Jonathan Roberts Not Safe for Society

E1 not safe for society. An introduction

Jonathan Roberts Season 1 Episode 1

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Stepping out of the shadows of self-censorship, I've decided to finally let my voice be heard, unfiltered and unabashed. Standing at the crossroads of my life's journey—from a college dropout to the rigor of military life and into the corporate fray—I'm peeling back the layers of societal expectations and media manipulation to uncover a more authentic narrative. This episode is my story, but it's also an invitation to challenge the comfort of complacency that's woven into the fabric of our daily lives. It's a no-holds-barred examination of the truths we avoid and the hard conversations we need to have, from the superficiality of news headlines to analyzing political leadership and the justice system.

My journey of personal evolution is not one of quiet reflection but of loud, resonant action that demands to be heard. I share candid tales of financial struggles and the pursuit of happiness, stories that echo the lives of many but are often drowned out by the clamor of the 24-hour news cycle's soap opera. This episode serves as a mirror, reflecting the stark contrast between the life I led at 20 and the purposeful path I tread today. I speak on the importance of pushing back against resistance and the necessity to recognize the need for toughness in both personal and business endeavors. Each story, each revelation, is a step towards rediscovering the power of authenticity and the importance of self-reflection in personal growth.

As we dissect the media's bias and the sensationalism that skews our perception of the world, we'll critique the headlines and discuss controversial topics with the courage to confront uncomfortable truths. Join me in peeling back the veneer of superficial news to uncover the deeper issues at play, from the politics of legal battles to the financial disparities that shape our society. This isn't just another episode; it's a promise to tackle what matters, to speak out against the trivial, and to offer insights that could alter your perspective. Let's embark on this odyssey of honest dialogue together, and who knows? Perhaps we'll emerge more enlightened, more engaged, and more ready to challenge the status quo.

Speaker 1:

All right, episode one of Not Safe your Society. This is episode one, so I don't have like an intro, I don't have anything. This is something I've been thinking about doing for a while but haven't actually come to doing it and, honestly, it's because I've been being a little bitch. I've been thinking about it, been talking about it, but I've been afraid of what everybody else thinks of and that makes me a fraud. So I want to start this podcast off that I'm going to stick with for a while and I don't know, as of right now it's going to be a minimum once a week, one episode a week. I want to do three maybe not hour sessions every freaking, you know, three hour sessions every week, but you know, maybe kind of like a mix of what forcella does, where he's got multiple styles of episodes and you know some of the stuff I'm going to take from him because, honestly, you know I've been listening to his podcast a lot and I'm like man, if I really don't give a shit about what people think about me and you know I think I'm doing stuff for the good of people in society and whatever you want to say, like I should be able to say what I want and I think the world is getting to the point of we're tired of. Everybody gets a trophy, everybody gets a fucking opinion, and I get it. You can have an opinion freedom of speech and shit but you can also be told your opinions fucking stupid. And we've moved so far away from just being real with people. And you know, when you tell everyone that they're great and everyone that they get a trophy and everyone that like their ideas, freaking genius like, where would we be as a nation, where would we be as a society, if we all just agreed with everything? Now, I'm not saying don't go out there, and you know, try to understand. I'm not saying don't go out there and do your research, but sometimes some shit's just fucking wrong and that's what we've got to deal with, that's what we've got to be aware of and we can't just let it come into our lives. So for episode one, I honestly don't even know where this is going to go. This is honestly going to be just me talking, thinking and discussing whatever is the hell on my mind, and if anyone's crazy enough to listen, shoot, do the same. And that's really what motivated me to do this.

Speaker 1:

I was listening to Frasella today and he was talking about a lot of problems people are having in today's world is we've gotten this society that we just agree with everything and we just oh, you know, it doesn't affect me, I don't need to worry about that, or, you know, I could just move on. It doesn't affect my life, and I think for 99.9% of shit that's real. But what happens when it does affect your life? What happens when all those little itty-bitty chunks that you move just past do start affecting your life, do start changing shit? Well then, by the time you actually realized, by the time you decided to get pissed off enough to speak out, you are so far behind that it's like you almost feel lost. And then you just really become that cog. You just really become that cog of society, of what you know other people are trying to tell you to do, what other people are trying to tell you to live, or how they're trying to tell you to live, and you end up losing it.

Speaker 1:

And for you know, the last handful of years and I've definitely been doing a lot of deep diving lately like I've kind of felt that way, like you know, coming from the military for the most part, I could say kind of what was on my mind Because, you know, for the most part I think people had similar views and, realistically, like I wasn't, like you know, crazy offensive or anything. There was like no racist or sexist shit that came out of my mouth, but sometimes I'd say some shit that's off the wall a little bit. And, yeah, no one's going to go bitch about it, because for the most part and yes, the military's changed since your grandpa's 1960s Vietnam, your great grandpa's fucking World War two should, and I respect the hell out of them men but the military has changed a little bit and it's definitely more of a welcoming place, but for the same time it's not to the same place as general society is. So I get out of the military and I remember my wife and I were talking one day and the first thing she said is hey, when you, you know I'm getting a corporate job, yeah, I'm getting to the automotive world. Now, I didn't know what the automotive world was at that point in time and it's a fucking blast, by the way. So I'm thinking, oh, I can't curse, I can't make jokes Like I'm going to have to be, you know, suit tie, you know just a robot or whatever it was, and I realized that wasn't completely true.

Speaker 1:

But I also dialed back quite a bit and then, as I'm growing, as everyone's saying, hey, you need to, you know, develop a personal brand. If you're going to be in sales, if you're going to do anything big, you know, you need to be careful not to offend anyone. And like for a while, I actually wanted to get into politics. So what I started to do is I started to create this persona where I started to play in the fucking middle. And I started to play in the middle and if you know me, you kind of know which, you know direction I lean, and if you're going to listen to this for about five more minutes, you'll have it figured out, if you don't fucking know me. But I started to try not to offend anyone. I started to try to just, you know, fit in or whatever the hell you want to call it.

Speaker 1:

And the problem was I lost a lot of my opinions and I wasn't being, as I don't want to say, forceful with my opinions, because I've never really forced my opinions on anyone. And now I've very passionately expressed my opinions to people and what I believe in and, honestly, you know, that's like I'll never go to your house and do it. But if you're at my house and you want to talk and you, you know, care to go down some stupid ass path. Like yeah, it's my house. Like, if you don't like it, get the fuck out. Like you're going to hear what I have to say. And if you bitch about shit, I promise you I'm going to tell you exactly what I fucking think. And if you continue to bitch about it, I'm going to get fucking bored and I'm going to be kind of a dick about it. So, that being said, I used to be, I believe, a lot more passionate about what I thought.

Speaker 1:

And then I settled into this. You know, your opinions don't matter situation and it was literally against everything I knew and everything I believed. But when you get into the corporate world and you start making money and you start going oh man, this is pretty good, I got money, we're doing this, we're doing that, I'm doing better than most people and you, it's really hard and everyone says, oh, money won't change you and I don't think money will, but it'll fucking test the living shit out of you, because I got to the point where money became everything. So, you know, I cut off the news and to this day I don't watch the news very much, I don't care what's going on out there, but I'll get to that in a second. But I started to really focus on like, okay, let's, you know, produce money, let's do this, let's do that.

Speaker 1:

And it took a hindrance on, you know, my relationship. A little bit took a hindrance on who I am. I got a little extra fat and I'm still, like you know, cutting back to what I was. But, hell, I've lost a lot of weight since those days are a lot of, you know, inches around the waist, but like I had lost who I was as a human in the U S dollar and that made me kind of just be this cog to society. Because, you know and I'm not talking shit against my employer I had an amazing employer at the time, um, through the, you know, through the shit I'm talking about right now. But, like I, I wasn't a cog to the employer because I pushed things from time to time, like I was, you know, pretty opinionated. But I became a um, I guess, a cog to society and I brought employees in and even though, like I, was the one that used to tell you, hey, like I'd rather have an employee there that was two years and had big goals and a guy there that was 20 years and was going to die with me. Why? Because I wanted the guy that was there for two years to get the fuck out and, like, do some big shit in two years and really go achieve their dreams over the guy who was content. So that was kind of my theory.

Speaker 1:

But I started to play. I started to play what I was supposed to do too much, which I didn't agree with. And you know, for a while there I was kind of raising my kids on what you're supposed to do and for a while I was, you know, like in high school. I remember like I was always. I was always the one that knew exactly what I could do, like, exactly how far I could push it in class and, you know, still get a laugh or two, but you know I never actually got suspended or kicked out of class for getting a laugh. Now I pissed some teachers off, don't get me wrong. I've had drumsticks thrown at me. I had an amazing math teacher telling me I was a fucking idiot one time like and this is someone I truly do respect Like, so it was. It was a mutual year. A fucking idiot but you know, said that in the middle class because I always knew what that was. Now I'd been suspended for some other dumb shit that I did, but never for being disruptive to class. I knew how to just kind of keep it entertained and I knew how to push the boundaries.

