Jonathan Roberts Not Safe for Society

Not Safe For Society: Family Resilience with Mary Rand - Journeys, Life Choices, and American Politics

Jonathan Roberts Season 1 Episode 7

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When my mother, Mary Rand, flew into Phoenix to sit down with me, neither of us expected to traverse such a vivid tapestry of our past. Her stories of single-handedly raising four boys, from opera singer to telecom exec, and the infamous knife incident, offer a unique blend of humor and struggle that paints our family's resilience. Our conversation is a rich tapestry of laughter, the occasional tear, and the hope that's always been the backbone of our narrative.

This episode is more than a walk down memory lane; it's an exploration of the decisions that shape us. From my early days of customer service to the pivotal move to Salem, Oregon, we discuss the moments that necessitate change and the influence of upbringing on critical life choices. We even tackle the thorny issues of today's society, diving into everything from the critique of educational systems to the complexities of transgender rights, without shying away from a fiery debate over political figures and the state of American politics.

Amidst the serious discussions, we find time to poke fun at the quirks of family life. We debate sibling dynamics, chuckle over birth order, and I confess to always being opinionated, a trait that might just run in the family. So join us for this episode, rich in diversity and reflection, and remember – family histories aren't just about where we've come from, but also the future they inspire us to build.

Speaker 1:

Alright, welcome back to Not Safe First Society. This is episode 912 or 246. I don't know. Fucking lies don't matter, it's all real. This is gonna be a special episode because my mom flew her ass to Phoenix Arizona. I didn't pay for it because I'm an asshole child, but she flew her ass all the way to Phoenix Arizona because she really wanted to be in my podcast, because she loves my opinions. That's a good support of mom right there. So, mother, introduce yourself. Hi, I'm Mary Rand. What's your social security number? Right, the listeners need a new F-150.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Rumor has it she's got good enough credit for an F-150, so we're gonna be working into a co-signer opportunity later. So if you guys see me with a new F-150 forward, that's the sound of a fancy Bud Light, Waterloo Bud lights for everybody. So, mom, so I'm 35 years old now. How long ago did you have me?

Speaker 2:

35 years ago.

Speaker 1:

Now, was that the worst decision of your life, or was there something actually worse than that? Now you've had three other children. Now you've had three other children, so there's four of us, right?

Speaker 2:

There are four Okay.

Speaker 1:

So when you talk about me and my brothers, my name's Jonathan, then I have Thomas, mark and Adam, so four of us total. Why do you like me the most?

Speaker 2:

I really don't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's not what you were saying when you weren't live on camera, but we'll go from there All right. So tell us, when raising us, did you think any of us were gonna mount to anything in the world? Because if you did, are you seriously disappointed?

Speaker 2:

There were times where I questioned it, but no, I had no doubt that each and every one of you had the ability, the aptitude to become something. Do something with yourselves. Mom, I literally got a.14 GPA myself.

Speaker 1:

I totally wear that and you still had hope.

Speaker 2:

Very limited, but I did have you heard the two delusional beliefs.

Speaker 1:

Do you remember the anger? Yeah, this delusional belief was crazy until it made no sense. So we grew up in a town called Lebanon, oregon Most of you can't spell that so you can't Google it. But like, talk to me a little bit about, like, our young childhood, because I remember how I do. But how do you remember, you know, being a mother? Obviously you got a divorce and my dad is my dad. He probably won't ever listen to this and if he does, wake the fuck up. But like you had to kind of raise three dipshits by yourself. What was that?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Four Well, but you didn't actually care about one of us. Let's not talk about that, kid.

Speaker 2:

So four dipshits? What was the question? I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

What was it like raising four. What was it like? What was it like?

Speaker 2:

Looking back it was very funny, but during the time it was difficult. There's no other word for it. It was hard being a single mom with four little guys. It was fun most of the time. There were many times where I questioned my sanity, when you guys would get yourselves into scraps, but it was fun.

Speaker 1:

What do you mean by scraps?

Speaker 2:

Jumping out of second story houses that skateboard crap you guys used to do.

Speaker 1:

We played Tony Hawk for real bitches, so it was just basically boy shit.

Speaker 2:

A lot of boy shit Did we fight? You fought Much blood. Not really much blood. A lot of being kicked out of the house to go scrap outside.

Speaker 1:

You realize, I've been stabbed in the leg by one of our brothers right?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I wasn't home when you guys were doing those things.

Speaker 1:

I just want you to know about that. You should probably get him in trouble when you go back to Oregon. He happens to still live in Oregon, name happens to be Mark and he put a knife in my leg.

Speaker 2:

Was that when you were throwing them at the ceiling? No, actually.

Speaker 1:

Mark never put a knife in my leg. Mark threatened to put a knife in my heart. Thomas was juggling, knives above me dropped when it went in my leg. So there's the correct information. So Thomas put a knife in me. We'll see him tomorrow. We'll pull him on podcast. We'll probably talk about knife in the leg and see how you remember that. He probably thinks it's pretty cool. All right, so you raised four idiots. You didn't do well there. So what have you done well in life? Talk to me about your career.

Speaker 2:

My career started out with opera and then, logically, I went into telecommunications.

Speaker 1:

The people want to know how you were successful, not how you fucking failed at singing.

Speaker 2:

I did fine. I decided I wanted to have a family, so I left. I decided I wanted to smoke.

Speaker 1:

I mean, sorry, a family, family, fuck off Family.

Speaker 2:

And then I went into telecommunications, worked my way up from the very bottom all the way to executive leadership.

Speaker 1:

Have I told you what I remember about that?

Speaker 2:

What do you remember about that?

Speaker 1:

So I remember one day we're living in Lebanon, Oregon, L-E-B-A-N-O-N. I used to swim, so they taught us how to spell it and I remember one day you took us to like food for less or some shit like that. Essentially it's a discount grocer where you might get meth and your groceries in the same visit and I remember we're standing in line paying the cashier and you pulled out monopoly money. I've been trying to pay people with monopoly money forever. It doesn't fucking work. Well, correction in COVID it works. They gave us like four trillion dollars of it, but I remember back in the day. So this is like the earlier mid-90s. You were paying the cashier and monopoly money and me being eight, nine, 10 years old, probably.

Speaker 2:

honestly, younger, probably about six. Yeah, probably six.

Speaker 1:

I looked at you and said what the fuck is that? And I was a G, so I definitely said what the fuck was that it wasn't censored. And you slapped me and I thought it was because you said that I never slapped you.

Speaker 2:

I never slapped you.

Speaker 1:

It was because I thought I said, fuck, but realistically you were a little bit ashamed about paying with monopoly money, and what I mean by monopoly money was food stamps. And then I remember that evening I'm going to embarrass you a little bit not embarrass you, but honestly this is your story but I remember that evening walking into your room and you were crying and I don't know if it actually happened the same day, but I remember you in like tears and like I didn't realize until it was later in life that all of this shit connected, that I don't know if it was that you were ashamed or like that you were tired or no, it was humiliating.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, humiliating it was humiliating to need welfare. Yeah, and honestly, that was the last day I ever remembered being poor or not having. And the fucking funny thing is is I never actually felt poor, I never actually felt like we didn't have. And now that I look at it now, and even like later in childhood, we were fucking straight, fucking broke.

Speaker 2:

We were. We were for the first three years after I divorced. It was, it was a struggle, but you know, I don't believe children should know that the parent is struggling. I think they should understand how to put this. It's not what are you doing? It's not for a parent to share with their child adult struggles, but to guide them through their own. I don't know how else to say that it wasn't for me to put that on you guys, that my life was messy and difficult at that time.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's crazy. The thing is I don't actually remember any of that Like. I remember shit. I remember a little bit during the divorce. I remember like, but I never remember struggling. I remember having really good times. I remember sleeping with you and grandma and papa's. I think you and I slept in the fucking living room. Mark, adam and Thomas slept in a back bedroom, am I right? Or maybe Thomas slept with us too.

Speaker 2:

Um no, we slept in a back bedroom and it was like a two bedroom house, wasn't it no three. It was a three bedroom house, but it was only like 1200 square feet out of the way. Yeah, it wasn't very big.

Speaker 1:

So all six of us live there and I think I did sleep in the room with you, right, correct, okay. So I remember that. And then I remember the first. I remember you started to look for rental houses and I remember one house we looked at had like one of those like old school ghost keys oh my God, it was such a dump. Yeah, it was scary as fuck. And then we found a. We found a house on Fifth Street in Lebanon, oregon, which, from my experience then, like it was kind of a cool house. It was our own house. It was down the street from the high school. You had some friends in Lebanon that hung out with us a lot, so we would like go on bike rides and shit. And I went back to Lebanon it was probably 10 years ago from now, but we lived in a straight hood.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean it was an okay rambler house. It was just like an old mill house. Yeah, it wasn't anything special, it wasn't. I mean it's probably a worse neighborhood now than it was then. It was a safe enough neighborhood. It just wasn't regular run of the mill Okay.

Speaker 1:

And you got into the telecom industry. Yes, yes, the divorce happened. Life went crazy. We moved in with our grandparents. How did you, how and why did you choose the telecom industry?

