallet's big blah, blah, blah. But here's the reality of it. I see these like six, seven, eight year old kids and gosh, they gotta be like 150, maybe 200 pounds. Like little stubby fuckers can't even walk and like CPS will take a kid away from a parent for stupid shit. But not that Like you should be the first one to lose your kid. Your kid needs to go to fat camp because you're going to kill it. You're going to kill it and you're costing a huge burden on society.

Speaker 1:

Do you know why we make laws in this country? Laws are provided to basically help society function as a whole and when a law is created, it is basically judged on whether or not it is going to be a positive effect on society or a negative effect. So, like we look at white collar crime, for example. You know theft, embezzlement, stuff like that, fraud, things like that that don't actually physically hurt anyone. And then we look at you know murder. We look at you know attempted murder, homicide, you know endangerment of a child. Those are more of the physical crimes. Here's the.

Speaker 1:

Here's the crazy thing about obesity. It falls into both categories, because one, someone who is obese is going to cost society a lot more money. You know there's going to be medical bills. There's going to be Medicaid, medicare, like. We're going to have to subsidize a lot of bullshit for them and they're not going to be able to provide in certain areas of life. You know there's going to be a lot of jobs they're not able to get. There's going to be, you know, they can't join the military. Should we ever need to get drafted again? We'll talk about this, you know, and I hope to God we don't. But should there ever be a draft? They're not ass, ain't going to be able to go do anything. You know, should they get married one day? Should they have, you know, a family to protect? Nope, can't do that shit either. Just let them get murdered. Cool Fun.

Speaker 1:

So like you're a financial burden to society, but you're also on the parents aspect. If um a physical burden to your own child, like someone who is obese at the age of 25 years old, meaning they've probably been obese their entire life or majority of it. Typically those habits are going to start at the adolescent age, but anyways, the statistic I read the other day was at 25 years old. If you are obese, you have a five to 10 year shorter lifespan than someone who does not hit that obese category at that age. 25 years old knocks off 10 years of your life.

Speaker 1:

Tell me there's, you know, not any endangerment of a child or anything like that. Like you know, if you want to file bankruptcy, for example, you got to go to like uh, what is it called? Like credit school or fucking finance school or whatever the hell it's called. I forget what the fucking program's called. Or if you want a driver's license, you have to. You know, get it. Well, if you want to drive, you have to get a driver's license. If you know you live in a state of California and you want a gun, you got to go take a gun class. And then, like a lot of you know kids, especially hunters and stuff, what do they do when they want a firearm to go hunting, they go to a hunter safety course. You know they get the right, the right education. However, in our country you can just go be a fucking fat ass and we don't really educate you. And I know there's like the food fucking pyramid and whatever. Like I know they just rewrote the shit.

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing Like we need to get scientists and government employees out of that shit and we need to get like some of the top nutritionists um, and I'm not talking like I don't want the bodybuilders, I don't want the fucking enduro athletes, I just want the, you know, healthy motherfuckers like the three, three day a week crossfitter, you know, maybe get some cardio in on day two and three. Like I'm not a fan of crossfit, y'all are freaking, you know, kind of annoying. I used to do it a lot, but now that I hate it, like I'm just gonna make fun of you. But here's the thing it's a good fucking workout. If you don't, you know, fuck yourself up. If you don't mind looking stupid, doing kip ups or fake pull-ups or whatever they call them. Like it's actually functional training. It's good shit for you.

Speaker 1:

So I want, like a few of those guys and gals. I want, you know, some actual college educated people in there that really understand how food works. And then I want the fd or, yeah, fda, food drug administration. I want them gone. They can have zero opinion, they don't matter. And I want no lobbyists in there and I want them to come up with, like I don't even know if you could make it a food pyramid, because it almost makes it too damn simple, but it also over complicates the shit out of it because, cause, like what was I raised eating? Like grain, oh shit, wonder if the farmer, farmers, lobbyists had anything to do with that. And then, like, meat was somewhere kind of in the middle and like, what did we do? We just like pussified people.

Speaker 1:

And then, like you have all these new diets out there, being a vegan and shit and being fucking anti-meat, what is it called? Um, vegan and vegetarian? Right, you only eat fucking my animals food. That's rude. You're going to like make my shit go extinct, like you. You know, and this is just my opinion, this is just what I think, this is just what I believe is true. You know, they're pushing that bullshit vegan agenda, that bullshit fricking uh, fucking don't eat animal agenda, because they're trying to make you weak. I hope everyone understands that they are trying to shrink the size of the American fighting male Like I'm just going to be real, we'll cover that later. But they are trying to make you weak, they are trying to make you an omnivore While we're sitting there talking about world War III with Russia, iran, and I don't think it's going to kick off.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it's that cool. I don't think anyone gives a shit Ukraine, but you know what's going on right now in the world. We are demasculating ourselves, we are becoming just lazy pieces of shit, and it's because of our food habits, it's because of what we do. So anyways, let's get into this. I rambled on for 15 minutes just to set the mind. Hope I kept on enough of you here, because now I'm going to drop some damn facts, because I don't like just getting on.

Speaker 1:

These podcasts, like some of these are my opinion. A lot of it is my opinion. A lot of it is, you know, my I try to say educated opinion. But I'll be real with you. Sometimes I don't really research certain things, like if it's a actual fact I'm trying to drop. I try to make it very clear that I'm dropping a fact versus an opinion, because a lot of what we're dealing with right now and a lot of what happens to come to a BCD is we believe an opinion and we turn a fact or we turn a fact into an opinion and an opinion into a fact, and I can't remember.

Speaker 1:

It's a comedian and it's like a historian comedian, but he says this. He says when the myth becomes a legend, write the legend. And what he means is a lot of our history books and a lot of the knowledge we had isn't fucking real. And that's a lot of what's going on right now is you've got all these dipshit, fucking TikTokers out there that got a six pack and a little bit of muscles and they're telling you to eat like donkey dick and shit Like dude. You ate donkey dick because you're fucking weird and your buddy dared you to it and like you hit puberty and you got a little bit of muscle mass, like it had nothing to do with the donkey dick or it's just the fitness communities out there. They're crazy as hell.