Speaker 1:

And then, you know, I joined the military, which I'm very, very grateful for. You know, taught me discipline. It taught me respect. It taught me a bunch of other bullshit that I didn't learn as a kid and it's not nothing to do with my parents, it's just society didn't give a fuck. Like holy shit, I could nearly get away with murder in school. I barely went. I didn't go.

Speaker 1:

My sophomore year I, you know, checked my ass. My junior year a little bit got caught back up, and my senior year I had three fucking PE classes and two release periods. Like I took two real classes and still graduated and was able to get into a university and just had to write a letter how I was a dumb ass and dropped out of the university. So you know, that didn't go well. But what I'm saying is it's not that damn hard and that's kind of what society taught me was to cheat, and they taught me that if I was smart, I could work my way around it. And what that point in my life taught me was I was freaking lazy and it taught me to be really good at being lazy and getting what I wanted, which is a great skill for later in life and I'll get back to that. So my dumb ass. You know I pretty much have everything said. I'm kind of lazy, I'm kind of just fucking off, and I just decided you know my girlfriend and I at the time wife now we decided that college wasn't our thing and I stand by that decision today because I think college is the biggest waste of money the United States has ever come up with.

Speaker 1:

I think in today's society, you could literally Google better, like you could Google more information, like minus trying to be a doctor, and let's just cut it. It's doctor. Yes, I have a law degree to go to the fucking state bar to become an attorney Not all. If anyone wants to know, for it can hit me up. You can become an attorney without being a fucking, without going to law school in a couple of states, but I truly think if you need to be a doctor, you're going to be cutting motherfuckers open. You have some advanced education in theory and then in practice is really good for you, but other than that, let's be real.

Speaker 1:

I don't know many university professors and I'm talking Harvard, yale, fucking, all those type of schools where your business you know teacher of whatever freaking business, 732 or whatever it might be, you know your MBA style classes. I don't know many professors who left a hundred million dollar company to go make 250,000 a year to go teach students. Now, there's some good people in the world, so I'm not saying there's not a couple out there, but most are teaching theory and theories, great and all, until you get the living shit kicked out of you because it doesn't fucking work. So for those of people that you know want to be in business, sales, college is a waste of fucking money. Like, let's just be real. Go out there and look at how many of the people that you know we've all admired in the last 50 years, who have made a shit ton of money, actually graduated. Jeff Bezos, I don't think he did. Elon Musk I actually don't know about him. Bill Gates nope, he dropped out Steve Jobs, pretty sure he dropped out Steve Worsiak, whatever. Whatever the hell, his name is pretty sure he dropped out too. So the men and women who have really done something or really changed society, most of them didn't go to college. So my dumb ass, smart ass, whatever you want to call it drops out.

Speaker 1:

I think I did a year and like a term maybe two terms, I think it was one term and dropped out of college and joined the army. Literally, that was the decision I walk into. The recruiter is like what are you here for him? Like hey, man, here to join, how fast can I go? Like holy shit, we don't get this shit. And I'm like I know, let's go. And I joined the army no, sorry, february 2009.

Speaker 1:

And I remember, I remember going to basic and I grew up in Oregon. I grew up in Salem, oregon, a very, you know it's a, it's a government town, so it's a bunch of government fucking workers. You know your dream, graduating from an Oregon high school, is like you know, some of you will go to college if you want to do real good and you know, get to that middle executive management for the government. And then, like, four of you are going to become a doctor or a lawyer. The rest of you are going to. You know, start off by mowing the lawn of the Capitol building and then like doing this, doing that and that all sounded fucking boring to me. I was zero percent chance I was doing any of that shit.

Speaker 1:

And what was crazy is I left for eight years and the army came back and like the few people I still kept in contact with, they were all doing the same fucking thing, but they went from you know, they got promoted. They went from you know front desk Demanagement at some retail establishment or some bullshit like that. Anyone I knew in high school and like the few times I've heard about someone who's actually doing anything, making moves in life, none of them live where they grew the fuck up because they had to get the fuck out of that town. The government was not what we needed and I'm not saying the government was bad, I'm just saying like it kept you stuck, it kept you comfortable. So I joined the army and I remember the first thing of getting into the army, because Salem is not a very diverse town I hate to break it to you any of you Oregonians out there Um, like dude, I didn't know shit except what I grew up with.

Speaker 1:

I didn't know poor. I didn't know uber rich, I didn't know race. I like I honestly like you hear about it a lot but you don't actually understand it until you talk to people. When they're taken out of their home and I don't mean taken out of their home in a bad way, but like when you're in basic training everybody is equal, because nobody lives at basic training, no one's ever been there before and all of a sudden you're all just a fucking worthless piece of shit and it really breaks you down to who you are as a person and like the core values that you might have, and you really Get to see how people act.

Speaker 1:

And at first I didn't fucking understand it. I didn't understand, like why it was so difficult for some other fuckers to just wake up and make their bed and Lock their fucking wall locker and just do the simple bullshit that was, you know, asked to be done or contribute to it. And Then I started to talk to people, because after a few weeks you kind of get so pissed off at just being pissed off of people when you're like, dude, I'm just driving myself fucking nuts. So then you start talking to people, you start asking people shit and like I didn't realize like poverty was a thing, like I heard about it, we read about in a book and we like knew what poor people did. And I, you know, briefly remember as a young, young child having food stamps, but like that's not fucking poverty, like we fought through some shit. Don't get me wrong. I didn't have a golden spoon up my ass my entire life. But there's a different level of poverty that I didn't fucking know about and when I learned about it it made me understand, like trust issues. It made me understand like not, you know, wanting to be part of a team because they had never experienced it. They've been fucked over by anyone who would ever promised him something. So joy. They joined the army for different reasons than I did. They joined the army because they truly just wanted a better future. Now, I wanted a better future because it taught me the discipline and shit. But realistically, I just joined it because, you know, I remember like I, like I fucking I don't know GI Joe was cool as fuck.

Speaker 1:

And I remember 9-eleven to this day it's. I don't remember how many years it is now, but what are we? 2024? So we're what? 30 or 20 about it? Math, it wasn't a math major. I think we're like 22, or three years away from it, or maybe 32. No, that doesn't add, it's like 23. So we're like 23 years away from 9-eleven, and I still remember exactly like half walk into school or half walk into the bus stop, my friend's dad hey, you guys get in here real quick. Holy shit, what's going on now? Get your ass to school. Everyone's confused.

Speaker 1:

Channel one news that's the Salem Kaiser School District news organization. Like we didn't do shit that day. We just watched the news of like oh fuck, building fall down. What the fuck is going on. And then I remember, I don't know how many days later, 3, 4, 5, 6 we're invading Afghanistan. You know, cnn, fox News, all that shit's publishing that we're gonna do a sneak attack and blow them the fuck up. And we're like we haven't even done it yet. So you guys are doing all this shit.

Speaker 1:

And then, like what I remember, though, is like I felt like this this you know patriotism again, which, in my generation, that's about the only time that we've ever been, I guess, you patriots, where we all kind of united and wanted to go for this one thing, and you know whether that thing was wrong, right or whatever like your politics aside, I don't matter like for a while there, like students, like there was no, like it kind of eliminated bullying, and I'm, you know, pro-bullying, and maybe we'll explain that on another episode. I don't mean to hurt people by any means, I don't mean to do anything stupid, but I'll get to where that means later. But Like we all, we all just united for a little bit, and part of it was, you know, the shock. Part of it was not Understanding what the hell was going on or what was going on in our lives. And I want to say I was in like six or seventh grade, so, you know, going to fight, like I don't think that was a real Thought in my head yet, because I still had four or five, six more years of school left. Yeah, six more, yeah, at least six more, six or seven more years of school left. So like we didn't think we were gonna get drafted and shipped off to Afghanistan, like it's America, like that shit's not happened since, you know, vietnam, korea or whatever. So it wasn't a reality and there was never a draft.

Speaker 1:

But when I decided to drop out of college, like I knew I was a shit bag, like I knew I didn't really have anywhere to go in life. So, you know, I had, like I kind of told myself during 9-11 if shit was still going on that I wanted to be part of it. I kind of wanted to be GI Joe. You know, there were a bunch of things that really led up to the decision of joining, but ultimately what it got me was just a sense of discipline and, you know, not liking exactly where I was and what my future was, and maybe not knowing the roadmap to get the fuck out of it, but knowing that if I joined the military, at least I'm gonna do something for someone else. It's going to put me in a position where I don't want to be. I mean, it's not that I don't want to be there, but it's gonna be put me in a position that the average person doesn't want to be. And it's not always fun. Trust me, basic wasn't always a great fucking time. And it's gonna help me mature a lot. It's gonna help me become a man, because I was missing that shit.

Speaker 1:

I was lazy I don't want to say lazy because I did shit when I had to do shit, but I wasn't a Motivated person like I, kind of just. Well, we'll see if the shit happens and I kind of just played you know life by you know what. What came to me and for the most part, like it wasn't bad, like I had a pretty good childhood. Like growing up, like my only real freaking job. Growing up I worked at a paintball place and half the time I fucking played paintball or it was like it wasn't, like it was a real job. It was a great job, like you know. I got paid and I tried to do a great job at it. I moved in the management fairly quickly but honestly, it was a pretty fucking sham job. It was super fun. I enjoyed the hell out of it. I didn't really have to grind like I got it because I wanted it. I tried, fought for it kind of a little bit and got the opportunity and you know it worked out. But uh, yeah, I didn't really do shit as a kid. So, yeah, the military changed that for me. Eight years of that shit.