Speaker 2:

It's where I found a job. You know I had to find a job quickly. I hadn't worked for years. I was, you know, my intent was to stay at home with the boys for, you know, until you went to school. And then shit hit the fan and I had to get a job and I, you know, I needed help from my family to, to you know, have mom would be there to take care of you guys and I needed to be in Lebanon. The telecom they had a huge telephone company there at the time, pti. Am I allowed to say that?

Speaker 1:

Oh, fuck what you say, okay.

Speaker 2:

You'll see the street that I say on this Okay, and you know it, it it's it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's, it's it's it. It wasn't logical, it was a need Um and, as it turned out, I really enjoyed it.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm kind of curious do you have any like weird non-disclosure agreements or fucking non-competes that you're not supposed to talk about? I'm retired, I'm done. All right, fuck PTI.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, so you got out industry as a need.

Speaker 1:

Was it the best pain? Was it great? Was it fucking the most satisfying fucking job you've ever had in your entire life?

Speaker 2:

Now it sucked. I was in customer service which anybody that's in customer service. You have my utmost respect because people are such assholes over the phone, Such assholes, Um, so you have my respect. So I immediately knew I had to start learning engineering, um, IT and all of the other aspects of telecommunications outside plant. Uh, how it all worked so that I could get the hell out of that seat.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that's early on and customer service is essentially sales. They just don't get fucking paid. They basically fix all the shit sales people do. Um, and then you didn't last long there because we lived on Fifth Avenue or Fifth Street, whatever that is, for a while and then we shortly moved to Salem, oregon. Like God was on only three years. If that two years, we were there five.

Speaker 2:

Really yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's fucking crazy. I don't remember any of that shit. Like I remember swimming a little bit. I remember one day I skipped swim to hang out with my friend Brandon that lived down the street and you found us like in a field and thought we were being bad kids and you called me a sheep and pissed me off.

Speaker 2:

The idea that I was pissed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we were just doing hoodrat shit with our friends.

Speaker 2:

You were supposed to be at your babysitter's house, is that?

Speaker 1:

what we were supposed to do. She was a bitch. She didn't have any drugs. We were getting ready to do drugs in five years. We had to figure that shit out. Um, but I remember that. But other than that I don't remember much of Salem. So I was a fourth no, I think I had just gotten through fourth grade. I was a fifth grader when we moved to Salem, oregon. And how the fuck did we get to Salem? Did you get a promotion Like cause we bought? You bought that house on fabric right away, right?

Speaker 2:

I did Um. I was offered a job with another telecommunications company in management.

Speaker 1:

So just like phone management, like you looked at telephones.

Speaker 2:

No, it was. No, it was for customer service. I was manager over the customer service and, uh, can you say that name? Yeah, it was. Um, well, it was ATG, ATG.

Speaker 1:

They didn't turn it into a central tell.

Speaker 2:

Century tell bought um PTI.

Speaker 1:

Oh, like while you were in Lebanon.

Speaker 2:

ATG was eventually gobbled up multiple times.

Speaker 1:

So if anyone wants to know, this podcast is actually to unscramble my childhood, so stick with us here, okay.

Speaker 2:

So ATG and Salem. Correct.

Speaker 1:

So it's over on, uh, industrial way, right, yeah, okay. And then so you go over to ATG. We live in Salem. How long do we live in that Fabray house? Because I remember well, give me the timeline first, it's not four years.

Speaker 2:

Not that long.

Speaker 1:

Is that the first house you bought by yourself? Yes, okay, so you bought a house by yourself, which is cool. You're old as shit because you waited forever to have kids.

Speaker 2:

To get my shit together.

Speaker 1:

He did a lot of drugs. Like if your parents anyone who's ever listened to this if you haven't had a real conversation with your parents, and it's probably the best thing you do Like if you listen to my kids and I listen to our podcasts I say whatever the fuck I want around my kids. One of the best things I will say as a kid is you actually never really threatened me with shit. Like if I wanted to do drugs, if I wanted to drink, if I like there was never actually fair of death in my mind, so you took away all the fun and I fucking hate you for that.

Speaker 1:

Like there was no fun All the fun when I was yeah, but you never really admitted to it, you were just all confused Like oh you've only smoked weed once and made papa really sad. Oh, thank God he's old and I'll never hear this shit. But like you took away all the fun of oh I don't know, my brother stood a lot and I can say that because that's how literally how he got his job told him.

Speaker 2:

But you're all different. You know how you handle it.

Speaker 1:

There was no fun. There was no like, there was no fear. Like I love jumping out of airplanes. Why? Because you feel like you're going to fucking die. I didn't do cocaine. Why I could? I felt like I might have to share my shit. No, but sorry, I go on a tangent. So you grew up, you had kids. I want to say late, but you had kids later, definitely than Brittany and I did, because I like never mind. But we moved to Salem. You buy a house. We lived on February for three years, four years.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't very long. No, it wasn't. I would say three. I think it was like two and a half or so Do you remember what really I mean?

Speaker 1:

I, from what I remember, I know why we moved. But why do we move?

Speaker 2:

Well A, I was promoted to a director position so I could afford, but the neighborhood got rough.

Speaker 1:

We had a gun pulled on us.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the neighborhood got rough and that was it for me. So I contacted a realtor and off we went.

Speaker 1:

Fuck yeah, I'm like 13, 14 years old, hanging out in homie's land Next to you know, guns are on both sides of me. I'm like what the fuck?

Speaker 2:

I didn't you were just little kids. I know it was horrible and we had guns.

Speaker 1:

They were fucking sweet, so yeah, so that honestly, it's not even a bad block. It was just bad people and, honestly, the people that you think would be bad actually had our backs. It was the motherfuckers just rolling. That's as hot as I am, but yeah, it was funny and it gave me kind of like I like guns, but I like having the gun and I like being able to shoot people if I need to. I don't like being the one in the middle of guns. What do you think of guns?

Speaker 2:

Ooh, oh you want me to answer that, are you sure?

Speaker 1:

Are guns good?

Speaker 2:

Have guns ever I don't think guns are good or bad.

Speaker 1:

I think, people are good or bad, Okay so you're telling me guns have never killed somebody. The gun itself has never actually shot at somebody, has never actually okay. So guns have not shot anybody and it takes a human reaction to shoot somebody. Correct, guns are good. Why? I personally don't like guns? Why is there a second amendment?

Speaker 2:

You want me to answer the historical question? I want you to answer the correct so that the people could this is the wrong way to put it but to control the government.

Speaker 1:

You mean prevent tyranny? Yeah, yes, you are correct, mom. I'm actually surprised by your constitutional knowledge. Second amendment is prevent tyranny. It doesn't say anything about shooting a fucking wolf in the fucking face to eat goddamn wolf chops. It says to shoot motherfuckers trying to take your freedom. We'll cover that in a couple of minutes freedom and bitches. So, that being said, we decided to move to the house on Novak, and that was fucking terrifying because we tried to get, or they tried to convert us to be Mormons Mormons. We moved on a block. So it's me, my three brothers, so four of us boys Dum, dum, dum dum and my mom who, like isn't a whore but like definitely is not the best mom by society or the Mormon religion. She did not wear her Mormon underwear, if you know what I'm saying. We had the cops call on us a few times weekly, embarrassing. It's fucking awesome. So our chaos moves to this. Like very it was a nice neighborhood.

Speaker 2:

It was a very very nice house it had a fucking sauna. It did.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like when you have a house that has a sauna. You fucking made it the world. And it was a beautiful house. It was a brand new build. It was on a block of Mormons, so everybody was safe. We got door knocked quite a bit. We were trying to get sold shit all the fucking time. It was annoying, but you actually gave up a six bedroom house. If I remember it was like five or six bedrooms. It was fricking huge and it would have actually supported our family for that house. Why, I don't remember the Mormons. She was trying to find happiness there was it they're?

Speaker 1:

happy people. Have you ever met a pissed off Mormon?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

They've never been mad in their lives. I don't care Proud of them. So, yeah, we moved there. It was pretty cool. We lived down the street from Pringle, which was the school I used to go to but never actually attended. Then we went to school Well, we were supposed to go to school and we stayed there until my junior. Yeah, between my sophomore and junior year in high school, and then you decided to move to Minnesota.

Speaker 2:

Well, my company was purchased by another company and my choice was to move to Minnesota or find another job.

Speaker 1:

I chose Minnesota until the last minute.

Speaker 2:

Until the last minute, when I found a job in Bend Oregon.

Speaker 1:

That was kind of cool. Then you moved to Bend and you abandoned us.

Speaker 2:

No, you abandoned me. That's fucking true.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, my Thomas and I we decided to stay in Salem and whatever. I'm not even gonna cover that right now, but it's like what was the highest level position you got into in the telecom world, like by title?

Speaker 2:

Chief operating officer.

Speaker 1:

COO Mm-hmm, you realize, 90% of C-suite titles are made up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's bullshit, oh okay. Yeah, it's good for your resume, Okay so I wanted to clarify that. Every C title is fucking made the fuck up. Yeah, like I'm a Chia, so chief sales officer, what the fuck does?

Speaker 1:

that mean.

Speaker 2:

I'm a sales manager. Shut the fuck up. Exactly.

