Jonathan Roberts Not Safe for Society

Not Safe For Society: Unleashing Unfiltered Views on Taxes, Drug Crisis, and Challenging the Democratic Process

Jonathan Roberts Season 1 Episode 6

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Brace yourselves for a no-holds-barred exploration of the toughest issues we face today, where I'm throwing caution to the wind and letting my raw thoughts fly. Authenticity isn't just a buzzword here; it's a battle cry for those of us ready to voice our truth, even when it ruffles feathers. From the personal to the political, I tackle Oregon's sales tax drama, take a hardline stance on America's drug crisis, and question the very foundations of our voting system. If you've ever felt your opinion was sidelined in the democratic process, this episode is your megaphone.

Now, let's get personal. When was the last time you felt the societal pressure to silence your beliefs? I steer into the skid of controversial viewpoints, advocating for a society where meritocracy thrives over union politics and where parental responsibilities are as fiercely debated as workplace dynamics. Whether it's the media's gossip addiction or the politicization of unions, I'm not afraid to call out the hypocrisy and manipulation shaping our lives. And yes, there's a chance my mom or brother might just jump into the fray in future episodes for some raw family insights.

As we wrap this up, I challenge you to reflect on your own narratives. Are you passively consuming the media frenzy, or are you ready to take the reins of your life? This episode isn't just about stirring debate; it's a rally cry for self-care and informed citizenship. For those who are ready to embrace a life unfiltered and unapologetic, I'm right there with you. Let's shake up the status quo and live out loud. If that's not your jam, no hard feelings—but don't say I didn't warn you. Now, let's get this conversation started and keep it real, together.

Speaker 1:

All right, welcome to another episode of not safe for society. Honestly, honestly, honestly, I don't even know what the heck I'm talking about. Literally, I picked up a piece of paper. I knew I was going to shoot another episode today and on my piece of paper I wrote random daily cell phone. Now I kind of know where that's going. Random is just a. You know exactly what's going on right now.

Speaker 1:

The stuff that's coming out of my head, the things that I want to say that don't actually make any sense. So let's talk about where we've gone. Let's talk about, like, what we've done so far. So I've gone ahead and assaulted the haters. I've gone ahead and told you how to get hired with me. You know, I had that little episode with my daughter. Honestly, my mom's in town, so I might shoot an episode with her tonight. Depends on her mood to get pissed off or not, because I'm going to like it's not going to, I'm not going to go easy or anything. It's going to be reality. She's a good mom, but doesn't mean I can't fuck with her. So, that being said, like what is this? Like, oh, shoot, my brother's coming over tomorrow. Ooh, tomorrow I might shoot an episode with my brother. That'll be bad. That will 100% get my ass banned.

Speaker 1:

But let's get back to what this is about. This is literally about me. This is literally, for once, about who I am and what I want to do and what I want to say. I don't actually give a shit about anyone who's listening to this. Yes, I wish the best for you. I hope you're growing. I hope you're actually getting some positive from this and not just, you know, taking my rambles as bitches, but really like damn dude, the guy's kind of real, like you can be yourself, you can say and do whatever you want.

Speaker 1:

Like the six people that listened to my average episode I know it's like like six episodes. In the one, I didn't rant on with what I want blew up a lot more. The one with my daughter blew up a lot more because I was a lot softer and I wasn't. I mean, I was real. Actually she was real. Maybe some of you just listened to a 13 year old and were like, fuck, I need to wake up. My buddies need to wake up. But when you hear me and I'm just being real with you and I'm not, you know, sugarcoating shit. Can you handle it? I don't know. I think you can. If not, you would have not made it to episode six, seven, eight, whatever the hell. This is like I said.

Speaker 1:

So the random thoughts in my head right now are just like greatness, or just like being who the hell you want to be and doing whatever you want. Because one of the greatest things I've ever experienced in life was freedom, and I'm not talking about financial freedom. I'm not talking about, like First Amendment freedom or Second Amendment, although I'm a huge supporter of both Like just a freedom to be who you are, and that's been taken away from us, like they talk about, you know, the First Amendment being there and the Constitution of Bill of Rights, all that bullshit, but our First Amendment's being infringed upon, right? So let me explain this to you in a way that hopefully makes sense About how our First Amendment is being infringed to us. If you hear this sound, that's a pin. I like to take notes while I'm talking so I remember what the hell I just said.

Speaker 1:

So I'm originally from the state of Oregon, right, and I ran some dealerships in the state of Oregon, and the state of Oregon in its Constitution states there shall not be a sales tax without the people's approval, meaning you would basically have to have a vote. You would basically have to have an amendment it would be an amendment to the Constitution to get a sales tax in the state of Oregon. So our crooked politicians, they tried it twice. The first time it didn't go through. The second time it went through, and maybe there might have been a third time prior to, but I know about two attempts to make a sales tax and there is now a sales tax in the state of Oregon. So for those of you listening that are in the state of Oregon, it's like we don't have a sales tax. Fuck you, you idiot. You do. You voted for it too, you moron. So the second time it went through, or the second time I know about, we had a governor by the name of Kate Brown.

Speaker 1:

Kate Brown was the governor of Oregon from some odd amount of years that I really don't give a shit about. I'm pretty sure I didn't vote for her because I didn't live in the state of Oregon at the time and I think I moved before she got up. That's how much I didn't like Oregon. But she was elected governor. She was there for the COVID shit. She was there for the Occupy Portland shit, like all that stupid shit she was there for. Here's the crazy part about it the capital of Oregon you know where the governor is is Salem. She lived in Portland. Yeah, that's an hour north. Let me just, I'm not even gonna really bitch about politics, I'm just gonna bitch about facts. I'm just gonna and it's not bitching about, it's just bringing facts. So you understand where I'm going with this sales tax. She lived, or no? No, no, no. The capital is Salem. She lived in Portland. The governor's mansion, which is a beautiful building that we all pay for by being an Oregon resident with your ridiculous amount of tax, is in Salem. She lived in Portland. She outlawed tear gas and I'll get to that in a second.