Speaker 1:

You know it taught me a lot about people. It taught me that you know people come from different backgrounds. It taught me that you know people really do want to change. Like I think everyone on earth wants a better Life, they want a better future and I think everyone on worth earth doesn't really matter. Like normal people, like you know, normal, sane people that don't want to see the world burn, people that just want to, like, be happy, fucking Smile, contribute to society, whether it's you know you're fucking contributing everything or you just do just just your little part. You don't have to be this huge dreamer, but you know people that are at least contributing to society.

Speaker 1:

I think a hundred percent of people want happiness. They want to see a better earth, they want to see, you know, people get along and I don't think they want the fucking crazy. Like normal people don't want the fucking crazy that's going on. They don't want fucking Fox News, cnn, cnbc, whatever bullshit news station you watch, it's all fucking crazy. But Well, we'll talk about that in a bit. But you know, we don't want to see the minority. We don't want to, and it's not that we don't want to see the minority, we don't want to have to have the minorities, thoughts and opinions shove down our throat and be told we're wrong because we don't agree with it, because that's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.

Speaker 1:

And you know back into where I started. Episode one here is I wanted to do this for so long because I do want to express my opinions. I think there's a good handful of people on earth that you know could do positive shit and share similar values, and I'm not looking to watch the world burn. I'm just looking to Basically not hide anymore, basically not be afraid to be who I am because of what other people say I should and shouldn't be. So that's where the hell this is going. So, that being said, my biggest thing is I just got pissed off of being silent. My biggest thing is I got pissed off of not, you know, giving to society like I want.

Speaker 1:

Back in 2015, 16, I did what you know what we call a wise statement with a real estate agent that I was. That, you know, took me under his wing and taught me a lot. And you know, my goal in society back then, 2000 I think it was 15, late, 15 Was the why I found for myself is I basically wanted to help people become a better version of themselves. You know, train people, whether it be just happier, whether it be, you know, more financially free, whether it be whatever, but give people value in my life, not worry about money, but understanding the more value I can give, the more money I will make, therefore allowing me to make more money in the long run. It's like this big cycle of if I can create freedom for others, I can be more free and Money's not the only thing. But at that time that's all. I understood that I didn't really have in life Because I was just coming on the military. So I was like dead, fucking broke.

Speaker 1:

So I did that statement and, honestly, like that statement, when I did it, I think the day I did it, I was probably a fraud because I, like, I knew I like training people, I was one of my favorite things to do in the military was help people and, you know, teach and instruct and you know, run weapons Ranges and weapons classes. But like I'm sitting there saying that statement and like I've sold two houses at the time, maybe, maybe I don't even know. I think it. Maybe it could have been zero, might have been two or three, because I, you know, I got a pretty good start, but I made that statement and he did a really good job of getting me to that statement, of going through everything. And the crazy thing Is it's now 2023, so we're nine, eight years past and that's literally the statement.

Speaker 1:

I've lived my entire life by going through real estate, failing at real estate, getting into the automotive world, doing pretty well in the automotive world, taking over some dealerships, not knowing what the fuck I was doing. Except I live by that statement and you know where I'm at now with the elite group. I didn't even know this was a thing back then. You know, andy Elliott was not really publishing videos back in 15. I didn't, you know, find out about him until I think it was like late 16, maybe early 17 it was somewhere around that time when I transitioned from real estate to automotive. So real estate might have even been 14. I should look back sometime around those years. But like I didn't even know about this guy, you know there was Grant Cardone. I kind of knew about him in the real estate world. There was like Tom fairy of Keller Williams, I believe. He was like I studied those guys, I was reading those guys, but I didn't see myself too much becoming a sales coach.

Speaker 1:

I started to write a book. I put the book off because I had realized like I got a really good one and two chapter. Then I'm like I haven't done shit. So I quit writing the book because I felt like it was gonna be fraudulent. I felt like, if I'm trying to write a book about sales, you know, a fucking cardone fucking knockoff, I mean that's exactly what I would have been. Did I get a good hot start? Yeah, I did, okay, like I just, you know, grinded it, I smiled on the phone and I just like, fucked with people and it worked out for me, but I didn't know what the hell I was doing. I wasn't really that good and yeah, like the intro, I think I wrote it, you know, pretty good two chapters. I don't even know if I have those two chapters anymore. Eventually I'll get to, you know, finishing this, but I think I need a few more chapters. But, uh, yeah, so I put the book down and the funny thing is is like, even then I kind of knew what I was built for. I knew what I wanted to do.

Speaker 1:

So then I transitioned out of the military Transition into the automotive. I do well in the automotive field for the most part and and this is I think it was the automotive field is where I really started to. I Really started to get political and I don't mean like I would talk too much about politics, yes, I would joke and I'm fucking opinionated. But I started to like conform and I started to like go down the society Train of this is what you're supposed to do, like, hey, dude, you're making good money now, now, with good money, this is how you're supposed to act. You know, you go to the country club, you got the membership, you do all that and, honestly, the country club I went to was probably full of crazy motherfuckers like me. I was just afraid to show it but like I Started to get around people that you know, some I agreed with, some I didn't agree with. And what's crazy Is I'm thinking about it now is like even some of the people I worked with were opinionated like me. But I became the little bitch. I Became the one that quit sharing my opinion. I became the one that quit.

Speaker 1:

Like I'm 20 fuck six, seven, eight years old. I'm making high-high six figures. I'm doing better than 95% of people on earth, and I don't mean that to brag, I don't mean that to impress anyone, but I mean it to impress upon you of like, even though I'm kicking ass and doing what I think a lot of people dream of. You may say, you know you don't want to make more money or that money doesn't matter that much. And you're completely right. Money's just multiplies, like you know your level.

Speaker 1:

If you're an asshole or if you're a good guy and you get a bunch of money or you start making a bunch of money, guess what? You just do more and more good shit. If you're a piece of shit and you make a bunch of money, you're just a fucking asshole with money. So I don't think money is everything, but I do think it frees you a lot, frees you up a lot to do shit that actually matters to you.

Speaker 1:

If you're always chasing bills, if you're always like month-to-month, week-to-week, you ain't ever gonna fucking get anywhere. You're just gonna always be working for the man. You're always gonna be a cog, just barely getting by, barely paying bills, doing what society wants, building some other asshole's dream when realistically it's not that fucking hard to get out of that, like, yes, you need to stay within your means. You're not gonna go from freaking, not making a decent income, to living in a $4 million mansion. Trust me, I tried that shit. Not a $4 million mansion, and that's not even really a $4 million. Don't buy you no mansion in fucking Scottsdale.

Speaker 1:

But I tried the shit. I tried the fancy cars I still do a little bit, you know. I tried the really nice fucking house and what I realized through transitioning through life a little bit, from making more money than people dream of to fucking being normalized again or kind of losing a lot of income on my own doing, I choose to take a different path. In it For a year it kicked my ass a little bit and then getting back up there is. I realized money does have this happiness curve. Now money can definitely rent happiness whenever the fuck you want. Trust me, I've rented happiness over and over again. The problem is it's an endorphine, dopamine rush and the more you do, the more you need. If that hit fucking worked guess what you get used to that hit you gotta fucking put a few more CCs in there. It's like any other fucking drug. You gotta keep getting more and more and more. Now you can chase that fucking dragon as long as you want.

Speaker 1:

The problem was I wasn't earning at the rate the dragon was growing. So even though I made great money, I didn't really always save it. So I kind of got into this place where, yeah, I was having a lot of fun. Trust me, my family and I we've had a lot of fun. We've done dumb shit that most people won't be able to do. We've done it on a minute's notice. We've got pissed off at Oregon, went to Florida when it wasn't shut down, gone to Disney World when COVID was happening. It was the greatest thing ever. The park was empty. We did whatever the fuck we wanted super fun. So I'm very grateful for that. I'm not trying to be a negative bitch or saying I didn't enjoy the dumb shit. I did, but I didn't really do anything with it. So what I realized is, depending on your lifestyle and where you live, it's somewhere I don't know 175 to $225,000 a year. Somewhere in that ballpark the happiness scale of income ends and then it just becomes a multiplier of what you're already doing and how much you can do. So take that for what it is.

Speaker 1:

The problem is I lost myself. The problem is I lost myself during this entire time and I was afraid to do anything. I was afraid to become who I wanted to be because, or who I was not even who I wanted to be, but who I truly was because I was afraid I was gonna fucking offend someone. And, trust me, I offended people, even my bitch ass when I kind of backed off a little bit in Oregon. Oh man, I could tell you about some. And then they weren't even customers because I kicked them out of the dealership. But I could tell you some people that were not always impressed with me because they didn't know how to read or whatever. And I'm not trying to say like I was great or anything, trust me, like I done fucked up a few times and usually if I fuck up I'll admit it.