Speaker 1:

Bitch, you're a shitty sales person. They can't be on the floor anymore and can just like show up every day. Congratulations, you got over your alcohol problem.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there's a little more than that. I mean, there's some responsibilities that I had to get yelled at Lower level employees don't have to deal with, but for the most part it's just a title for a resume.

Speaker 1:

The difference is hey, you're not doing good to, hey, motherfucker, you're not doing good. Sue me, bitch, it's not quite like that. It's exactly what it is the fucking special shit that you do. Did you make more money? Yes, oh, cool, good quarter. Did you make less money? What the fuck is wrong with you? I don't know all this bullshit on this PowerPoint. That's the difference. You had to make a fucking PowerPoint to explain your bullshit.

Speaker 2:

The other person went oh no, now, you didn't manipulate the data, so you don't look so bad.

Speaker 1:

You had a PowerPoint. You're gonna make a PowerPoint. You lied to people better Good job, so you went from. Did you do college at all? Yeah, okay, you went to fucking art school.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I studied music.

Speaker 1:

Remember I did offer for a while Except for drugs, alcohol, alcohol and drugs. Okay, so you got your. Hahaha. Surprisingly, you didn't go to ASU. Was ASU as cool as it was when you had to choose what school you were gonna fail at Like? Was ASU the thing where you really fucked up and partied a lot, or was that like no cause, oregon was a school back?

Speaker 2:

then yeah, did you go to Oregon For a short time now.

Speaker 1:

If y'all don't know what that fucking means, she's animal house timeframe Watch that fucking movie. It's the OG ASU. You know about ASU now, right?

Speaker 2:

You mean OSU? No, asu, arizona State, oh, arizona State. Well, I know what they are, yeah.

Speaker 1:

You know what their fucking reputation is? I know the football team sucks. Have you seen the women that go there? Or the girls? I don't even know what the fuck they are.

Speaker 2:

We're all confused. There's more girls watching. I really don't know much about them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, never mind Explain to your daughter what half that shit at a football game means. It's fucking confusing for both people. It's just a party school. It's certified. So you didn't actually graduate, though, right, you didn't get a bachelor's, no, Cause you're fucking smart.

Speaker 2:

Well, that was my thought at the time. I was already making money as a singer and I said fuck this, I don't need it anymore.

Speaker 1:

You made money as a singer. Yeah, you went, six people you do that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but then you factor in how much I paid for music lessons and voice lessons and all of that and I really didn't make a dime.

Speaker 1:

So self development OK. Then you had kids had to quit doing all the fun stuff. We ruined your life and you had to get serious.

Speaker 2:

I really would not put it like that, but in essence the timeline is correct. Yeah, I'm just being real mom.

Speaker 1:

I'm not trying to beat around the bush. The people want to know the correct answers. The people don't want to know the soft answers. They want to know the real answers. So what's the meaning of you had kids and you had to grow up as the real answer?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did have to grow up. That was sad.

Speaker 1:

And you grew up from me being born to you having a second child two years later and three and four years later which is the twins, correct and a divorce. So that was probably five or six years later followed by fucking Like. What's crazy is I barely remember like struggling, and when I do the math you know that's five, six, seven, probably eight years old in my life. That we really, really struggled would be my guess, and I don't remember a gosh dang thing about it because it never felt like a struggle.

Speaker 1:

I remember on Christmas, I remember I think we were either had just moved to our house in Lebanon because we didn't have a TV, because you're fucking hippie and like you truck Fucking hippie. You were fucking hippie. I'm not a fucking hippie, you're sometimes a hippie and like you tried really really hard. I don't know if you saved, but I remember it being a big deal because I actually remember seeing happiness in your face and with three brothers, I understand how happiness isn't a fucking actual emotion that you have, but I remember like there was a Christmas. You actually had happiness in your face because you bought us a Super Nintendo and I remember we played it at Grammys. I don't remember if we were still living at Grammys, but I remember that's where we opened it and that's like really the last time. I remember like really, really struggling. So I think we lived in that house that we rented in Lebanon.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, and we took the Nintendo, we opened it at Grammys, thomas and I played it for a bit and then we came home and like, from that point forward I just remember growth, mm-hmm. And that's one what made me realize, you know, later in life, when I was able to start, you know, putting all this together and understanding a little bit more, that I really hated being poor.

Speaker 1:

I also hated being fucking, like trying hard in school and shit, because I thought school was fucking stupid. So it's really confusing for me. It was like the dichotomy of how am I not going to be a fucking loser? Like every sign point to me being fucking homeless. But like I hated working and I hated being poor, so I had to realize how to not be poor and not do hard work. So I joined the military because I'm a fucking idiot.

Speaker 2:

I begged you not to. Oh, fuck everybody, dude, I got cut off.

Speaker 1:

What'd you think when I decided to join the military, what was your first flight? Because you knew I kind of wanted to do it.

Speaker 2:

It wasn't that I thought it was wrong for you. It was fair. We were in a war with Afghanistan, you know, in the Middle East.

Speaker 1:

The Samy people All over the Middle East.

Speaker 2:

So it wasn't that I thought it would be horrible for you. I just did not want you to deploy it. Scared the shit out of me.

Speaker 1:

How long did that fucking take before I deployed?

Speaker 2:

I was less than a year, wasn't it? Fuck, yeah, yeah it sucked.

Speaker 1:

I got through initial training two months later, once in Afghanistan.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then I came to Germany. We got incredibly drunk and you went to Afghanistan. Oh, yeah, that was fun Because. I thought I was going to die.

Speaker 1:

Because that was one of the most hot spots in Afghanistan, and I think at that time you were in like a job transition, right, or some shit, because then I pay for your flight. I might have not.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I was and you did.

Speaker 1:

I was in transition from my job and then to the one in Roseburg, yeah, and you were driving a fuck ton of miles and, like it was confusing, I just said, fuck it, I'm paying for your flight because I'm probably going to die. That's at least what happened in my mind, yeah. And then, yeah, you came in and we got really drunk and we ran out of alcohol and we drove to post and I knew I couldn't get through the gate because I fucking am P's.

Speaker 2:

We stumbled.

Speaker 1:

So we got out of the car outside in Germany we walked into post, bought a fuck ton more alcohol and my German apartment came home and puked. Yeah, you threw up all over my apartment, which made me sick, and Bernie had to clean it all up.

Speaker 2:

Dual puke, that's gross.

Speaker 1:

That was fucked up. That's funny, though. And then, yeah, I went to Afghanistan for a year, came home for a couple of weeks, went back. It was fun. Did you come back to Germany?

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I was there four, five times Really yeah.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's weird that I remember that time the most.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because you had Orion, and then I just kept coming back because you yeah, I think you came back my game of grandchild Once or twice a year after that. Yeah, it was kind of fun yeah.

Speaker 1:

Germany was fun. That was a good place to live on. The US taxpayer, dime, you actually supported me living in Germany more than you know. It's a great country. Oh, just pay your taxes so I can go back. So yeah, we were there for a while. I had to play to Afghanistan. That was fucking cool. And then Thomas joined the military and then Thomas and I got stationed in Alaska together. What do you think what? Thomas and I were both in the army.

Speaker 2:

Good for you. It's been good for you ever since you both became men quickly. I'm not saying that I didn't try to raise you to be men, but I'm just a girl and I'm fucking happy. And I'm fucking happy, Jonathan. I am so not a fucking hippie, you're fucking hippie.

Speaker 1:

You didn't allow us to have guns when we were kids. I don't like guns. Guns are good.

Speaker 2:

You were four boys. Like I, was going to put a gun in your hands.

Speaker 1:

Well, you would have had three boys. Yeah, exactly, it wouldn't have been fun till then.

Speaker 2:

You also got mad at us for fighting. Yeah, surprise.

Speaker 1:

And you got good at patching drywall.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm actually an expert at that, and later on we got good at it too, to try to hide the patches and set the human size hole in my home. Yeah, you got to get really good patches A thousand dollar hole.

Speaker 1:

Those were like Thomas and my last fight. Well, no, yeah, I think that was our last fight, because I think I was 19 or 20 and he was 18. And he bull rushed me down the stairs and tackled me in between two studs and put me through a wall. We realized we're getting big.

Speaker 2:

We actually hurt each other now.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you got good at patching drywall. So Thomas and I do the military thing for a while. We were both in Alaska for three years. Thomas got there before I did that convinced Brittany to let me re-enlist and go to Alaska. I spent three and a half four years there and then I got out. What do you think when we were all out of the military back at life? Because I got Thomas, became a cop and I got into real estate that I failed at and then got into automotive sales. What do you think of that? Do you think it was stupid?

Speaker 2:

No, not at all. Not at all. I was glad you were out of the military. It was probably very good for both of you, but it's a different life and it doesn't. This is really hard to say because it's going to sound like I'm not pro military, but it doesn't give you the opportunities to grow yourself without their consent. Does that make sense?

Speaker 1:

I get that now that I'm out 100%, but at the same time I was also a cocky 20 year old who, at 80% of my potential I could fucking outdo most motherfuckers, but I would also never be the best at anything I did. I would just outdo most motherfuckers and not even try. Like literally my junior and senior year, when I got my head out of my ass and decided I needed to actually graduate high school. I've never done a piece of homework in my life.