Speaker 1:

The protesters during you know, the 2020, 21 timeframe, when you know COVID and whatever else we were bitching about was happening they went to the governor's mansion to protest. So there's just a bunch of Oregon state police which I believe. Most police officers are good people. Most police officers truly uphold their oath or wish they could, but they're afraid to lose their job because they can't. Most of them are good people. It's like you know the fucking. It's like everything else in society 90% of people are great. 10% people. 10% of people give people a bad name. Law enforcement is the exact same way. So the protesters decided to go protest the governor's mansion, which is down on River Road. It's kind of a cool area. It's an old, you know an older, wealthy area. It's a freaking awesome building. They go protest the governor's mansion Well, I don't know why, because apparently none of them had even gotten on Google and realized Kate Brown didn't live there. So that was strike one. One of the reasons that escalated my getting the hell out of Oregon was strike two, kate Brown.

Speaker 1:

One of the things she said during COVID or the flu, or whatever you want to call it, was it is your responsibility as an Oregonian. They had this law where you couldn't have more than six people at your house, and those six people couldn't be for more than two families. So she said this right before Thanksgiving 2020. It is your responsibility as an Oregonian to report your neighbors if they're violating. I don't even know if it was a law, like she said it. The words came out of her mouth, but here's what really happened Every sheriff's department and by every sheriff's department I mean everything except for the Portland counties, and I think one of the three Portland counties.

Speaker 1:

I think it was Multnomah County. So, whatever sheriff you are, that I'm actually talking about, I might have the county wrong, but the man I'm talking about respect motherfucker. But every other sheriff's department I saw said no, fuck that shit, we're not enforcing any of that. That's unconstitutional. Go fuck yourself. By the way, when it comes to law enforcement look this up if you care the only constitutionally approved and legal law enforcement in this country is the sheriff's department, and the sheriff is an elected official by the people. So, that being said, every sheriff's department across the state of Oregon said absolutely not, we are not supporting any of that, you're on your own. The next thing that happened is the city police. We're kind of like 50-50, some city police commissioners or whatever their title is we're like nope, that's crazy as fuck, we're not doing that. The others were like oh yeah, kate Brown. So I'm talking Salem and Eugene, by the way, and Portland, obviously.

Speaker 1:

Then there was a state police and, to give you guys background on who I am and what I believe in, I actually really, really ever since a child wanted to be a law enforcement officer After separating from the military. I tried for a while. I failed the shit out of the psych tests. I was like seven or eight agencies and I finally said, okay, maybe I'm not cut out for this shit, but I failed the psych test a lot. And what's funny is nevermind I'm not gonna get into that but failed the psychology test a few times to see Pat California's psychological evaluation test or some dumb shit. They don't tell you why, they just tell you to keep coming back and taking and eventually you'll pass like it's fucking stupid. But I failed the psych test a lot. That's the point of the story.

Speaker 1:

So I actually respect law enforcement, I respect what they do, I respect law enforcement agencies as a whole, but I also know from being a military member one thing that we had that was part of what we stood for was we would follow every order given to us that was law abiding and constitutional. However, it was our duty and let me say that again, it was our legal duty if we knew that we were given an unlawful order, to not take part in it. And I'm not sure, but I am 99% sure police officers are the exact same If they are given an order that is illegal or unconstitutional, that they do not have to fulfill it and that they need to stand up for it. So that put the Oregon State Police in a really fucking weird place, because I don't know if I should have I don't know if I correction, I don't know if I was a trooper at the time, because that was one of the agencies I failed to psych test for I don't know if I was a trooper at the time. If I could have stood with it, I really fricking don't. I don't know what I would have done. So that put them in a weird place and the Oregon State Police basically came out. Hey, by the way, we're not gonna be maybe enforcing this right away, but we're gonna be using education over enforcement. Like they basically said fuck you, kate Brown. And I hope that I really hope she hears that That'd be fun, that'd be cool, but she probably won't because she'll get offended and cry and whine.

Speaker 1:

Anyways, we talk about laws, we talk about ways around laws, and why I'm talking about all this is because I wanted to bring to the fact that the sales tax of Oregon right. So Oregon constitutionally can't have a sales tax. So what they did instead is they finally passed a law where they had what's called a corporate activity tax. A corporate activity tax is a tax that was placed upon corporations in the state of Oregon that Taxed the corporation on revenue, not gross profit, not net profit. For those of you that are listening to this, that are educated and run a business, you know exactly what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

This tax was based on the revenue earned. Meaning, if you sold one million dollar bagatti and made $600, or you sold 4 billion 30 cent thingyma jigs and made a lot more money, you were taxed on your revenue, the amount of items sold, not the amount of money made, not the amount of profit made, but the amount of items that crossed over from one consumer to the other. So if you made $34 on a transaction, you were being taxed on $1 million for the bagatti. It was frickin stupid. Now, this tax, written into the Oregon law, was passable to the consumer. Now think about that. This is a tax on a business that is legally passable to the consumer. However, you could write off X amount. Now, this X amount was not a 100% stagnant number. This X amount was based on what you did for the year. The problem then lied where, if I wrote off too much, I was then required to refund every single consumer I had for the year. Therefore, businesses were basically made to eat the tax, not all of it. They passed as much as they could onto the consumer.