Speaker 1:

And here's the thing. One thing you're not going to get from this podcast episode is any real freaking science on workout plans, on, you know, nutrition plans like that's something I suck at and I know I suck because for so long I kind of had, you know, I played lacrosse in high school. I freaking joined the military some pretty badass. I was always in pretty dang good shape, let's just say it but I never really knew how to work out as like just a civilian who made phone calls and just did normal shit and sold shit to people. Like I never actually knew how to work out like that. So even when I was working out like that, like the mix of how I was working out and my eating habits were not producing the results that I wanted. So I finally had to get a coach. I finally had to get someone that kind of showed me the way to really do shit nowadays, Cause one I was just tired of, you know, working out like I did when I was playing the cross, cause I was constantly injuring myself nowadays trying to do it and like I'm 35, I'm not 20 years old anymore Like, oh my gosh, food caught up with me.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, let's get into facts. So a lot of what I put together here I had to Google it because I knew the science. I knew you know what my own two eyes saw when I looked outside but I didn't know the actual number. So a lot of this comes from worldobcdorg. There was some other gov that I forgot to write down, but a majority of it came from worldobcdorg, and then I would go try to vet a couple of things. But go vet worldobcdorg if you really want the couple of things I did vet. It seemed fairly damn accurate and I kind of went with the information and it looks accurate. So there's a couple of things this is going to be the boring part that I've just got to point out, and I'll try not to talk too deep on any of them, but I might just go down a hole, who knows?

Speaker 1:

So, obesity in adult males this is America. Obesity in adult males in America. Now they ranked 200 countries and America was 10th out of 200 in most obese nations. Now, two of the countries above it and I can't remember one of them, but one of them was America Samoa, samoa, I think I said that. Right, that was number one or two. And then there was some other American controlled uh, whatever the hell we call them in there, but the United States of America, the 50 States. We were 10 out of 200 countries. We have the most technology, we have the most medicine, we have the most like, whatever the hell we want. America is a country of abundance.

Speaker 1:

It's disgusting to me and that's why we're doing this damn podcast. 42% of American males, adult males, are obese Females good job, you're a little bit better, but you still freaking sucks. 36 out of 200, 44% of adult females are overweight. And this is where it gets really disgusting. 26 out of 200 male children 22% are obese. And, sorry, all these numbers are obesity. If you add the overweight in there, it's like 70% in every category. It's awful.

Speaker 1:

So, adult or child or child children males, male child, children's kids, whatever you want to call them 26 out of 200. Female childs, children, kids 22 out of 200, 19%. Like that is awful. That is one in every five kids. If we just average those together, it's about one in every five kids is obese.

Speaker 1:

I'm not talking overweight. I'm not talking because you all know like, especially growing up as a kid, like you're hungry, you're hungry, you're hungry. And then you look at the one kid who's a little overweight and you're like come on, timmy, like you know, put down the burger, maybe you need something a little different. And then, like, all of a sudden, timmy hits puberty and he's like six foot eight, out of nowhere and fucking lean as shit. Okay, I get it If you're, if you've got, if you're a child, if you got a little bit of extra like weight, by all means go rock that shit Like. Especially if you're young, especially if you haven't hit puberty yet, it can be normal at a certain time Like we're fucking hungry as fuck. Just do it.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, I'm using obesity numbers. Obesity, that means you're just a big old fat ass. Now these are BMI numbers that look like. I was actually trying to verify where they pulled obesity out and what their matrix was. It did look like BMI. I'm not verifying that because I couldn't 100%, but I'm guessing they're using BMI Meaning.

Speaker 1:

There are some outliers, there are some guys and gals in here that you know have a heavy muscle mass and they, you know, like I, come up obese on a BMI calculator but if I do my in-body machine like, the second thing it tells me is like hey, you have this type of body. You're going to get mislabeled as obese, often just because obesity is height divided by weight or some science math like that. So it can be inaccurate If you have a heavy, heavy muscle mass. That being said, if you don't have a heavy muscle mass, you're a fat ass. So eliminate let's just say I don't know a percentage or two from each of these and we might get some real shit. But we're talking like we are in the bottom 5%.

Speaker 1:

Males, males, and I'm gonna speak I always speak from the male perspective, because that's the only perspective I have but males, 42% of you are freaking obese. 34% of you are overweight. Think about that. That's 70, 30, what is that? 40, 50, 60, 72. It was like 76% or some shit like that. 76%, more than three quarters of you are just overweight. It's disgusting. So keep that in mind. So that is just the how many fat asses there are in America.

Speaker 1:

The next portion of this, and before we go in, we are going to come up with some ideas to really light up the mind, to hopefully wake up a little bit, and a couple ideas on how to fix it. But we've got to dial in pain, otherwise enough people ain't going to fricking listen Enough. People aren't going to pay attention Enough. People aren't going to wake up. So I'm trying to hit a few areas of pain for everyone. So I'm a sales coach, I'm a business coach. I like money. I teach people how to make more money. It seems like part of my job, so let's talk money In 2019, like part of my job, so let's talk money In 2019,.

Speaker 1:

3.3% of our GDP GDP gross domestic product went to obesity at a cost of $705 billion to the taxpayer. That was something like $2,200 per person in 2060. It is estimated 4.8%, so roughly 1.1.5% gain of our GDP will go to obesity at $2.4 trillion. $2.4 trillion will go to obesity and that was a cost of about six. I want to say it was 66 or 6,800, a lot of money, a lot of fricking money. 6,600. I don't know the inflation calculator, but guessing that we went from 3.3 to 4.8 as our current travel rate, it doesn't look good unless we make a serious change. So think about, like health care costs and obamacare and how much bullshit money we wait on that. Let's just say that we could cut that number in half, because there's a lot of countries out there, first world nations that have access to an abundance of food that run half the numbers of a BC.

Speaker 1:

Now, I know this is a two or three generation thing. However, it starts with one generation. It starts with like cigarettes Like remember how I grew up. I was born in 88. So I'm 35 years old as of shooting this today and I remember growing up like I have this vague, vague memory of like like you know, all the marlboro I can't even say it like the cigarette commercials, marlboro, marlboro, camel, camel, like the camel, you know cigarette, uh commercials on tv. I have a vague memory of like magazines with like cigarette commercials, um or uh ads or whatever it is. And then all of a sudden, like that shit just disappeared and yes, I know there were some um know government action and things like that. And then, like I, when I went over to Europe, like all the cigarettes are hidden and they put these like you know things with like someone with a trait cut out or some nasty fucking cancer thing off someone's lip, like you have to open it before you can, you know, get your pack of cigarettes. So like it kind of like smoking in my generation I think.

Speaker 1:

You know I still see a lot of people smoke, but I think it died. I wish I had the numbers here of you know smoker numbers. I think vaping has become a lot more of a fad. I hope that shit ends too, because it's not really a better alternative for you. It might be a little bit better, but still fucks you up.