Speaker 2:

Right, but being good enough is pathetic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's kind of what I think the military made me realize is good enough was like I was just being a little bitch. And yes, I think, even if you did stay in the whole time and do your 20 years like, there's definitely a huge benefit not benefit to that, but there's definitely respect to that because it's a fucking rough lifestyle.

Speaker 2:

I agree.

Speaker 1:

But at the same time, like it wasn't for me. When I got out, all I knew was I didn't want to be paid hourly, I didn't want to be whoever the fuck I was, I didn't want to be just you know, get buy in society. So I went and fuck, you know, fucking, did whatever I could and, honestly, a lot of it was because I watched you grow up or I watched you, you know, help us grow in life and I knew that, like you, didn't have to be anyone, you didn't have to have a college degree, you didn't have to do any of this stupid shit like the society tells you you have to do.

Speaker 2:

No, you don't, oh, you just have to fucking work hard.

Speaker 1:

And the fucking thing is is you can make high six figures by just trying, because most motherfuckers won't even try. Most motherfuckers will quit, bitch, cry and talk about how they got a divorce and how fucking this person left them and how they're failing their fucking families and how they're a fucking loser, and they'll blame everybody else but them fucking self.

Speaker 2:

Oh, and that makes you a loser.

Speaker 1:

Well, it does make you a loser, but it's become, it's become cool nowadays to blame everybody else but yourself. And like I don't think you ever, like I don't ever remember you blaming yourself, I don't, or you blame it anybody but yourself.

Speaker 2:

Like I, I don't believe in that. I mean, it's not that I look at myself as a victim. I won't be a victim and that's why I was able to succeed. Because you will fail. No matter what you work at, at some point you will fail at it. So learn from the failure and move on. But even through the divorce.

Speaker 1:

like be careful how I say this, but you never talk shit about dad, even though you probably should have.

Speaker 2:

No, that's not for me to poison my children. That's sick. And even though I try to set you up on this you won't. No, it's sick, it's wrong.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's the crazy thing is you never talk shit about dad. You never talk shit about the position you were in. You never want to bitch about. I'm not fucking worth it. Like fuck you in America. Like here's the fucking thing. I hear so many people bitch about teachers fucking plea and I support both of these peoples. But teachers, police officers, like I'm not paid what I'm worth, fucking, quit and see if you get a raise. Bitch. Because if you're not willing to quit and see if you get a fucking raise, then maybe you're getting paid exactly what. You're a fucking babysitter because you don't provide anything to our society. As a fucking teacher, you fuck our kids up more than you fucking hurt them. So quit bitching about that shit.

Speaker 2:

I don't quite agree with that, but I the fuck don't you agree with that.

Speaker 1:

I was told my entire childhood I was going to be a failure. I was told because I was fucking funny. I was going to be a failure. I was told because I didn't give a shit about their stupid fucking agenda. I was not going to make it in society.

Speaker 2:

I'm making a month what they make it a year. They were wrong and a good teacher would have never said that to you.

Speaker 1:

Well, I did have some good teachers. So problem was through our education system is it's gotten so fucked up that they went to fucking grammar school, they went to middle school, they went to high school, then they went and did some years in college and guess what? They went right back to prison and started teaching school again. Yeah, it's a fucking institutionalized system that holds people back and controls your thoughts. They don't want you to think outside the box, they don't want you to grow your mindset. But here's the reality of it. We're past the industrial age. We don't need motherfuckers to sit on a symbol and then put piece A to piece B and then pass it to person C to put D and E together, or however the fuck the alphabet works.

Speaker 2:

I didn't go. That fucking that job doesn't exist.

Speaker 1:

No, we need people to think nowadays and there's never been in person, in management, there's never been a salesperson that can't think. Yet that's how the school system. They tell us to memorize these fucking books and words. And honestly, I don't know a fucking successful person Like we had that one chick in our fucking grade. I'm not going to drop her name because I want to. I can't remember it. I don't want to drop her name because she was a nice person, just kind of a nerd, but she got a full-ride scholarship to George Washington. I don't know who the fuck she is anymore, but I sure do a lot of the fucking 1.5 and 2.0 students, because they're actually doing something, because they didn't want to be part of the bullshit society and they saw that there was girls. So I truly think, like you know, the school system fucks kids up more than it fucking teaches them. Now my kids are fucking retards.

Speaker 2:

No, they're not, but they figure it the fuck out.

Speaker 1:

Finally starting to teach them that you can cheat the goddamn system and get just as good as grades Fucking easier. I don't know how I got on that tangent.

Speaker 2:

But yeah so.

Speaker 1:

I failed at school, Did okay in business, Did okay in sales. I am where. What do you think about what I? What do you think I do now?

Speaker 2:

I think you're a coach, a mentor. I think that you're a salesperson for the, the business that you're working with. I think that you're an opportunity seeker and you teach others to do the same and better. Yeah, what do you think I do? I don't fucking know. That's literally what everyone tells me.

Speaker 1:

Well, anybody could say about their own job.

Speaker 2:

What do you do? I don't know. That's half the time. I don't know. That's a tip to learn on your own.

Speaker 1:

That's a tip to learning on being successful. If you know what the fuck you're doing every day, you probably ain't doing fucking shit Like I know we talk a lot about like, oh, fucking, plan your day out the morning before the fuck. Like, yeah, I know like three or four things I'm going to do the next day, but 90% of what I do is fucking I'm just making shit up on the fly. I'm kind of going with it. I'm seeing what happens, I'm seeing who needs what and how to fucking assist them. So, yeah, just do whatever you know I want within our company values and shit like that. And you know, make shit up. And yeah, I think you're right as far as like truly helping people and guiding people and giving people the information that they don't need Really like.

Speaker 1:

I'm just trying to get the crazy ass shit that I've put in my head to other people and things that have worked for me and you know, allow that to help other people grow. Allow that to help other people fucking, you know find their dreams and really like especially with recently where I've kind of gotten big enough and to the income level where I don't really give a fuck anymore Like I'm honestly just trying to voice my opinion on whatever the fuck I think and quit trying to hide who the fuck I am, cause you remember as a child you used to tell me sometimes I didn't need to voice my opinion so much or that I wasn't always right.

Speaker 2:

I don't remember that, but I'm sure I probably said it.

Speaker 1:

Well, one, I was always right, not when you're a child.

Speaker 2:

I was pretty good then too.

Speaker 1:

No I was probably stupid as fuck then, but like, I've always liked to voice my opinion and maybe that's being the older kid and always knowing that I'm right, and I also have three retarded brothers, so it's not that fucking hard to be, like you know, semi-intelligent. But I don't think it was you as much. I think it was mostly like the education system. I was told a lot, my shit was stupid. That's fucking funny. No, it's not funny.

Speaker 2:

It's disturbing. No, I think it's skull should encourage any child, no matter what. No, I think it was a little bit of a shame.

Speaker 1:

I think it was awesome because I don't think they know, I don't think I think it was like I was lucky because I was also in that anti-bullying phase bullshit where like occasionally if you suck, you just need to be told you fucking suck, and we kind of missed that. But at the same time I did have some good teachers. I did have some. I had some teachers just straight up said like dude, you're fucking idiot, you're never going to mount the shit. And I had some teachers that were like dude, you might do something, but you probably need to quit being such a fucking idiot. I'm like that makes sense, that's a good teacher.

Speaker 2:

Remember, my math teacher told me I was a fucking idiot. I don't know if I ever told you I had a math teacher.

Speaker 1:

I wish I fucking knew his name, because he was an army reservist and I had very high respect for him because, like, he was always real with me and one day in class he told me I was a fucking idiot and it was because I was acting like a fucking idiot.

Speaker 2:

I wish I knew his name.

Speaker 1:

I want to talk to that guy again, so if I'm lucky enough to ever hear it, fucking reach out to me. My number is all over online, so shoot me a text or some shit, all right. So you ended up raising one good kid and three failures. All right, we got. I'm just kidding.

Speaker 2:

My brother. No, I'll do it.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, they actually, and it's funny because we kind of all had our own path. Some of us got our ass kicked more than others. Some of us got our ass kicked later in life, like, but we've all kind of figured it the fuck out. That being said, we got to find out more like what you actually believe in on a chord level, because that's going to be what drives you and, like what you know, makes you who you are. So my first question is and it's the biggest question everyone wants to know and of all the shit I talk about you online is how are you actually a successful Democrat and who'd you steal money from?

Speaker 2:

I'm not a Democrat, I'm an independent.

Speaker 1:

That's what every Democrat would say.

Speaker 2:

No, I don't want to be a part of it and I don't want to talk about politics. So let's get this straight. But I don't care for either parties platforms right now. They're both too far to the left or not. Both One is too far to the left, the other is too far to the right. It's polarized, it makes me sick and I don't want to be a part of either one of them.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, when it comes to being with educated, not educated, do you lean left or right?

Speaker 2:

What do you mean? Educated, not educated Like common motherfucking sense? Well then, I would lean to the right, okay.

Speaker 1:

So we're getting there. So are you four men cutting off their penises?

Speaker 2:

Are you talking transgender?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't know, because I don't know if a child is born in the wrong body, but I don't think a child should ever have transitional changes until they're old enough to really really know. Am I for it? I guess in a way I am. If it is true that you're just born in the wrong body, how sad is that.