Speaker 1:

Now I was in the automotive field where we just straight told people about it. We just straight put it on the piece of paper hey, you're paying this. I've never seen that before, I know. Congratulations, you vote, you idiot, or you don't, or you don't read, it's up to you how you wanna look at it, but you're gonna pay this. The automotive industry was very we were good with it. However, we still ate some of it because we couldn't overcharge, because we would have to refund a shit ton, and that didn't make sense either. Then there were things like Walmart. There were things like you know, big chain realtor retail stores and shit like that that didn't disclose the tax, but they still paid it. Therefore, like they weren't losing money, they just jacked the fucking prices up on shit.

Speaker 1:

Oregon created a sales tax through a loophole and essentially essentially it's against the constitution of Oregon. But because they use different verbiage, because they taxed a different entity than the actual citizen of Oregon, they got through with it and then they had all the fucking dumb ass citizens who would have always voted no against a fucking sales tax. Vote yes to pass it, because they changed the fucking verbiage of it because they said it was gonna be better for Oregon. Fucking idiots. And that's where I lie, where we're at now, of just these random thoughts of like you give an inch, you take a mile, and that's kind of what's going on right now and that's kind of why I was so quiet for so long, because they were just taking a little inch here, a little inch there. Honestly, I don't give a shit. I really don't give a shit about a lot of the bullshit happening in society. I don't give a shit about homosexuality, drugs Like here's my theory on drugs.

Speaker 1:

Y'all wanna know the best theory on drugs? I know the state of Oregon that I grew up in now like decriminalized all fucking user amount of whatever the hell you wanna inject yourself with. Here's my theory. And this will fucking solve America's drug problem. We legalize all drugs. However, if the paramedics show up and they have a reasonable suspicion like a bunch of fucking track marks in your arm and some fucking heroin in your pocket to believe that you're shooting up and you OD'd, they are not allowed to provide fucking care. That will solve our fucking drug problem in America in 12 months. We will save money on taxes, we will clean up the fucking streets, we will nearly end homelessness and our mental health crisis will fucking will grow.

Speaker 1:

Like I spoke to someone the other day and they're like we need to start locking cray-cray's up in the fucking bin again and allow the government to decide. I'm like what the fuck are you talking about? The government wants to lock your crazy ass up because you have an opinion. Now, we can't do that, but we can let the people who don't contribute and I'm sorry to and like I really am kind of sorry if you have someone that struggled with drug addiction or any of that shit Like I really am sorry.

Speaker 1:

However, it's not gonna end if we allow it. It's not gonna end if we say, oh, they've got a problem, they've got a disease. No, the fuck, they don't. The only problem they have is something in their childhood, and it's usually the mom and dad's fault that done fuck them up, or it's the school's fault or it's whatever the society fault is. And I hate to say it, but if we let a couple people fucking die and if we let a couple people, like, figure out their destiny on their own, we'll end this shit. Well, let's quit wasting my fucking money on keeping other motherfuckers alive. Or maybe you get a tattoo across your throat that says I've been resuscitated once, if you can't figure out, and one fucking try and we see the fucking I was resuscitated once tattoo. We don't try a second time.

Speaker 1:

I don't know exactly what it is, but it's something around those lines, because what's continuing to happen is we're continuing to beat around the bush, we're continuing to allow the minority to win, and I've never seen any place in the world that actually functions. There's no business where that minority wins. There's no business where the guy who's cheating people out of money, where the company who's doing things the shady way, where the company who's cutting corners left and right, is actually fucking winning. But that's what we're allowing in society. We're allowing the people who don't want to be part, who don't want to be perspite, who don't want to be productive in it, who don't want to contribute, to feel like they have a fucking opinion. They shouldn't even be allowed to fucking vote If you don't earn enough money to pay taxes, meaning if you're on social security, and I'm gonna say it.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna fucking say it because I am as well, so I'm included in this, but I also fucking work. If you're only on VA disability, if you're on social security, if you don't actually contribute, if you don't actually make a paycheck and it's not that hard to fucking pay taxes, like $6,000 a year or something if you don't make enough money to actually pay $1 in tax, you don't get a fucking vote Because you're a fucking, you don't do anything, you don't contribute to society, so why the fuck should your opinion matter? That's like me going to the NFL and Tommy. Tommy has his kid Joey. Joey plays for the under-12-aged fucking Pop Warner League, for the local Steelers of Anchorage, alaska. That's like Tommy's dad showing up to a Steelers game and telling the fucking coach how to coach his NFL team just because he has the same fucking name in Alaska.

Speaker 1:

It is stupid as fuck and it would never happen in society, except when it comes to our political system. And they talk a lot about the Electoral College, right? Oh, it's not fair. Bigger states get. You know why we have an Electoral College? Because our founding fathers thought the average citizen was too stupid to have a fucking opinion. Google that shit if you disagree or don't believe me. And they were freaking right.

Speaker 1:

And, as a matter of fact, we should have an Electoral College that is completely random and doesn't even isn't even affected by. I don't even know how the hell you get in there. I think it's just slightly different from each state and like here's the thing about the Electoral College that pisses me off is the state like very, very rarely has someone voted against the state. There's been like four or five times in history that it's happened, and it might be two. I wanna say it was actually two, but I think recently it turned into like three, four or five. So the Electoral College is supposed to be able to make an educated decision based on what the people actually need, not what the fucking reach, not what the people say. Yeah, you knew what order I was about to say, and I didn't mean it in a derogatory sense. I meant it as half of you motherfuckers shouldn't be voting, half of you motherfuckers shouldn't have an opinion. So, that being said, the Electoral College was made because the average person was not educated enough to vote, and I fucking find that like I and I can solve that, and I find it stupid. I find I mean I find it freaking genius, but I find it stupid that we are now, like everyone, should have an opinion.