Speaker 1:

But we also had some very entitled people come in and I didn't deal with it because, honestly, I don't really wanna earn your business because, guess what, if you're entitled, I don't really give a fuck if I lose your business. Why? Because, oh you know, one bad customer is gonna get us a thousand but no one's fucking likes you. Your friends don't even fucking like you if you're entitled, they just hang out with you because that's what we're supposed to do. But that's where this is going. I'm tired of doing what we were supposed to do and I've gotten a little bit stronger. I've gotten a little more opinionated. I've started to find myself again. Andy told me this. Andy Elliott told me this he goes dude. You need to find that motherfucker you used to be. You need to find that military motherfucker that you used to be.

Speaker 1:

And the problem was is I was so afraid of that fucker. I was so afraid of going back to that person who was, I don't wanna say angry, but there was anger there. There was, you know, hatred. There was a lot, and that was because I had lost myself. That wasn't, you know, ptsd. You know for the most part, trust me, there's, you know, some things where I'm a little fucking goofy occasionally.

Speaker 1:

But, like, the problem was, I had lost myself and I didn't really know who I was. So when I got to the anger point, when I got to the you know just the fucking, the grind again, like I would lose myself. So I, like, I buried that motherfucker, I killed that motherfucker and I hid from it for so long and I became civilized because I wanted to stay away from that pain, I wanted to stay away from that fight. But that motherfucker was the guy who would fight. That motherfucker is who got me to become a GM of a dealership in three and a half years. That motherfucker is the person who, anytime someone told me, no, I couldn't do it, I said, fuck you, bitch, and I went and fucking got the shit done so I excelled very quickly. Then I buried that fucker, I killed him, I shot him, I put him in the grave and I fuck, I think for about five, four, four years or so, three years or so like I just I never talked about it, I never told anyone Like I never, like I've never put it on a resume or anything that I was in the military because it's never been really valid.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it might be on my I think it's on my resume, but honestly I've never used a resume to get a job. So no one's ever fucking seen my bitch and like I'll bring it up when it's relevant or maybe to make some rapport or some shit, but it's never got me a job, it's never got me anywhere and a lot of it is. I didn't know what I took from it and the problem was it's exactly who made me who I was. It's exactly who took me from that opinionated 20 year old, just cocky shit who thought he knew everything, to now the 35 year old cocky shit who still thinks they know everything but has a lot of good things, that they've done, a lot of things they've done that could really help someone else and they've lived through some shit. They've gone through the ups, they've gone through the downs.

Speaker 1:

The 20 year old couldn't have this podcast. The 20 year old would talk to you about skateboarding. I really not drinking beer at the time because I didn't really start drinking till I was 21. We'll cover that one later, or 22 actually, but like I don't know what the fuck I would talk to you about when I was 20, probably like I don't know. Well, honestly, I don't know. I'm doing fucking shit in my life. That's why I joined the military. So it was fucking boring. So I'm glad I did. But yeah, so back to where I was.

Speaker 1:

I decided to do this podcast and I'm you know, you guys are rambling. Episode one's just me kind of rambling, giving an idea of what's set up here. I decided to do this podcast because I just want to talk shit. And I don't want to talk shit. I want to just get my opinions out there because there's someone out there that wants to hear them. And something I've realized lately. You know, if you don't know what I do, I call people all fucking day. Let's break it down, barney Sal. I call people all day and I try to change your fucking life. How do I change your life? Live events, fucking coaching, all sorts of cool shit. And, honestly, there's a lot of people that I've personally seen with huge, huge shifts in what they're doing, their lifestyle, like they've gotten to the places they want. So I'm fucking grateful for what I do and we're very fucking good at it.

Speaker 1:

But I started to get and there's some other things here but I started to get civilized when I was doing that. I started to actually want to know what the fuck the consumer or the potential client wanted or thought. And I don't mean to say like I wasn't trying to build a rapport, so let me correct this real quick. So let's bring up a scenario. And I work with people who make 20, 30,000,. I mean, I work with people who literally a guy I was talking to today was unemployed, living in his car, fucking hating his life, has a girl kid on the way and just you know he's in a shit place, he needs something. And then I work with people who make 10, multiple tens I don't know what that number is 10, 20, 30 million a month.

Speaker 1:

So there's a huge variety of people I work with and one thing I always say is I don't give a shit If you make a billion a year or you make a dollar a year. I'm gonna give you the same amount of effort. I'm gonna give you same amount of passion. I'm gonna give you exactly who I am Income doesn't matter. So where I was failing people is for those of you who listen to this podcast and you're maybe one of, like my CEO clients or, you know, high performers you know I get fucking rough with you. I'll just straight call your bullshit out and I'll put you in your place and we'll grow together because that's exactly what we need and you know how to handle it. I mean, I played lacrosse growing up. Military like this is how I fucking dealt with you.

Speaker 1:

You don't beat around the bush. You just like you don't need to hear what you don't need, like you don't need to hear what you wanna hear if it just makes you feel good. You need to hear what you don't wanna hear because it's fucking true and it's what you need to hear because it's gonna help you get somewhere. So I'd kind of shied away from that. It wasn't purposefully, it was accidentally, because I had done pissed a couple of people off. Don't get me wrong. I occasionally still to this day get hung up on. Trust me, even when I push a motherfucker, it's gone a lot. It's dropped a lot.

Speaker 1:

When I first started with the elite group, I used to get hung up on a lot more and it wasn't because I was trying to. It wasn't because I was trying to be a dick. It was because I didn't understand, like, how to actually push someone with love. There's a huge thing and it's a huge thing that you gotta develop if you ever wanna get into the personal training space. So recently I've started to find that again. I've started to find that and it's part of me getting pissed off again and he's been telling me to do this for a fucking a year and a half now. So when he listens to this, he's like I told you so bitch, yeah, whatever, but you were right. Like I wasn't angry, I wasn't who I was, I was hiding who I wanted to be to be a fucking, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I honestly thought it was gonna help me. I honestly thought it was gonna help me with like social media and like Grant Cardone says it all the time, or he said it earlier in his fucking career. I don't know if he still says it, but he used to talk a lot about. Like you know, it's not about how much you can take, but if you could just let eight you know I think it was six billion people back then six billion people in the world know who he was and contribute $1 or a fucking value to their lives, and they give you back a dollar, like you'll be forever rich. And I was like, okay, that makes sense, that's good math, I'd be good with $6 billion. Don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna bitch about it. But here's the thing it's not fucking real. And I'm not saying Cardone's not real, I know what he said by it, so I ain't talking shit.

Speaker 1:

But I kind of started to live that way and what I realized is that's not who made me who I was. So then I started going through this social media journey. I start getting myself out there. I'm trying to like not hide from the haters, but I'm not trying to offend the haters. And then one day I just I finally got fed up with the shit. And you know, there was some betrayal in my life that I cut the fuck out real quick. Nothing crazy, nothing big, like no huge, huge life changes. But there was someone who was you know whatever. And it pissed me the fuck off and I said that shit was never gonna happen again. And then I went down this little like journey of figuring out who I was and like why I was so angry that that happened. Because I don't believe anyone in this world can truly affect who I am and what I do. Like I am in full control of me and I've been that way my whole life and does that mean, like you know, people get under my skin from time to time. I'm so fucking lute. I ain't perfect, but I truly believe if someone pisses you off or angers you, it's actually because of something inside of you. Because, let's be real, I don't give a fuck what you call me. Like people have called me some derogatory shit. They've fuck.

Speaker 1:

I remember growing up at school, like I used to get called white trash a lot, which was kind of funny because it really wasn't, but I, you know I didn't give a shit what people thought. So I wore, like you know, dicky fucking pants If you're my age you might know what those are Tore up like shirts. Like I only had like 50 shirts but I wore like five of them because I was that cool skater punk with, like the fucking you know tore up zero shirt If you're a skater, you know what I'm talking about from the 90s or early thousands man, early thousands and I just didn't give a shit. You know, the long fucking hair never combed it, nasty as fuck. So like I got called white trash, honestly didn't affect me.

Speaker 1:

You know, sometimes in the military there were people who you know I got called a skinny fat once. I thought that was fucking awesome at special operations selection. I had thought that was fucking funny and it's cause they didn't mean anything by it. But if I truly believed it and yes, I was a little skinny fat, I intentionally put some weight on before going to selection and if I truly thought that too, to find me, I might get offended If I wasn't a hundred percent aware of who I was or what my mission was. Yeah, I'd probably get offended by all those things.

Speaker 1:

But because I didn't believe them and they weren't real and like like I'm not gonna fucking beat your ass because you say stupid words, like if, if, like you know, sticks and stones might hurt my bones, but words will never hurt me. My grandma used to say all the time that was the dumbest fucking thing Like actually, no, it's not, that's not what I meant to say. Like the only time words actually hurt is if they're fucking true. So think about that for a bit. If they're true, they'll hurt. But if they're just fake lies and bullshit that people are saying and talk shit, they can't urge you. And for any man who wants to throw fucking hands because someone said words like if it's just to you Right, like you talk shit about my girl, my kids, some shit like that it's super, you know, derogatory or whatever, might be a different story. I don't know how I'm gonna react. Probably I'm gonna separate them from the situation, try to deescalate because it's fucking stupid. But you want to go far. See what happens 6 to 230. I'm just kidding.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a but fighter, I'm a lover, fuck off. But if you say words to me and I'm the type of guy like even in my good old drinking days, like you know we'd be out with some you know buddies in a military bar or some shit and a fight with little you know, not a fight, but a scuffle would start, like I'd be the guy that would get in the middle. I'm like hold on guys, like let's discuss. And I just pissed people off by making them talk their feelings out. It was fucking awesome, because I just like fucking with people. That's fun to me. So I don't think fighting is like. I think you're a fucking pussy.