Speaker 1:

What about a woman cutting off their clitoris and adding a dick? Same answer it's sad. What about the feminist movement pushing the neutering of women away in Africa and being against it, and now in America that we have found it okay to choose at a young age?

Speaker 2:

Like do you believe I don't believe any child should be allowed to alter.

Speaker 1:

So on my last podcast I don't know because I heard you guys get home when I was talking but I used to believe, like you know, in America the legal age of consent for alcohol is 21,. The legal age of consent for sex is 18. Do you believe that a 21 year old or an 18 year old can truly make that decision, whether, like like, in a responsible manner? Do you think a 21 year old knows anything about adulthood or what they truly want in life and what is truly gonna like? I'm not saying like we should arrest fucking kids for drinking and shit and having sex like go have fucking fun, but do you think they really know the long-term outcomes of what they're doing with their life?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

When do most people decide in life that maybe alcohol, if they have an alcoholic problem or drug addiction or you know they just really like getting fucked up. Do you think most of them have figured that out by 21, or is it probably closer to their late 20s, 30s, after they've gotten fucked up a handful of times?

Speaker 2:

late 20s, 30s, you know, and everybody is different.

Speaker 1:

You see where.

Speaker 2:

I'm happy that they said, the narrative changes for each person, but If you go by the law of averages Probably 25 to 30 you're starting to finally figure out who the hell you are.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and then? Do you believe by the law of averages? Most people, most men, want to cut their dick off. No, no. So most men don't want to cut their dick off. Yet most men can't make a decision that they're a fucking alcoholic or a drug addict until late 25s or 30s.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's usually much later than that if you're an addict.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's usually until 40s, 50s or until you're in the grave, correct. But at the same time, if you have a and you know alcohol and you know drug addiction, I would, you know, argue that is a mental disease or a physical, physical disease. In to a sense, I don't think it's a disease.

Speaker 2:

It starts out it. If my opinion matters, which it probably doesn't, I'm not a doctor, but it starts as a mental defect. Yeah, and you use drugs and alcohol to To try and self-medicate?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, try and self-medicate, because you don't. Actually, I think. I think the reason alcoholism and drug Addiction is so rampant on the increase is because men and women, both a type personality who are fucking killers, who are addictive Personalities, don't know how to fucking harness their anger. Because we're told that we have a TD, we're told that we Well, no, that's the woke world.

Speaker 2:

You're being told to shut up all the time. You're not allowed to say this. You're not allowed to say that there's so much no, no, no, no. There's so much negative that people can't grow, they can't be themselves exactly, but you can cut your dick off At a young age if you want to, it's the kids fucking.

Speaker 1:

It's a it's a dipshit who can't even decide what they fucking like for breakfast. Well they're decision if they cut their dick off.

Speaker 2:

No, it's the parents. And fucking jack themselves up with hormones. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's fucking retarded. All right, so no Republican. Point five this is a tally that we're gonna be doing. By the way. Drug use what are your thoughts in America? Because you're from the state where they just basically said, dad, do what you want.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and the media is saying that Oregon is struggling so badly with it and we're not, so don't let anybody fool you there. It's not a problem legalization. I think they did mushrooms and no, they did, they did everything.

Speaker 1:

They decriminalized. Yeah, I'll schedule all fucking narcotics.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so it's not. It's actually safer for drug users to to find safe drugs. Yes, they're still fit and all issues in Oregon just like anywhere else. But Don't let the media tell you that Oregon is a mess. It's not that's awesome.

Speaker 1:

You're actually listening to Fox News. I'm proud of you. The CNN says you guys are doing great. Fox is fucked up with you. The Republican plus point five. We're getting there. I'm fucking proud.

Speaker 2:

This is a fucking good day for me.

Speaker 1:

And I do agree with Fox News is fucking that shit crazy. But also, have you paid to Portland?

Speaker 2:

Portland's a mess and it's incredibly sad.

Speaker 1:

It go. Have you been to you?

Speaker 2:

is gross in it.

Speaker 1:

I know. That's why I don't live in Eugene, I don't live in spring talk. Yeah, like you live in the point five. You mean you live in the area that actually kicks homeless motherfuckers out that are high on drugs, out of their city. We do, and you don't see them. I don't because the cops kick them out, correct, dang.

Speaker 2:

Not a biased opinion, no and the homeless issue in all of America, not just Oregon, it's mostly the West Coast, probably New York, the. The blue states, unfortunately, have invited homeless instead of I'm correcting the problem refining solutions, mental institutions, drug rehabilitation. Have you been to Phoenix? They just feed them. Yes, and I don't see it here. I know and it's.

Speaker 1:

I have a solution and I don't have to feel sad for people we legalized drugs for 12 months.

Speaker 1:

But the stipulation is if the paramedics show up and you have OD'd, they are not gonna save you. If they see track marks in your arm and a bag of heroin in your pocket, we let you die and the drug use Will be gone. And we're gonna save a lot of lives that way, because a lot of people go, not worth the risk, and then the crazy motherfuckers just don't care. We'll die and I'm sorry to say like you fucked up your kids. That's on you, not me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think that's harsh, but I know you should do shit, right or wrong.

Speaker 1:

It's called natural selection. Dip shits die in a strong survive. The problem is, we don't let the strong survive anymore. We tell the strong that they don't have opinions. We tell the strong that they don't matter. We tell the strong that we have to accept the minorities of cutting their dick off. Like, who's gonna fight our wars and our battles when no one's got a penis? Also, who's gonna make babies?

Speaker 2:

Well, what's frustrating is, the trans community Is a bunch of fucking idiots.

Speaker 1:

No, it's so tiny.

Speaker 2:

It's so tiny and yet that's what we're spending all of our time and concerted and money. Let's face it, it's money on something that's less than 1% of our population. It's bullshit.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's, yes, it's a minority community and I agree with that and, honestly, if it kept it being a minority community and they didn't throw it down everyone's throat, I wouldn't even be talking about it.

Speaker 2:

I would, no one would care.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like they need to go back in the closet.

Speaker 2:

No, they don't have to go in the closet bit.

Speaker 1:

Like every straight person in the closet. I've never had a fucking straight pride parade. I've never walked down the street and say I like titties.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just you know, like am I right? I'll just live.

Speaker 1:

You go to a strip club if you need to see titties, why can't they go to a fucking fag club?

Speaker 1:

Instead, they've got a hand, no, they've got a fucking go around San Francisco down the fucking main street showing their kids they're dicks with their dicks out on parade and people actually, you know, people actually bring their kids to this shit and let them see fucking pedophiles. Yeah, that's not okay, because here's the fucking problem. Like what happens when a trend, because trans people just say like there's something wrong there and maybe there is some weird fucking small percentage where they're genetically fucked up. But last I checked it's like point zero, zero, one percent of the population. That's a hermaphrodite. Like a very fucking small percentage of the population. It's genetically their exes and Y's got crossed.

Speaker 1:

So men rape children more than women do, fucking statistically, like. So if a man says he's a woman and you go into women's bathroom, are you okay with that? No, fuck, no, I'll shoot him in the brain. I Don't care what he did. Are you okay with a man not being a little bitch and not being able to compete in sports and whooping every woman's ass in college swimming? No, no. And then they fucking, they take the, they give the man or the he, she, whatever it is, the metal and then they tell this woman who's competed her entire fucking ass off her entire life but she's a second-place bitch. And then a year later they say oh, we're sorry, we fucked up, here's the gold medal. She doesn't even fucking care anymore. Yeah, it ruined that woman's entire life. It was an actual winner, it's true.

Speaker 1:

So that's where it's gotten fucking crazy, as we took a minority opinion, which, last I checked, we don't do a minority opinions in America. Whoever loses the election Loses the election, and I don't get a fucking opinion. Yet when you lose the election, depending on who you lose to, you all of a sudden start supporting like why do you support the minorities? Because you can troll the minority with the minority. And if you, fucking idiots, don't look like, don't believe this shit. Go study history, study the Greeks, study the fucking Romans. Study the fucking Chinese people, the fucking um, who's that fucker? That fucking crossbred? Everybody in China, fucking. Yeah, look at the fall of their empires. It was when they started accepting the minority opinion. So we'll move on from that. I.

Speaker 2:

Don't know what. We went way off.

Speaker 1:

What do you think of the great one, donald Trump?

Speaker 2:

I Think he's an idiot. I think he's a problem for the, for the US. I Think he's damaging to not just the US but his own family. It's sick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, must be rough having six billion dollars. What do you think of Joe Biden or what I like to say?

Speaker 2:

He's. He's just too old. What do I think of him? I think he's done the best that he can, but it's not good enough, and we just need better choices.

Speaker 1:

That's like saying an all-timers patience, fucking just trying.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's exactly what we have.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so what do you think? The fact that Trump Can't actually be bought out by the White House? Yes, he might have political agendas and making himself rich, but he was rich before he got into I actually approve that he's.

Speaker 2:

He's not purchased by special, to the best of my knowledge.