Speaker 1:

Another frick you shouldn't If you sit at home and don't do anything. If you're a mom, if you're a dad, if you're a you know partner, and your partner freaking supports you. I don't care if you have a sugar mom or a sugar daddy. I am not discriminating against sex. I'm discriminating against useless motherfuckers. I'm discriminating against people who don't put up in society.

Speaker 1:

Now, that being said, if you take care of kids, trust me, I think taking care of kids is a full-time job, and plus some. That means your spouse better provide two X. Meaning, if you want to make $100,000 a year and your spouse wants to make $100,000 a year and you stay at home, it is your spouse's job to make $200,000 a year or more. That's freaking it, and if they don't, they're failing your freaking family. But what that comes down to is the average person should not be able to vote. The average person should not be able to have an opinion in society, because the average person goes along with our school system, goes along with our government, goes along with the bullshit that happens. They go along with CNN, fox News. That is their source of education. Cnn and Fox News are whew. I don't even know if they're qualified to get on TV. Yeah, some way they freaking find a way to.

Speaker 1:

Most of these freaking morons have just been like telling stories and telling lies Like. These are the people. These are the stereotypical high school chilliers and jocks Like you know, the fucker that didn't actually play but wanted to talk about, wanted to talk shit about all the people that did and wanted to talk about all the drama. These are the cheerleaders and jocks of fucking high school. You guys that have now gotten into the media, that have now gotten on CNN, that are now telling you what to believe. And the entire time they were growing the fuck up, they were just making shit up. They were just like oh yeah, that got me some fucking popularity, even though it's not true.

Speaker 1:

I took this person down and like that's what their lives are built on, that's what their dopamine and their endorphins are built on, and everything like revolves around this. Like think about this, men, especially like what if we just took sex away from you? Or what if women actually started to hold that shit back or hold your Ass to a fucking standard dude? You y'all would do some weird fucking shit. Y'all would actually Probably be successful.

Speaker 1:

Some other fucker cut you off. Because why? Because it's a dopamine and endorphine rush. It's how you get off. Like those words actually mean something for fucking you idiots that don't know what the hell is going on. Like the reason you're addicted is because it's like a drug. It's the same thing as fucking narcotics in your body chemically. So the same thing happens when you gossip. The same thing happens when you make stupid shit up. The same thing happens when you think people like you is, you get an endorphin rush. You're basically having sex with society all day. So when then you get to CNN, fox News, cnbc, whatever stupid bullshit station you might listen to, you just rape, fucking society and you can take exactly what I said and reuse it. You rape society because, unknowingly, you have date raped us Into being blind, into not remembering what the fuck we stand for, what we believe, and then you force it down our throat and into us of the stupid bullshit that you want to push across. So then we vote for a sales tax unknowingly. That's how I loop that shit back in, how it's tricky as fuck. But you you have. You have created this thing where we are controlled by the media.

Speaker 1:

And here's the sad thing. I've said this before this all started with industrialization. An industrialization was supposed to be a good thing. It was supposed to, you know, move our society forward and it was supposed to get us to a new level. However, we got confused With industrialization. There became injuries, there became sustainment, there became we needed working force. So, you know, we had children working in there, we had, you know, unsafe working conditions, we had people working too many hours, we had people getting their fucking limbs and shit cut off, like it went over.

Speaker 1:

And then that thing that happened was this thing called unions. Now the originally the unions were good, the unions really supported people. The unions really helped people like not get their fucking hands cut off, made sure there were, you know, safety precautions against, you know, children working too many hours, which I think is fucking stupid. Like my daughter, literally 13 years old, made $1,100 on Saturday, sunday, sunday, sunday Sunday made $1,100 because she wanted it, she wanted to buy an iPad. So I think children working is fucking genius. I don't think a fucking eight-year-old working, but I think my daughter working one day on the weekend Instead of going to play with her friends and making a thousand, like money that most of you motherfuckers wish you could make in a day. Let's just be real, let's figure it the fuck out and I'm not saying I'm the greatest dad because I'm probably a piece of shit reality, but she wanted it hard enough she made it.

Speaker 1:

So unions, overall, I Think originally were a good thing, and what's funny is like a lot of you listen to this podcast are like oh dude, you're just some crazy right wing Republican motherfucker. Well, why do I like unions? I like the original idea of unions. You know equal wages, this and that, take care of employees, blah, blah, blah. Fucking. Make sure people don't lose their hands and feet like that was a good fucking idea. Make sure motherfuckers don't die. Make sure motherfuckers get paid. Here's the problem. Unions went too far. Unions went so far to the effect of the good. Employees couldn't progress. Everyone became average, everyone became standard because unions became a political fucking movement tactic.

Speaker 1:

Unions became something that politicians got involved in and their pockets were filled with and like they were bribed and I know we don't bribe our Paul the fucker every like Google. Nancy Pelosi's net worth, if anyone wants to fucking know, she's never made over a hundred seventy five thousand dollars a year as a politician. Math yeah, she's worth three hundred million dollars. Hmm, I've made a lot more money than her per year and I don't see the glide path. I don't see the glide path. I'd like to know like to be for office 2028. What am I gonna run on that? I want to become fucking rich, fucking campaign and fuck you guys over. At least I'm being real. Problem is happy, all of O for me. I might have to do some shit I don't want to do so, that being said, unions used to be a good thing and then, all of a sudden, unions became political and the politics got involved in this and that.

Speaker 1:

Next, you know, minimum wage was going up and this. And when minimum wage goes up, inflation goes up. And then, all of a sudden, you couldn't fire a shitbag Because you had to go through 763 pieces of paper and make sure every eye was dotted and every T was crossed. And you're like, fuck, I got bad handwriting so I can't fire your bitch ass and you're just a fucking Cancer. And then, all of a sudden, then the employees look at Susie and they're like, ah, susie is not doing anything. Employees look at Susie and they're like, ah, susie is a cancer. And Johnny's like I'm gonna become a cancer too, because if I can get paid as much as Susie is.