Speaker 1:

I love sport fighting. I enjoy the hell out of it. I fought for you know a handful of times A sport fighting wise, but I think street fighting oh my gosh, if someone's words can hurt your butt so much that you got to go About physical, I think you're just a little bitch and, honestly, they hit a chord that it really hurt. So get over yourself. So, that being said, I I started to become a little bitch and I started to believe bullshit that people said and I started to be soft on people.

Speaker 1:

And the problem is, society's been soft on you and that's why you reach out to people like us. Society has been soft to you and they've told you oh, you don't need that just. And then, like, you're watching all you know You're one or two buddies, become entrepreneurs and make all this money and be successful. And you know all the people fake or real on Instagram that are fucking doing all this big shit. You're sitting there watching them and you're wasting all your time dreaming about it fucking jerking off to some fantasy that ain't fucking yours and you're not doing a goddamn thing.

Speaker 1:

My problem was is I became too fucking soft on them. They'd call in and you're like, oh man, yeah, a million dollar ideas this and that I want to give it my all, I'm all in, I'm ready to go to hell and back. You're like all right, cool dude, this is what it's gonna cost you, this is what we're gonna do. It's gonna be a living fucking hell. I'm not gonna lie to you, most people don't want to do this shit, but the ones who want the results will do the fucking work. Well, I don't know. Well, you know what you just not meant for you. Bye what I?

Speaker 1:

What I was failing to do is realize that, like society had taught that person for years and years and years to think, to play slow, to wait for the stars to align, to make sure the you know be ready when the door opens for you. If you're, if you're Waiting around trying to be ready for the door to open for you, you're a fucking idiot. Like no one's going to open a door for you to get this big old fucking opportunity, and when they do, you're gonna Bitch about it? Nah, I think we're passed out, are we? Are we still bitching about people opening the door for people? Is that sexist? Still? No, I don't think we're past it. So nobody's gonna open the fucking door for you. It is your job. If you want something to kick that motherfucker in, break the wall down like the fucking Kool-Aid man and announce your presence.

Speaker 1:

And I got away from that. That's who I got away from. I got away from the person who, when someone told me no, I went and killed and not literally but Figuratively went and fucking made sure it happened. I got away from the person who pushed their ass every fucking day and didn't give up at any. You know any, any fucking whatever, any resistance.

Speaker 1:

And then COVID fucking happened and, oh my gosh, society got so much softer. Why? Because they gave us all extra fucking money for two or three years and, trust me, I'm grateful for how much money I made during COVID. I'm not fucking bitching about it, but it's often be up any more because it just became easier and easier to fucking win and everybody got a taste of Winning. And then all sudden, toward the end of COVID, fucking Inflation skyrockets because there's four trillion fucking extra monopoly bucks in the economy and the fucking government wants it back. So they've got to get you to buy some shit so they can fucking tax it and the banks can fucking loan you more shit so that you study the fucking banking system and how money works if you really want to know. It's the same as fucking crypto. We're already there Semicating on that one, but it really made me fucking soft and it really made me a bitch.

Speaker 1:

Now I still talked to big game, but I wasn't helping people. I was not in a mind state. So I do apologize. I have some really, really good clients for my first six months of working at the Elliott group that we've done really big things With, but I want I do want to apologize, and it's just part of being a coach. You're not gonna be perfect from day one, but there's probably a handful of you and hopefully you listen to this podcast one day and go maybe he wasn't in the right Mindspace, maybe he wasn't ready for me yet. There's probably handful of people I wasn't ready to handle. There's probably a handful of people that I fucking failed and I still. There's people out there to this day that I still fucking fail. But I do know this. I do know, anytime I get on a phone call right now, I'm giving you 100%. If I decided to dial, I'm giving you 100%. I have literally decided now in my career with what I do. If I'm not 100% ready to give you an hour, if that's what it takes, I will not call. Nope, it's not worth it to me.

Speaker 1:

I've gotten on a call with you know. I mean we could talk about the small ones. I've, you know, helped a few people so we're up with like alcohol and drugs, gambling things. I've had people literally Midway through a fucking conversation like fucking they've got about a gun fucking four inches in their mouth ready to pull it. I've had, you know, people who are ready to play in the national championship the next day. Fuckin, been on a call with them at midnight for an hour.

Speaker 1:

Like I've dealt with a lot of people who Really need some help, especially like the suicidal ones, like that's the roughest. So I Can't not be ready to take the call, I can't be not ready to give everything I have and I don't always know the fucking answers, but I do know that I've been through shit. I do know that I've done dumb shit. I do know I've made mistakes. I do know I've made fucking awesome things happen. I do know I've made, I've fucked some shit up before and all of those things you know is who makes you who you are today. So I had to quit being a bitch.

Speaker 1:

So where's this podcast gonna go? I'm gonna give you guys a little preview today because I'm kind of just uh yeah, board Not bored, but I'm fired up and I've been wanting to do this for a while, like literally, and I'm not trying to steal anything because, you know, for sell it as something very similar as cruise the internet thing. But I've always been very, very passionate about like Society and I've always been very Optimistic of what it's gonna take. And, by the way, this is a water glue. So don't, you know, think that what you might be, it's a peach flavored.

Speaker 1:

If anyone's wondering, but, like, I've always had a pretty good opinion, you can ask my wife, you can ask my family. I've pissed them off a lot and everyone's like, hey, your opinion doesn't always matter. Sometimes you just gotta shut the fuck up. And I did it for a while and I realized, you know, there are certain times where I Should just leave or just, you know, tell you to get the fuck away. But there's probably a couple times where I just need to shut the fuck up and deal with it. But for the most part I Don't fucking care. For the most part I don't actually want to be around you if we're not semi similar, if I can't have an opinionated conversation, emotional conversation with you and you get all but hurt and fucking offended, like you and I probably shouldn't be friends. You want to know my best clients and you can ask a lot of guys this. There's a good, good handful.

Speaker 1:

Um, and one of my little phrases I say is don't be a fucking bitch. And Even when I wasn't 100% living by that, I was trying to trust me. Like I've admitted earlier in this, I wasn't always there. Like I've really I've really gone deepest last year and it's been a lot of ups and down, it's been confused and I've been fucking with myself a lot, but like I had to do this because I was a fucking. I was a high, high achiever but I wasn't a high, high, fucking. Like I wasn't changing people at a high level. So I knew how to make a fuck ton of money, I knew how to do some cool shit in business, but like I didn't know how to do the business. I was in now, so I had to dig deep into myself. So, that being said, like I Like my opinion and I think I'm awesome.

Speaker 1:

Now, one thing that I think is and this podcast, by the way is for the people who I Don't want to say or save in America or the American dream, because I believe the American dream truly is whatever the fuck you want. Like, if you're one of the people you can't say, you can say whatever the fuck you want but, like I said earlier in the podcast, sometimes you're just fucking wrong and that needs to be fucking said. You can go out and you know everyone's like, what do you think of people burning the flag or fucking stamping on the flag? Like, honestly, I think you're a piece of shit. But I think it's your first amendment, right? So if I believe in the Constitution, I, if I believe in what the military fought for which you know military members fought for, you know, not politically, but like the ideology behind it. Like I have to go, fuck man, I don't like that. But you know it's your right as an American and I respect that. So, honestly, I don't give a shit.

Speaker 1:

If you want to go out and peacefully protest. I you know I may not have to agree with you. I'm not gonna come out there and fucking stop your protest. If you don't get in my fucking way, I'm gonna let you have at it. It doesn't mean I have to agree with you, but it also doesn't mean I have to do anything to stop you.

Speaker 1:

But on my edge, on who I am, I should Speak my opinion because there's a lot of people that probably do agree with some of my ideas and I honestly don't think my ideas are that extremist. Like Politically, if you want to give me the right or left, yes, I probably lean right. I'm very conservative when it comes to money, taxes, you know, smaller government shit like that. But when it comes to things that don't actually offend me, like I well, just fucking say it. Like, do I agree with, agree with like a lot of shit going on there, no use, like certain things used to gross me out, like, but I've kind of just gone to the point where you know what, I Can't be a big and I can't be a piece of shit. Like, if you want to go, do your fucking thing. Go, do your thing go, love whoever you want, go, be fucking happy. Because if I have the right to pursue happiness, however, I want you have to as well.