Speaker 1:

Special interest yeah and I believe, and I truly believe, even though I do support Trump. I believe. I don't know if I believe, but I'm Higher chance of not. Yes, he does have his own interest in mind, because he's a high performing businessman and it's just you make money. However, what I do know is he made six fucking billion dollars, or ten billion. He actually lost his net worth. Well, in DC, sure, where everyone else gains their net worth. What do you think of Nancy Pelosi's highest salary being? Well, let me ask you this. So, nancy Pelosi, in Congress, the most she's ever been able to make is a hundred seventy five thousand a year. Have you made more than a hundred seventy five thousand dollars in one year?

Speaker 1:

With bonuses yes, okay, and she gets bonuses to. It's called fucking bribes. She's worth three hundred million dollars. Are you worth anywhere near three hundred million dollars? No, so is a because you work for General Electric's right for a while. Yes, for a while. So one of the most advanced companies in the world makes more money than fucking 90% of companies on earth and gives they give you guys pretty good training. You went through six Sigma and lean. You went through a lot of shit, right.

Speaker 2:

I didn't okay.

Speaker 1:

Why the fuck don't you have three million, three hundred million dollars?

Speaker 2:

There's no special interest groups for businesses. You, you make the money on your own. Well, yeah, you, you get into politics and you sell your soul.

Speaker 1:

So you're telling, but you're telling me from the business aspect. Someone who makes a hundred seventy five thousand dollars a year Cannot reasonably be self-made to be worth three hundred million dollars in 30 years.

Speaker 2:

Not unless they make some significant changes like in their job Well. I mean going to sales versus whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I'm not saying we're gonna sales and getting a fucking raise. I'm saying you make a hundred seventy five thousand dollars, like just math. For the rest of your life.

Speaker 2:

No, you will not.

Speaker 1:

Weird. So, yeah, what I like about Trump is he had the billions of dollars before he got into the White House and supposedly can't be bought. And I'm excited for his second term, because what do you think about the fact that he's just straight not running for president and not really trying, but fucking Smoking everybody?

Speaker 2:

whoever is advising him is incredibly smart. So don't talk there to keep your fucking mouth shut.

Speaker 1:

Don't show up for any trouble.

Speaker 2:

Don't do debates. Don't do this, don't do that, because you're an idiot, do not. You know he's up to like 75 is smart.

Speaker 1:

He's up to 75 percent right now. I know it's fucking awesome, it's not, but here's the thing. Are you, would you be slightly excited that he runs for president? Yes, I'm framing the question in a certain way, but he has nothing to lose. He can't make president again. Yes, maybe you know Trump junior like it's a family legacy.

Speaker 2:

Four years of chaos and I don't want it again.

Speaker 1:

What chaos.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god, do you forget.

Speaker 1:

No, I actually perfect what chaos and tell me why.

Speaker 2:

And his four years, and I let me try and come up with some examples.

Speaker 1:

The biggest one that happened in his beginning. Well, COVID wasn't his fault but hold on, COVID wasn't his fault but he handled it terribly.

Speaker 2:

How arguing with doctors Openly hostile to people that wait okay, their advice, as we found out in time, wasn't the best, so you're saying what he was arguing with was actually Closer to the facts and what we were really told.

Speaker 1:

And then he later Sacrificed on and gave.

Speaker 2:

But these people were out there looking to keep Americans, and the world for that matter, from dying. They didn't know what they didn't know, and you shouldn't have someone that absolutely does not have a medical degree Constantly saying but you don't have to do what they say.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't have a medical degree degree, but he's not a politician. They shut the world down for the flu.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and Agreed. You know, in hindsight, Maybe we didn't. The elderly and Fat fucks. Well, people with diabetes.

Speaker 1:

That fucks. That didn't take care of themselves. Yeah, okay. And what if doctors said for centuries about being overweight and old?

Speaker 2:

That it will kill you.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my fucking god, okay. So when they said shut down the entire world and Trump said fuck you, dr Fauci and Dr Fauci, by the way, has gone against Congress on record and said that half the shit he said was not back based by any facts, was based by people telling him he needed to say that.

Speaker 1:

That has been heard that that has been recorded on fucking through Congress. He said that a lot of it was not based on facts. It was based on what needed to be done to control the population. Okay, so okay. So he fucking handled COVID perfect. Now he did for a while there he was doing the mass thing. He was talking about the vaccine, he supported it and he's already admitted he done fucked up and that's what his advisors were saying. And then all of a sudden he went. This is fucking stupid. And and now we're starting to see people having heart disease at 27 years old, who are professional NFL athletes, who have never had heart disease and died before. We're starting to see all these people who got the vaccine because they were forced to have the vaccine have further problems. So, covid, we'll stop there. Can't piss you off that much just yet. So what? What else went wrong during his presidency?

Speaker 2:

Just the chaos surrounding him all the time, his poking at other countries. What country do you poke?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Well, china was one of them. And what happened? What did he do with China? He did the trade crap. He put tariffs on things and they turned around and tariffed us. So there, the consumer pays for the tariffs that he did you mean?

Speaker 1:

we actually brought some business back to America.

Speaker 2:

Not much, a little bit. Well, here's the problem with that.

Speaker 1:

Do you agree that we should do business in America? Yes, do you agree that? Fucking? The average redneck that fucking states that gets on the meeting says fucking go America. If I were to take my five dollar product to make it eight dollars, would they still buy my eight dollar product because it was made in America, when they could buy the same product for $5 that was made in China? No, no, because they're stupid motherfuckers. So you fuckers that say made in America, go shop America, go shop American. You stupid fuck. And keep voting for minimum wage to raise because you can't fucking afford it, you dumb fucker. So he attempted to bring jobs back to America to make it harder to actually do things over here because we taxed the fuck out of Americans. What tax rate do you pay? Or do you think you pay when you were still working?

Speaker 2:

When I was working, I was about 40%.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're being lied to there. What do you really pay? Well, what do you mean? Well, let's add some property tax in. Oh well, yeah, add, hit and sale. You probably you realize your entire time you worked. You worked until August to pay the government, right? Yeah, it was frustrating. So, from the business aspect, what if we cut the tax bracket in half? Do you think we'd bring more jobs back to America? Do you think we'd actually have more American built bullshit? Do you think people would be more likely to invest in America?

Speaker 2:

If we cut the business tax rate, Sure Business tax, personal tax made it cheaper to live, okay, so we'd bring people back.

Speaker 1:

So what are we doing by taxing people hired? You think AI ain't going to take your stupid, fucking not your job, but like everyone else's job in the world? Like, as from a business aspect, and you were in the tech world If you were in the tech world in today's time, knowing like the little you probably actually know about AI and I'm not insulting you, it just doesn't actually concern you as much as it concerns me but like would you be worried about AI taking your fucking job? Absolutely yeah, and they're going to fucking out tax every fucking corporation in this world until the big corporations fucking make it. And like, here's the fucking thing, when we get COVID and we'll go back to COVID, what corporation shut down?

Speaker 2:

Anything but essential services.

Speaker 1:

What were essential services? Car dealerships, amazon, walmart.

Speaker 2:

Safeway Lobbyist, and there were some that were bright enough to say, no, we're staying in business.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, and then they had the fucking police shutting them down and protesting and the government shut their ass down and find the fuck out of them. What were those companies called the local Mon paws that couldn't fucking have lobbyists in the White House to tell me? And I was in the automotive industry. I'm very thankful I made a fuck ton of money during COVID, because you're a bunch of fucking idiots Like I'm just being real. We were not fucking essential. There's fucking cars out there that these motherfuckers could have bought. Yet the automotive lobbyist kept us in business. Why? Because we had a fuck ton of money.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so essential businesses were large corporations, and when you can start supporting large corporations and no longer the Mon paws and the Mon paws can't get out of poverty in the middle class and can't build anything you create it starts with an S, turns into a C Not socialist cunts, but socialist communism, because then you're supported by society. And then the government comes in and says, hey, here's $4 trillion half fund. Do you know why? The government gave us $4 trillion of monopoly money to go spend.

Speaker 2:

No, it was very frustrating. Do you know anybody that?

Speaker 1:

actually lost their job for longer than I know. California was a little weird, but California is not America, so we take California out of the equation. Do you know anybody that lost their job longer than a week or two after we figured out it was all bullshit. No, no, we all got our jobs back. We all made more money than we ever knew to do with and they threw $4 trillion in the economy. Do you know why? They did that One? To deflate the US dollar. But more importantly and Warren Buffett says it the best because Warren Buffett fucking said all this shit was going to happen. Warren Buffett said if he donated, and he's one of the top 10 richest people in the world. Now I think he's gone down a bit. He used to be a number one and two.

Speaker 2:

Right, so Berkshire and Hathaway.

Speaker 1:

He said if he donated every fucking penny he has, within four years he will have every dollar back because stupid motherfuckers that don't know how to handle money will give him his money back. So what happened? We give you four trillion fake fucking dollars and whose net worth went up? The politicians and the corporation CEOs and we're sitting here saying Trump was the fucking bad guy. No, fucking Trump wasn't a bad guy. Trump just happened to be around and pissed a lot of people off because he was exposing a lot of motherfuckers and our economy was booming for the middle class for two fucking years that they had to create the bird flu or bird flu 2.0 or fucking a really bad cold.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome to your opinion. What was?