Speaker 1:

And then you go to fire fucking Johnny because you think you can get away with him. But then all of a sudden, because Susie's a protected class, johnny's like, well, but you didn't fire Susie. And we're like, well, she's a protected class. And she's like, what does that mean? And Johnny's like, fucking, you can't fire fucking Johnny. And then this protected class bullshit happens and you can't fucking fire anybody because everyone is so confused on what you can and can't fucking do and everyone's so fucking sue happy that they will fucking sue you because they're a shitty person and that they want to get paid and they will fucking win.

Speaker 1:

So then all of a sudden you have these corporations who are like, well, fuck people, because people fucking suck. And people, for the most part, do suck. 90% of you suck ass, and that actually goes with 90% of the people that actually have the balls to listen to this. You probably suck ass until you choose not to suck ass. So the fact that 90% of people in this world suck fucking ass has created this problem with business. And then everyone's getting pissed the fuck off that we're sending jobs to fucking China. Do you know why we're sending jobs in China? One, because we can get shit made cheaper.

Speaker 1:

And you stupid motherfuckers who are like, if you made it in the USA, I'd buy the shit no, fuck, you weren't, because my five dollar product becomes an eight dollar product. And then all of a sudden I make an eight dollar product and you say, ah, you know what? I found that on Amazon for five dollars. And then Jeff Bezos runs an American fucking company with everything sourced through fucking China. And you still buy it, because you're not fucking real and you can't stand to your word.

Speaker 1:

And then you're fucking collected Unemployment. You don't do shit. You just talk about how great fucking America is and the opportunity it gives you to sit around and do fucking nothing, and Then you criticize everyone else. You're worse, you, you mother. You not gonna say that word, but you mother fucking Republicans that live in a fucking trailer, that collect unemployment every fucking month and don't contribute a fucking thing. I Get it. The Republicans will make you more money on unemployment, they will help you out, they will grow your ass. But it's not for you to abuse and fucking take over the system. It's for you to start becoming part of society. Oh, whoa fucking Obama's here. So if everyone else is lazy, I'm gonna. What the fuck are you talking about? Your lazy piece of shit too? And that's just a show that I'm not racist. I'm not out here to fucking go after one class. I'm not out here to be sexist. I'm out here to be fucking real.

Speaker 1:

Some of you motherfuckers I don't like on both sides of the spectrum. Some of you motherfuckers don't contribute shit to anything and you're a bigger part of the problem because you're a freaking fraud and you asked should definitely not be allowed to vote, even if it does cost my side the election, because you're freaking an idiot and you make everyone look bad. It's like. It's like sports, right, if you play for the Patriots and you're facing the Giants in the soup boy, are you rooting for fucking Eli? No, you're rooting for the Patriots. You stupid fuck. Even if you like Eli, you're a patriot.

Speaker 1:

Kind of lost my track. Where was I? Sales tax don't be a fucking fraud. Don't be a little bitch? Weak-ass motherfuckers, people who can't fucking stand up for shit. I Don't know.

Speaker 1:

But what I was going with you is if you don't wake the fuck up and you don't start paying attention, you don't start looking at facts and you keep like listening to some other motherfucker Tell you what to believe. And here's the thing about like politics and what we should believe in what news station we listen to. If there is one person is like oh man, yeah, I'm 100% on Biden, I'm Trump, I'm a bomb, I'm freaking Clinton, like, whatever the like, whatever the cool thing is Like, if you 100% believe the stupid shit that comes out of that person's mouth, you're a fucking idiot and you're freaking fake and you're full of shit and you're a problem. There is nobody, nobody, not one single person in Congress, not two people in the world that actually believe the same thing. Let's just be freaking real.

Speaker 1:

Me, if you haven't figured out by this podcast yet, I'm pretty fucking conservative. I'm very physical or financially conservative. I am very you know what comes to Policies, war, fucking economic policies, shit like that. Fucking not taking away my rights. Shoot motherfuckers in the face if they cross line, like I'm for it. But also there's a lot of things I don't really give a fuck about Homosexuality, drug use, like I really don't fucking care. You want to go fucking shoot up all the time. Go stay the fuck away from me. You fucking cross my line, I'm gonna shoot you in the face, so like that's kind of where they cross. Like leave me alone. You don't get shot in the face, fuck with me. You get shot in the face, but I don't really care.

Speaker 1:

If you want to go shoot up, get fucked up and do all that Dumb shit, it's your fucking life to fuck up, not mine. However, don't fucking a fringe upon my fucking ability. If you want to be the, the minority of the culture, by all means go fucking hide, go in the woods, shoot your fucking heroin up, die under a bridge. I don't give a shit about what you fucking do, but don't infringe upon normality. That's why it's called a subculture. That's why it's not normal.

Speaker 1:

For example, I'm gonna piss some people off homosexuality. It doesn't make logical fucking sense and it's not my thing. But if you want to do a dude or you want to Do a gal, I can only say do a dude, because I only you know see homosexuality from that fucking portion of life. Like, by all means, go fucking, do dudes. I don't give a fuck. Leave me the fuck alone. Don't fucking try to tell me I'm wrong for not believing in it, because let's be real, it doesn't actually do shit in the world. You can't fucking reproduce. The only thing you can do is leave me the fuck alone. And if you leave me the fuck alone, I'm good. You don't need special fucking rights. Yes, maybe like I don't fucking know if we want, we can kind of get rid of some of the weird old-school homosexuality laws Like I'm good with that and get them off the record books.