Speaker 1:

Nicotine addiction is sucks. Yes, I gave up dipping a while ago and, holy shit, that one was worse than alcohol. But I'm not saying you shouldn't dip, I'm not saying you shouldn't smoke, but what I'm saying is like, why don't we treat obesity like we do the tobacco industry? Because it's killing people. It's, you know, slowing people down, it's making it so men can't go out and you know, swing a hammer, do the jobs that we need done. You know like AI is taking over all the simple shit. Ai, you know, for the most part, isn't digging too many trenches, isn't going out there and laying, you know, laying pipe. There's no AI high line men yet shit like that. But there's also not that many obese motherfuckers doing that shit either. So not only is it, like you know, dampering our GDP, but it just makes it so we don't have men and women that can go out and perform, you know, to GDP, but it just makes it so we don't have men and women that can go out and perform, you know, to jobs. Here's the other part of it. That's going to cost us a lot of money is me.

Speaker 1:

I'm a. I am an addictive person. I think most people are pack creatures. We like to be part of who we are. We like to be in the club we like to be, you know, around people that we want to be around. And you know, if I see a bunch of fat asses and that's all I hang around with and you know, maybe they're like 33% body fat and I'm 26, I probably look pretty damn good up next to them. Now I'm still a fat ass, don't get me wrong. But like I had this delusional six pack because I just hang around with fat fucks.

Speaker 1:

So you know, I start hanging around with the people that are eating the chips, that are getting the burger King and the Mickey D's every day and just getting fatter and fatter and stuff in their faces and ain't doing shit right. You continue to grow. You can continue to go down that path. So when you see your mom and your dad and you know their friends and their friends kids do it, it just becomes part of your life, it becomes part of a habit. You don't know otherwise.

Speaker 1:

Like I remember when I joined the the military, one thing I didn't realize is there's motherfuckers out there that do not drink water, like they drink sports drinks, they drink soda, they drink all sorts of shit but they they hate because they've never had it water. And I'm like you guys don't drink water or like, dude, that shit's gross. And I'm like man, I drink some nasty tap water. I just grew up on the shit. Y'all ever never had it out of. Like a hot day hose, you get that little, that little first taste Y'all know what I'm saying. That little heat that comes out and it's got like a little, uh, a rubber taste to it. Man, that shit hits good Cause, you know, you parched when you get in that, when you can't even wait for like the first 40 seconds for the water to cool down, you just like, nah, I'm taking the first drink here. I'm like you all play sports like shit dude and iron football. I remember we had this little like PVC hose thing that had some like holes drilled out and just spewed water. Like eight little water spigots came out or eight little water drizzles came out and like everyone pretty much lit the son of a bitch. It was gross. You even had a couple of the things that you had to put up against your lips. That's just how we live. We drink water.

Speaker 1:

So if you're around people that only eat burgers and shit like that, guess what You're going to grow into it. So here and here's, here's the part that I think really speaks is going to speak to a lot of men, but I wanted to speak to the women too, the average. Well, let's frame this a little bit. So if you get married in society and you know, I'm just going to say, by the Christian values, because those are the ones I know, you know, I think most cultures are relatively the same for the man it's the job to provide and protect.

Speaker 1:

Now, here's the thing you, at 400 pounds, ain't protecting shit. Unless you get lucky enough, trip and fall and fuck someone up, you ain't doing shit. But if I move left or right like you a crocodile, and I move far enough, you're not going to get me. You're not going to do anything. Now, I'm not saying I'm a badass and I'm going to go, like, start robbing fat people. However, there are some motherfuckers out there that are looking for you to be a fucking victim when they see you and they see her and they go Ooh easy, he can't get me. Guess what? You, the victim. So it's your job to be able to protect your family.

Speaker 1:

What happens if someone breaks in in the middle of the night and it takes you 45 seconds to roll your fat ass out of bed, another 45 seconds to get to the safe, another 45 seconds to open it because you're so out of breath and you're wheezing and shit. You can't get in, you can't see straight because your diabetes is kicking in and bam, you're dead, your wife's dead, your kids are dead. I know it's scary. I said it like I was like oh my God, he's going to kill my family. I ain't going to kill your family, but someone's going to. If it ain't a criminal, if it ain't a burglar, if it ain't a fucking someone, you know, mugging you on the side of the street, it's diabetes. They're all coming for your ass. So that, protect your family. What would it mean? Like what? How would you feel?

Speaker 1:

I want you to think about this for a second. How would you feel if someone came up mugged your wife on the side of the street, you know, threw her down into the dirt, pushed her, took her purse, beat her ass a little bit, and you just had to stand there and watch why? Because they moved five feet from you and you couldn't get there in time to do shit. All that shit happened five feet away. You couldn't get there. And the amount of time it took me to say that shit. How would that make you feel?

Speaker 1:

What if someone broke into your home and you know, you've seen the movies, you can use your imagination, you know. Hopefully that is there to rob some shit, but what if you couldn't do a damn thing about anything that happened? What if you couldn't get out of bed? What happens if you're in a car accident and you're driving and the um, the fricking passenger side gets smashed in Bam and the car starts to get on fire. Somehow you're miraculously Okay, it happens, but your kids and your spouse, they're stuck and you can't get out of that door. You can't maneuver out of that seatbelt because your side of the door got pinned up against something and you can't maneuver in that car because you can't move. Your fat ass seatbelt stuck. You can't move shit, shit's flying everywhere. You're fucking pinned up against your gut. Like what if that shit happened to you and you couldn't do anything except watch them suffer, as you were just stuck? Like, think about all those things. Think about however it affects your life, because here's the reality of it Most men can't protect shit.

Speaker 1:

As a matter of fact, did you know that 77% of our youth actually don't qualify for military service? Yeah, so what does that mean? It means the average man in America is five foot nine. So I went ahead and took you know the military standards for what it takes to you know maximum weight. Now, in each one of the branches there's usually some sort of fat body test. But I'm not talking about athletes, I'm not talking about people with huge muscle mass or a large muscle mass. I'm talking about just people who don't do shit. So don't compare your like bypass tape. No, you wouldn't shut up, I'd pass body fat. No, trust me, looking at you, I could say you failed. So the average US male is five foot nine, that's 69 inches, and the average US male weighs 197 pounds. So think about how big you are, think about your height, think about what you are in relative to 197 pounds.