Speaker 1:

COVID, where did it come from? I mean, south Park? We don't really know. Oh, we can fucking. You really believe we don't know? We figured out a way to solve fucking AIDS. We're killing, motherfucking AIDS now.

Speaker 2:

Well, we don't know, because they haven't told us.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, so we're not, as population, allowed to know where this and the COVID strain had been around for years.

Speaker 2:

It was just this 19th. Well, like the flu, like when you have a really bad flu season, like the same fucking thing, like the same thing Virtually been around. The bubonic plague's been around since bubonic plague.

Speaker 1:

It's all been the same goddamn thing. We haven't figured the fuck out yet and we just shut the world down for one fucking fucking thing. It's fucking crazy. You talk to people and I'm not saying. I'm not trying to like spin you off on saying you're an idiot because you're honest. You're just not as honest as me, like you say the same damn words that I say I just don't give a fuck about what people think. How many more years till you quit giving a fuck and we get our Trump 2024 flags together and we rise as the family?

Speaker 2:

That will not happen ever.

Speaker 1:

But realistically it's crazy because, like, I'm not really pissed, I think you're an idiot, but that's on you. No, I don't really think you're an idiot, but like we say the same thing and even though you're not a fucking dirty Democrat, you say you would.

Speaker 2:

I would love to see a Republican in office, just not him. Why?

Speaker 1:

Because he's the only one that's not been bought. Who are we going to fucking put in office?

Speaker 2:

Some other bot, mother fucking from the right side. I don't know. I would have loved to have seen what's his name from Utah, the fucking Indian feller. No, no, no, no, no. Oh, I like him.

Speaker 1:

He's going to be Trump's vice president. I'm calling it right now Uh, VEGADESH.

Speaker 2:

No, Mitt Romney.

Speaker 1:

Mitt Romney is a fucking bot pussy. No, he's not. I like him yes he's bot.

Speaker 2:

I like him. He's bought by the church. I actually like DeSantis better than Trump.

Speaker 1:

Have you seen some of the heard, some of the dumb shit?

Speaker 2:

DeSantis is the same thing. He's a doofus.

Speaker 1:

Like I like the shit he does in Florida, like killing child molesters and shit. I'm fucking down for that. But he also says some dumb ass shit. He's fucking dirty. Like, yes, he'll say some shit, he'll fucking do some shit, but he'll do some dirty dirty to the right, which he's going to fuck up the right. Trump isn't bought by anybody. He's just a fucking idiot. That's me, vaughn. I think we're all fucking idiots. So we've got COVID. What else dumb shit happened during his election? That's just me, vaughn. I want one more, one more bad thing other than he killed COVID during the election. Just one more. One more is all I asked for.

Speaker 2:

George Floyd, kyle Rittenhouse, those weren't his fault.

Speaker 1:

Okay, what was his fault then?

Speaker 2:

Just the chaos. His mouth Constant, constant, just shit. I hated it. I hated that chaos and we shouldn't have politics in the mouths of our children, but they weren't, oh God. Yes, he was expelling politics.

Speaker 1:

Oh, what happened to the insurrection? Like when they all the people showed up at the White House. I know what the insurrection is See what I'm talking about, right, yeah, so what about when Nancy Pelosi denied 20,000 troops, trump requested to go defend the White House or the Capitol Bill.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what happened there.

Speaker 1:

Well, but on record, one thing that did happen was Nancy Pelosi denied 20,000 National Guardsmen from defending the Capitol building. On record that exists.

Speaker 2:

And so does the record of Trump sitting in a room laughing about what was going on it doesn't matter, it was funny, it happened.

Speaker 1:

Did you see their hats? It was funny. And what happened when they broke into the White House building or the Capitol building? They killed a policeman? No, they didn't. The white bitch got shot.

Speaker 2:

No, they killed a police officer, okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's the police officer's fine. They also shot a white bitch, and did we have riots about the white bitch getting shot for breaking into the Capitol building?

Speaker 2:

No, but if those people were brown or black that stormed that building, they'd all been shot down immediately. I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

No, that's where our country is, and it's fucking sad that I can't even say that I don't think that's part true, I think that part is given to you by the media, that that's true. No, I don't read the media because it's all negative.

Speaker 1:

So why wasn't there uproar when the white bitch got shot for breaking into the Capitol? That I don't know, because she was a fucking brunch mom and no one gave a fuck about her and she wasn't a political agenda. There was no way they could push it, because what could have happened is all those white motherfuckers and there was also races in there. I'm not just saying it was white people, but there was race. There were other races in there as part of this. Like we used to as men, we used to as Americans, do you remember that thing called the Tea Party? We fought and we fucking essentially rioted and we dumped a bunch of tea. But this wasn't the way to do it. We used to kill motherfuckers, we used to take people's heads.

Speaker 2:

Now, you don't do it just because you don't like the results of an election. You do it because you don't like the way the country is being ran.

Speaker 1:

Do you think the election was fair? There was no interference.

Speaker 2:

I don't know the answer to that.

Speaker 1:

So when you don't know the answer and you don't understand something, you don't believe the country is being ran correctly and you fear your government. You don't believe they're being truthful and you believe in the word tyranny, because that's basically the definition of tyranny. The right thing wasn't done. But the thing is it never made the news the actual shooting of a gallop.

Speaker 2:

But that's where most Americans are. We don't trust the Supreme Court, we don't trust Congress.

Speaker 1:

So what's wrong with us trying to take over the Congress? What's wrong with us trying to actually fucking scare the shit there?

Speaker 2:

isn't. It was just the wrong time. You don't do it while we're trying to change out an administration. It was all about not allowing our process, the course of our process, to go through. If we want to tell our government we've had enough, it's not during that time, it's now, it's 10 weeks ago.

Speaker 1:

But we gave up. We were told we were wrong. We can't do it anymore. We're bad, we're naughty. We just got to accept it.

Speaker 2:

We've got to stop the polarization because Democrats, some of the Democrats, most of the independents are from obviously the two sides. If we could all just talk intelligently when I say Democrat and Republican.

Speaker 1:

I talk more about the CNN Fox News version of it. I don't actually talk about normal fucking people.

Speaker 2:

But that's where they are. We have a far right and far left, you either believe, 100%, left and 100% right and that's ridiculous, because I think a lot of shit Trump says is stupid.

Speaker 1:

So I'll say that Honestly. I don't think anything Biden says is fucking smart, because it's all non-coherent, it doesn't make any sense. But here's the thing that I have noticed growing the fuck up Democrats the Democrat that you see elected doesn't do a fucking thing. They break our cities down. They cause these race wars. They put all these fucking people in. They promise like oh, we're going to end the fucking race. Who the fuck?

Speaker 2:

We always talk about they can't do it. They go after things that you can't do. It's social and emotional issues.

Speaker 1:

Let's go back to history, right? Because they always say the reason you have history class in school so you don't repeat history. Am I right? Like that's the reason you study history and you learn about all the wars and shit? Who freed the slaves?

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, what party? Democrat? Or the Republicans, yeah, who wanted to keep slaves? Democrats, okay, so they could do nothing.

Speaker 1:

They flipped. I mean no, no, no, they flipped titles way before that. They did not flip. Then they still had the conservative values and the liberal values. It's freaking crazy and I think people are waking up to it. I think the minority communities are waking up to it. I think especially the repressed race communities because, realistically, I didn't even know that. Yeah, you always have your rumors and fucking, white people are this and black people are that and Mexicans are that.

Speaker 1:

Like, yeah, there's always a joke here and there, but realistically, it's just about yeah, it's being about a good fucking human being and, trust me, I hate white fucking trash Like motherfuckers. Like you know, you West Virginia fuckers fucking your sister and shit. I hate you motherfuckers more than anybody else because y'all fucking our team up Like grow the fuck up. So I'm just saying I hate white people the most. But, that being said, like all reality, people are just good people or bad people. It's that fucking simple. The problem is when you start pinning people and you start pinning minorities against majorities and this and that, like you create this division. And that's the one problem I have about politics right now is you have one side that's like let's just make it better and you have the other side is like let's create fucking chaos.

Speaker 2:

And I realized in Oregon.

Speaker 1:

It was complete fucking, utter bullshit when, mayor Wheeler, who you remember of Portland, when they had to occupy Portland, bullshit the federal building and they were shutting down the Fed building for I don't even know what the whole world was shut down, so I don't even know what the fuck they were doing. But you know, they outlawed tear gas and they fucking just basically made the feds get smashed in the face with rocks and shit all fucking day. Mayor Wheeler, who is the most fabulous fucking mayor Portland's ever had by fabulous, I mean, he was fucking fabulous. He hung out at the wrong bars. He never paid for a drink in his life, is what I'm saying. He went down there to support these fucking idiots that supposedly supported him, and what they do, they beat his ass. So when I realized that it was all fucking fake, Sad times when I realized.

Speaker 1:

It was a bunch of stupid fucking white children who mommy and daddy didn't beat them enough or correct them or fucking teach them reality. It was all fucked up. It's a bunch of fucking people who their parents didn't whoop their fucking ass. It's a bunch of people who are afraid that the society won't whoop their fucking ass. The problem happens when they hit 25, 26 and they're tired of being fucking homeless and they're tired of fucking sleeping on their buddy's couch, or really what happens is our buddy kicks them the fuck out because they learned they're a fucking loser is then they learned that society is going to kick their fucking ass About 2024.