Speaker 1:

Allow you fuckers to marry each other and, you know, get the benefits of being married. Because I agree, like marriage is a political fucking benefit, you know, driven thing. Now I'm very happily married. I'm very, very happy with what my marriage and shit. But I also understand that marriage. There is a lot of politics that go Along with why we get married and why we give benefits to married people. Because it actually helps Society and it helps slow the growth of society and helps control society gosh thing. That needs to be an episode. I'm gonna write that down. Marriage and society or government, I don't know. We'll go with that, but like I get it.

Speaker 1:

If you guys want to get married, by all fucking means go enjoy the benefits of it. Don't give a shit, but don't don't. You don't have to go walk around San Francisco with your dick out, showing it to a bunch of 12 year old boys Like, and it's like that's for normal fucking men to like. Straight men find it weird. Like I go into the sauna, like I love my sauna time in the gym every day, but I don't have my dick hanging out. Why? Because I know well one, because it's fucking weird. But too, I know that at any moment in time, a minor, a little boy or Anyone who doesn't want to see my dick could walk into that fucking sauna. And if I'm just fucking free balling like every freaking 80 year old creep, like it's not a masculinity Comfort, it's fucking weird, dude.

Speaker 1:

The Romans fell. The Romans fell and you can go Google this shit, you can go Edumacate yourself. The Romans fell when this shit started to Be allowed and be normalized in society. The Greeks fell, everyone freaking fell when all of a sudden, we started listening to the minority. So just keep that in mind.

Speaker 1:

The second portion is we need some real motherfuckers. Now, like I said the other day, I'm not trying to create a movement, I'm not trying to create a, a Militia, I'm not trying to build this thing that overthrows our government or anything like that, and I really mean that. But what I'm trying to do is just Educate enough people on earth, enough people. I don't give a fuck about earth, I give a fuck about our continent, I give a fuck about our values. Because here's the cool thing about America is America has the ability to choose freedom. We have the ability to choose our religion. We have the ability to within reason.

Speaker 1:

I know a lot of people think I, you can say whatever the fuck you want. No, you can't. You dip shit. There are laws that prevent you from saying whatever the fuck you want, but there are not laws that prevent you from expressing your opinion. And those are two different fucking things. Because no one says I can't punch you in the fucking face when you say some dumb shit. I might get a misdemeanor, but it's not against our constitution to break your fucking jaw. So when you get punched in the face, when you get a repeater stick cracked across your shin, don't fucking bitch. When you say stupid, fucking shit, don't bitch. When your peaceful protest Includes rocks and includes breaking glass and includes breaking fucking Nordstrom, like I don't even get that shit.

Speaker 1:

Portland, you know what they destroyed most fuck. You know what they destroyed most important during the fucking occupation like Nordstrom, like the most liberal pussy ass, and I love Lord's drum, trust me like. Why do I love Nordstrom? Because I can't stand, and I can't fucking stand waiting in line In a Walmart so I'll pay the extra fucking hundred dollars for a goddamn t-shirt if I don't stand in line. That's what I love about Nordstrom. And this shit lasts longer and it fucking fits better and I look sexy as fuck.

Speaker 1:

But like these stupid fucking pussy, these bitches, we're like downtown Portland fucking up the Pearl District, fucking shit up, breaking the glass of Nordstrom, you know, freaking, rioting or I mean sorry, protesting around the federal building and no one gave a fuck, like even Mayor Wheeler, who is the most fucking flamboyant motherfucker that the mayor of Portland is ever fucking. Half this guy is like he like. If you Google Portland Oregon, you get Portlandia next to. That is a picture of Mayor Wheeler Like. This is when I learned this shit was a complete like.

Speaker 1:

It made no sense. Mayor Wheeler goes down to the federal building to to protest, to show his support with these protesters, these peaceful protesters that are fucking Chuck and Roxette, fucking riot police, and what do they do? They fuck Mayor Wheeler up and his dumb ass like was so politically bought by Kate Brown, like he was Kate Brown's bitch on a leash, that he went with it and he never really made a political statement about how fucking stupid it was. The most flamboyant Fucking pro I'm a bitch fucking mayor the state of Oregon has ever fucking seen gets assaulted because he's trying to show support for these idiots that are trying to make change. Most of these uneducated, unemployed motherfuckers couldn't change their fucking underwear on time. And then they're fucking crying about COVID and shit, or the flu I like to call it, and they're standing fucking 2.3 feet from each other, which is less than six, if you're not good at math coffin fucking ripping back their fucking bongs Coffin all over each other. And not once not once and correct me if I'm wrong not once Was there a verified news story of bitch ass protesters.

Speaker 1:

All have COVID now, yet Everyone else was to stay or was to told to stay home. I mean, kate Brown literally said it was your responsibilities in Oregon. Only need to call the police on your neighbors if they're violating the Oregon COVID protocol. Yet you could protest the federal building all the fuck you want, even if you're the mayor. You can go down and support it, even if you get your ass whooped and never say a damn thing about it. No one ever said like, oh, it don't make sense, no, it was a political move. You fucking idiot.

Speaker 1:

Look in the big city theory. If you don't know a big city theory is, I'll cover it here in the next. I'll stop. I don't know. Promise you ten episodes or so. Yeah, that means I don't ever have to do it because that's a bullshit political statement. But I'll cover it. I'll cover big city theory soon.

Speaker 1:

But all that shit happened and what this episode about, what this episode is really about, is and I'm moving myself on second, see my notes is really just like Talking about what happens when you give an inch and what's happened so long in societies. We've given so many inches. All the sudden, those inches equaled into a mile, and Most men and women have not ran a mile in their entire fucking life, or at least the last 10, 20 years of their life. So when we have a mile to fucking conquer, we quit because I ain't fucking doing it.