Speaker 1:

The US S army 17, 20 years old, max weight 175 for a five foot nine male. 21 to 27,. 179, 28 to 39, 184 pounds, 40 plus that's their highest category, 186,. All of the other three branches Marines, air force, navy. Technically there's only the other three branches, uh, the air force and the Navy, because space force and the Marines fall under those two. That was a marine joke and nobody knows what the fuck space force is. So, anyways, all of the other branches are 186, 186 all the way across the board. Um, I don't know, marines, air force and navy for sure. I did do a quick little google, militarycom or something like that is what pulled up. So they all the army broke down and gave me the you know know, the old school body fat analysis thing. Emobob and Marines, air Force, navy, just said 186. So I could be off a little bit, but 186, 186 pounds.

Speaker 1:

The average adult American is a fucking five pound. Nope, that's bad math. 11 pounds heavier than that, and 77% of our youth don't qualify for military service. Qualifying for military service? What does that mean? Certain criminal things will DQ you being a fat ass. Will DQ you Not being able to do a certain amount of physical fitness stuff will DQ you. However, they will try to help you lose weight. They will help you get in a better shape. They will help you get stronger.

Speaker 1:

So if we war broke out World War III, we had to start a draft. You take the US population, right Ages, what I don't know, 18 to 25 or whatever our fighting age male is. I think with the draft we go later than that. But that being said, we take that and we divide it by, like you take one third of those people, no, 77. Holy shit, you take one quarter of fighting age males in america and that's all that can serve.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm not saying would they loosen standards absolutely they would. Your fat ass would go to. But one quarter of people are ready to fight, should they be, whether it be for their land, their country, their family, kids. Like one quarter of people are just to the size, like they don't even have to be fit, like they don't even have to know how to fight, but only one quarter qualify to even learn. It's disgusting. It's disgusting that you would allow yourself to get there, and I know a lot of you overweight guys can fight. I get it. I see.

Speaker 1:

I see the, the militia motherfuckers out there you know doing all their cool militia shit. If this happens, this happens silver war, blah, blah, blah bullshit. There ain't no silver war, dumbass. One side doesn't have guns. The other side is a bunch of fat fucking hillbillies and fucking Louisiana. Like what are you guys going to do? Get in a fucking firefight and take a nap. You militia people out there Like I want to see the militia with like some fucking people who are fit, some people who have like just fucking stack GI Joe, looking motherfuckers. I'd be scared of them. I'd be like, gee, how do I get on your side? Ooh, six pack or I'm dead. I'll get it by tomorrow. Like that's the militia that I could see fighting with. Now I'm not joining militia, so you know, don't take this shit the wrong way.

Speaker 1:

That's not what I'm saying. I'm not saying go start a militia, but I'm trying to point out the fact is, every time you see one of them militias on TV, dude, they ain't fucking moving shit. They're not going to fight very long. They're like you know I was like we're going to prep. Your fat ass is going to eat it all in two days. Shit, you just ate three months of food.

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing. If you're not used to like treating your body well, like oh, yeah, we're going to prep, in case, you know, the grid gets shut down, emps or whatever conspiracy theory, at&t, like all that shit that I hear about, I love it. Some of it. I believe some of them like yeah, that seems reasonable, I'm part of it. I'm not saying I'm dogging on you guys, but let's just say this If you're not used to eating, well, if you're not used to, you know, going out and get a little hike in, if you're not used to moving tactical drills, if, god forbid, society does go crazy and all of a sudden our logistics connections are ended, safeway, you know, Fred Meyer, walmart shuts down.

Speaker 1:

First of all, 90% of Americans ain't going to know what to do because you don't know how to live on the land and you're not ready for the fucking fight. The other issue is if even you think you're prepped, even if you think you're ready to go live on the land, and you're a fat ass and you got some extra weight and all of a sudden you got to change your eating habits in less than 24 hours and you got to start eating shit that tastes like shit. That's kind of good for you and you can't eat it all in a day, dude. That's going to fuck up your body. And then what's going to happen? Your militiamen are going to kill you because you eating all their food and you, you, you just a problem. Maybe you'll finally lose weight, then, I don't know, maybe, maybe I'll step it up. But like you know what I'm saying, like you're not even getting yourself ready for this shit, and I've kind of rambled like what the hell? Oh, yeah, yeah, I was talking about most of you can't fight.

Speaker 1:

And then I have a little note here, talk about can you protect your family and kids and I kind of hit that before is like if something happened to your family and kids, if someone kicked in your front door, could you do anything about it, or is it going to take you too long to get out of? So I don't want to just ramble on this podcast Like I really want to give some value back. But before I do that, honestly, this is just kind of fun for me and anyone who's listening to this about what I'm about to do. Like, honestly, if you are listening to this and you're one of the people, the reason I even read this is because I find it funny as hell. But that being said, what I'm going to do is I'm going to go to one of my a couple of my facebook posts actually and we're just going to cruise my comments and see what they are, because I kind of love and like, I don't think a lot of these are haters. I want to say a lot of these are non-believers, because I really, surprisingly, I don't lose that many followers, but I do get occasional people that you know want to talk a little bit and want to, you know, say their opinion, their opinion. So I'm not going to drop your name, but this if this is you, you're just going to get some live coaching or you know my live opinion. It's going to kind of go with our commentary in the comments. And one thing you guys will know, or guys and gals will know about you know the way I do social media is I love haters, you know. Talk shit all you want you me. I'll play with them a little bit, but you don't get a dog on them because you don't know our relationship and fuck you. So that's how it goes. So here's my post Want to make more money, grow your business, grow your relationship and appreciate yourself more. Get in better shape. If you don't believe me, prove me wrong. Dot, dot, dot, dot dot. And then some hashtags those don't even matter. So, first person to comment, right out of the gate. I actually wasn't the first person, it was about the fifth person.

Speaker 1:

More like present yourself well, be confident, talk to more people, do more things and love yourself. Okay, I kind of agree. Present yourself well. If you look like a fat fuck, you look like a fat fuck. That's not well. Be confident. Confident, talk to more people. And remember this started off with more like. Now this was about fucking not being a fat fuck. Be confident, talk to more people, okay. Well, if you lose weight, you look fucking ripped dude. I'm gonna walk around like big old dick, like I'm telling you you got a six pack, it grows two inches. You get a six pack and a lifted truck. You automatically have 5.5 inches on whatever it is. It's just fucking science. People stick with me here.