Speaker 1:

Could we talk about how I believe science and evolution, all that shit, works and go down a different subject? Yeah, we probably will sometime, because I'm just seeing how much you know trouble I can get for this shit. But, that being said, I've kind of gotten to the point where I'm good with ignoring it. But when you put it down my throat, figuratively speaking, and you're out there parading around around minors and shit, and Honestly, as the episode goes, maybe I'll won't beat around the bush so much, but I think most of you know what the fuck I'm talking about. You're a fucking child molester and you're you're. You're Normalizing it, you're allowing it to be part of Society and making it oh like, fuck you. You don't have the right to do any of that shit. That's where it crosses line.

Speaker 1:

So, moving off politics, what I'm gonna do is I have on my little tablet thing. I'm trying to figure out how to connect to the roadie, but it didn't work, so I'm just recording off an SD card is. I have two websites pulled up. I have Fox news, comm. I know, I know. Trump 2024 fuck off. And Holy shit, biden 2024. Cnn breaking news. And I'm just going to go through the headlines and I want to know, like this is literally just tells me, like what is on, like what, what people are actually watching? Right, because if you guys don't know, the news is not the news, the news is not a fact. It's like I don't care Fox news, cnbc, cnn. Like I said earlier, it is not actually what's going on in our fucking communities. If anyone wants to know, it is a soap opera or like a reality TV show to produce money, sell ad space and get people to stay tuned.

Speaker 1:

I Lived in Germany back in 2009 10, yeah, 9, as I think when I first moved there, and when Britain I first moved there, one of the first things we did is like we're sitting in the hotel room, we're bored as fuck. We're like this is cool. We're in another country, let's see what's on TV. Like I don't understand what they said. They do have porn in the middle of night. So that was kind of cool. You didn't get the squiggly lines, you got like a good fucking view. So that was different. But like like we just left a news channel on for a while because we wanted to see. Like oh, what's Germany like? And now I used to be the idiot that said, if you're not watching the news, you're a fucking idiot. And then I realized I was the idiot by being fed that bullshit and like I went crazy early 2020. Oh Shit, that's gonna be episode 2 2020. But I went crazy watching the news and I realized it was all bullshit and I used to have the opposite opinion. But in Germany, like, even though we barely barely spoke German and I'm talking like we took a year, I think, in college and didn't like I actually I got pretty good grades in it but when you go to Bavarian you get the Catholic dialect. You don't know what the fuck they're saying. So we go to Germany and we're watching the news and even not knowing the language, I Could tell the stories were positive, more positive.

Speaker 1:

The stories were more about what's going on in the community community in a positive sense than a negative sense. The problem is, the American Journalists are piles of shit for the most part. There's probably the one or two good ones out there and reach out if you are, but most of you are a pile of shit because you're not a journalist. You don't fucking follow. You know some Journalist code after what the fuck is called like. You're just making shit up to sell stories and I fucking hate it because it's actually not your fault, it's actually the producer's fault. Who will fire your ass if you don't write a story that actually grabs attention? And no one in America, because we fed our minds with just negative. You know what America wants to hear about people's winnings. They don't want to hear about what's being good happening. Because I'm just gonna be real with you there are a million and a half good things that happen in this world for every one negative thing.

Speaker 1:

But we focus on the negative. Why? Because it's fun, it's exciting, it's scary, it's cool, it's what the fuck ever? So because of that. That's what our society is controlled by. You are controlled by these outlets of fucking losers, these outlets of people who have never done anything in their life, but they want to tell you what you need to listen to. Let me tell you I'm just doing this for fun, and If I end up going too crazy with this and I start buying into it, someone call me out, tell me to get the fuck out of here, but let's have some fun here. So Currently I'm on Fox news comm. So Fox news comm, the first breaking news story Florida fire chief confirmed several fatalities after plane crashes in the mobile home park. Cool, like I mean, that's bad as far as, like you know, the mobile home park, people dying and shit. But how does it affect us? And what does writing that article do for us? Like, does anyone here work in the FFA or I think that's what the fucking Airplane shit is called? Like no, does it scare you? I'm in fucking Arizona right now and I'm getting this bullshit article. It doesn't affect my fucking life and it's a scare tactic.

Speaker 1:

Country music star arrested on drug charges in Tennessee, booked in jail. That's Darius Rucker. The picture off to the left is Darius Rucker, who is wearing a Metallica shirt. It looks like he's got a diamondbacks hat on and then his mugshot on the right. So this I want. I want to point out the headline country music star arrested on drug charge in Tennessee, booked in jail. What type of drugs was the guy using? I Remember this is Tennessee. I don't think weed is legal in Tennessee. So was it weed? Was it crack? Was it cocaine? Was the guy shooting a heroin? Because there's a huge fucking difference.

Speaker 1:

I quickly clicked over to the article and I'm gonna spend about two seconds trying to figure out. But look, here's a stupid bullshit. They say record was arrested on two counts of simple possession, casual exchange of a controlled substance, and one count of violation of states vehicle registration law. Why in the fuck is that even a fucking article? Because I'm 99% sure by the wording of it, because they're trying to make it seem shittier. They're trying to ruin his name because he's a country star and he doesn't fit the political and I hate to say it, he's African-American but he doesn't fit the political narrative. They're not gonna just say what he's on. They're not gonna say what drug he was using. Dude, if he was shooting heroin or smoking crack, that's exactly what the article would be. But instead your fucking media station is just simply saying he was doing drugs.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not saying break the law, I'm not saying do this, but it's fucking marijuana, it's 2024. I don't do it. I've tried it. Don't like it. Tried it a few times in my life. It just doesn't do anything for me. But at the same time I'm gonna be real with you. I've had an alcohol problem, mine, well, basically my adulthood started when I was 22, really probably when I was about 24. I Would rather be addicted to weed, at least. All I would be is fucking lazy, so the article's just fucking stupid. All right, article 3, major response. And you guys got to remember this is Fox News. I am pretty fucking right wing, this is Fox News, so I'm supposed to love this. I'm supposed to eat this shit up.

Speaker 1:

Major response to DC's attorney general claims city can't arrest our way out of crime. What the fuck does that even mean? Dc has crime, known about it and and we're starting to realize just putting people in prison doesn't do shit. So no shit. You mean, we're all the fucking politicians are, we're all the people who make the laws for our country are fucking sitting. They've got a crime problem. That's like. That's like if I went to the grocery store and everything was fucking rotten and the manager of the store knew it and the chain, who you know, employs the manager, the GM knew it and they still employed the motherfucker. If the person making the rules, if the person ordering the product, if the person setting the laws and standards sucks ass and it's in their own community where they live and they have to be around, maybe we should fucking look at a different idea. So I don't know. It's like holy fuck, I can't even believe like that. That's the stupid shit that we have to go through. So, daniel Penny's lawyer I don't even know who Daniel Penny is, so he's not that important. He's flipping some people off.

Speaker 1:

Daniel Penny's lawyer slams his decision to release migrants in New York a PD attack without. Or migrants in New York PD attack without bail. Okay, like, don't fuck cops up. But like, okay, I don't. There's not really much said there other than this is in New York. I'm in fucking Arizona. Dumb shit happens all the time. Dumb people, if you play dumb games, you get dumb fucking prizes. And I don't know what New York's like, but if it's, you know, like other states. I've been to the cops, you know probably had to break three noses and maybe an arm before they could do anything to fight back. But Okay, it's fucking stupid. Arrest them, take them to jail, throw them away like Standards.

Speaker 1:

Arnold Schwarzenegger takes issue with Son-in-law Chris Pratt's parenting style. Okay, I've heard the name, I know who Arnold is. I think Chris Pratt is a movie dude. I don't. Maybe, maybe, like Arnold's daughter might be married to him. I'm just going off the article by the dumb shit. Like I don't fucking pay attention to this shit. But let me ask you this Well, let me read this again. Arnold Schwarzenegger takes issue with Son-in-law Chris Pratt's parenting style. Okay, so it's. It is a Son-in-law, so that just added that part. For me, okay, that's a fucking family matter. Now, unless Chris Pratt is beating the shit out of the kid or doing something way, way worse, arnold needs to back the fuck off and, like any fucking in-law that you've ever had, they all don't fucking agree with you. Like, isn't that the fucking in-law joke?

Speaker 1:

But it made the fourth, fifth, sixth, sixth story on Fox News Six, six story on Fox News Because that is the bullshit. No, made the fifth story Yep, fifth story, fifth story on Fox News because that's bullshit that we feed our heads with. So I just read the top five stories going on on Fox News right now. I didn't fucking, I didn't Google it in any special way, I literally hit foxnewscom. I didn't try to preface it to bring anything up. I mean, I know it's probably scanning my cookies and shit, but I'm on my wife's tablet that we literally just reset, fucking like three, four weeks ago, and we only use for certain business things, so it doesn't even really go on the internet.

Speaker 1:

The first five stories, at least, are fucking pointless. They don't have any meaning and, for 99.9% of us, do not affect our life. After that toxicology report for back, some chiefs found Some chiefs fan is dead because his friend killed him in his backyard or some shit. That's not what the article says, but that's kind of what it leads to man suffers, antagonizing death. Holy shit, I can't read. At 46 after cooking and eating highly poisonous fish. Okay, so we're writing a story to scare everyone because the guy's a fucking idiot and I don't know if you're going to fish and eat shit out of the ocean. Know what the fuck you're going to do.