Speaker 1:

Most people in America have been beaten down so fucking hard they won't even get their ass in the shape knowing that Kobe just wiped out a bunch of fat fucking people, a bunch of fucking people with Health problems that the flu I just want to call it what it is, the motherfucking flu wiped out, the people that every doctor in the world said, hey, you should lose them waiting. Fucking do some exercise, otherwise you're gonna die early. Every doctor has always told you wiped you, motherfuckers out. And you still don't want to get in shape. And I, I don't. I don't mean every motherfucking needs a six pack. I get it, my company. We're a little. We're a little extreme when it comes to fucking winning. But how about you getting a shape? How about, even if you are a little bit overweight? How about you don't accept the fact that you're overweight and you try to do something about? How about you quit eating fucking ice cream every evening and fucking Fatty cakes? You know and you know what pisses me the fuck off.

Speaker 1:

Every fucking 400 pound 12 year old, like those parents, should be hung, put through a freaking woodchipper. You're literally killing your fucking kid Because I won't hire, am? I guarantee you that? So the chances of them being successful with slim the fucking nun, the chances of them making it to 40 years old is slim to fucking none. The chances of them actually doing anything with their life because they have no fucking discipline is slim, the fucking nun. Those are the motherfucking people who shouldn't be allowed to vote, who should be put into a woodchipper. I know it's harsh, but you're doing the same exact thing as a pedophile does fucks up a child's life for life. Fucks up an innocent Miner's life when they don't have the ability to decide, or the ability or knowledge to truly reason and express their own opinion.

Speaker 1:

You know why we have the legal age of consent of 18 and 21 for alcohol? Because it should be raised. And I used to be, yeah, the 18, you know 21 year old kid and yeah, I violated those laws all the fucking time. But I was the kid that said I should be younger in that if you could fight for war or if you could fight for your country, you should drink. No, the fuck, you shouldn't like. You should fight because you're a fucking man. But you know what? Fighting for my country taught me how to be a fucking man.

Speaker 1:

I think the legal age should be fucking 25 or 30, maybe 40, because I'm 35 right now and I'm too stupid. I'm still too stupid to do a lot of shit. You guys listen to my podcast, going this motherfucker's crazy as fuck. Yeah, cuz I haven't 40 yet. Might be 50. I don't even know. I don't even know if we ever mature. I don't even know if we ever do anything like Intelligent, but I do know. At any age you want you could start thinking for yourself.

Speaker 1:

The problem is, if you start thinking for other people, you're an idiot. The problem is, if you're worried about like you send your kid to school and they're 300 pounds and 12 years old and they're getting bullied and you think it's the school's fucking problem, you don't look at your fucking fat ass self and you allowed your kid to get there. You should be the problem. You should go be hauled off to jail for freaking Friggin child abuse and I'm serious about that. I know it's gonna be sad, I know it's gonna hurt, but they do it to five or six people. Guess what? All of a sudden you go, ass is gonna. We'll get in shape. Your ass is gonna start taking care of your kid. Your ass is gonna start. You know giving a shit Every time there's someone in America talks like this, that someone in America shares their opinion.

Speaker 1:

You know what you fucking idiots say I'm gonna run to China. I'm gonna run to Europe when you know what they do in Europe. Run, eat healthy Like in Europe. When I lived there for four years by the way, when I lived in Europe off the US economy, german rental my fridge was one quarter of the size of the one I have in America. Why? Because we didn't store food. We had to go to the fucking grocery store every other day to get fresh fucking produce, to get fresh meat. Why because we wouldn't eat at all, we wouldn't snack all day. Yes, you can get, you know, non perishable snacks and shit like that and it helps, but we would walk around.

Speaker 1:

You know, many times you see a fat fucking Germany slim than on you. Many times I see a fat fucking a lot of states in Oregon. Fuck, what's crazy is you live in Scottsdale, arizona, and all of a sudden you realize like people actually care about themselves If, given the right environment, then you go back to Oregon or you know, I traveled to a lot of these cities and shit and I'm like, oh my god, you motherfuckers a big and and I'm not saying I'm the most fit, I'm not. I'm not saying that, I'm saying a lot of you were fucking more fit than me, I'm just being real. But I guarantee you I'm better than 90% of our population and that's fucking disgusting because I think I'm fucking fat. It's not body dysmorphia, it's that I got a couple extra pounds right now. Let's just be real.

Speaker 1:

But most of you motherfuckers go like fuck dude. How do you guys all stay in so much great shape like fuck dude? Look back 50 years ago and look what men fucking look like we normal bitch. But society got soft, society got fat and you fucking just accepted it because it was easier to eat Domino's pizza, mickey D's and fucking KFC all day. And your soft ass bitch attitude fucking kept it there.

Speaker 1:

Like what happens if we had to go to war? What happens if someone truly decided to invade American? By the way, we're allowing a lot of immigrants. We're allowing a lot of people from the east, people from the west, to and come into our country semi-legally, like you don't think these motherfuckers might stand up against us. You don't think these and I'm just gonna be real with you these illegal immigrants, these motherfuckers who came through the desert to get to America, doug fucking holes, jump fences, swam across the river like, however, the fuck they happened. You don't think these motherfuckers can outdo half of you fucking men, guns or not, the thing is, most of you. It is like we, america, we got a lot of guns per capita. We got the guns like but yeah, but half you fucking posties can't get out of bed to shoot your stupid ass gun. They'll slit your throat before you even know what's happening. Your wife will sit there and watch. Wake the fuck up. 45 caliber does not make up for 350 pounds, math, don't add.