Speaker 1:

But if you lose weight and you get in a little bit better shape like I've never seen someone I've seen some fat people in the gym and I love it. You know, what I love seeing in the gym is I love seeing that fat guy that I've seen there for like four months. I know he or she well, I don't. I see the he version of this that he is actually like trying. He is actually trying to lose weight and put it in why. Because he goes to the gym and I see him get that little, that little, just flex. You know, check out. I was like shit man, I haven't seen that tricep in a long time. That's what I love to see, because you're starting to feel more confident inside of you, when you're starting to get in better shape, when you so yeah, you're completely right. I don't know if it's more like, but maybe you're breaking it down and I'm a little confused.

Speaker 1:

But we'll get into the more comments. Uh, do more things and love yourself. Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say is I'm trying to say, like, do more things for yourself, love yourself a little bit more, give yourself some you time. Like you deserve to be in good shape, you deserve to be healthy, you deserve to have more energy, you deserve to have more money, you deserve all those things, love yourself and treat yourself right. So my reply so you're telling me getting in better shape won't help at all? Question mark. Question mark Reply.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying I know some fat, happy, rich people. Yeah, I know some fat asses too. They die and money can't fix everything. But it's funny because eventually you get enough money and everyone's getting liposuction and shit and everyone's trying to cut all that shit out, I don't know. Move to Scottsdale? Uh, so my reply? Uh, so that justifies it. Dude, chill, I don't. I don't even know what I'm saying. I just was trying to have a conversation. I know a lot of people are fit dumb asses that work minimum wage, going nowhere. I know a lot of people are fit dumbasses that work minimum wage going nowhere. I know him too. I know him too, but at least they ain't fucking going to die when they're 50. And you know, I actually come to think about it. Don't know that many people that take great care of their body really working for minimum wage? Huh, I don't know if I can show me a few.

Speaker 1:

Uh, once again, you're going around the topic, you're justifying shit. That's not even what I said, not even a twist on what I said. I just wanted to clarify that. Like I was just saying, if you, you know, get in better shape, you're going to feel better about yourself and do this and do that. And then I said real talk. I challenge you to prove me wrong, cause you know I asked for that and, honestly, I set you up with the way I worded that to. You know, ask that question, so you know. By all means. Let me see if I could find this one.

Speaker 1:

This was a good one, so this was another post. Um, it was done pretty much the same time. I got like I don't know, I got a little fired up. I think I went to the gym too much this last week. I kind of hit two a day, started to do that again and it really just it felt. It really felt good, like I enjoyed it, and I'm looking for this comment.

Speaker 1:

It might've gotten pulled and it was just one of those things where someone was trying to justify, you know, being a fat ass and making medical problems and this and that, and I wasn't having it. I was like that's the thing, that problems and this and that, and I wasn't having it. I was like that's the thing. That's what this entire post was about, was it's like? I think they told me I was fat shaming people, um, but that's it was about like not doing that. Oh, okay, so this was my post.

Speaker 1:

I actually mentioned it on the uh the podcast. It's not fat shaming, I start off with. So I told him it's not fat shaming. Someone who is moderately to severely obese at age 25 has a five to 10 year lower life expectancy than someone who is of normal weight. Wake up, big and beautiful is not real, not in the. I just screwed up my words here, not in the outside, not on the outside, not in the inside. Like, I meant that in a positive way. I am not trying to fat shame people, I'm trying to wake people up.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, actually I got some new comments in here, but I'm not going to read those. I got two that I might go one for sure. So I got. I don't thunk, think I'm assuming they did. I got typos too, so I shouldn't be dogging them on that. I'm horrible when it comes to typos. So if anyone wants to talk shit on my typos, my grammar, by all means go do it, and I won't be able to say shit.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it's the message, but the intention. That is the problem. Okay, so my message is good, my intentions are bad. I think most people who suffer from obesity myself included not myself included, but the you know commenter included no, it's a problem, and actually, you know, I've been a beast in my life too. So, yeah, I can include myself in that, and typically the issue stems from childhood or self-shame.

Speaker 1:

So adding additional social shame causes the loop. The fuck are you talking about? You just want everyone to shut the fuck up so you can continue to be a fat ass and fucking silence. Nope, not doing it. You know what also stems from childhood being a thug. Some people decide to change. I'm sorry. If your intention is to actually help people, then your message needs to shift to one of care, concern, questions rather than shame. Shut the fuck up Like.

Speaker 1:

I honestly hope you read this podcast because you're entitled. Fat ass can fucking change. I don't need to be fucking nice to everyone. I don't need to say if you want to change, it's your right to shut the fuck up. If you want it, go get it. If you're okay being a fat fuck, shut the fuck up and be happy, but don't fucking tell me. I can't tell you you're a fat ass and I'm not gonna say it to your face. I posted on a freaking social media platform talking about nobody except a societal problem, and you want to tell me I can't have that opinion. Yet I can watch all the news and the media of all these overweight motherfuckers doing whatever the hell they say bullshit, so that's where I get that. This is where this podcast stems from back to normal. If you haven't been through it, you can't. You literally cannot fathom shut.

Speaker 1:

I have got out of the military. I was in great shape, made a bunch of money, got fat. Wife told me I was fat. I knew I was fat, decided to not be fucking fat so I can fix what I have done. I would think about your intention prior to sharing. If stirring up co-traverse and getting reactions is your goal, you succeeded. I wanted reactions. No shit dumbass. Because the more reactions I get, the more fat fucks actually might read the message.

Speaker 1:

So I reply I help people every day Because, like, what do you do? You don't. I mean I help people every day because, like, what do you do? You don't. I mean I don't even know what you honestly do and I'm not going to tell anything about this person. I'm not going to say anything because that's not what this is about, but like, what do you do? What people do you help? Who have you encouraged to lose weight? What have you done for yourself? How about you do? How about you take care of you?

Speaker 1:

The problem is most people don't. And this is my, these are my words. I help people every day. The problem is most people don't care enough to do anything about it. Make sacrifices, change habits, wake up, work out a bit. It's easier to eat like crap, it tastes better, it makes you feel better. In the short term, the people who want to change will change. Will change and will seek help. Repphrasing my message won't change culture or habits. No more excuses. Cool, I've worked out a million of time of a minimum of three times a week for years. This is my commenters reply still no movement on the scale.