Speaker 1:

Like it was like when I went in, you know, when I was camping as a kid, a few times like it's like don't eat the red berries, why I kill you. I'm like oh, okay, that's not a good idea. So I didn't eat the red berries and natural selection, you know, took place. I didn't eat red berries. I'm still here, teen hospitalized after plummeting from a chairlift at a California ski lift. Okay, so probably a million people had gone up that scarce chairlift before this idiot decided to fuck off and do dumb shit. And I'm not saying like he deserved to fucking get hospitalized. But I'm saying I did dumb shit on a ski lift as a fucking kid and I'm probably lucky I didn't fucking fall off.

Speaker 1:

So maybe it should say parents, beat your kids and tell them more about like what they should do when they're on a ski lift so they don't fucking fall off and do dumb shit. Like that would be a better article, that would be a. That would be an article that actually has value and doesn't scare. And I'm not saying beat your kids, but I'm saying like, if your kids go skiing and they're fucking stupid, be like yo, dude, you're going to fall as it leans and does this and magic and science. It's going to really fucking hurt. And then when they fucking fall, you go fuck dude, I hope it ain't too bad. But I told you so Like that's how we're supposed to learn.

Speaker 1:

I remember as a kid my mom told me once hey, dude, the stove's fucking hot. My brothers and I used to put our hand on the stove. We would turn on two burners at once. Each person had their hand on one and we saw who fucking could hold the hand there longer. Why? Because we were fucking stupid. But we had to learn. You guys know you did it too. You touched the stove. Fuck, that is hot. I'm not going to do that again. Um, and then something about live golf. Uh, there's a divorce thing with live golf. Last time I checked golf involved a ball, a bunch of fucking sticks, a bunch of fucking idiots on a big old grass thing. Um, the wives were very, very involved. Yet we're going to write an article about a divorce of a golfer.

Speaker 1:

Fox news. That's fucking weak. So let's hit CNN real quick. And, like I said, I am his right wing when it comes to money, as they can get. I think society tells me I'm supposed to agree with everything Fox News says. I don't fucking, it's all bullshit, all right, and I'm not telling you I'm the most educated person, honestly, I, I this is the first time I've even been on these websites and probably at least a year and a half, two years, you know, I've probably visited to look at one or two things here or there, but like actually reading a headline. Holy shit, this is new to me, they're not new to me, reoccurring to me reoccurring. So we got CNN. So we're just on CNNcom. Nothing like, not CNN money, not CNN business, just simply CNNcom. So article one. The main article man. Cnn's got a lot of shit per fucking square inch.

Speaker 1:

Supreme Court arguments to bar Trump from ballot could echo whatever that fucking Supreme Court justice name. So Celia, or whatever his name is, I've heard it pronounced. I just can't freaking figure out what it is right now because I'm not culture. Um, okay, groups hoping to keep Trump off the ballot are citing a 2014 opinion of the conservative legal hero. So here's how I look at it and you know I will say, for the most part, I'm for Trump. I voted for Trump. I'll probably vote for him again, unless something fucking happens where it's like holy shit, thank God, I'm glad you showed up, but let's be real, like I don't agree with all the dumb shit that comes out of his mouth. Half the shit I thought was funny as fuck. And like I'm sitting there watching going damn dude, if you would just shut the fuck up, you'd do a lot better. So I'm in agreement with a lot of people.

Speaker 1:

He says a lot of dumb shit. His policies are you know, some are good, some are shitty, but I think he truly is the best that we have right now and another episode, but I think he's gonna. I really think on the second term, when he doesn't have to even try to, you know, get elected for the third time because of America. Um, I think he's gonna say some dumb shit, I think he's gonna expose a lot of shit and I think that's exactly what the DC needs right now. So, anyways, so from my understanding and like I said I'm not a scholar, I'm not an attorney he hasn't actually been found guilty of anything. To bar him yet and correct me if I'm wrong he has not actually been convicted of anything. And last, I, you know, learned from watching cops all those years all suck specs are innocent until proven guilty and, I believe, through some pre law courses.

Speaker 1:

That's how our American justice system works so well. So many people out there, and I don't think our justice system is right at all. I think it's all fucked. But you know, oh, you can't judge me, we can't do this. You can't leave me in jail and like. That's not. Yeah, you're fucking right for a lot of shit. That's not how it's supposed to be If you get rolled up for fucking weed or some stupid shit like that and you spend, you know, eight months waiting trial for, like you know, just user amount of possession. That's not how our justice system's supposed to work. Now, if you go out and kill some people, you're on a fucking punch and fucking Gram is in the face rampage one night. Yeah, you're asked as a fucking dangerous society. Stay there until we figure out what to do with you. But if you're not a danger or a violent, you know criminal to society and you just did some dumb fucking shit. Those you know probably kind of funny, like no, I don't think you should get locked up.

Speaker 1:

So I'm saying for those people who have been in that situation, where you've been, you know, found guilty before you were found guilty, I feel for you. I think it's bullshit. I'm not saying that, but here's the thing the guy's in the same fucking place, the guy is in the same place. And if you've ever done anything real in your life, dude, fucking haters, hey, everyone's going to come after you for shit. And here's the cool thing like, have we all fucked up? Have we all done dumb shit? Absolutely I've done dumb shit. That fuck man, I've done dumb shit. And honestly, for you know everyone listening to this if you know some dumb shit, I've probably done some dumb shit worse than that. I'm just being fucking real Like I've done dumb fucking shit and I've I don't want to say I've totally regretted anything I've done, but I've, you know, almost done shit that's gotten me killed I've fucking almost got myself killed in front of my kid Like I've done just dumb shit. I've almost lost a lot of shit because I'm just dumb.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, just because you're dumb and you do and say dumb shit doesn't mean it's like always an arrestable offense or something that's going to bar you from president. Like, if you actually study our Constitution and what bars him, it's shit that he has not been convicted of and, yes, the man is filed bankruptcy. I'm pretty sure he's got probably some misdemeanors and shit. He's probably got some felonies that have never been caught on. All of us do. If you tell me that you've never done something fucking stupid where you could have potentially been, you know, wrapped up in a felony or at least a serious misdemeanor, I'm like God damn, go out and live. Like I guarantee you 99% of cops, lawyers, politicians, school teachers at some point in life they've probably done something that could have rolled them into a felony. Because if you actually study our law books, they can get you for whatever the fuck they want. If they want you, you're done. So there's always something to bitch about, but anyways, the guy hasn't done anything, hasn't been convicted of anything. I should say Maybe he has and I'm wrong, but he hasn't been convicted of anything that should bar him from you know the ballot.

Speaker 1:

So, article one stupid as fuck, and maybe I went a little far on that one, but I'm honestly tired of hearing about it. Article two several killed in a fiery small plane crash in the Clearwater, florida. Okay. So the trailer park in Florida? Okay, same thing. Fox News is reporting. It sucks, I you know. I agree for the families. I'm sorry for your loss. If anyone was hurt.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to read the fucking article because it just doesn't affect my life. And why worry about it? Why get worked up on it? Like, yes, if you own an airplane and you fly a private airplane or you fly a little freaking Cessna or whatever it is, this is probably an article that you should read. But you shouldn't read the CNN version. Because here's the problem when you go to CNN and Fox News, they're going to tell you this plane did this and they had troubles and it got really scary and they crashed into a trailer home and, you know, two people got hurt. Two people passed, like whatever it is. No one got hurt. Thank God they were lucky in home and there was a fire and all the neighbors were like what the hell happened.

Speaker 1:

Okay, there's no fucking value in that article to even a pilot. The pilot needs to know. What did the pilot do wrong? Were prechecks done? What could have gone better? How can we learn from this? For that not to happen again, that is the only thing that should be reported, and it should be reported to the people that actually need to know. Once again, I'm not saying that we need to hide everything from the people, but that article provides no value, provides no fix to the problem, and that's the problem with our news outlets is they want to bitch but they don't want to fix. Now I'm probably and welcome to this podcast bitching the whole fucking time in reality, but don't worry, we're going to have some solutions by the end of it. I'm just kind of giving you an idea of some of the stupid shit that goes on in my head that I think y'all need to hear about, or at least some of you.

Speaker 1:

Next School shooters. Mom testifies and says it was her husband's responsibility to store the son's gun. Okay, okay, fuck you. Fuck you Is what I want to say. You were blaming a horrific incident on your husband. Now do I agree? If you're a gun owner, you should be responsible. Lock your guns up, know your kids, teach your kids about guns and maybe be a fucking parent Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

But Like that's just fucking horrible. Like I'm pretty 99% sure Well, I'm 99% sure there's a lot of gun owners in this world that don't lock all their guns up, because if you do, I truly think you're kind of a moron. Because if something happens, like I don't have guns for hunting, like I haven't gone hunting fucking in years since I lived in Alaska so we're talking a decade now and if you read the Constitution, guns are or you know the, you know freedom to carry firearms or whatever fuck it's called. Second amendment isn't there to go shoot bears and you know deers and fucking ducks and shit for fucking breakfast or deer or whenever you hell eat them. The second amendment is around to prevent tyranny and last I checked we don't have no fucking bears running for Congress.