Speaker 1:

So let's finish this off by talking about stupid ass shit that I find Spanish police searching for missing American woman. Oh, that actually might be a good one, because I might have opinions. So, literally. I just logged on to my favorite website, cnncom. So apparently Spanish police are investigating the disappearance of a 48 year old American woman missing in Madrid. Okay, don't do stupid shit.

Speaker 1:

Something about DC, colorado Springs college student arrested and dorm for shooting or for shooting that left two dead? Okay, well, how about we beat the shit out of them? We put them in the wood chipper and we don't? Okay, so let's stop this fucking fake cruise the internet shit. Appreciate you, andy, for selling. You gave me hope and dreams that I could someday say this stuff on the web, and I mean, I know I'm going to get cancer, I know I'm going to get banned, but, that being said, I know that I can get away with saying a lot more, and I might not have a billion people listen to this, but I might have two that actually changed their life. So let's talk about school shootings.

Speaker 1:

School shootings are not really that new. We've been shooting people at school since, like the you know day that you bought a gun. What is new is making school shooters a hero ever since. You know the two OGs that became her hero heroes, one of them from my state, kip Kinkl, and the other one from Colorado, columbine. Like we started to publicize this. We started to take these people with mental problems because, let's be real, I've shot a motherfucker before, not, you know, wanting to, but at time of war, and I fired my weapon at human beings and like, even in my head and I like to think I'm kind of fucked up compared to the average person even in my head, I have trouble putting it together. So, that being said, if you're actually going to go take a weapon to innocent American lives and pull the trigger, you're fucked up in the head. So what we do is we publicize it, we put all this information on the internet.

Speaker 1:

We, you know, talk about how Marilyn Manson was bad. I love Marilyn Manson Fuckin' one of the greatest artists in the world. If you don't listen to that motherfucker and listen to the actual underlying meaning of his songs, you're a fucking idiot. Him, eminem, like all that shit we blame people for for these dipshits shooting each other up, fucking great individuals but we make these motherfuckers into heroes and we tell them that it's okay and they were hurt and that they had the right to fill this way. No, the fuck, you don't. The fuck you don't. Where was your dad One? Why was the gun accessible to you? Because you were weird and someone should have recognized that shit, that you were fucking weird and like. Why didn't your dad beat your fucking ass a little bit? Or why didn't he encourage you to do something? And it's never fucking women that fucking shoot up schools. Do you know why? Because of the feminist fucking movement.

Speaker 1:

Because you all want to control men and tell us we're a bunch of fucking pussies and tell us we shouldn't fight, we shouldn't use our fists, and we get so much built up rage about bullies and shit. Because bullies still exist either way. They're mental or they're physical, and it's our job to fucking fight. We don't know how to play the mental game. We don't know how to control our emotions. We don't know how to do that. So you hold us fucking back from fighting a motherfucker and beating someone's ass like beating the bullies ass was one of the best things that happened in school that all of a sudden you need to bring a gun to kill because there's no other way to do it, because if you fight you're a freaking loser.

Speaker 1:

Fighting is the best thing in the world I don't really like and here's how I say that I don't get in fucking street fights. I've been in like three or four fights in my entire fucking life. I love fucking sport fighting, don't get me wrong, but I think street fighting is a sign of the week. However, growing up with three brothers, I know that if there was an argument between boys, someone was always fucking right and that was a motherfucker who fought. And they didn't always have the facts right, but there was always an understanding that, hmm, okay, maybe that topic, my opinion, didn't fucking matter that much and that's how it's been. But we have we have a fucking dehumanized people so much to believe that you don't have to fight and you could just use your fucking words. Words are more deadly than fists. I just want you stupid fuckers to realize that. And genetically men have not evolved in the people that can handle words yet we just haven't.

Speaker 1:

There's a reason men are typically bigger, wider framed, more muscle than women. Why? Because we are built to fucking physically fight. And the cool thing is is when you let men physically fight, we don't kill each other, we really don't. We hurt each other physically, but physically ends when the pain is over, emotionally lasts for a long time. We don't know how to deal with emotional pain as well as we do physical pain. Physical pain you get some ice, ibuprofen, thanks to modern medicine, and you move the fuck on and you realize, hmm, those stupid things shouldn't come out of my mouth again. And if they do, guess what happens? Rinse and repeat and after two or three times you realize that's fucking stupid and you realize you're placed in society. But you know, some people are built bigger. You're fucking right. You are fucking right.

Speaker 1:

I am six, two, a hundred and when I graduate high school I was 175, 185 pounds. I had a brother who's five, eight, five, six, I think, when we were this age and probably 140 pounds and toward the end of high school he would fuck me up. Why? Because he got tired of me being able to beat his ass and he got a lot more violent and a lot more physical than I did and I didn't like fighting him anymore because we had even shit out. So size, masculinity, no, that shit fucking matters. The shit you do fucking matters, your actions fucking matter.

Speaker 1:

So I don't even know where the hell I was going with this, because I kind of went on a tangent, I kind of went on a go Maybe I'll take more notes than random. I think that said daily cell phone. I tried to do the cell phone thing but then I, like logged on the CNN for 36 seconds and got pissed off by every story I read. So I moved on and, honestly, that's it. I made it 30 seconds and I couldn't handle it.

Speaker 1:

What do you do in every day with your life? What are you consuming on social media? What are you consuming while you listen to me? If this isn't right for you, sign off, quit listening to me. You're not supposed to be here, but if you heard something, if something I said, if you actually made it through this entire 40, 50 minutes. If something made you laugh, if something, you're like fuck dude, I wish I could say that. Or I fucking shared this shit. Tell someone else about this. Get the word out there that it's time to quit being a little bitch. All right, everybody, we'll talk soon. Love you, anak da choppa.

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