Speaker 1:

Eat relatively healthy diet 90 of the time. Somatic yoga I don't know what the fuck that is Therapy, meditation, manifestation practices how about you take fucking action and do something real? Scale still hasn't moved. It's not that simple bullshit. I go. Have you tried going all in? Hiring a coach? Slash trainer Sounds like you're doing something wrong. No shit, yep. Two trainers, a dietician I have even someone to meal prep for me. We'll fire them all. Oh wait, I say that you're either cheating your diet or you need to fire them all, depending on what results you're looking for. But working out for the most part is a science with little outliers. Formula is the same for all humans. It's not an opinion. Then I get the reply. It's also not one size fits all. Just because I want it and normally accept it and you will get results you want.

Speaker 1:

It is defeating, demoralizing and downright hard the people who have never struggled through it and just say things like it's simple, blah, blah, blah. I can't even read that shit anymore. I'm so fucking stupid from hearing this shit. Who the fuck are you trying to help in the world? Do you justify this bullshit with everyone? You just like it's okay to be a weak fucking. I'm not going to say it, but are you justifying that it's okay to be weak? What if it was one of your kids and not just some internet person, some internet personality? What if it was one of your children? What if it was one of your children that was obese? Would you just allow them to say it was hard? Would you just allow them to give up and quit? Oh man, it's disgusting.

Speaker 1:

Better messaging is we know it's hard, but it's worth it the fuck. We all know it's fucking hard. And here's the thing I never said it was simple. I never said it was fun. Actually, earlier in the message I said quite the opposite. Or in the replies, I never said any of that shit. You're making your own bullshit excuses. And you're saying I said it's easy. I don't think it's easy. I hate waking up in the morning. I hate going to the gym half the time. Sometimes I get in a little flow, but most of the time I'm not in a great mood for the first 10 minutes. My reply I never said it was simple. You're putting those words in there.

Speaker 1:

Also, I like my message because I have fucking confidence. And here's the thing I'm not perfect. Like I said, my grammar sucks. I constantly leave typos in there. Dog me for that. I'm not going to tell you. I'm not going to sit there and go oh my gosh. Or come at me for being an alcoholic. Like, I'm a fucking winner when it comes to alcohol and I'll put it all down.

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing, though you come at me for being an alcoholic, or you go after other alcoholics and tell them hey, you need a man to fuck up because you ain't taking care of your family, bitch. That's the message I want as an alcoholic. I don't want the. It's okay, you could do 12, because I'm not a fucking raging alcoholic. I don't go out and fight people or fucking gamble all my money. I don't have those problems. I just really like to drink and have a good buzz all the damn time. But if you sit there and tell me, hey, dude, it's okay to be useless every evening as long as you don't get into trouble, as long as you don't do this, you know, we know your kids are watching. They're going to be a higher chance of being an alcoholic by watching your behavior. And if someone were to break into your house and you've got a little bit too much of a buzz and you watch them, just you know, do whatever they want to do to your household and you can't defend them because you're a little sloppy and they beat your ass too, like it's okay, shut the fuck up.

Speaker 1:

That's the problem is you treat obesity like it's not a problem. You treat obesity like you're missing a gosh dang leg or both legs. Dude, I got buddies who are missing legs and figure out how to stay in shape. I know people who are truly genetically like just they're going to be a fat ass and they beat the odds. It's fucking crazy. It is crazy. And that's why we've got so many people in this world that think it's okay to be overweight. They think you can just do it. They think they can go spread their overweight culture and message. Here's the thing. I believe everyone's entitled to an opinion, unless it's fucking stupid and you're still titled to your opinion. That's why the first amendment's there. But also the first amendment protects me from telling you you're fucking stupid and make excuses and you're failing your family. That's the difference. So I just you know, tell her I'm not for everyone like losers.

Speaker 1:

Then call it what it is, man, it's fat shaming. Don't hide behind the I don't know if that's a word, geese, that it's not. If that's your brand of help, own it. I go, I'm okay if it's fat shaming, because once again you dumb bitch, I started off the message telling you well, I kind of said it wasn't fat shaming, because I don't really think it is. I think it needs to be said. I go, it needs to be shamed and not praised.

Speaker 1:

No doctor has ever said you know you're overweight, but that's okay. That's like telling an alcoholic it's okay, they're just thirsty. If it's fat shaming, good, it's real talk for real people. People need to wake up and then I get thanks for being honest.

Speaker 1:

The problem is that most doctors won't be. What the fuck are you talking about again, find me the doctor and I will interview their ass and I will, oh man, find me the doctor that says it's okay to be fat. They would rather take their kickbacks from pharma and prescribing meds. I a hundred percent agree with that last part of that statement, but I also cannot find a doctor that will publicly say that it is okay to be fat. Yeah, they want to get you on a bunch of shit. They want to do this, they want to do that. Maybe they'll keep you fat, I don't fucking know, but they all tell you to quit being fat.

Speaker 1:

The thing they know, though, is it's so much easier to eat a cheeseburger than go to the gym. It's so much easier to stop by and get a quick little fucking large fry Coca-Cola, fry Coca-Cola, maybe a diet Coke. If you end up going with a large frack cause you know you gotta gotta count them calories, be all good. Like shut the fuck up. Like that comment was like why is that really what society has gotten to you, where you think that that is like you just look fricking stupid and I don't really go out Like I love my haters. Go look at all my haters online. I think it's funny as hell. Like some of them dogging. I'm not dogging you as a person.

Speaker 1:

You're probably a great person in the real world, but you need to wake the fuck up. You need to wake up and realize that it is not okay. It is not okay to just go out there and tell the world that it's like how about you quit? Telling the world it's tough and telling the world it's achievable. How about you go, change so you can help other people change, instead of like, oh, or just shut the fuck up. Or just shut the fuck up, because being a fat fuck and saying that it's hard and telling other people it's hard, it's like if your kids were like dad I really want to get straight A's so I can go to college, because I know our poor ass can't afford it and I've got a C in math. What are you going to say? Quit? Are you going gonna say quit? Are you gonna say quit? It's fucking gonna be hard to get your c up in six weeks? You're gonna have to do some extra credit. No, you're gonna tell them to do what is necessary. That's start treating. Start treating yourself like you go.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know what it is like. I just got spun up on this shit because it pisses me off. It pisses me off because I almost got caught in the trap and maybe I did for a little bit. I didn't get to the point of, like you know, obesity. Like I was big, I was, you know, I guess clinically obese I was by you know definition or numbers of beast. I think the most I ever got to was about 240 pounds, which is a big motherfucker. I'm six foot three. But here's the thing there's some like like I got. I got caught in it because even at 240, I was probably 26, 27% body fat. Like I was a fat motherfucker, but like I was better than average and that fucking sucked and I was disgusted. I was disgusted with myself. I didn't even want to look at myself. I would have left my own ass. I don't know why my wife stayed with me better person than I am, ah, but she's there to support you. I didn't marry her as a fat ass. I had to marry her with low ambition, with low self-esteem, had to wake myself up a bit.