Speaker 1:

So what do you think about the pacification of fucking the American population?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it's real. What caused it? How do we get away from it? I?

Speaker 1:

know what caused it.

Speaker 2:

You can call it social media. You can call it boys sitting in the dungeon of their Social controls. Men, what do you mean?

Speaker 1:

Like literally all of history, romans. What controls a man, like? There's been wars fought over this, there's been countries taken over, there's been people's head cut off. What controls a man? You're gonna have to tell me a woman, am I wrong?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I'm not a man.

Speaker 1:

No, but I'm saying like logically through society, like there's been wars fought over, okay so I get your point.

Speaker 2:

Okay, we've knocked you down. Yes, so you told us that we had to be a fucking feminist pussy and that we had to respect.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you didn't because you're fucking real, but you had all these fucking and not even brunch moms. Brunch moms are more fucking powerful than fucking. I don't like. I think men or more like pussy men are more feminist, the men that don't want to work, the men that don't want to Contribute to society or more. And I quote this feminist, then fucking feminist or feminist, and honestly, the only feminist I know that are women are people who know fucking man wants to be with anyways.

Speaker 1:

But you told men for so long they're bad for being men. They're bad to fight, they're bad to be aggressive, they're bad to have an opinion, they're bad to fucking think they're better than the guy had to left and right of them. They're bad to like you beat them down so long they try to be a little bitch and then, like so many women, can't find a fucking man around because all their men are their best fucking friends, because they're a bunch of little fucking Fabulous boys. Yeah, it's sad. And then you wonder why like no one does anything in the world and you wonder why there's like no men around because Y'all fucked up y'all have the ability to have the ability to fix our power and we Abused it, yeah, but you also have the ability to fix it and I think, I think a lot of it is changing.

Speaker 1:

I think a lot of people are waking up and realizing that, oh fuck, we done fucked up, went too far, to the cray cray.

Speaker 2:

We don't know, we're just saying that's how the pendulum swings, but it is sad.

Speaker 1:

We made some funny fucking jokes. It went too far. Tick, tock, went fucking crazy. It's not real. No one actually wants that shit. So you fucked up, made a bunch of fucking losers and now no one thinks they need a job. They think fucking collecting unemployment limited trailers the fucking way to go.

Speaker 2:

Again, I think Generalizing that is wrong, because there's still plenty of men, real men, out there with the the natural drive to be Hunter provider, whatever you want to call it, they're still real men.

Speaker 1:

I fucking support and win.

Speaker 2:

It's, it's sad that we've taken the male and said stop being a boy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you said stop being a boy. But you also said it's okay not to win. It's okay If you don't like the fucking shit. Like you know what happened back in the day If you didn't win and you were fighting a fucking bobcat for food, you got a trophy. You were fucking dead. The bobcat ate your pussy, ass bitch. And you were fucking dead. Like that's like we ended natural selection. We need to give kids guns again.

Speaker 2:

Well, no, we need to teach children that it's okay to lose and to pick yourself up, brush your butt off and and keep trying, because you won't always lose, and but don't celebrate being a loser Well yeah, you definitely like.

Speaker 1:

There's no, everybody gets a trophy, and have they stopped that? It depends on where you're at. I think in Oregon you still get a shirt.

Speaker 2:

Like remember Orion.

Speaker 1:

You have that thing where like a child acted out instead of the teacher who, by the way Like I'm talking like this was third grade, so I mean, the biggest boy in the class might have been 63 and a half pounds, so not that hard to fuck up if you needed to, like they used to. If a fucking stupid kid was acting up in class Like they would evacuate the whole class for it. So the teacher could fucking like rationally deal with some Idiot. So they would interrupt an entire class day for one kid that needed his ass whooped instead of whoop his ass Like did you get beaten school?

Speaker 2:

not got a spanking in school? Yeah, and it hurt, right. Yeah, okay, she paddled me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you realize like I should do that again. I'm not gonna do that again. It hurt. Well, now they fucking kick everyone out for your ass and they put you back in school after you've calmed down.

Speaker 2:

I mean, that wouldn't work. That would have actually made me happy. Look what I just did.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you fucking. You had control, you got a win and then you shoot the school two years later. You ever seen those memes that are funny as fuck. That's like it's fucked up, but it's like I didn't study for a test and then I heard gunshots. I'm so excited.

Speaker 2:

Oh my god.

Speaker 1:

It's funny because it's true. So I Just googled random things. We're gonna end this pretty soon, but quick topics, we're not gonna discuss them too much. But this is. I literally Google controversial topics. So what do you think of health insurance?

Speaker 2:

oh, You're not gonna like my answer here. It's far to the left.

Speaker 1:

We need to go to socialized medicine great, I'll wait for anything I actually need done socialism.

Speaker 2:

You have to wait now for anything you need done and pay for the pleasure.

Speaker 1:

Oh, have you ever heard of CEO medicine? You can literally get done whatever you want for the right amount of money tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

Well, the right amount of money.

Speaker 1:

So if I don't want to be on the waiting bitch list like every other country in America, I could go out, work harder than everyone and get benefits for contributing more to society change.

Speaker 2:

You won't be able to take me from that. What I told you wouldn't like it.

Speaker 1:

I told you you're also not always the most educated person and you raised me like this and this is on you, not me nuclear energy.

Speaker 2:

Good idea minimum wage. Bad idea.

Speaker 1:

Stupid as fuck. Like do you believe there should be a minimum wage by the federal or state government? No, no, it's stupid as fuck. And for you idiots that think there should be, your fucking idiot to begin with. But here's really, out of what happens, mcdonald's wants someone to make better burgers, and Burger King what do they do? They raise the minimum wage or they waste their, their payable wage 50 cents, and then Burger King raises at 50 cents, and so on and so forth, until I get to a point where they go that's what we're gonna pay your useless ass, because all minimum wages does it does is raise the price of everything. Your apartment goes up in price, your goods go up in price and you go down and fucking value. And then, because you know that's too long a topic, unions oh, what about this joke?

Speaker 2:

women's rights- I'm not a feminist. I Believe in our rights, but I also believe we need to stop whinging about things, because We've come a long way, baby from you know the 1940s, so you believe in equal rights. I believe in equal rights.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so like you don't get no special shit.

Speaker 2:

No, no special treatment.

Speaker 1:

Like if you decided to join a road crew one day and I say you need to step the fuck up and keep up with the men You're. I'm like banana women.

Speaker 2:

Right, I, if I can't do it, I can't have the job, okay, cool.

Speaker 1:

So like just how men Can't cook in their own house, oh, by me. Okay, what about concussions and football? Not concussions and football, but concussions. And me give it a fuck about the NFL.

Speaker 2:

Well, they're working on the helmets. I watched a documentary about this not too long ago, but let me reframe this.

Speaker 1:

If you could be worth 20 or 30 million by the time you're 25 and be just a little doom-dome, would you be okay with it?

Speaker 2:

That's. That's a personal choice For me. I probably would do it.

Speaker 1:

Don't play the football that look a painful Like. Fuck you. You're worth 30 million dollars in your 30 years old. Go fuck yourself and be dumb. Dumb. I'm sorry, I'm depressed. Yeah, so is every fucking soldier, and they didn't get paid any money, fuck you. What about censorship of like social media and shit like like?

Speaker 2:

channels. I Don't like some of the things. I think that we need to watch their algorithms and and keep an eye on their control.

Speaker 1:

The problem is over people, the government is who, but not censorship.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know, I remember this, especially during Trump's time, that they were really going after stuff Still won the first time. Yeah, I don't. This is our country. We choose to read and believe what we want to read and believe, and we can't go down that road.

Speaker 1:

Okay, good, good, I agree with you. Yeah, because I mean social media, facebook, instagram. I'm censored all the time because I say stupid shit, literally. This podcast I can't even fucking advertise because of I just say whatever the fuck I want Because it gets banned. Like if I tell you how great you are and how good you are and how fucking Carrying you can be and how great you can be, if you don't even try, like my shit blows up. If I tell you you're fucking pussy and you get to work and dies, you know, you know they'll say pussy, even if I call you a fucking Democrat, which is true, but my shit dies. I don't really know. What do you want to talk about?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. We've been talking a long time. We could probably wind it up.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, but you have to at least have one topic you want to talk about. Not really, you don't actually have to have a man anymore. It's 2024. You can have your own opinions I.

Speaker 2:

Think I've been pretty good at being opinionated my entire life.

Speaker 1:

That's why we didn't film this, because we don't see the person behind you giving you the thumbs up or thumbs down. I'm just kidding. I appreciate you get on. Do you really not want to say anything? I don't.

Speaker 2:

I love you and your brothers, but I'm number one.

Speaker 1:

right, you're number one. Who's number two? Thomas, three, adam and Four and mark. Okay, if you see, that's not the actual order we were born in, because mark was born before.

Speaker 2:

Adam no, he was it. Yes, he was no, he was, it was no, he wasn't. Mark pop mark was my c-section baby and Adam was lazy coming out of the wound too, that's some bullshit.

Speaker 1:

Can't even get out of fucking the birth canal, all right. All right, we'll talk to you guys later in the next episode.

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