Speaker 1:

So you do the math. That's what guns are for. They're for bad guys, they're for good guys, to keep bad guys at bay and there to prevent another repressive government, that's. They're there to keep everyone on the same level. Now, politically, we could go down that that's a whole nother fucking seven hour episode.

Speaker 1:

But here's the thing a locked gun is a useless fucking gun. A locked gun is Useless if someone kicks in my door in the middle of the night. I don't have time to go. Fucking. Try to remember my safe wake up. Twist right, twist left, all of that fingerprint, whatever. It takes to fucking long.

Speaker 1:

So, that being said, I I think this is a horrible, horrible incident and this isn't. This isn't. The gun didn't kill anyone. The father did not kill anyone by leaving a gun out. This is a sick person. This is a sick fucking person. This is Something else. This is the failure of a mother and a father to raise a child, and I hate to say it, but it's fucking real and I don't know where they went wrong.

Speaker 1:

I don't, you know, I don't study this shit. I'm not a psychologist, I'm not a Fucking doctor or some shit where I completely understand the mind, but to take another man or woman's life is Not a fucking easy task and for anyone anyone who listens to this that has ever had to point a gun at another human being, I don't give a shit. If it's a time of war, if you're trying to, you know, get out of a bad situation, if your life's in danger, if you know whatever reason, you know LEOs, law enforcement officers shooting a suspect in a place that they need to shoot the motherfucker, like Aiming down the barrel of a gun and putting a human being on the red dot, or your, you know your Blah, or your, your your sights, or whatever it might be. Whatever type of weapon you're shooting, even in a situation where you have to do it to survive, like it's not right, like it just it's just. Like it's not right, like it just it doesn't, it doesn't flow. Well, you're, your body's not loving it, unless you're a fucking psychopath. So I Don't even honestly know what I think about that, because it's like, yeah, could they have, but maybe like Testifies and says it was her husband's responsibility. So the bitch takes no responsibility. So it's her husband's, it's, it's his fault. No, it's not, it's both your faults, because there's a million things that could have happened before. There's a million things that could have happened before that, and that's the problem is, we're not going to actually okay, sorry, we're getting political on that one. We're gonna hit that one another day. I wish that article wasn't even here because that one was pissed me the fuck off. That's just fucking stupid. So what else we got here?

Speaker 1:

Oh, haley's latest jab is likely to Infigrate Trump. Cool what she say don't care, move along. I mean, isn't that like the whole point of like the, the, the, the, the fucking pre-election bullshit is? They're trying to like get under each other's skin or some shit like a cool debate, and I don't even know, I Don't. I honestly, I honestly think Trump probably doesn't even hear it. Like, yeah, he probably knows, kind of, what she's doing and we're she. He doesn't have time to think about that. One little jab she took because it doesn't matter, and the same goes the other. You know way around. If Trump says something about her, you know, yeah, the news is probably gonna tell her, but she doesn't have time to fucking a bitch about some. He called me a Democrat and I'm truly a Republican. He just fucking can air go, do your fucking job. If you're so busy you don't have time to hear that shit.

Speaker 1:

But the problem is we're electing these fucking idiots that have time to actually Bicker and cry, that have time to actually be a fucking soap opera, to stroke the media, to stroke the US population, like if you're busy enough changing the world and doing shit for politics, you don't have time to go on fucking to her like, fuck, elect the fucking food fighters, dave girl, be president and the rest of those dudes will fucking do whatever. What have like vice president and secretary of state and all that shit Our government has like. That's how fucking stupid it is. We're electing dipshits to have a year to go on fucking to her and the four years they're in office All they do is do shit to get reelected. They're not do it. Nah, fuck. So that article stupid, because I doubt Trump even knows. And then we got Supreme Court arguments, trump bar, so we've got that on. You know the same bullshit. Wow, fucking, I'm not gonna do it.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say I should read those articles for both CNN and Fox News, but it doesn't matter because they're both a twisted, twisted version of bullshit. That doesn't matter. Um analysis of Biden Trump rematch would most, would be most mostly about Trump. Okay, that actually doesn't make sense. Analysis of Biden Trump rematch would be mostly about Trump. I mean, are they saying he would get the most exposure. Are they saying he would win the election? Are they even referencing the election? Like? I don't like. And that's the thing, is you got to click to see how stupid this fucking shit is, when Really there, if, if, if there's even any value in that fucking, it could have been a headline. The the amount of value that was in that article could have been a headline. So let's pick one random one, random, one more random article.

Speaker 1:

Who finance reports show Biden has an early cash edge as Trump's legal bills. Now, with the how the fuck like, stop that. Think about that. I got to go down there. Finance reports show Biden has an early cash edge as Trump's legal bills. Matter, matter, mount, mount, mount, not matter. Biden has been a politician forever.

Speaker 1:

The United States president Let me Google this because it's been a while since I've looked at it. Let's try this. How oops much Does the US president? Okay, so it's $400,000 a year. Now I know a lot of business owners and I myself have broken, you know, gotten up there and I know what you know you can and can't do with it. I know some people say better than I do and invest in a lot of shit, but I Don't know many people who can out finance Donald Trump On a $400,000 salary. Think about that for a minute, right? I Don't know many people who could outspend Trump who have made $400,000 for their last three years now, before that, as a senator and whatever else fucking Biden has scammed the population doing. He did not make that much. Let's Google that.

Speaker 1:

How much does Biden? How much has? How much has Biden earned? Well, serving as a government employee? I don't know if that'll even come up, but we'll see what that is. But, like you know, I think the most he's probably ever made is the 400,000 um. According to Forbes, he's going to be worth somewhere between like 167 and 22 million. From 98 to Excuse me, from 98 to today's date, he has amassed Um, oh my gosh 22.5 million from 98 to 2019, which is about one million a year. Now he only gets paid as president. 400,000 um.

Speaker 1:

Jill earned about 60,000 a year from fricking uh, fricking Delaware. Biden was earning about 155 a year from the us Senate. So do the math, america, there is a lot of you that earn 155 thousand dollars a year. You don't have any extra money and, by the way, living in Washington DC is very expensive and I know there's subsidies and that's a fucking problem is we have all these people who Can make a salary that doesn't even make fricking sense and all of a sudden they make millions. So I'm looking at this little chart and if you guys want to find this, this is forbescom. The article is how the bidens earned 16.7 million after leaving the white house, which is a stupid fucking article because they're still in it. So that's, I don't get it Like they're. They're writing this article in the future and maybe I'm an idiot, but whatever.

Speaker 1:

So we look back in 98. They were earning about, you know, 0.215. That's going to be just over 200,000. Uh, you know they went up. They're right there at 200. 2005. They had a good year at three 320,000 Uh 07, 320. 2011, 385. 2013. Uh, 410, 1439, 400, 2016, 400. Pause for effect, and so I get some waterloo.

Speaker 1:

So 2016, they earned 0.4 million, or no? No, no, no, no, no. 0.4 million dollars. $400,000 that year. That is correct. What do you think they earned in 17? Yeah, long pause, because it's fucking stupid. They, in one year, went from 0.4 in 2016 to 11.1 million dollars. That is More than 30 times their pay rate and, by the way, the president makes 400,000 fucking dollars a year and they are learning 11.1 in 17 and 4.6 and 18 and back to 1 million and 19. What the fuck happened in those years? What the fuck spiked? I know I know you're gonna probably tell me some dumb bullshit. You're gonna probably tell me some stock or Something, something, something. But like that math just doesn't fucking add.

Speaker 1:

And then the article says the article leads off with Biden is about to outspin Trump because of his legal bills. Do these fucking idiots I know they do do these fucking idiots truly think we believe they don't know how lawyers and politicians and all this shit work? Trump or Biden, you want to get into a legal battle. You don't actually always care if you win. Sometimes you just want to choke a motherfucker out. Sometimes you just want to make someone's life so fucking miserable that they have to fold because they don't have any money or they're tired of just the bullshit.

Speaker 1:

But how do you go from a guy who a billionaire, multi-billionaire, and you know whether you believe his claims or not? It's, you know whether it's Forbes or him. He's multi-billionaire and I don't know if y'all know how much a billion dollars is, but, like you know, let's just say Biden's worth 20. That's five. That's 50 for 10. I mean, that's at least 100 times the amount of money that Biden's worth. That's five, that's 50 for 10. I mean, that's at least 100 times the amount of money Biden has at a $2 billion valuation and I don't even know if my math's right. That sounds about right to me. 100 times Meaning, if you had a dollar and I had $100, like that's the difference in that, like you could maybe buy an ice cream 10 years ago and I could buy, like, an ice steak.

Speaker 1:

That's what we're talking about here. It doesn't make any fucking sense. So, that being said, we're gonna end it there when we're going with this podcast in the near future, and this is probably two episodes. So if you end up, if I decide to make it to kick ass, I appreciate you watching both of them, but uh like, share this with someone, because I guarantee you Episode 1 is going to get me fucking shadow banned from everything. It's probably gonna get my TikTok, fucking Facebook Instagram, whatever the bullshit I use shut down. That's not the importance of it. The importance is, like I said, I'm done being a bitch, so y'all getting my full fucking opinion. Y'all have a good one, thank you.

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