Speaker 1:

All right, let's go to this next comment real quick and then we'll end this. We're going to end this with, you know, maybe just a couple of things to really go out and do so. Next comment. This is actually from the same post. This was probably my better one. The thing is, it's not what you say, it's how you say it. Oh, there we go again. It's about the way you deliver the message. Don't fucking care.

Speaker 1:

Before you can really help someone develop, you need all the facts the facts that you're a fucking badass. I don't know if I can share this, because this is kind of medical shit, but I'm not saying the person's name, date of birth or any of that shit. So I and they put it on fucking a page. I have two automazines. My body attacks itself and I should never be a size two. What did that like? Like your body attacking you? I don't know how that shit works. What if I can attack yourself? So you got to eat a. I could be wrong. I'm sorry If there's a doctor out there that wants to prove me. I'm wrong, that you can't count calories. You can't know what's going on with your body, that you can't get the shit under. Please help me out. Never be a size two ever again.

Speaker 1:

I walk six miles before going to work and exercise my mind, body and spirit every day. I don't know, maybe no-transcript. I don't give a fuck. I want you to wake the fuck up. I want you to comment like this. I want you to look at yourself and look at your stupid fucking comment and read all the excuses, because if I told you it's okay to be fat, wants to come fucking. You know, do some nice little shit and we're not going to change your diet because that's not fun and we're not going to really work out. We're going to talk online about love and hippies and flowers and shit Like. Shut up, go to a different fucking page, Don't follow me. But the reason you reached out is because something bit you, so quit telling me to change my message, because the fact that you commented means that fucking grabbed your attention. So it did exactly what it was want Win for me.

Speaker 1:

I think we all agree that health is so very important, but there's more to it than a person in shape of their body. No, there's not. If you're fucking fat, you're fucking fat. Yes, there's more to it. You could be round. You could be more chiseled. You could have more definite lines. You can have more soft lines like fucking be a triangle for all the fuck I care. I'm not asking for no hourglass barbie, but at least the hourglass barbie don't have fucking, like I mean, yeah, they got some disease and shit, but you know they don't have a lot of the heart disease and high blood pressure. They're just fucked up in other ways. But at least they don't got to burn all that shit out. They at least they don't got to go get a fucking roto-rooter of their organs or not their organs, their, uh, their veins and their cholesterol and all that shit that clogs up and kills you and bypass surgery and all that shit. Lower the risk. Oh, look my reply and my this might've been a lie.

Speaker 1:

I never intended to make anyone feel bad. No, I don't think that's a lie. I actually don't intend to make people feel bad. I intend to make people wake the fuck up. I intend for real talk. I intend for men to become men again. My page, my brand, who the fuck I am? I come from the military. I come from you know playing sports. I come from, you know, having three brothers. Like men need to be fucking men again. You need to quit fucking, having all this pussy, ass bitch conversation, this passive, aggressive shit. This don't say what you mean. Just kind of beat around the bush, just talk behind people's back bullshit Like what the fuck. What the fuck has happened. That's the problem.

Speaker 1:

Usually, when someone feels bad, there's a truth to it, even with what's going on. I understand that things. I understand there are things that make it hard to stay in shape genetically. But I also understand if someone wants something bad enough, they will find a way to get it. There is always the one who comes above the odds to achieve what they want. Oh my gosh, that's like that stereotypical sales coach shit. Oh my gosh. Maybe it's true, who knows? Human nature plays into it. No shit, being lazy Into how a person receives the message, the fuck yeah.

Speaker 1:

If you're fucking a pussy, like you don't like my content, move the fuck on. You're not for me. I'm not looking for people. I'm not looking for an army of people. I'm not looking for an army of people. I mean, I'm looking for an army of people because I want to influence the people, like I'm not looking for a bunch of friends who were fucking soft. I'm not looking for people to call and fucking talk about my feelings. I'm talking about people like that. I want to call and like if I'm having a bad day, I want to call and I want you to. I would like, like if I bitched you. I want you to say shut the fuck up and quit being a bitch.

Speaker 1:

Now what's the actual problem? Oh well, I haven't gone to the gym, you know, in a week because, well, my butt hurts and I fell the other day and my butt hurts and it shut the fuck up and quit being a bitch. What do you mean by that? I mean you're being a fucking bitch dude, like fuck, you're right, man, I am being a bitch. Like can you walk? Do you have legs? Like yeah, I got legs, man, it's like you know people don't have legs. Right, I'm like fuck, I know people that don't have legs. Like why are you bitching? I'm like I don't know. And then I get fired up and I go to the gym. That's the fucking people I want in my life, not the.

Speaker 1:

You are genetically fucking fat and it's okay. So if you don't want to go to the gym and you like pitching about being fat, continue to pitch about being fucking fat. Don't want you get out. If you want to be, or stick around and follow. But know that I'm going to anonymously roast your ass a little bit, because I hope you hear this message and I hope you take it the way. I truly mean it. We're in a market of influence, so do that, but make sure the influence comes from acceptance. I don't accept you being a fat ass. You're missing the fucking point. That's the point I'm trying to make is I'm tired of accepting your fat ass, and not necessarily your fat ass of a person I'm talking about. Unless you are a fat ass and you're not happy with the way you are and you want to lose some pounds, then it's your fat ass. But I'm talking about the generalization of it's okay to be a fat ass.

Speaker 1:

And then we made up, we made nice because, like I said, I don't have this intentional hate. I don't have this, like you know, I I don't have this like um hatred toward fat people. I really don't like, I truly wish like and I love seeing it when I do. There's a fat ass I follow and the guy is oh, he keeps coming up because I keep liking his shit in comedy. He's a big, big son of a bitch on Instagram and he's he's posted every single day. He's posted every single day of you know him hitting the gym and I know, like, there's some things that slow you down. There's some things that make things harder. I get it, but I also like I went to my, my kids triathlon this morning and it was cool because I actually had this podcast episode, you know, prior to that, but like there wasn't a fat kid there. Now, here's the crazy thing Most of the families there were relatively fit families.

Speaker 1:

Like I'm looking at some of the dads going damn, I could tell that you do triathlons too, motherfucker, I don't do triathlons, I'm not. I don't enjoy the endurance. Maybe I need to someday, but you know, here's my excuse. I've had my hip repaired twice. Actually, it fucking hurts, but I keep myself in relatively good shape. I have let myself go for a while once and never again I can't do it. Um, no more being a fat ass. It ain't gonna happen.

Speaker 1:

And, like I said, I'm not talking about this, the point of this message for someone who actually hears this, listened to to the end and was ready for change. I'm not saying you actually need to go have a six pack. I'm saying you'll probably feel pretty damn good if you went and got one. I'm saying you'd probably be pretty healthy, it'd probably take a lot, it'd probably teach you a lot of discipline. But what I'm saying is like we have got to get over this like justification that it's okay to be who you are.

Speaker 1:

It is okay to be who you are, but if your habits and whatever the fuck you do in life are not healthy, then it's not okay for you to go spread it to fucking the entire world. It's not okay for the minorities and the people who just don't care and the people who've given up, and minorities. Don't take that in the wrong fucking way. I don't mean it by like you know, know, racially or anything like that, but like these subcultures. It's not okay for you to go spread the shit everywhere and try to normalize it like you wouldn't. Let me, when I was, you know, on a fucking drinking binge, go out on cnn, be like, yes, fucking, oh, we're gonna. If you just you're fucking in a fifth of vodka, you, you feel the better at the night you did, the problems are gone. So drink a whip in the mail like every day would be fucking mardi gras and, uh, st patrick's day. What the fuck that's?

Speaker 1:

What's happening is we're normalizing something that is unhealthy we are getting away from like just like. It doesn't even have to be about being able to fight, it doesn't have like I truly believe that it should be. Like there's a huge thing there. There's a huge thing there, don't get me wrong. But like, how about just being healthy and not having heart problems and not being this entire strain on society and you know, knowing what it is? And here's the thing how do we do it? We start, we start with ourselves. We start with ourselves and then we lead our kids, we start with those around us and we get ourselves in check.

Speaker 1:

All these people that want to comment on my shit and tell me how I need to be nice to you, motherfuckers. No, you need to go do this for yourself. It does need to be for yourself and it does need to be for you. And then, once you've done it for yourself, there will be people who follow you. There will be people who are like oh my gosh, timmy, how'd you lose 250 fucking pounds? Well, I quit fucking making excuses and I like go read my comments.

Speaker 1:

There's one guy there. He says he lost 170 pounds. And what did he say? He said I quit making excuses. He said I quit telling myself why I couldn't do it and I started doing what I knew I needed to do. That's the only thing that was holding them back. Oh, I'm too fat to get started. Oh, I'll wait till next week. Oh, I can't do this. Oh, I hate chicken. Oh, I hate broccoli, I only hate rice. It was like, oh, I can't afford it.

Speaker 1:

When my wife and I meal prep like sometimes we use protein house, sometimes we, you know, forget to order it. We meal prep it costs us $35 a week to feed us lunch for two, for for both of us, like, even if you are at the lowest of low and you're on EBT or food stamps or whatever the hell it's called, I think and I'm not sure I don't know what the fuck and how much you make on food stamps but I think you could afford $35 a week per meal. You know that's $70 a week. And we eat rice, chicken, broccoli or rice chicken peppers. Occasionally we'll do like steak you can eat and we eat organic chicken.

Speaker 1:

People, I'm not eating cheap chicken and it's, you know, not that much more expensive, but you can go eat Like, I know it's not as good for you, don't fucking care. It's better for you than a Big Mac every day, but you can save money and eat right. It's not healthy, but every time I try to eat healthy and I look at all these foods like they're real expensive. Yeah, it is less expensive than your Big Mac Fuck, and I love McDonald's Big Mac's like fucking a Big Mac meal. It's just like 18 bucks now. 18 bucks can feed me for a week and a half. Well, one meal a day, two meals a day, three meals a day. You're talking 70 bucks, 120 bucks for two, 400 bucks for a family of four. Now, your kids need a little bit. You know different nutrition than you and things like that, and I don't think you make kids suffer as long as they're healthy. But you're a fat ass.

Speaker 1:

If you really want it, go down to chicken and rice and, you know, consult with someone who knows what the fuck they're talking about. This isn't my forte, so I'm going to kind of end it there. But my wife and I chicken rice, vegetable every freaking lunch dinner. We're not as locked in it because our schedule is a little crazy and you know there's an excuse, like if I needed to go to the next level, that's an excuse I would have to eliminate. But I know that and I'm not saying like, oh, that excuse prevents me from doing it. No, that excuse is just kind of like my excuse, where I'm like, okay, if I need to, if I want to, if I decide to, that's my next level and I know that. And you know, maybe it is something I need to do, feeling Um, but you know, dinner's not typically that bad either. It's typically like steak, just like I don't really I mean maybe, actually I don't really add much to my steak, I pretty much just eat steak or like a hamburger, occasionally homemade, you know, home cooked hamburger, uh, something like that.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, if you have to count calories, count macros, you know, monitor yourself in the gym, go get a personal trainer that actually can fix someone. Like, if you've been with two personal trainers over a three year journey and you're going to the gym three days a week, one, make it five or six, like maybe three ain't enough for you. You know, look at what you're doing, evaluate, fucking fire your personal trainer if you ain't losing weight. And then, like I, you know, healthy 90% of time. Yeah, I used to do that, I used to healthy 90% of the time, but that 10% will keep you fucking fat. That 10% will keep you fat. And honestly, when you tell yourself I eat healthy 90% of the time, honestly it's more like 50% of the time because ice cream is good, chips are good. More ice cream, yay, let's go out to eat.

Speaker 1:

Um, yeah, so start with yourself. Start really internally who you are and find, like, whatever pain it is that's going to make you actually do it. For me, it was losing myself. It was, you know, losing the attraction, my wife losing the attraction to me physically and all that shit. It was, you know, my kids being in better shape than me. Like fuck that shit. And then you know not feeling like I could protect and provide. So go find that in yourself, hopefully.

Speaker 1:

You know a few of you use this, you know. Hopefully, the people's comments that I bring out, you know, point you out. Don't go seek them or anything. It's not really that valuable of your life. Um, I didn't mean any hate by this. It was all true love, but it was pointing out, like, where the mindset of Americans are and how we view the shit. This shouldn't be. You wouldn't say the same shit if you were an alcoholic. You wouldn't be justifying the same shit. Yet it produces very similar problems. Yeah, you can drive and be a fat ass, but you're going to die early, just like the alcoholic. So y'all have an amazing time. We'll jump back soon.

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